Morgan Trowland is a Fucking Cunt
This beardy Civil Engineer from London is responsible for the closure of the Dartford Crossing with his breathtakingly selfish Just Stop Oil protest. For those who are not aware, this wanker and a friend (a Teacher apparently) have scaled the cable stays and have strapped themselves to them, resulting in the closure of the bridge crossing.
MSM reports are now saying the closure of the bridge crossing will be “for the foreseeable”. S137 of the Highways Act 1980 confirms the following Penalty for wilful obstruction:
“If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way wilfully obstructs the free passage along a highway he is guilty of an offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 51 weeks or a fine or both.”
Once these cunts are in a condition where hospitalisation is the only option, they should be given 51 week sentences, with no reprieve and each fined £250,000 as a small offering to the millions of pounds of financial losses suffered, through transport delays resulting from their egotistical cuntery.
Personally I’d shoot the cunts where they are suspended and let the crows peck at their sorry remains.
I am a Civil Engineer too, but I like to think I am not a cunt like Trowland and his chum. Yes, the world needs to reduce its dependency on oil, but this is really not helpful in any way, shape or form.
Construction Enquirer News Link
The cunt should have any professional qualifications revoked by the Engineering Council (assuming he is professionally qualified), as he has failed to meet the requirements, i.e.:
Engineering professionals should:
• act in a reliable and trustworthy manner
• be alert to the ways in which their work and behaviour might
affect others and respect the privacy, rights and reputations of
other parties and individuals
Engineering professionals have a duty to obey all applicable laws
and regulations and give due weight to facts, published standards
and guidance and the wider public interest.
They should:
hold paramount the health and safety of others and draw
attention to hazards
What else can I add – oh, did I say that Trowland is a complete and utter selfish, shitstain?
Fuck off.
Nominated by: Paul Maskinback
And talking of “Just Stop Oil” here’s one from CuntyMort
Just stop oil. Today two of these eco loonies climbed up the Dartford crossing closing the road for eight fucking hours. What the fuck is wrong with these cunts? It is now the time to lock up these fucking wankers for a meaningful length of time. Plod should have given the cunts ONE warning then shot the tossers off the supports.
It is about fucking time XR Just stop Oil and any other eco loonies were made illegal organisations.
Being a civil engineer, he should know that the ‘climate crisis’ has been engineered by the media and international organisations to make people in the western world more comfortable with being worse off.
Do my eyes deceive me, or does that cunt look like one of the modern parents out of Viz?
You have to hand it to the spokescunts for this mob of unparalleled failures at life. they actually manage to keep a straight face when spewing bullshit statements like “The majority of the British public support us’.
Someone is clearly confusing the word ‘support’ with ‘have a pathological hatred for’.
A play straight out of the Joseph Goebbels playbook.
Yes, a dead ringer for Malcolm from the Modern Parents. Well spotted.
Being a CEng myself, I agree completely. But I doubt that he is a “civil engineer”. But no matter what he does in engineering, as Cuntamus says, he should have clocked the false narratives of the ‘climate crisis’.
Nope, he’s just a dozy, tree-hugging cnut who should have been left there to rot. Can anyone explain just how he was obstructing traffic up there? Rubber-neckers perhaps? What am I missing?
I’m sure it wasn’t him causing the disruption, it was the authorities applying their usual over-the-top H&S shit. But if they are going to develop such an incident, the least they can do is ensure the fucking twat suffers a really painful come-uppance.
Looking at the gay bastard I don’t think he’s capable of siring a child.
I bet his beard smells of shit.
I don’t see why 2 bearded bastards strapped to a bridge should stop the traffic. 2 fat people won’t affect the structural integrity much. Carry On Driving!
When the cunts get hungry they’ll come down then Birch them. That’s environmentally friendly.
Stop the oil in their skin by ceasing their biological functions. Permanently. When we snuff it we all go that way anyway it just takes a few million years.
What happened in Germany when the cunts glued themselves down in the VW showroom? They left them there all night in the cold and dark. Police ARRESTED them in the morning without asking if they needed anything.
Best bit the fucking psychos complained it was cold and dark in the night…..
They wanted to turn on the oil fired heating but VW workers said “keep it real protesters”
Morgan the organ is symptomatic of just stop oil.
A preachy cunt who does something to inconvenience hundreds of other people in the name of the cause.
Not even from here!
A fuckin mitmot from NZ.
He should of been removed by force,
And served time then deported.
I guess these wankers saw how easy it was to drag two pricks off the top of a tube train and get beaten half to death and thought…. maybe we should go higher this time.
It says a lot about these eco-wankers when they fear the wrath of the people they are provoking more than they fear gravity. Uh…… hello??? You don’t have to fear either! Just go about your business, stop being a cunt and you’ll be fine.
Bridge closed incase the cunts fell onto traffic ? They were more secure than the fucking bridge !
Are these cunts really so thick and uninformed?
Nearly all product materials are derived from oil: plastics, solvents, paints, petrol, deisel, paraffin etc.
Perhaps they sould prefer their laptops and smart phone cases to be made out of ivory or exotic hardwoods or use bear grease to lubricate their pushbikes.
Utter, utter immature CUNTS!
Oh another thing, these cunts should be classed as terrorists and shot.
Maybe we could have a section for People deserving medals and award them one every time they annoy a cunt??? I’d like to give a medal please to the hero that fired the fireworks at these cunts WELL DONE YOU LEGEND
Read about nine of these cunts who glued themselves to the floor of a car showroom in Germany. The staff just switched off the lights and heating and left them there all night.
They weren’t happy. ???
they actually requested BOWLS to shit in…when the VW staff stopped laughing they said NAHHH shit yourself losers
It’s not a very diverse group, these protesters. They’re whiter than the audience at Glastonbury.
Perhaps they should attend a few diversity courses and suspend their actions until they achieve an acceptable quota of non white activists.
The Forth Bridge is continually being painted by painters less secure than the cunts chained to the Dartford Crossing. Have a guess which one was the busiest.
I would have got this cunt and his mate off that bridge in 20 seconds flat, just a little getting my eye in and adjust my rifle sight.
Once these cunts have been picked off, grease to cables on the bridge to stop these useless fucks climbing it, a bit like one of those squirrel proof bird feeders.
That gives me an idea, it would be even easier to spray the fuckers with Wd40 until they just fall off the bridge, that would make their( just stop oil protest) a real experience for these cunts, not to mention entertaining for us…. The one in the red jacket for my next deadpool nom….
Could use these cunts to ‘plug the oil,’ next time a tanker runs aground.
Me time groups like these Oil of Olay types need a proper fukin up.
My suggestion is something like ,wait for them to glue themselves to the road, and run over with buckets full of superglue and pour library over each of the cunts just to make sure there stuck.
Quickly get rid of ones stop oil sings and clothing and disperse back into the crowd and get the fuck out of there before the ? turn up.
It would be a scene frozen in time in a matter of seconds
buckets of iced water over their heads let them freeze for a few hours
I’ve nicknamed the two climbing comedians, Stain & Oily.
These are just modern day religious fanatics. There is no logic in their zealotry, they just push nonsense.
Pity our fucking useless cops dont sort them.
Soon as I saw the oil based waterproof clothing I guessed it was a bearded cunt. Maybe we could have a section for People deserving medals and award them one every time they fuck off a cunt??? I’d like to give a medal please to the hero that fired the fireworks at these cunts WELL DONE YOU LEGEND
Cunt. Like the fireworks idea, but what about drones to deliver dogshit, angry wasps etc? Or play the Nolan sisters greatest hits on a continuous loop until he feels such despair at the pathetic futility of his existence that he is driven to step off and meet Satan, his lord and master. We could run a sweep on how many bones he would fracture, the small bones in hands and feet are difficult to break so the figure might be less than you think. 110 is my guess. Sending angry chimpanzees up to bite his face off is the only language the likes of him understand.
In related news I have just drawn a picture of a bearded middle eastern gentleman enjoying sexual congress with a goat as a small girl looks on. When the thought police come to investigate the hate crime I shall pretend it represents the Saudi crown prince, and not any false prophets, living or dead. Not much of an artist, I could get away with saying it depicts Elton John’s lovely husband having an orgy in a paddling pool with baby oil, but that’s too far fetched for anyone to believe.
People like this are helping to destroy the planet. When they block roads, they cause huge queues of traffic sitting there burning fuel – if they want the air con on when it’s hot or the heating on when it’s cold, they’re gonna keep the engine running. They’re keeping cars on the road for longer. Cars that would have been home or to work hours ago if not for these cunts.
Not only that, the cunt that shut the Dartford Crossing, stopped HGVs carrying 75 tons worth of deliveries of Biomass fuels to power plants. Meaning more oil and gas would be needed to make up the difference in power generation.
Ok, sure let’s say something needs to be done to save the planet, but these guys are going the wrong way about it. Yes our government is corrupt and greedy and care more about the money in their pockets than the planet. Hence they approve bills to drill for new oils when they have stakes and dividends in companies that do such things. But they’re not going to listen to these people just by being pissed off by them. All they’ll do is throw them in prison. And these people are helping to kill the planet with these protests for no real results other than a criminal record, so they need a new strategy of protest. Petitions, debate, anything else.
Not only this, they’re not even hurting the members of parliament. Do they really think this will affect the people in power? People who are driven about with police escorts, who can just use the hard shoulder whenever they like? The majority of which live in London and probably just get the trains everywhere anyway. This is more going to hurt ordinary people. And if they want to fight the government on this climate issue, they’re going to need the help of ordinary people. They’re not going to get that by stopping emergency services in their work, people trying to get to funerals or even simple things like people trying to get home from work to see their kids before it’s their bed times. People won’t sign petitions for these cunts if they don’t support them. They really need a new strategy. Stupid thick cunts!