Sussex Police

”Sussex Police scrapped warrant cards that identified male officers with the letters A or C and female officers with B or D in November last year. The move prompted complaints that it would make it harder to find a female officer to carry out duties only a woman could do – such as searching a female suspect.

The force was also subject to ridicule in 2017 after a sergeant warned high street stores that “feminine care” signs on women’s sanitary products breached gender equality rules.”

Feminine Care breaks tranny rules?

But wait, there’s more:-

”But the row over the conviction of Sally Ann Dixon, a transgender woman who was a man when they carryied out a series of child sex attacks, threatens to engulf the force.”

Yes, Sussex Police warned people not to make hateful comments against a convicted tranny pee do file.
Hurty feelings of tranny preverts overrides public outrage and disgust according to this bunch of fucking morons. Brighton must be proud of them.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

102 thoughts on “Sussex Police

  1. Good nom Cuntstable, I think dangling said cunt off a length of Manila rope suspended from a stout tree branch would sort the problem splendidly. Fuck all this alphabet soup bollocks to hell.

  2. Up above the streets and houses, rainbow climbing high,
    Sussex Police are full of wankers, tranny pe do time
    Paint the whole world with a rainbow.

    What a load of old cunt-dribble

    ? All along their cocks and snatches, Jackie is now Jake
    See the colours of the rainbow, as their arses gape
    Paint the whole world with a rainbow
    – NA

    • Splendid CM and NA.
      Not only educational and entertaining ( see previous nom, response to MNC)
      But talented, certainly more so than that ginger snap accused of copying someone else’s homework.

  3. Sussex police are a shower of shite.
    A disgrace to the uniform and undeserving of the title of officer of the law.

    As for that Sally Anne, the fat mental should be getting its neck stretched.
    Not just because it’s a kiddy tamperer but because the best it can do is Olive off ‘on the buses’.

    At least wash your hair you fuckin degenerate.

  4. Too many direct-entry fuckers with a degree in Bullshit Studies getting straight to the higher ranks and deciding policy and the ‘degree and diversity route’ is a load of bollocks, with people that’d make good coppers, turned down. It’ll be these cunts that are stopping the coppers hoiking the ‘Stop Oil’ cunts out of the road, sharpish and the Cunstable’s complaints, here.

    • The career of Cressida Dick of Cock Green should be required reading. The personification of failing upwards for someone who has taken advantage of their gender and sexual orientation. Imagine growing up in Brighton? The schools are woke grooming factories and the cops are more interested in policing pronouns than p*nces

  5. Heard some bitch on the radio yesterday talking about Wimminz ishoos. I wasn’t really paying attention until she said “any woman who wants a baby”……..she paused and the corrected herself…..”any HUMAN who wants a baby”…..
    Fuck me, Is this what it’s come to? You can’t say woman and baby in the same sentence in case some fucked up freak throws a hissy. Fuck off with this shit.

  6. I’m devastated. I had Angela Lansbury in the DP a couple of nominations ago. I should have stuck with her instead of getting impatient. Why did she have to hang on for another month, the stupid cow?
    Still awaiting my first victory.

    We contacted her agent and we’re able to confirm that she hung on for another month just to piss you off. Tough break – NA.

  7. Fred West, Harold Shipman, Sutcliffe and other mass murderers made the huge mistake of calling themselves men during their respective court cases.

    Perhaps if their lawyers had their they were transwomen suffering from mental ishoos and hurty feelings, they would have got off with a detention and 100 lines of “I’m a naughty transwoman”

  8. The Police ain’t worth a wank these days. It’s not the fault of the boots on the ground it’s their wokie politically motivated overlords who are running the show. When they do nick someone then you’ve got the same cunts running the courts. Libtard wankers sitting there crying while some lying brief spins some sob story about the terrible childhood of his “client”. It’s a fucking farce. No wonder every criminal in the world can’t wait to get here. Easy pickings for those fuckers.

    • When you get a suspended sentence for attacking a police officer and injuring them, you know something’s seriously wrong with society. I’d post a link, but there’s too many…

      Even we have Body Worn Cameras, for fucks sake.

    • In Devaluing the worth of a wank, you must be that Cunt Kwasi Kwarteng and I claim my five worthless pounds.

  9. As a quick aside, the Co-Op Funeral Services ad:

    “When Tony passed”

    What the fuck has he passed? Water? Stools? His fucking mates that are stood on the pavement watching him go on his last fucking journey?

    He’s fucking died. Dead. End of.

    (I may have done a Cunting on this subject, can’t remember, but the term ‘Passed’ boils my fucking piss to stroke-inducing levels).

    • My ex son in law (a useless fat ginger cunt) was given a spa day colonic as a present by my step daughter.

      I am reliably informed that after some gurgling and parping, there was a clunk sound in the sieve.

      the administer of the colonic had a look and proudly declared ‘you were retaining a marble. But it has passed’.

      My step daughter nearly pissed herself when she told us.

      hope that brightens your day DCI. ?

      • Excellent, Odin! At least it’s different than

        ‘I just sat down and this carrot that was om the settee went up my arse’!

    • Agreed. Passed what, wind?

      Dead, died etc does the job nicely. Look forward to the nom.

      • I was taught to say ‘Dead’ or ‘Has died’ to relatives. The poor fuckers’ll cling to any hope, so if you say ‘Gone to a better place’ or ‘Passed’, they’ll think that the coronary blockage (heart attack) has been cleared or something or you’re moving them to a hospital. Never deviated the way I’ve delivered the bad news in all my years. Respectful, dignified and a way they’ll remember. Gets easier with time but it’s never easy.

  10. My preferred pronoun is “sack the pathetic cunts,gas the tranny and send the Special Patrol Group in.”

    What a laughing stock this country has become.

  11. Why on earth do these “trans” women all look like Mick McManus older, uglier sister?
    As I’ve said before, you’d expect them to look presentable, if not attractive, but no.
    I’ll grow my hair a bit, or get a cheap wig, lipstick from Poundland and some woman’s clothes from Age Concern, and hey presto, I’m a woman!
    No, you’re fucking not, you’re an ugly bloke in a frock!

  12. As for Sussex police, I’d not be at all surprised to hear that some of the older ones are requesting transfers, praying for an illness that let’s them take medical retirement or just saying ‘ fuck it, I’ve had enough of this shite’ and leaving.

  13. To save any upset, or argument, why don’t they have a vote on calling them the Sex Police or Same Sex Police and be done with.

  14. Won’t be too long before the Establishment as a whole becomes infested by transpeople. Judges have been wearing gowns and wigs for decades, so they’re almost there. And of course you have halfwit Harry acting more and more like a woman every day. Won’t be too long before he is wearing Migraine’s 2022 summer collection hand-me-downs.

    This will also come a big relief to Starmer, who will finally come out during his/her/they/them/it/wtf Prime Minister’s Question Time

  15. Sussex Police. They’re the ones looking to arrest the away fans at Brighton for homophobic chants such as ‘We can see you holding hands”. Crime of the Century.

    • Yeah my mate had his ticket taken off him on Brighton sea front for singing “does your boyfriend know you’re here?
      He went to the ground anyway where he was recognised and arrested. They kicked him out at 1.30 am , no charge.
      Fucking cunts.

  16. Just seen a protest by ‘just stop oil!’ on the news.
    Police guarding the little student Grants rather than ripping the little cunts away in a van.

    What a fuckin country
    What a fuckin world
    What a disgrace masquerading as law and order.

    I could clear them on my own in 5minutes.

    Few boots to heads few dragged by hair, odd popped nose.
    Road cleared.

    No, let the traffic tail back a mile and half.

    Were run by wankers and spastics.

    • If the protestors were right-wing skinheads waving England flags and wearing old-school NF badges, the Old Bill will have got the flame throwers out and toasted them alive for using hurty words!

    • I’m guessing the little shits phone up the Old Bill as they know they’ll protect them. If they weren’t there Joe Public could apply a bit of common sense and drag the bastards away by their ears

  17. fucking knew it wouldn’t be long before the heinous crime of child dabbling would start to be downgraded and pushed behind crimes that exist only in the heads of the mentally retarded wokists, now it’s a fucking crime to call a chap a chap cos hes lost the plot and says hes a tart.
    paedophilia will soon be excused cos its their human rights and it’s what they do, every other fucking perversion the degenerates indulge in has been normalised so it wont be long before paedophilia is a protected lifestyle, at least it wont be much of a headache for a swimwear firm to personalise their trunks for the filth, just remove the “S” on them.

  18. I guess no one had Angela Lansbury in Dead Pool, then.
    Whoever has Rolf Harris, though.
    Looks like he’s circling the drain.
    Can you guess what it is yet?
    A scyth.

  19. The Crime Commissioner has said that she is ‘disappointed’ with the way the police are acting.

    That’s all well and good, but what the fuck is she prepared to do about it?

    There is no point in having these people and paying their salaries if their best response is to be ‘disappointed’.

    • Disappointed, fucking disappointed?
      What use is the Crime Commissioner if that’s the best they can come up with?
      I’m disappointed when my Iceland delivery is late, when I have to chuck my dishrag away because it’s falling apart, when my ready prep food is bland and curiously not filling.
      I can think of better words and phrases than disappointing!

      • Sorry, disappointed.
        It’s a fucking weasel word that translates as
        Not my problem, I don’t give a shit, but heyho, for the cameras.

  20. I have a good mate who lives in Chippenham.

    It’s said opposites attract and in our case that is very true.

    He is very calm, laid back, non judgmental, see’s the best in folk etc so the complete antithesis of Cunty.

    A few years back there was a knock on his door and when he opened it stood there was Helen Belcher the wannabe Lib Dem Tranny MP.

    He said he was so shocked that a bloke so clearly dressed as a woman with stubble to boot and said he/she/it was campaigning in the area for the Lib Dems and was interested to hear his views bla bla bla but the whole thing was surreal, he found himself in a terrible predicament, not wanting to offend but could barely contain himself and just wanted to laugh and say what the fuck are you.

    He had to resort to coughing to stop the laughter.

    And this gets me to my point.

    Even a very level headed, easy going bloke, who runs a successful business who’s not opinionated just wanted to piss himself at the ridiculousness of what he was facing.

    But we are being forced to believe it’s normal.

    It just fucking isn’t.

    We all know that. At the very least people believing they were born in the wrong body need help but not in the form of validating their beliefs.

    The suicide rate in post trans people is the highest in any group. Not the most but by percentage the highest. It’s around 40%.

    That In itself says so much.

    But in the new world despite the actual facts we are being forced to accept this as normal.

    How the hell in fuck have we arrived at a point where something that is so clearly not normal is being forced on us as normal by a fucking police force who probably only 30 years ago was kicking the fuck out of these people along with black, gays, gypsies, disabled, Jews or any other minority you care to mention.

    I don’t know when reality was hijacked but it has been and it has been done so comprehensively that we now live in a society where people regularly prefix a conversation with ‘can I say this’ or ‘you can’t say that’ or ‘keep this between us’……

    Geobbels would have been in awe.

  21. This is Sussex cops but the same shit is happening elsewhere including my own force who warned a man who subtly took the piss on line. It wasnt in the least malicious but regarded as hurty words.

  22. Outstanding commentary, Cunty.
    I’ve got to the stage where I’m frightened to talk to anyone, other than family, in case they are Word Police.

    • You shouldn’t be.
      This is a free country.
      Everyone’s entitled to a opinion.
      This is how they win.

      People don’t want to offend and they prey on that good nature.

      If you want to say something…say it.
      Fuck em.

      Long time dead, I’m not going to be bullied into staying quiet by anyone,
      If I think something is good I’ll say so,
      I think it’s bad I’ll say so,
      Do I go out of my way to offend? No.
      Do I care if I offend?
      Like fuck.

      But if it can lose you your job, maybe discretion is the best path to tread…

      • Yeah, people can and do lose their jobs if you have the “wrong” values and beliefs. And any prospective employer will know why you got the boot and they won’t touch you because you are trouble. This is where we are now…..people afraid of being denounced. The next thing will be children encouraged by schools to grass up their parents for wrongspeak. It’s all been done before and it WILL happen, trust me.

      • If they discovered that DCI, your arse would be out the door before you could blink. I can guarantee that.

      • Don’t I fucking know it, Freddie. Still, only a few years before I can hang up my stethoscope. Single figures, now!

  23. Tran§bumders vs pædos in a sort of degenerate Battle Royale with all sorts of amusingly destructive weapons, to take place on a small island or in a colosseum.
    The trannıes are mostly suicidal anyway and the pædos should be encouraged to sacrifice themselves in the name of extraordinarily violent entertainment, like a blood-soaked episode of Gladiators.
    Winners get £500 to put towards reassignment surgery of chemical castrastion.
    Now that’s a pay-per-view I’d happily stump up £100* to view.

    * fuck that, I’d still just download it off pirate bay.

    • ‘blood-soaked episode of Gladiators’

      I had a dream like that. I was up against Jet on ‘Hang tough’ while she was on the blob.

  24. Sussex Police; great at motoring offences and roaming the streets of South Coast towns sneering from their patrol cars, handing out slaps on the wrists to teenagers, but terrified of chasing up burglaries and vandalism.

    Full of woke wankers from Brighton college as well.

  25. The time will be ripe for revolution once the power is cut and it’s £50 for a tin of beans in a few months.

    Everyone is too apathetic though.

    I’d sort it myself, but what with my piles…

      • I need the extra money Mr Cunt Engine. Soon it’s going to cost 5 grand a tube for arse grape medicine. Mind you, I’ll ask for more than a ton for getting in their paddling pool next time (allegedly).

      • I think you may be several decades too old for David, CB.

    • And I’m flatfooted.
      But stockpiling baked beans for 4months.

      I saw the writing on the wall man!!

      The elites don’t want you eating beans,
      They want you queuing up for pickled woodlice in soy sauce.

      But not me man,
      The bunker is stocked to the roof with beans,
      Beans and nitro glycerine,
      I can last them out,
      Then it’s Brave New world time!!

      I’m dirt poor but bean rich.
      Fuck the Elites
      And them holograms!!

      • Funny you should say that Miserable. I saw a vid about some bloke who was very near retirement age and was stocking up to avoid potential inflation. Every cupboard and spare space in his house was piled up with tins of food. He had about 12 pairs of shoes, all brand new and in their boxes. But the killer for me was he had half his garage, from floor to ceiling, piled up with bog rolls! There must have been hundreds of them. If you’re that frightened of the future what’s the fucking point? Just top yourself and stop fucking about.

      • If anyone’s seriously thinking about topping themselves, do the rest of us a favour and hire a 7.5 ton lorry to mow down as many “Just Stop Oil” cunts as you can first.

      • Bet he was the cunt stripping shelves during the start of the COVID pandemic?

        Those panic buying fucks,
        Pasta, and rice ,
        Bogrolls, no shame,
        Fuck their fellow citizens,
        Little rats.

        Yeah Freddie, no point worrying, I’d rather die ignorant than cowering in some bunker eating fuckin beans for every meal.

        The last supper
        Tin of Aldi beans
        Same as everyday

      • I saw something about all these billionaires building nuclear bunkers in remote parts of the U.S and New Zealand. They have paid for all this private security, ex special forces and the like but how do you guarantee loyalty during an apocalypse? Guns, food, water and shelter are the new currency. Bill Gates would get his speccy arse popped on day one.

      • Exactly. This is how it would go for the speccy cunt. 50 billion is worth fuck all during a nuclear apocalypse.

        Day one of the apocalypse:

        Gates: So this is the entrance to the 5 acre 50 room bunker.This room has 100 years worth of non perishable food and a huge freezer full of frozen food running on a generator with 100 years of power. Here are all the medical supplies with a doctor, a surgeon and two nurses and an operating room to rival any private hospital. Here are the guns and ammunition…

        Ex Special Forces Bloke: Ah can I take a closer look at that AK-47?

        Gates: Sure! Here you go!


        Ex special forces bloke: Ok, nurses and doctors. You work for me and my family now…

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