Pfizer and Janine Small

Pfizer, Janine Small and Covid vaccine mandates.

Probably not a popular cunting but here goes.

This Pfizer senior exec seemingly let the cat out of the bag the other day with a rather bizarre admission to Dutch MEP Rob Roos, that the company she represents had no idea whether this new vaccine of theirs that they rushed out, prevented transmission of this virus or not.

Well what do you know eh.

Fair enough some people might say, as it was an allegedly novel virus, we were following the science blah blah woof, but what I will ask is – what the fuck were these Draconian jab mandates all about then?
When they were based on nothing more than speculation and hyperbole?

Members of the populace threatened through government blackmail and every other dirty underhanded technique imaginable, often in cahoots with the mass media through nudge units, with the threat of losing their livelihoods or the ability to travel freely, all in exchange for an injection.

An injection they didn’t want first and foremost.
An injection which protected everybody else? Apparently.
An injection which stopped you catching the virus or getting ill or dying.

Shouldn’t it have been a more reasonable democratic approach of “get jabbed should you wish but Joseph Goebbels levels of coercion are out of the question”

Unfortunately and apparently not, as far as the virus/vaccine zealots out there were concerned (Justin Trudeau freezing bank accounts of protesting truckers being one egregious example)

Will the people affected by these mandates be compensated by their respective governments?

At least we all got the opportunity to witness “liberal leaders” such as Biden, Ardern, Trudeau, Macron and especially that snivelling four eyed cunt in Australia – Andrews, make the most of their chance to flex their tyrannical muscles in front of their paymasters and prove to the world what undemocratic illiberal bastards they really are.

Will these criminals eventually face justice for their crimes?
Hopefully but probably not.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

122 thoughts on “Pfizer and Janine Small

  1. Big Pharma are nothing but a bunch of witch doctors, they will tell you anything to get the big bucks. And when they are backed up by the likes of WHO and every so called libtard government in the world then you know you are being fucked.

  2. Among this parade of malodorous smegwits you mention Andrews of Australia. To compare that twatt to tapeworm, hagfish or Guinea worm is to be grossly unfair and hard on honest coprophagous bottom feeding intestinal parasites.

    • Daniel Andrews is the epitome of the swivel eyed loon.

      How he hasn’t been hunted down and lynched is a mystery.

      • An epic satanic bastard on steroids,wearing those thick rimmed geps the libwanks seem to favour increasingly.Ditto his other cohort…Gunn or something from NSW.What i wouldn’t do to see these shitehawks dropped on the Galapagos islands when those resident Komodo lizards are feeling peckish,televised natch.

  3. £17 a shot, for something that cost around 70p to manufacture, may have had something to do with it.

  4. I worked opposite a twat who, after having had the first chınkyflu ‘vaccine’, had a week-long headache so crushing that he was in tears.
    He still had 2 boosters though, the utter spastic!
    He left the company.
    Probably dead now after getting caught in a revolving door and dying of dehydration, the gullible bellend.
    Well, chınkyflu didn’t finish us off in droves, so this winter, it’ll be dying from hypothermia inside our unheated, blackout-ravaged homes.

    • I’m with Ovo Energy Thomas, so I will be wearing an extra pullover, hugging my pet & leaving the oven door open. Cunts!

  5. This whole debacle proved once and for all, freedom and democracy are illusions.

    The draconian and jackbooted antics of some governments and so called leaders proved that. The hypocrisy of the UK government also proved beyond doubt the elitist mentality the ruling classes have. The use of the word “ruling” is deliberate here. They don’t govern. They rule.

    The misery and suffering they inflicted upon their populations was beyond harsh and an utter disgrace. That fact that Johnson thinks he can swoop back into No. 10 shows you how monumentally un-self aware that cunt really is.

    We are all fucked.

    • Biden still wears a double face nappy and must have had every jab going and still catches the bat flu.

      I suspect his handlers are secretly relieved when he has to isolate and lie low for a week or so and save them explaining away his gaffs obvious mental decline.

      Liz Truss didn’t even survive long enough for Biden to forget her name. Alright IY? U.S midterms soon, plenty of cunts out for your vote? Fingers crossed you haven’t been paying attention for the last couple of years.

      Afternoon IY.

      • Greetings of the day, LL.

        Yeah, the mid terms are almost here. I don’t know what to expect. My election prediction skills are pretty rubbish. I didn’t think Tango would win in 2016, but he did. I thought he’d walk it in 2020, but something else entirely happened. I don’t think we’ll ever find out what exactly.

        I remember talk of a tipping point when Barry Obastard won a second time. Where there are more people taking out of the system than there were working tax payers putting into the system. My point being, there are many smart, hard working, tax paying Yanks who do their best for themselves and their families and want the best outcome for the country. Then there’s the rest who are freeloading, money grabbing, anti-democracy, anti-everything good/decent/law abiding. Those cunts can also vote!

        Given what’s happened since Biden’s alleged victory, the Repubs should win everything in a landslide. But they won’t. It never seems to workout that way. It would be great if they got control of the House of Representatives and the Senate and effectively made Senile Hair Sniffer a lame duck president. But does he actually need any help in that department?

        What I do know is if the Demoncrats lose control of either or both branches of government, their attack dogs will go after Repubs and the mud slinging shit show will just ramp up even more. At the same time they’ll promise even more freebies (bribes) to their fan base in the hopes they’ll get control back next time. And so the vicious circle repeats over and over and over.

        Tipping point or not, the political divide which is a chasm now has also made people very selfish. They’re only interested in themselves and the greater good/country can basically F off. America is on the wrong course and it may already be too late to rescue it.

        And now the sport and weather….

        Take care, mate. Cheers – IY.

      • A late reply to this but if the dems win even half the midterms that would be the nail in the coffin for all democracy in the USA. The way the media blatantly blocks and won’t report on the senile old git (over her in England as well ) is ….. well there are no words.
        If trump did half of the gaffs sniffer joe does he would be obliterated in the msm. It’s not even hidden anymore either, they just let him get on with it as they know it won’t be shown on national or even world wide tv.

      • That was funny LL.
        I suppose Biden from danger to ones self also wore a triple layered nappy to prevent him from shitting himself again.

  6. Her admission that the vaccine was a fucking con has been almost completely ignored by the media.

    The fact that billions of people were needlessly injected with an unproven substance, many under threat of losing their jobs is a worldwide disgrace.

    • GBNEWS are the only media talking about Phiezers admission.Mark Steyn won’t let the cunts off the hook either

  7. Let’s face it, Big Pharma and WEF are probably in cahoots in order to bring the Little People under control. And the worrying thing is that no ne seems to take these cunts to task for their diabolical actions.

    • Money making being the convenient camouflage m/o for Harell and Schwabs wet-dream of ‘hackable animals’ with a side order of herd thinning thrown in.

  8. Two women in the office, both jabbed 4 or 5 times , have covid this week. Me, elite ex Royal, no jab, covid once at the start, felt shit for a day or 2, fine ever since.

    Silly cunts

    • I’m unpoked, haven’t had any cold or flu-like symptoms since January 2018 when I contracted the Australian Flu which put me on my back for 5 days yet my double-jabbed house mate has a lurgy again for the 3rd time in the last 12 months (that I know of) and he told me that he hasn’t felt right since he got jabbed..

    • Early 50’s, never had covid or flu jab, or a cold for a decade plus. Feel fine, despite having now shite immune system due to chemo. No way I’m taking those jabs. Strong Like Bull ? ??

  9. I didn’t begrudge Pfizer a penny of their profits when they were making hard on pills as at least they were bringing a bit of pleasure into the world but I’d rather stay impotent indefinitely than give these shonky vaccine peddling cunts another penny.

  10. What Pfizer is saying is that it did not know if the vaccine prevented the transmission of the virus before and when they first released the vaccine.

    The primary objective of the vaccine was to reduce the risk of someone (including the medically vulnerable) developing full blown symptoms if they contracted the virus, resulting in their hospitalisation and/or death.

    Not sure I can really see what the ‘scandal’ is here. I don’t profess to be any expert on the subject matter, but any ‘expose’ by the MSM should be treated with caution due to the likely sensationalism that is usually behind anything these cunts report. Rob Roos – a Dutch MP subjecting Pfizer to an inquisition. Fuck me pink, where do they get these cunts from? Go fuck off and guzzle some Oranjeboom.

    • You may be right.
      But in a free society people should have been given the choice to protect themselves or not.
      That would include the ‘medically vulnerable’, it should have been by agreement.

      If people were given the known facts about the testing and the expected benefits of the vaccine and they still wanted it, then fair enough.

      But that didn’t happen.

    • Stop wasting your time with reason Paul, the vaccine doesn’t work, never did and never will, it was a massive con trick dreamt up in the darkest corners of the WEF…. FACT ?

      • How do you know SOI? Where are the facts it was a massive con-trick? There is clear evidence that the rate of infections in this country and the rate of hospitalisations have diminished since the vaccine programme in 2020/21.

        Can’t give all credit to herd immunity.

      • Infections would have diminished anyway. They always do .
        Let’s face facts it was flu rebranded

      • Sorry Paul, yes I was being ‘a Cunt’, solid reasoning has been completely ignored over the last couple of years when it comes to Covid, your post was indeed spot on ?

    • Watch up to 3 mins 20secs of this video to get the gist of why this nom is spot on and boils my piss , it’s the president and all the others in the media that lied to us that said if you get the vaccine it will stop you getting ill and not spread it. They lied to us to get the shot no ifs no buts. It’s all here in this video but no one wants to admit they were wrong especially the last supercilious bitch. She should be cunted on her own.

      • Jimmy Dore, a poundland version of Joe Rogan mixed with David Icke.
        He’s making money out of selling his bile, to the gullible.
        Putin fan too.
        Fuck him.

      • I suppose that’s the level of wit I could expect from someone who follows that cunt shepherd. ?

      • Gutstick has a good point here, which is pretty much on the nose. Jimmy Dore is, after all, an American stand-up comedian. I would be interested to see his epidemiology credentials and qualifications.

        A little like me uploading a critique on Youtube about how eminent scientists are failing cancer patients with ineffectual treatments. I would know the first place to start and many of these mouth-on-a-stick types brush up on their “knowledge” from similar conspiracy theory types.

        Still, likely a good little earner for Jimmy Dore. I suppose as long as he doesn’t cross the line like Spivey did with Lee Rigby or Alex Jones did in the USA with the shootings. Otherwise there’s good money to be made from the gullible.

      • The truly gullible are the healthy people who took this vaccine.

        If Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari and Andrew Neil said get jabbed then it must be good.

        They also advocated not only sacking people from their jobs but prosecuting them.

        Absolutely monumental cunts and anybody who defends their views is an even bigger cunt than all three combined.

      • The fucking maggot is busy defending Putin at the moment.
        Not only is he an expert in epidemiology, he’s a geopolitical expert, military strategist, and historian.
        Three minutes of listening to the cunt is enough to see how much shit he’s shovelling.
        Useful idiot. Or traitor.
        Definitely a cunt.

    • The “scandal here” is vaccine mandates.

      Cunts demanding healthy people take an experimental injection they don’t fucking need just so they can go to work. Or face dismissal.

      This woman has said they had no clue whether it prevented transmission or not.

      • “The truly gullible are the healthy people who took this vaccine”….

        Don’t you think that at some point people aren’t being “gullible” but are actually doing what they believe to be right for the common good?…doesn’t there come a point where,should a truly serious virus come along,that people should listen to “the leaders and experts” and be guided?…

        I agree that in the case of Covid we were badly misled but I think that if some new serious threat was mooted, I’d still be inclined to think “Well they probably know better than me” and listen.

        Perhaps I am gullible but I’d hate to be the fella in the middle of the London blitz who told the warden to ” Fuck Off,I’m not drawing my blackout curtains…the bombs will all be duds”.

      • Perhaps it’s been counter productive.

        Between all the hullabaloo and personal experiences it may have had the effect of making the populace “tune out”..although I still stand by my belief that people have gone soft these last twenty years or so.

        Everyone makes choices about their health..the twenty stone bloke sat on a sun lounger in Benidorm smoking or the vegan marathon runner…but I’ll be beggared if the likes of Boris Johnson will tell me how to conduct my personal affairs.

      • Evening DF.

        Fair question and fair point.

        I’m going to hold my hands up and say I was a tad hasty accusing people of being gullible.

        That’s not fair if people genuinely thought they were doing the right thing. I don’t but that’s not the point.

        The reasons being that most of my nearest and dearest have partaken in the vaccine rollout and I sincerely hope that there is no long-term side effects which affects them.

        From up close and personal experience – my mother was ill for many weeks after taking the booster which was a huge worry and my stepdaughter was hospitalised for days very shortly after taking one Pfizer shot.
        She, and load of other 18 year old kids from her school couldn’t wait to get jabbed and all went enthusiastically to a temporary vaccine centre in town all on the same afternoon.
        Scenes probably reminiscent of naive underage British teenage boys rolling up to enlist in the army to partake in patriotic working class slaughter of the Great War due naturally of course to rampant propaganda.

        One of the lasses in the group actually died less than a week later. 18 years old. Gone in her sleep.
        Coincidence? Who knows for sure. Sudden adult death syndrome apparently and just one of those things.
        One thing I do know is that nobody publicly blamed the vaccine she’d just taken. Nobody wants to be a seen as a public tinfoil hat wearer do they.

        All I know is that it was a dark and deeply worrying moment in time.
        Considering none of these children were at risk from Covid and were taking this for reasons not related to health.

        Their reasoning for receiving the vaccine? So they could travel abroad as soon as “restrictions” were lifted, as vaccine passports were an inevitability.
        Not my opinion but just what she told me.

        Working as I do with the public I’ve also had the misfortune of knowing what were once regular clients die only days after taking the vaccine from heart attacks yet their family members having informed me of this have still willingly rolled their sleeves up for more of the same themselves.
        Such is their unwavering faith in the system.

        I’ve found it all incredibly odd that so many people have abandoned their critical thinking skills over all this. Especially the younger people.

        The waves of propaganda that supported this virus and the subsequent vaccine rollout bordered on dystopian and considering the fact that the early propaganda from China was one of dead bodies in the street being inevitable. Upon the realisation that this was a complete lie or at best hyperbole, then from there on in, I personally chose to smell a rat.

        I’m mid 40s myself, unjabbed and have had the virus twice (I presume judging by the results of lateral flow tests) so I’m not down playing it or claiming it doesn’t exist.
        I felt rough for a few days both times and recovered.

        I say nothing in public about this whole shit show to friends family or colleagues but choose to vent my spleen on here instead.

      • The above isn’t a dig at anyone…either those who did or didn’t get jabbed….I suppose it’s more just a wonder about to what degree should people actually be allowed to potentially put others at risk by refusing to believe the Authorities who have been selected to make the difficult decisions for the common good

      • Damn sure I’ll still be trusting long standing medical professionals of my acquaintance before randoms on the internet, whose motives may be questionable at best.

      • @Unkle…..I suppose my point is that if some genuinely critical situation arose and a handful of people steadfastly refused to follow official advice….should they be allowed to “refuse to be a sheeple” and risk others?….surely there must be a point where the likes of Boris Johnson must be allowed to tell you how to conduct your personal affairs ?

      • I agree FF,indeed in a serious public health emergency the government should take the lead..

        But what qualifies as a serious emergency?

        My point is that everything is taken to the point of hysteria and calm heads do not prevail.

        By ramping up the rhetoric on Bat Flu the government perhaps have diluted their authority when and if we import an aerosol variant of Ebola thanks to our non existent borders.

      • @HJ

        I agree with you in so much. Right from the outset,I favoured “isolate the vulnerable” and go for herd-immunity…but I’m not the one charged with the nation’s safety. People were manipulated,coerced and even lied to in to push takeup of the “vaccine” and I suspect it will cause a lot of trouble in the future if (when) the next,potentially serious,emergency is unveiled and people are unsurprisingly blase.

        I should say that I had the first jab.and genuinely thought that it was going to be the cure that killed me,not the complaint…I never went back and so probably shouldn’t honk on about my concern for other selfless attitude disappeared at a rapid rate of knots.

        I agree that the whole thing stinks and was wrong on so many levels but,as I say, I just think that eventually there must be a point at which we must put our trust in others…whatever our justifiable doubts…I just wonder how far some ” I’m no sheeple” people would be prepared to go and how many they could potentially affect.

        Theoretically should a tiny group of zealots be allowed to announce ” I know better” and act as Typhoid Marys? …just to be clear,I don’t mean the Covid vaccine doubters…I understand and agree with some of their points.

    • You didn’t need to be an expert! I remember cunts like Piers Morgan, Dolly Parton & Lewis Hamilton telling everone how important it was to get jabbed, without a gramme of medical knowledge between them. Yet “controversial” doctors & scientists, not getting their word in, for speaking out of favour. All very one sided.

      • Giles fucking Brandreth is all I’m going to say. Mega expert from COVID to fashion. I wish that cunt would peg it.

      • Never forget the good Dr Shilary who advocated the wearing of face masks, even when swimming in the sea on your summer holiday.

        With so called health professionals spouting nonsense like this on the airways is it any wonder those of us with even half a brain cell wished to ask just what is it all about and maybe challenge their narrative?

        Wear a mask when swimming…

        what a fucking cunt.

      • Only time I wear any type of face covering now is when I’m paying my local bank a visit, they don’t even flinch! Oh, & of course, it makes things so much easier when I’m entertaining, doing my ventriloquist act.

  11. Covid was the test run for how to do mass control/obtain mass obedience.
    I wouldn’t be surprised if the vaccine was a harmless placebo that did fuck all.

    I’d put good money on the Covid injections being a good way for the WEF and other nefarious fuckers to see how many people went willingly Vs those who had half a brain and questioned what the fuck was in it, and how safe could it be after only 9 months of development and zero clinical tests on groups such as pregnant women.

    Like I say a test run to gauge civil obedience.
    I feel the next ‘pandemic’ will be the big ‘one’

    It’ll be something like Airborne Aids where vaccines will be mandatory to stop the spread and refusal will mean loss of basic civil liberties such as the right to travel, the right to socialise, the right to visit a supermarket & the right to work.
    For those who refuse any future vaccines life will be (in their words) cancelled.

    Don’t believe me? Look what that conniving evil WEF commie bastard Jeremy Hunt was proposing during Covid.
    Complete removal of civil liberties for non vaccined people and put into a special ‘camp’
    May I remind cunters that the same man is now running the country in all but name.

    Fucking coincidence eh?

    • Towards the end of this video touches on what you said. The introduction of ‘Smart Money’ in place of cash and bank cards. Ostensibly for your convenience but strangely limiting of personal liberties and autonomy.

      Not too far-fetched, I feel (when was anything ever introduced for our “convenience” FFS)?!

    • The ‘big one’ most likely the one already incubating within the vast numbers of genetic structures of those feared/blackmailed into taking the ‘experiment’ in the first place would be my thinking,and many others.

    • Not half an hour ago saw a bloke in his mid forties I would say driving alone in his light blue Kia with a full on fpp2 face mask.

    • I love asking an employee at a counter whose wearing a mask to repeat themselves multiple times.
      “Sorry I can’t understand you with that mask on. Can you take it off? No? Sheets? Fleas? Grease? Oh cheese. What kind of cheese would I like? Sorry. Provolone please.”
      Hope I made him feel like a cunt.

  12. Perhaps it helps the old and feeble?

    Stops them getting reet poorly like with a bad dose of influenza?

    The rest of it is a steaming pile of shit..perfect for the soft cunts that seem to have multiplied like Big Pharmas profits and run scared of their own shadow,believing everything some clown on the telly tells them.

    Get ye mask on and bring out ye dead!

    C u n t s.

  13. well Vonder Ledan is being investigated as to why she bought hundreds of millions of vaccine doses from Pfixer that’s seven times more than needed for the whole population of Europe.
    The latest strain Omnicron while very contagious is relatively harmless but guess what Faucci and there labs have done. They have mixed omni with the first wave of the more deadly Delta variant and have created a super contagious covid that’s 6 times more deadly than the original
    Somethings not right but i fear this shit is going to repeat itself

    • What Boston University did is combine the omicron spike protein (the transmitter) with the main body of the viral cell from the original Wuhan strain.

      They took the transmitter from the most transmissible strain and attached it to the body of the most lethal strain. What could possibly go wrong?

      It’s okay though because a conspiracy has to be done in secret by a shadowy cabal but this is being done brazenly and out in the open so it must be okay.

      • Thanks for relating it more clearly Two in the stink.
        Trust in the science yes, lets hope they keep the fucking fridge door, fucking shut this time around.
        I forget the terminology but Obummer banned this type of stuff in the USA hence the labs in wuhan and Ukraine but Trump lifted that ban.

      • @mecuntry

        It’s called gain of function research. I believe that it’s not allowed on US soil with US tax payer money but not sure if the same is true if it’s done with private money.

        Shouldn’t make any difference really considering the reason to ban it should be the inherent risks associated with such research.

  14. How ironic. Pfizer the company that brought out a product capable of ‘raising the dead,’ made another capable of killing.

  15. Had a 5th (fucking fifth!) Covid jab the other week. It hurt like fuck and all.

    Both arms were fucked the day after. Because some cunt at the unit fucked up my fistula and nearly blew my right arm up the same time I was having my Covid jab in the left arm. My right arm still looks like a dog has bit it, Fucking cunts.

    And masks are still compulsory on the ward. Although our P@k! friends always need reminding to put them on. Any trick they can pull, they will…. Cunts….

  16. That Janine bird looks like Michael Gove wearing a wig and glasses. Now THAT is worrying.

  17. I didn’t need this cunt telling me now what I knew at the start.
    The reason I always gave when asked why I wasn’t jabbed was, “The shit ain’t tested!”

  18. I see that the Chinks are taking a wholehearted part in the Worldwide Covid Conspiracy.
    Even though they don’t use fiendish western vaccines, ( not for the general public, anyway ). You can bet the farm that the hierarchy are jabbed up to Fuck, with Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazeneca. Millions of Chinks are currently in lockdown.
    They must have a stronger strain of Global Conspiracy there.
    We’re so fortunate, here in the west, to have legions of YouTube experts, providing us with sound advice and guidance.
    I personally don’t agree with trying to force people to get vaccinated.
    It’s a matter of individual choice.
    I’ve had four jabs for Covid.
    And my annual flu jab.
    Carried on working, all the way through.
    I have an underlying health condition.
    I consider it prudent.
    I’ve seen eight people with underlying health conditions finished off by Covid.
    If other people think differently and choose not to get jabbed, that’s fine.
    I couldn’t give two fucks.
    Good evening.

      • What the Izzard is this?

        I think my phone has Gallic Tendencies, deeply worrying..

        Whenever I attempt to type Rule Brittania it tries to substitute Brittany for Brittania.

        Fuck the Tories,Fuck gas,Fuck the Russians… I think the Koreans are in bed with the French..

        Fucking appalling horror.

  19. I had all the jabs.
    Im in rude health.

    I thought it was my duty,
    My dad has no immune system to speak of after his cancer treatment.

    The idea I could of infected him and killed him?
    Rather not .
    Or anyone vulnerable.
    Everyone has family members that are at risk .

    I made my choice,
    Stand by it.
    I did what I thought was the moral an responsible thing.

    Did politicians, the media and medical professionals like to me?

    But then I’m used to being lied to,
    Especially by political pigs.

    I don’t worry about it,
    Over and done with .
    I got the Batflu,
    Just a sore throat really.

    It’s like flared jeans and the Rubics cube,
    I’ve moved on.

    • It being a Friday, let’s lighten things up by imagining Eddie Izzard as P.M….come on, it’d be utterly tremendous!

    • Typical northerner, ‘is it free, I’ll have it’ and #metoo, I had my flu jab a couple of weeks ago, went to my local pharmacy, walked in and got the jab before I got mi coit off!

      I think Flu will make a come back this winter, that Covid has had its day, Flu has been around for ever and has seen off all the new kids on the block.

    • What happened to the Munkey Pox? I’ve not heard tell of it for weeks now,

      It’s all gone quiet.

      I guess it was produced in Ukraine, like everything else apparently, that’s now in short supply or trebled in cost so that cunts can’t afford it any longer.

  20. Bugger , just had that phizer no4 booster ..

    I’m going to sue the cunts if I get china virus.

    Mi arm’s hurting like fuck….


  21. Who fucking cares anymore?
    It’s done, game over.
    I’ve spoken to people about getting the jab, and why they did it.

    Q: Why did you get vaccinated?
    A: So I could go to the pub again.

    Asking a different jabbed person..

    Q: Do you regret getting the jab?
    A: I hope it’s the placebo.

    To me, this is fucking hilarious, the stupidity of people is way beyond my estimation.

    • Alternatively….
      Q. Why didn’t you get vaccinated?
      A. Because it changes your DNA

      Q. Why didn’t you get vaccinated?
      A. Bill Gates, Fauchi, and Schwab have filled it full of nanobots.

      • Alternatively. 2.0

        (in France)

        Q. Why did you get vaccinated Monsieur?
        A. Because my President Mr Macron said he planned on making my life and the other unvaccinated French citizen’s lives a misery. Whilst having zero creditable scientific evidence to back up his threats.

        (to random Liverpool FC player in the English Premier League)

        Q. Why did you get vaccinated?
        A. Because my manager and world renowned gurning epidemiologist Jürgen Klopp told me that not being vaccinated against Covid is exactly the same as drink driving. Whilst having zero creditable scientific evidence to back up his woefully ill informed opinion.

  22. I’m glad that I’ve just had my 4th vaccine.
    Funny that those
    selfish cunts

    who have ended up in hospital ( taking up the acute ICU beds that would normally be allocated for he and thee )
    have denied you and your relatives any hope of survival from either major trauma or recovery from major cancer surgery are those who have persistently refused to be vaccinated.
    They bear an uncanny resemblance to the unwashed dreadlocked cunts who want to stop oil.

      • He’s always got an ‘Expert’ like you to put him right, though. He’s bang on the money, as I’ve actually witnessed it, unlike the majority of you ‘Experts’ from the Royal College Of Bystanders.

        But, don’t believe me, I’m part of the conspiracy, as is everyone with an NHS email address.

      • You are part of the propaganda.
        You are told to report what you see. Useful idiot.
        You don’t know why the person is dying.
        Are you a super specialist paramedic?

      • Regarding this subject, I will always class you as some kind of death cult propagandist.
        You class anyone who opposes your fucking strange opinion as a conspiracy theorist.
        Personally I couldn’t give a single shit about your views.
        You are obviously on the side of the winning agenda.
        They will fuck you as well brother.

    • Amazing how my friend has had 5 jabs but has been sick since Thursday with covid, I asked him how does he know he has covid. PCR test. His Mrs tested positive yesterday.
      Fuck me, I made some spicy chilli in the slow cooker and I am having alot of shits. I might get tested for encephalitis. Fuck this bullshit.

  23. Never been an antivaxxer, I’ve had three different covid vaccines and supported lockdown but over the last year found the lack of transparency around the origin of the virus and the labelling of the BMJ report critical of Pfizer, FDA and contractors for running the trials as misinformation by Facebook as very troubling,

    as well as Fauci being up to his neck in gain-of-function testing.

    Adding these to the habits of Prof Neil Ferguson, PPE U -turns, and the Partygate with cunts like Sajid Javid screaming at people over twitter to not question the vaccine, it paints a very dark picture of how this pandemic has been handled.

    • More tin foil hat absolute bullshit.
      But still a little bit less than the absolute mass propaganda spouted on every single piece of media.

      • Your are right about it being tinfoil hat bullshit.
        Some people will believe any old shit.

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