The Conservative Party (5) and Liz Truss (3)

(A pair of useless tits – Day Admin)

Telegraph News Link

Many other articles are available mainly from left leaning rags guardian etc.

What really pisses me off is that these useless clueless cunts can’t see a good thing when they had it. ie Boris. Yes he’s a daft Cunt also. But he led this bunch of tossers to a massive majority. One that should have kept the loony left silly socialists out of power; we’ll probably forever.

I know he was stupid to get caught out but honestly labour look certain to get back into power. More immigrants more free shit that isn’t really feee more knee bending jerk reactions virtue signalling nonsense.

I could bawl my eyes ? out at that though of our already fucked up nation getting even worse and fast.

Maggie called em Wets. I call em cunts. Fucking really stupid Cunt s. An analogy would be being 5 -0 at half time and losing 10-5. Cunts. We are fucked.

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt


And on a similar tangent there’s this from Cuntologist

Her latest antics are beyond the pale and she’s only been in the job a few weeks.

1) 25% Corporation Tax – her ex-chancellor was not going to do this act of self-harm, now its back on the cards. Lots of small businesses will be hammered by this increase to 25%. ‘Corporation tax’ is not limited to the likes of Google just because it has the word ‘corporation’ in it. 25% is horrendous when your raison d’etre for being PM is ‘growing the economy’. Er, has the WEF given her a massive bung? Oh, sorry could that also be the IMF?!

2) Delivering speeches like she’s made of wood; that robot what spoke to the House of Lords the other day was better.

3) Putting in that cunt Jeremy Cunt. Nobody likes him outside of that place.

4) Doing nothing about Dinghy invaders (that ‘Macron is my friend’ thing could be construed as doing something, at a stretch, but so far it is the square root of nothing, so nothing tangible yet).

5) For saying she was in ‘lockstep’ with her ‘friend’ Kwasi Karteng, then getting rid of him.

6) The stupid mini-budget that she allowed Kwarteng to come out with in the first place.

A few days ago, I was horrified about rumours of getting rid of Truss before Christmas but, er, actually yes do it. Gonna’ need some bigger Bacofoil for this one, ‘truss it’ up and chuck her in the proverbial.

ITV News Link

BBC News Link

Guardian News Link


And here’s a late entry from Mikdys

Here’s a link on the subject:

Conservativewoman News Link

The globalists want Sunak. Yes Truss is bloody useless but she’s not Sunak. A bit like the Conservatives used not to be Labour! The least worst option from a Godawful choice.

Ponder this (approximate figures): £300 billion skunked on COVID. IMF/MSM et al have no comment. £150 billion spunked on the energy crisis (as opposed to scrapping green subsidies, reducing energy tax etc). Again, no comment. £3 billion given away on scrapping the highest rate of tax and these cunts go into meltdown causing the pound to drop. No hidden agenda here – move along…


Dioclese isn’t too pleased about Truss-bag either…

Elizabeth Truss

So let me understand this clearly – ET gets elected despite being manifestly unsuited for the role of Prime Minister – and then does exactly what she promised to do during her election campaign. And this is apparently a bad thing although, to be fair, it’s almost unheard of for any politician to actually do what they promise.

So she surrounds herself with cronies thus breaking the golden rule of ‘keep your enemies close’ and gives her mate Kwamikwake the job of implementing the tax cuts she promised. These send the markets and the public into a state of panic so she blames KK for everything and sacks him for doing exactly what she told him to do.

All this is explained in detail to the Gentlemen of the Press in 8 minutes – possibly the shorted PM’s press conference in living memory. She then appoints Jeremy Cunt as Chancellor based on the fact he did such an outstanding job in bringing the NHS to its knees as Health Secretary.

Now the Tory Party wants to take the nuclear option by sacking her and calling a General Election so that Dame Kweer’s mob get in, inherit the mess, make it worse by trashing the economy and bankrupting the country so that the resurgent Tory Party can win the election after that and come riding to the rescue on their big white charger blaming it all on Labour.

Did I miss anything? Who the fuck is running this country? The Monster Raving Loonies would do a better job…


Technocunt is rather disappointed by the whole Tory leadership farce as well

The Tory Party

I’ve seen quite a few noms posted here in the last few days regarding these cunts and their leader (or ex leader should this nom get published in the near future). But I thought I’d add to it because quite frankly I am disgusted/disillusioned and utterly unimpressed by the omni-shambles that is the Conservative Party!

When BlowJob Boris gave the Tories a resounding victory in the 2019 election I was reminded of the original Star Wars film from 1977 – “A New Hope”. Perhaps he would sort out Brexit, immigration, the economy, housing, law and order, discipline and a sense of pride and community spirit among the indigenous people of this once great country. In other words to return to traditional Tory Values!

But without going into the same old details, Boris fucked up royally and showed his true colours by more or less reversing all of the above and turning the party into some faux Progressive Liberal party.

He was ousted and then we had the farce that was the leadership contest between two Muppets, both of whom who had failed quite miserably in their respective Departmental roles, but had somehow being pushed to the front of the queue to become the new leader and PM.

Truss snatched it through fair means or foul. She wanted to return the party to the centre-right and adopt some of those old values. But then we had the farce of the mini-budget, followed by u-turns, sackings and lots and lots of whinging from disloyal/bitter backbenchers.

And now there are calls for Truss to be dumped and replaced possibly by that super-rich cunt, Sunak. But will that be enough to please all those Tory MPs who seem more concerned about ripping the party apart in the full glare of the media rather than trying to forge ahead as one united party through a difficult few months?

As a lifelong Tory supporter I have to say Boris’ handling of Covid and his myopic view of how wonderful SAGE were, along with billions of pounds being wasted on things like Track and Trace, was the final straw for me in terms of wanting to vote for them again.

But this current shitshow really has put the icing on this rancid cake. The Tory party is no more, It has been overrun by MPs who don’t understand traditional Tory values and wants to take the party to the progressive New Left.

Cynics suggest this is all part of the Great Reset and that all main parties in this country must follow the Build Back Better mantra set by the Globalists and WEF.

Whether that’s true or not is moot, but I have to say the Tory Party we see today is a pale imitation compared to the days of Thatcher. She was a bit of a cunt, but at least you knew where you stood with her and she didn’t suffer fools gladly.

Telegraph News Link

Just to add to my nom. Seems that the new Chancellor, some bloke called Cunt or Punt… Hunt… whatever, has said publicly this morning (15/10/2022) that taxes would have to rise along with massive public spending cuts to the tune of £40bn-50bn.

And yet it was only a few days ago that Ballbag herself declared she would absolutely not cut public spending and made pledges to cut tax a major part of her Conservative leadership campaign this summer.

If true then it appears she is at odds with yet another Chancellor – a Chancellor who lives next door to Ballbag at No 10. And yet for all the mixed signals they’re sending out they may as well be living on opposite sides of the moon or Diane Abbott’s arse – whichever is the larger!

130 thoughts on “The Conservative Party (5) and Liz Truss (3)

  1. Truss cannot be trusted. Nor with anything. It’s as simple as that.
    She will that bad, people will be begging Boris to come back…

    • @ Norman. The other day, can’t remember which cunting. I said that I wouldn’t be surprised if Boris was back as PM within six months.
      I was wrong to say that.
      I should have said three months.
      The useless cunts will be begging him to come back.
      As a politician, he’s fucking awful, but people like him.
      He’s the only one that can win the next election for them.
      That, in itself, shows how far Blighty has sunk.
      We’re doomed.
      And fucked.
      And it keeps pissing it down, and I’m trying to get some bulbs planted.
      I’ll throw caution to the wind.
      And stick the kettle on.
      And bugger the expense.
      Good afternoon.

  2. An allegedly reformed Remoaner PM appoints a well known Remoaner as Chancellor. Yes of course Macron is her friend, as is Madame von der Liar. Guess what’s coming?
    Yes, rescue from our self inflicted economic ills by the bountiful EU.

    • The Party needs to split. It needs the conservatives to emerge free of the left wing and the liberal cock sucking wankers plus the veggie Greens

      What remains must be a resurgent and traditional conservatism dedicated to the best interests of the indigenous population..

    • A cab ride to Winsor would ( and should ) pass many a grassy knoll.

      Just sayin of course.

  3. As a Tory voter for over 40 years..what a shit show! I am now reduced to blaming the local conservative, liberal d’s, labour and (ffs) SNP local parties for giving the electorate a shower of absolute cunts as prospective MP’s. Is this the best “leaders” they can come up with? Jesus wept.

  4. Long past caring.

    The game was up in 2019 when the pinheads that comprise the Tory Party membership voted for chancer Johnson as their great leader.

    Thank fuck he’s gone.

    But then the pea-brains add insult to injury by choosing a complete non starter in the form of Liz Truss!

    The future doesn’t bear thinking about.

      • Kind of hoping uncle Vlad will spare a couple of divisions to liberate us from the City of London cancer component.A well placed Sarmat would be effective chez ‘Square-Mile’ l reck.

  5. I’ve said it before, but though the current shower don’t come close to the Golden days of Mac and Mrs Thatcher, they are a million miles better athn the woke, knee bending, tranny loving, poofter employing race baiting class war wankers of the Labour Party.

    You constantly have Pixieballs Cooper going on about how unfair we are to asylum seeking terrorists nd rubber boat cunts. She wants more.

    A few years of them and we will have an expenses scandal involving strap-ons and butt plugs, and frocks and make up for Izzard. And Kweer.

    Two words should act as an emetic for anyone swallowing Labour shit: – Eddie Izzard.

    Mandy is still alive too, on the prowl. \lock up your 16 year old Brazilian sons

    I would never vote Labour, however bad Liz gets, even if lovely Lisa Nandy offered to let me fuck her brains out every Friday and twice on Sundays. I m not that desperate, nether should anyone else be for woke Labour..

      • Nor will I, EW.
        If there’s a credible Independent, they will get my tick.
        Otherwise, I’ll spoil my ballot.

    • As a life long Tory these cunts aren’t Tory they are left, green eco loon, pro unlimited immigration from the shit of the world. Letting the cunt in the Bank of England tank us for his fucking WEF and bankerwanker mates. Every PM since MrsT has been an absolute cunt working against us the tax paying public. This also coming form Nottinghamshire mining stock and she fucked us right in the arse.

    • Well let’s Pray the don’t cut the overseas Aid Budget I can’t bear those little Brown over populated babies being without

      I have trouble sleeping at night
      Hoping that India’s space Program isn’t in jeopardy

  6. She’s got a decent set of bangers on her, has that Truss.

    Sorry, what was this about again?

      • What sort of degenerate do you take me for, LL?

        Nadine sucks Johnson’s tiny knob big time, ffs!!

        Meanwhile one of the presenters (a blick) on TalkTV has just said “Jeremy Cunt” live on air. I have a feeling she won’t be the last…

      • @RTC I was out shopping and missed that. Was it Trisha by chance?

        I like the comment I read in the Daily Mail today; it referred to Hunt as the ‘well known spelling mistake’.

  7. In three years time we’ll have Flabbot as Home Secretary and a Deputy PM who left school with more children than GCSEs.
    And it will be the useless Tory tosspots of recent times who give them the reins of power.

  8. They don’t want to win. They’re on a suicide mission.

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.

  9. Can’t see any other option than a GE unless Vlad starts chucking nukes around, looking forward to the first Dame as PM and a Poundshop Slapper as deputy, never mind we are already fucked so what difference will it make ?

    Lavrov made Truss look like a cunt, she hasn’t got the brains, balls or charisma to be PM, fuck knows what 1. The MPs were thinking in getting her into the last two and 2. What the conservative members were thinking by letting into No 10 (half of them were pissed off that Boris got the boot)

    Bring back Boris ???

    There is a lot to be said for who delivers the message, sadly Truss couldn’t deliver a fucking Pizza.

    • We have Ready Rushi waiting to be plated up.

      Come to think–shouldnt he get it coming second?

      Everything he said about Trussonomics was correct.

      • I dont know even when you’re complimentary RT it somehow manages to annoy me.

        Anyway, its my drinking night so expect some bullshit later.

        Rishi’s ready to serve.
        Should have been.

      • Your drinking night?
        Why, MP, if you have only one drinking night per week you are to be admired!
        Have you ever considered entering politics yourself, at all?
        We could do with people who keep sober while they’re making policy decisions.
        I, myself, have to be excluded.
        I’m soused by 8pm.
        Every day.

      • You didn’t need to be a genius to work that out Miles, even at the time.
        I don’t know why the Left are moaning so much about the KK budget it is straight copy of their crazy economic manifesto. That is what has pissed off the party so much.
        I have never been so embarrassed to be a Conservative supporter.

    • No once a week enough for me JP.. Mrs Plastic has her night and I have mine. We dont ‘gel’ very well when drunk. To say the least.

      Also I like to go out. The Guinness tastes better draught.

      I must say the Haloween manikin type automontons in this pub are really quite scary.

      I heard Liz and Kwasi just decided on the radical budget themselves. They didnt bring it to Cabinet I mean.

      That sounds so…inexperienced from both of them. Like they’d ‘hatched a plot’.

      She should have at least her run it by her Professor of Mathematics father. He might have done the sums correctly.

      Mind you I am not sure they are talking ‘cos hes very left wing.

      • See she’s been brought up in a very left wing family. And has reacted against it. Her Lib Dem phase was a half way house. But she surged to the right.
        It’s not…considered.

  10. These cunts have had a decade to do something about the appalling decline in the quality of life for a great many British people.

    They have failed completely.

    They are identical in outlook to the lunatics of the Labour party.

    That they continue their squabbling demonstrates why the whole rotten system needs tipping on its head…the cunts barely bother to conceal their contempt for voters..or indeed their unbelievable ineptitude.

    Politics has failed.

    Fuck em.

    • The new prime minister is worse than the last one, and that’s saying something. She came to the job thinking ‘my party’s all about reducing public spending and lessening the tax burden on the rich, so I’ll cut the top rate from 45% to 40% and everyone will cheer me.’
      She’s a lightweight and comes across as a dizzy schoolgirl who’s thrilled to have been made head prefect.
      To say the Tories are in disarray is an understatement.

  11. The Tory MPs wanted their globalist puppet Sunak so they manoeuvred the useless Truss into second place because that would give him the best chance of winning. Unfortunately the membership wouldn’t play ball so they are stuck with the bitch. Now there is talk of some kind of rule change to get her out and the Suntanman in. Either way they are fucked.

  12. This country’s been going down the tubes since we left the Gold Standard.
    We need Mr Churchill back in no.11 and the £ back at $4-86.
    Anyway I think that’s what I heard Jacob Rees-Mogg say on the wireless.

    • I can’t decide whether he’s incredibly thick or just plain stupid.

      Mogg was Truss’s most prominent backer during the leadership contest, so probably both.

  13. Normally its the Italians who are the political basket case of Europe, trashing their economy and changing one left-wing fascist for a right-wing one almost yearly.

    Electing celebrities and former sportsmen seems popular at the moment, Trump was a TV personality, Pacquaio and Klitschko were boxers and Zelensky a comedian. Devaluing the office of Prime Minister? This shower of cunts since Mrs T? Don’t make me laugh.

    • The prestige of being Prime Minister of Great Britain, Northern Ireland and All Her Secret Colonies was long ago diminished. No one REALLY wants to be PM anymore, no one crawling over broken glass to get to 10 Downing Street these days. Having to talk to Joe Biden on the phone, oh Jesus that must be a a grueling saga…

      “Hello Britain, it’s Joe Biden! What? Liz who? What happened to the other fella – Borat Johnstone? Guy with the funny hair! Wonder what his hair smells like… so you the new guy, gal… is that your pronoun? They tell me about pronouns and transjengas these days, buncha hooey if you ask me, chicks with dicks and drag racers all over the place. Anyway, I called you because………………….. UKRAINE! The war, y’know. Zelenskyy needs forty-four-hundred and billion-million dollars and our national debt is a triathlon-million and twenty-eight billion or something, so you guys’ll need to send him some, or Putin’ll be acting all victorious in the Gremlin.

      Goodbye Theresa, I need to poop now.”

  14. I thought she was useless but she has calmed my fears by appointing Jeremy Cunt. We are saved.

  15. The cunts are at it as I type.
    MPs writing to the 1922 committee.
    These cunts will be out of a job and out of power quicker than shit out of my arsehole in the morning before I take the dog out.
    Sad thing is they don’t care they’ll just drop into some high paid bullshit job and wait for their pension. Cunts fucking cunts

    • They’re always writing to the 1922 Committee. What are they writing about? Why are they so interested in 1922?

  16. Labour or Conservative?
    What a choice.?

    AIDs or cancer?
    Drowning or buried alive?

    I’ll never vote for either party for the rest of my days.
    Both has taken me to levels of loathing and disgust I never imagined possible.

    The Tories got a mandate and promptly committed suicide!!

    They deserve everything coming to them,
    But the people of this country don’t.

    They’re the real losers in all this.

    Remoaner and wannabe chink Jeremy Hunt,
    Oh my days.

    Fuck the Tories ?

    • I’d love to see people abandon the big three parties at the next election and vote independents, the smaller the better, create chaos in the Commons. You’d have to be a totally naive, clueless bellend to still vote for the big three parties. Vote for Monster Raving. Alan “Howling Laud” Hope is a fine man, they have 40 years experience in politics, they know the score by now.

      • If there’s no other option than the big 3 round my way, I’ll just go and spoil my ballot, better than not voting.

      • The most sensible policy of the Monster Raving Loonies was to fit all buildings with air conditioning units on the outside in order to combat global warming and climate change.

  17. Sorry to say,but I’m loving watching these cunts implode. I will hold my nose and probably vote Labour at the next GE just to watch the idealistic fools who think Labour are the answer,witness the complete destruction of their country,Tough lessons are the only way people learn.

  18. Uncontrolled immigration.
    Uncontrolled inflation.
    Uncontrolled taxes.
    Uncontrolled inequality.
    Uncontrolled incompetence.

    Sounds like the Labour Party.

    Oh, it is the Labour Party, a continuation of the Blair creatures policy’s.

    A curse be upon them All …☠️

  19. The Tories are nothing more than Labour Lite.

    State Interventionists
    Anti-economic growth
    Tax rises
    Endless benefits linked to inflation potentially
    Brexit watered down to nothing
    Open borders
    Woke apologists
    Soft on crime, law and order.
    Forests of money trees
    Borrow, borrow, borrow on the never, never never
    Education dumped for social justice, gender identities and woke values
    NHS bloated with the usual suspects
    Quangos not fit for purpose

    The Tories don’t give a fuck if they win or lose the next election. They know they’ve kicked the country into the long grass and will probably hope they lose so that Labour/Lib Dems can sort the shite out in order for people to eventually blame them!

    And now we have calls for Boris to return as PM. Who the fuck wants that cunt back! And who the fuck wants his woke/greenie wife in tow as well?

    Then there’s Sunak. He’ll be adored by the Tory wets and will take the party even further to the Left.

    Fuck them all!

  20. It’s delightful. They’re eating their selves from the inside out.
    What Government?
    All I see is pigs, with their snouts in a trough of swill.

    • Because every party is centre left it’s created a vacuum.

      Foxys “we the People’ could storm to a landslide victory.
      People have had enough of these cunts.

      And where’s this new Hitler Everyone’s always promising?

      Taking his time isn’t he?!

      • I want evil Adolf Klaus to die of monkey Pox.A second rate Bond villain.No one voted for him the old goat.

  21. The Conservatives are in a death spiral and seem intent on imposing a scorched-earth policy on the next government…and the whole Country.

    People may justifiably fear the Labour party as government but the Conservatives cannot be allowed to continue fighting amongst themselves like schoolyard factions while the Country sinks ever deeper into the mire.

    Who knows…perhaps we would be better off as part of a United States of Europe ?

    • You may well be right Dick.
      Brexit has failed miserably, some will say that it was not allowed to succeed, but it failed even where the EU influence wasn’t a factor.
      Sunlit uplands? What a crock of shit.

      • Evening,GJ….None of the current parties are fit to govern. The Country really is in a mess and the future looks bleak.Brexit..whether due to “the shadowy cabal”,Covid,political snake-oil salesmen, the EU itself etc…has been,to put it mildly,a disappointment but I can’t genuinely see us going back…shouldn’t think they even want us,except on bended knee….Still,on the bright side, the EU looks like it’ll have to do without our “Brexit divorce payments”..we can just tell them that The Magic Money Tree finally died of over-work.

      • Evening Dick.
        Every time I see them clash in the commons it’s like watching children argue, and I say that as an immature middle aged cunt.
        Yah, boo, hiss, order order. It couldn’t be more like a fucking pantomime if it tried.
        Oh wait, here comes Widow Twankey, played by Eddie Izzard.
        All cunts.

      • Well said, all of you. The seemingly endless round of leadership contests is absurd. Suicidal. If Sunak and Mordaunt were to get in, would THEY still be there by Christmas. Meanwhile, Britain burns. That’s about the only way of keeping warm, apart from any incoming nukes.

  22. I was listening to Any Questions on radio four earlier and the panel were asked if it is time for a general election. Can’t remember who the Tory was, but he was as bland and predictable as his answers. However, when it came to Labours turn, represented on the panel by Jess Phillips, she was more than hesitant about calling for an immediate election. She gave some lightweight guff reasons, but the truth has been apparent for a long time.
    The last couple of years would have been a nightmare for a strong, focused, coherent government, let alone treacherous, incompetent, backbiting feeble shower of Cunts who ended up carrying this can of shit.
    This has been fantastic for an equally shit opposition, who have had the wonderful opportunity to sit there and criticise every word, every policy, every fuck up, usually through the 20/20 lens of hindsight, and without having to test their own ideas.
    Why would anyone in opposition call for a snap election, even with a huge lead in the polls?
    It would be like swapping places with a drowning man.
    Cunts, every single one of them.

    • I agree. Much better to be in opposition. Nobody can blame you for anything, just get your nose in the trough, eat the best food and drink “the finest wines available to humanity”, all subsidised by the taxpayer. Bash the shit out of those expenses, build up your pension pot and make the connections you need when they finally kick your arse down the road. Avoid sex scandals by only fucking rent boys and trannies……they can’t touch you for that.
      Piece of piss.

      • Indeed. Cunts like Richard Burgon virtue signalling by saying he wouldn’t take his pay increase but donate it to charity.
        Still smashing the expenses though, so it doesn’t matter to him, but it looks great in the socialist press.
        Adenoidal cunt.

  23. A bit off topic, perhaps, but I’m reminded of this weirdo who used to hang around town accosting shoppers, asking them plaintively, “why am I so left-wing? Why am I so left-wing?”
    He knocked on people’s doors at night and when they answered he’d simply ask them “why am I so left-wing?”
    He went to a Conservative Association meeting one night, muttering “why am I so left-wing? Why am I so left-wing?”
    Tory fella said “what makes you think you’re left-wing?”
    Bloke said “I just know it, I’m too left-wing.”
    Tory said “Well what party do you belong to, boy?”
    Bloke said: “Commie, got me? Fucking Conservative!”
    Tory said “Well, if you want to become more right-wing you’d better join the Conservatives.”
    Bloke replied “I can’t do that, I’m too left-wing!”
    With that he laughed maniacally and left the building and no-one’s seen hide nor hair of him since.

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