(A pair of useless tits – Day Admin)
Many other articles are available mainly from left leaning rags guardian etc.
What really pisses me off is that these useless clueless cunts can’t see a good thing when they had it. ie Boris. Yes he’s a daft Cunt also. But he led this bunch of tossers to a massive majority. One that should have kept the loony left silly socialists out of power; we’ll probably forever.
I know he was stupid to get caught out but honestly labour look certain to get back into power. More immigrants more free shit that isn’t really feee more knee bending jerk reactions virtue signalling nonsense.
I could bawl my eyes ? out at that though of our already fucked up nation getting even worse and fast.
Maggie called em Wets. I call em cunts. Fucking really stupid Cunt s. An analogy would be being 5 -0 at half time and losing 10-5. Cunts. We are fucked.
Nominated by: Everyonesacunt
And on a similar tangent there’s this from Cuntologist
Her latest antics are beyond the pale and she’s only been in the job a few weeks.
1) 25% Corporation Tax – her ex-chancellor was not going to do this act of self-harm, now its back on the cards. Lots of small businesses will be hammered by this increase to 25%. ‘Corporation tax’ is not limited to the likes of Google just because it has the word ‘corporation’ in it. 25% is horrendous when your raison d’etre for being PM is ‘growing the economy’. Er, has the WEF given her a massive bung? Oh, sorry could that also be the IMF?!
2) Delivering speeches like she’s made of wood; that robot what spoke to the House of Lords the other day was better.
3) Putting in that cunt Jeremy Cunt. Nobody likes him outside of that place.
4) Doing nothing about Dinghy invaders (that ‘Macron is my friend’ thing could be construed as doing something, at a stretch, but so far it is the square root of nothing, so nothing tangible yet).
5) For saying she was in ‘lockstep’ with her ‘friend’ Kwasi Karteng, then getting rid of him.
6) The stupid mini-budget that she allowed Kwarteng to come out with in the first place.
A few days ago, I was horrified about rumours of getting rid of Truss before Christmas but, er, actually yes do it. Gonna’ need some bigger Bacofoil for this one, ‘truss it’ up and chuck her in the proverbial.
And here’s a late entry from Mikdys
Here’s a link on the subject:
The globalists want Sunak. Yes Truss is bloody useless but she’s not Sunak. A bit like the Conservatives used not to be Labour! The least worst option from a Godawful choice.
Ponder this (approximate figures): £300 billion skunked on COVID. IMF/MSM et al have no comment. £150 billion spunked on the energy crisis (as opposed to scrapping green subsidies, reducing energy tax etc). Again, no comment. £3 billion given away on scrapping the highest rate of tax and these cunts go into meltdown causing the pound to drop. No hidden agenda here – move along…
Dioclese isn’t too pleased about Truss-bag either…
Elizabeth Truss
So let me understand this clearly – ET gets elected despite being manifestly unsuited for the role of Prime Minister – and then does exactly what she promised to do during her election campaign. And this is apparently a bad thing although, to be fair, it’s almost unheard of for any politician to actually do what they promise.
So she surrounds herself with cronies thus breaking the golden rule of ‘keep your enemies close’ and gives her mate Kwamikwake the job of implementing the tax cuts she promised. These send the markets and the public into a state of panic so she blames KK for everything and sacks him for doing exactly what she told him to do.
All this is explained in detail to the Gentlemen of the Press in 8 minutes – possibly the shorted PM’s press conference in living memory. She then appoints Jeremy Cunt as Chancellor based on the fact he did such an outstanding job in bringing the NHS to its knees as Health Secretary.
Now the Tory Party wants to take the nuclear option by sacking her and calling a General Election so that Dame Kweer’s mob get in, inherit the mess, make it worse by trashing the economy and bankrupting the country so that the resurgent Tory Party can win the election after that and come riding to the rescue on their big white charger blaming it all on Labour.
Did I miss anything? Who the fuck is running this country? The Monster Raving Loonies would do a better job…
Technocunt is rather disappointed by the whole Tory leadership farce as well
The Tory Party
I’ve seen quite a few noms posted here in the last few days regarding these cunts and their leader (or ex leader should this nom get published in the near future). But I thought I’d add to it because quite frankly I am disgusted/disillusioned and utterly unimpressed by the omni-shambles that is the Conservative Party!
When BlowJob Boris gave the Tories a resounding victory in the 2019 election I was reminded of the original Star Wars film from 1977 – “A New Hope”. Perhaps he would sort out Brexit, immigration, the economy, housing, law and order, discipline and a sense of pride and community spirit among the indigenous people of this once great country. In other words to return to traditional Tory Values!
But without going into the same old details, Boris fucked up royally and showed his true colours by more or less reversing all of the above and turning the party into some faux Progressive Liberal party.
He was ousted and then we had the farce that was the leadership contest between two Muppets, both of whom who had failed quite miserably in their respective Departmental roles, but had somehow being pushed to the front of the queue to become the new leader and PM.
Truss snatched it through fair means or foul. She wanted to return the party to the centre-right and adopt some of those old values. But then we had the farce of the mini-budget, followed by u-turns, sackings and lots and lots of whinging from disloyal/bitter backbenchers.
And now there are calls for Truss to be dumped and replaced possibly by that super-rich cunt, Sunak. But will that be enough to please all those Tory MPs who seem more concerned about ripping the party apart in the full glare of the media rather than trying to forge ahead as one united party through a difficult few months?
As a lifelong Tory supporter I have to say Boris’ handling of Covid and his myopic view of how wonderful SAGE were, along with billions of pounds being wasted on things like Track and Trace, was the final straw for me in terms of wanting to vote for them again.
But this current shitshow really has put the icing on this rancid cake. The Tory party is no more, It has been overrun by MPs who don’t understand traditional Tory values and wants to take the party to the progressive New Left.
Cynics suggest this is all part of the Great Reset and that all main parties in this country must follow the Build Back Better mantra set by the Globalists and WEF.
Whether that’s true or not is moot, but I have to say the Tory Party we see today is a pale imitation compared to the days of Thatcher. She was a bit of a cunt, but at least you knew where you stood with her and she didn’t suffer fools gladly.
Just to add to my nom. Seems that the new Chancellor, some bloke called Cunt or Punt… Hunt… whatever, has said publicly this morning (15/10/2022) that taxes would have to rise along with massive public spending cuts to the tune of £40bn-50bn.
And yet it was only a few days ago that Ballbag herself declared she would absolutely not cut public spending and made pledges to cut tax a major part of her Conservative leadership campaign this summer.
If true then it appears she is at odds with yet another Chancellor – a Chancellor who lives next door to Ballbag at No 10. And yet for all the mixed signals they’re sending out they may as well be living on opposite sides of the moon or Diane Abbott’s arse – whichever is the larger!
They were/are both fucking useless, but i don’t like the way we are now going with politics….seems vvery similar to the fickle italian style of government.
We need to move to a system of Proportional Representation. But not the shitty “alternative vote” system we were offered in the 2011 referendum.
PR would be the Establishment cutting their own throats. Just won’t happen, the cunts ain’t that stupid.
Faint heart never won fair ladyboy.
It would be interesting if the great unwashed wrote
” Non of the above”
On the ballot paper.
Would “jug ears the dense” make policy…?
None of the above should be represented on the ballot.
Spoiled ballots are counted, but winners and losers can put any spin on these, and low turn outs by attaching any old cobblers to it because there is no explanation.
None of the above makes it crystal clear that they are all rejected.
I left the party leaders in no doubt as to where I stood when I spoiled my ballot in 2019. ?
Just scrawl ALL CUNTS across your ballot paper in permanent black marker. They’ll get the message.
Failing that, wipe your shitty arse on it.
The Tories are a fucking mess and even more so under Truss. They couldn’t be trusted to run a bath at the moment let alone the UK.
Their best bet would be to tie house bricks around their legs and jump off the jetty opposite Westminster into the Thames. All of them with Truss & Kwarteng first.
Labour can fuck off too, they defined the term incompetence and disloyalty to Britain. The only party on planet Earth that champions non British people and their interests. (Plus the hoards of weirdos and sexual deviants they have in their ranks)
The UK urgently needs a new party. Nothing extreme, just a good centerist party made up of normal cunts who just want the best for their country, love their families, community, armed forces and have pride in their British identity but hate immigration and want a nice place to live and something for their kids to inherit.
Not a party full of globalist stooges, gender benders, commies, BLM activists, Trannies, out of touch rich cunts and eff-nicks who despise this country and EU remoaning traitor cunts because at the moment that’s the only type of twats we have in both Labour and Conservatives.
It’s time we ditched the broken two party bullshit and got ourselves an independent party who work for Britain and it’s interests not the WEF or the EU.
That post hits lots of nails, right on the head.
Nice one, Baron ?
It will never happen because it disrupts the very cosy system a cartel of liars use to enrich themselves ad infinitum.
‘The accursed power which stands on privilege( and goes with women, champagne and bridge)
Broke – and democracy resumed her reign ( which goes with bridge and women and champagne.’
Hilaire Belloc
“The UK urgently needs a new party. Nothing extreme, just a good centerist party made up of normal cunts who just want the best for their country, love their families, community, armed forces and have pride in their British identity but hate immigration and want a nice place to live and something for their kids to inherit.”
There is no shortage of parties that would fit that description:
Reform Party
Reclaim Party
Just a shortage of electoral support for such parties.
For those looking for something a bit more extreme there’s always:
Britain First
British Democratic Party
‘The UK urgently needs a new party. Nothing extreme, just a good centerist party made up of normal cunts who just want the best for their country, love their families, community, armed forces and have pride in their British identity but hate immigration and want a nice place to live and something for their kids to inherit.’
The problem is these things are seen as extreme, triggering and far right to the media and most of those in politics. Hating immigration is probably the first obstacle.
Have a look at the rebooted SDP (https://sdp.org.uk/).
To think that the UK has Truss in power and the US has Biden in power is a very sobering thought.
Let the fucking Country implode. I’ve gone past giving a flying fuck. They want unfettered illegal immigrants, let them have millions more of them come into the Country. But when it does kick off, and it will when they see the bastards in 3 star hotels whilst the rest of us constantly fiddle with our thermostats, the Government better not start their fucking roararsing. You stupid, stupid wankers.
I agree entirely.
Let the country turn to shit – it’s half way there already!
Party politics is just a charade: the main parties are merely puppets on strings with their global masters holding the reigns.
Personally I’ve spent 40 odd years in employment, paying taxes, NICs and pensions; earning qualifications and working hard to earn a decent living.
And yet this country seems to be awash with lazy entitled cunts who manage to pick up anything between £10k-£25k per year in benefits (and that’s to my knowledge).
The government doesn’t seem too concerned about this disparity. Instead it insists that benefits should rise by inflation (10% or thereabouts), while hard working people in the private sector might consider themselves lucky to get 1%)
The disincentive not to work grows greater by the day but again the government doesn’t give two shits. Instead they want immigrants to do the jobs the locals don’t want.
So many things wrong with this country, not helped by the fact we have a woke King as head of the monarchy and a bunch of fucking idiots in charge of the country.
Spot on.
I think this country will continue to turn into shit under either party.
It’s looking less recoverable by the day. Peter Hitchens gave up on it years ago, Douglas Murray has reached a similar conclusion thanks to the mass immigration policy creating ghettoes. Alarmingly, even if you stop immigration now, It’s just a numbers game; Out of the ‘communities’ who’s having more kids?
Those two remind me of Monty P’s buttocks that went the wrong way. Everytime they sat down they fell in….
When you thought British politics couldn’t get any worse, it’s like watching someone falling down the stairs, from a strong lead over Labroudor to asking them for help, fucking hell, paying through the teeth to live in a rapidly becoming shithole, being swamped by immigrants and run by split arses and jigaboo’s.!!
Still appropriate
Anyway, something more cheerful for a Sat’day night
And don’t you be slagging off the Leps you cnuts!
Sheffield’s finest!
Steve Clark was a ridiculously unappreciated guitar hero in the same vein as Mick Ronson.
Ive agreed with Peter Hitchens analysis for years. He describes his journalism as writing the obituary of Britain. You want to believe hes wrong, stay positive, but every fucking day you watch weak, fickle, useless politicians bring this once great country down.
As far as Truss/Kwartang go – their plan is fucking exactly whats needed to save this country. Briefly we had a tantalising chance to thrive our economy and future. But it was crushed by the traitorous cunts.
That other Tory MPs, Labour the EU, the IMF and all the transnational global filth all reacted with such venom and crushed the plan immediately shows quite clearly the powerful forces at work to bring the UK low.
Brexit was an opportunity but all the movers who hated it have ensured that it will not succeed and, in my view, will be reversed.
Its clear to anyone who is responsible for this. Any thinking person can join the dots.
The UK now faces steady decline, high taxes, high spending, the antithesis of what a modern economy needs to be.
And they know it.
Utter cunts.
Just how fucking inept are these tossers ? The tories have gone from having the biggest landslide majority ever, to becoming a herd of lemmings, headed straight for the cliff edge.
At this point, Sir Kwier Starmah has basically to retain a hearbeat, to ensure he is the next useless Captain of HMS Great Britain (aka Titanic).
I should not be surprised really, that the ruling government has decided to emulate the youth of today – engaging in Self-Harm, Mental Anxiety and victimhood.
The media are all like a pack of baying hyenas, wetting themselves at the thought of another PM backstabbed like Ceaser – “ooh what headlines we’ll have”
When Labour take charge, the economy will still be fucked, they’ll let even more migrants come here for a free house, healthcare, education and all the benefits handouts you can dream of. I predict another 4 million…
Expect to wait 3 days in A&E to see a Bangladeshi Doctor who doesn’t speak English (you’ll have to ‘mime’ your symptoms); 4 years on a waiting list for an op; your children to be in a class size of 78, all wearing masks; expect to be arrested for daring to think Men should not be allowed to don lipstick and enjoy a stay in the womens prison. The whole of their 4 year term, they’ll say “it’ll take 8 years to undo the mess the tories have left us in”
We are and shall remain, the laughing stock of the world 🙁
Putting an African and a bint in charge of the cookie jar and country is no different to putting Jimmy Saville in charge of the boys locker room.
Can’t understand why any cunt would have thought anything more than the cluster fuck this is.
They will probably gift the job and country to zalensky soon enough anyway. With the amount they drain on top there will be nothing left.
Business as usual for the past 30 years. No choice between any of the cunts that desire to run U.K. Pointless wars, mass immigration uncontrolled, death of free speech, promotion of every degeneracy possible blah, blah ad infinitum.
Not much time left. Talk about a “sea change” if one is allowed to use Shakespeare as I am sure he was a Whitney innit
It’s that pot of again straws to pick a job and give it to some useless fucktard, and why is HS2 not being mentioned as a cuntnormous waste of money as the railways are cunted anyway, along with the royal mail, striking cunts.
To me, professional politics is two sides of the same coin. Conservatives on one side, Labour on the other & the Liberals on the edge (the “rimmers” as i like to call them…)
It’s a career choice for those that can’t do, or won’t do, a proper job.
I’d like to spaff my load on her magnificently bouncy tits.
Truss has resigned, thank fuck. But there needs to be a massive overhaul of how Britain is run, we better not get a succession of useless cunts like we’ve had for the past fifteen years.
There was a time when a PM resigning would have been a momentous, shocking occasion, but these today it’s just… oh well. The office of UK PM is now seen as an unwanted hassle where you have no leverage to actually affect positive change in Britain.
And Truss can get up to £115,000 per year for life. That rule should only apply if you have done 1000 days in office, if you ask me. Getting they salary for 44 days of bumble-fucking should earn you a permanent vacation to Saint Helena.
Truss resignation speech…
(2 minutes)
Christ, that’s the briefest farewell speech ever by a leader of a major country.
So… now what?