My Truth vs THE Truth

The wokes love their psychobabble and nonsensical bollocks which they inflict onto wider society and one which fizzes my shit and have seen being used with depressing regularity is the illogical “my truth”.

It is used as a way of stating someone’s opinion or personal experience and presenting it as an unarguable position that cannot be contradicted because its MY truth. People should of course have their own opinions, views, ideas and concepts but there is only THE truth and that is not arbitrary or subjective and be interpreted to suit a personal narrative. Just look at the fucking mess we are in regarding pronouns and gender and losing the ability to communicate clearly and precisely what you mean.

Express Link

Meghan Markle and her ginger poodle spilled their guts over their truth to Opera Winfrey last year, of course it wasn’t challenged or questioned, scrutinized in any way because thinly veiled accusations of racism and bullying trump facts especially the hot topics of race, sexism and gender and an arse crawling sycophantic host like Winfrey.

Maybe Piers Morgan should have interviewed them.

PM – “I want the truth!”

MM – “You can’t handle the truth!”.

Nominated by: Liberal Liquidator

78 thoughts on “My Truth vs THE Truth

  1. The internet and social media is a relatively new thing and it has fucked people up, big time.

    Every cunt now seems to have an oversized ego and doesn’t want to lose face or ever be wrong about anything. Hence this ‘My truth’ nonsense.

    Every cunt is too sensitive and we’re all too scared to be honest anymore.

    For example, 20 years ago in the pub, you could have outrageously offensive drunken conversations. More for humourous reasons than actually really meaning what you’re saying. I look back on some of the rants I and few others had around a pub table 20 or so years ago and wonder what would happen now? Now, you’re always wary of some cunt filming you and posting it on Arsebook, costing you your job and maybe your freedom itself.

    But the truth is the truth. If someone ever demands that I call them ‘she’ when they are a man, they will be told to fuck off. I’m never having that one.

    • What they mean is The Truth is uncomfortable.
      Painful for them.
      They don’t like it.

      My Truth is a admittance of lying, of denial,
      A construct for a fantasist,
      Basically bullshit.

      It’s very American isn’t it?

      “But, but, in my Truth it was safe to let the dog drive!”

      • ‘It was the right thing to do, attacking that statue of the person of whom I disapprove ‘.
        The juries are becoming supporters of these fantasists- that is the really worrying thing.

  2. To quote shit 90s band Extreme, there are three sides to every story: my side, your side, and the truth. Those guys were cunts too.

  3. Folk can throw around as many truths as they want,but as we’re now seeing,THE truth comes out in the end.

  4. There is some hope though.

    One mad tranny cunt got in a Yankee Professor’s face and demanded he address him as ‘they/them’ after he said ‘Thank you Sir.’ He just ignored the request and carried on giving the lecture.

    Next, the tranny freak complained to his boss and the prof got suspended without pay – until he apologised to the tranny and promised him to address him by the ‘correct’ pronouns.

    The prof set his lawyers on the uni, got reinstated and about half a million in compo and told he doesn’t need to say anything to the freak.

    Mind you, you’d probably get 10 years in blighty.

  5. Well at least if someone starts papping on about Their Truth you know they are a cunt and can be completely ignored.

  6. Instead of people worrying about climate change and running out of oil the real concern should be the accelerating regression of people to a state of complete stupidity.

    It will get to a point where it is no longer possible to have an intelligent conversation or debate with anyone.

    • That’s why i don’t use Twitter or Facebook.I found most users had the IQ of a boiled egg and, since finishing school or university, had never read a book

  7. There’s only one person who knows the Truth.
    The man in the pub!
    That’s a fact, the man in the pub told me.

  8. Just another way to control the god damn narrative by left wing freaks who are in denial of reality.

    About time this bullshit is stamped out once and for all and anyone denying the truth gets locked up in a fucking straight jacket.

    I’ve had enough of these weirdos and benders telling me what I can and cannot say. They can all get royally fucked by some truth serum and hard cold facts……….

  9. Alex Jones the tinfoiled is paying the price for his truth.
    He’s got to pay nearly a $billion for saying that the Sandy Hook shooting was a government hoax.

    The daft cunt.

    • I bet he nearly shat his skeleton out when that amount was read to him.
      Silly fat nasty cunt. ?

      • Morning GJ?

        You’d of thought so wouldn’t you?
        But no.
        He’s going on about other school shootings!!

        One of the families who’s kid got shot said,
        Conspiritards pissed on the grave of their 7yr old son.
        And the daughter got numerous rape threats.
        All by loons who believed Alex’s Truth.

        The fat mental cunt.

      • Morning Mis.?
        The additional grief and trouble that fat cunt put the victims families through transcends a monetary penalty, however stratospheric the amount.
        He is probably begging for cash from his retarded followers as we speak, who will see the case as the government silencing him rather than justice.
        Being someone’s bitch in jail would be far better

    • Considering Mr Jones allegedly has between £5 million to £40 million to his name (depending on what anybody wants to believe and who really gives a fuck) then demanding such a gargantuan sum of money from him that can probably never realistically be paid is just a load of hyperbolic bollocks.

      Clown World ?

      • Orwell remained what he termed a “democratic socialist” to the end of his life.
        1984 could just as easily be applied to the authoritarian Right as to the Left.
        Nowadays he would probably find himself politically homeless.

  10. This is the same as those mad cunts who think all women should be automatically believed if they accuse some bloke of rape or assault.

    Because women can never be vindictive or lie, of course.

    Remember the shit over that Kavanagh bloke in America? Becomes a big Republican Party fella and some lefty tart says he raped her 30 or so years ago.

    The ‘evidence’ was a dream the woman had. All her mates at the time of the alleged rape said it never happened.

    She should’ve been jailed.

    But she wasn’t even charged and the poor man had his name and career tarnished forever by the cunt media.

  11. A nom so apposite to our times. Many years ago I used regularly to drive past St Chad’s cathedral in Birmingham where a huge sign was displayed; “The catholic truth society”. It always grated with me but at least you could write it off as the delusion of religious fantasists. To me the word truth like the word unique, cannot be qualified. As is pointed out above, the real problem is that this bull shit has now infected government, the police, the judiciary etc. Other cunters would have seen the recent edition of “Question Time” when Robert Winston pointed out that you cannot change your sex and Fiona Bruce, Oxbridge educated and fluent in French and Italian, disageed.

    Excellent nom LL. Morning all.

    • Fiona Bruce is on over 400k a year.

      She knows she’d be pissing that down the drain had she not challenged that truth. And she wouldn’t be getting any more decent job offers afterwards.

      Not defending it, but we are in clown world. For 400k a year I might’ve grabbed the bloke by the throat and demanded he apologise to all tranny freaks.

      But in all seriousness, what was a ridiculous scene in the Life of Brian just 43 years ago, is now our ‘reality’ it seems

  12. And Harry’s truth will be that his tart will divorce him once she’s drained him dry. She’ll follow this with a tell all book about life among the royal family. Might even play herself in a TV series or film.

    She’ll make him look a right cunt.

    I’d put my left nut on it.

    • So she’ll make him look exactly what he is. All the choices he had and just look what he picked.

      • Oh, she’ll divorce him. Sure as shit.
        But I have no sympathy for the ginger poodle. He sold his family out, and all for a piece of D-List gutter trash minge. He could have been hammering Pippa Middleton’s arse, and he picks the Markle Creature. The cunt is stupid beyond belief….

  13. I’ve stood in Court and uttered the “”I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.” with an earnest look on my face and then proceeded to tell the most outrageous pack of lies…my trouble is that I get carried away and almost,at that moment, believe what I’m spouting.

    Trouble is that many people carry it on in everyday life and totally convince themselves that what they say really is the truth.

    • I find miming a ‘Pinocchio nose’ after saying the ‘whole truth and nothing but the truth’ in court, doesn’t go down too well with the judge.

      • I found,to my cost, that peppering my evidence with “fucking”,”pisspots” “pushbikers” and “Cunts” isn’t too well received either.

      • Outrageous miscarriage of fucking Justice…that’s what it was…I’ve half a mind to appeal to The Court of Human Rights and get Amnesty International involved.

  14. And some truths are untenable nowadays.

    Crime statistics and links to IQ, for example. Try discussing that at a university! You used to be able to. Loads of papers and books on this topic pre 2000.

    Just blame honky and shut the fuck up is the truth there now though. Even trying to look into it is seen as ‘trouble making’.

    What if it’s true though?

  15. It is the Internet that carries so much bullshit. Corporations, government etc believe that what they read on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram is representative of the general public ‘s thoughts and feelings. It is not, it is the perception of the left and if you disagree with it you become a victim of cancel culture.

    • It does make me laugh that people working in the media are so lazy and stupid that they think the opinion of blue-haired mutants on Twitter is a ‘source’ for their pointless stories.
      I’d kill myself rather than write for clickbait sites like Buzzfeed or the Mail Online.

  16. Narcissism, relativism and postmodernism in one egocentric statement. It sums up the woke perfectly.

    Just a shame our pathetic justice system now abide by this sort of infantile nonsense when a professional victim shouts ‘racist’ or ‘phobe’. No independent evidence is required.

    • If I could tear myself away from the full length mirror installed in my altar I’d become a narcissist.

      And I’d be the best looking, highest achieving narcissist in the universe.

      And all the birds would fancy me then❤️

  17. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987

    What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen sparrow?

  18. on truth there is involves a deep hole in the ground, a bag of lime, a rope, some concrete and a 12 inch dildo

  19. Facts and Truth, can it be proved beyond any doubt, if yes then there is no argument but if it contradicts ‘my truth’ and enough people believe my truth then it is true regardless of the fact it contradicts the actual truth.

    The ability to hold two completely opposing views and believe both to be true, the law says that a gender recognition certificate is true, a fact. Biology confirms that it isn’t possible to change sex, man to woman or reverse, fact.
    A man in a wig, ‘I am a woman’, A woman with the words ‘Woman, adult human female’ on a T shirt.
    One of these two is stating the truth, the other my truth, both are true only because the truth can be changed to suit the ideology.

    I can see My Truth replacing The Truth, the Jury in the Colston 4 proved that beyond any doubt.

    • The judge is equally to blame. He/she has the power to reject perverse verdicts of a jury, and chose not to.

      • Is it not the case that the Home Secretary can overturn perverse verdicts? Or does that apply only to too lenient sentences?

      • It’s more about the fact that ‘My Truth’ was believed by the jury rather than the factual truth.

        The appeal court judge concluded that it was a violent act but the cunts are still not guilty, what a joke.

  20. Off topic, television just showed Liz Truss walking to the Range Rover. Those tits have the most beautiful bounce….. I think I’m becoming obsessed.

    • Well suck my stump.
      I looked for pics of the young Liz, expecting to see something fairly tidy.
      I was wrong, she’s more shagworthy today than she ever was.
      That Huge O’Really must have seen something in her though.
      Probably gave him a great gobble.

      • Truss was horrible then and she’s horrible now. When she did her now infamous ‘abolish the monarchy’ tantrum for the Liberals (party hopping little slag), she looked like a snotty spoiled brat from a Cadbury’s Fudge commercial.

  21. I haven’t checked but in effect the HS has absolute power because he/she can grant full pardons or refuse to release those on life sentences etc.

  22. Truth 2022, whatever pack of bullshit and bollocks a person or persons can come up with to improve their or the group they belong to’s standing in the community, In the battle for finite resources every little advantage helps.
    My truth means fuck all unless it is the logical truth which in this case never is.
    The word has almost no value now apart from an indicator of bullshit ahead and a likely guest slot on some wankstain chatshow As a cunter wrote in an earlier post (paraphrase) “Truth can be hurty”

  23. Just like that corrosive little turd who brought Yorkshire County Cricket Club into deep shit with his still unsubstantiated shit stirring antics. We still only have his word for it, yet the likes of the BBC and the Grauniad believed he was telling the truth without question. Same goes for the Megain Mantis. It appears now that people of -cough – colour are suddenly incapable of lying.

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