Money For Nothing (BBC TV Show)

I feel the need to cunt Money for Nothing tv show starring Sarah Moore and her entourage of freaks.

Consider the following scenario , you have just arrived at your local dump and are offloading what you (and 99% of the population) know is total and utter shit. i.e. is worth fuck all.
Along comes a posh bint with a Mong0l haircut ( whom the narrator, the already cunted Arfur Smiff ) describes as an entrepreneur who asks your permission to take the crab-infested piss-stained mattress off your hands because she thinks that bits of it can be recycled “for a profit”

She will take said piece of worthless crap (hence why it’s in the dump!) and send it to some of her “exceptionally gifted “ colleagues who will use their exceptional abilities to make into useful items that everyone admires.

The cunts that she sends the crap to are a bunch of Creative Art /design school failures that are unemployable in the real world with silly names like Rupert,Ollie,Horse,Simeon.There’s even a blind wood-turner ffs.

Somehow one of these “craftsmen” manages to use the fabric from the pissy mattress to make a bunch of “chic” handbags which are either “snapped up by a private buyer” or purchased by the owner of a “vintage” clothing shop in an obscure part of the country.
The profit made from recycling the piece of shit (inevitably a ridiculously substantial amount) is then given to the cunt that dumped the item in the first place.

Sarah Moore,who’s vocabulary is dominated by words like “fantastic” and “amazing” must have an extensive network of people with mental health issues who actually buy this crap.
She even has a go at up cycling with her extensive toolkit comprising a bent screwdriver and a blunt saw.

I forgot to mention that there used to be a female-to-male trannny called EJ as one of the other presenters, as well as that notable furniture restorer Jay Blades whose “skills” amount to repainting an old chair but with a really clever and edgy twist in that he paints one of the legs a different colour. Wow!

You couldn’t make it up. Actually you can because it’s the BBC.
(Link kindly provided by our resident handyman, Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: cuntator

61 thoughts on “Money For Nothing (BBC TV Show)

  1. Havent seen it but assume the selling end comes under ‘I saw you coming’ somewhere in London.

  2. Being a bit of a hoarder myself, I often find any excuse to visit my local tip. And when no one is looking, I have often descreatly bagged up some goodies, then sold some of them on later, usually at my local. As they say “One mans rubbish, is another mans treasure.”

    • They get well funny about that down our ‘recycling centre’. I was threatened with a ban for leaving for more than I came in with once.

  3. It just amazes me that people will cough up for such a load of old toot. Usually iin the Cotswolds, or Chelsea. I bet the blind wood-turner made that evil Chancellor dummy (not Adolf!).

    • Yeah Jeremy Cunt does have the look of a ventriloquists dummy.

      Jay Blades used Money for Nothing as training for being allowed to sweep the floor on the Repair Shop.

  4. Sarah Moore walks like she learnt to from a book.
    Disjointed limbs and bouncing about.

    She used to go scratting about on the top in Bredbury but if the likes of me do it you get kicked off.
    One rule for the rich another for the poor.☹️

    The craftsmen are all wokey hipster types
    Right rip off cunts.

    Ones a upholsterer called Simeon ?

    A delivery bloke in Stockport told me he had to deliver to Simeon at Pear Mill Stockport (it’s got a big pear on it)
    Where he has his workshop.

    Delivery driver – ” can I see Simeon please?”

    Simeon ” have you got a appointment?
    I only see people by appointment”

    Delivery driver –
    “No, look luv, I’ve got a delivery in the van for you, you either sign for it or it goes back to the manufacturer,
    What’s it to be?”

    Simeon sheepishly
    ” I’ll sign for it”

  5. The comedy value when the piece of tat is up cycled by adding so much stuff they may as well have just stared from scratch.

    All the shit is either sold online to some twat who wants to impress ‘friends’ with a connection to the stupid show or as stated goes to a shop with ‘I saw you coming’ over the door.

    BBC at its useless best, 100 years old, I think it’s time for the scrap heap.

    • They have a female blacksmith called Bex.
      Hyper as fuck.
      Sarah will bring her some bit of shite.
      Bex dead enthusiastic will say

      ” I’ll make you a table and two Bench’s out of it,
      Say a grand?”

      Sarah innocently hands over a grand.

      When she comes to pick it up, just a bench no table or other bench.

      Bex unenthusiastically

      “Yeah couldn’t do it”.

      • EJ has apparently died. At least they could scrounge a knackered wardrobe and turn it into a coffin.

        Its what he/she/it would have wanted.

      • LL,
        That Bex the blacksmith caused a argument between me an Mrs Miserable.

        We was watching an I said

        “She’s a fuckin loony”

        Missus stuck up for her!

        “Don’t be tight!
        You think everyone on telly’s a mental,
        She’s just creative,
        Don’t be so harsh ”

        So I googled Bex.

        ‘Living with bipolar by Bex’ is her only book out.

        Knew it.
        Spot em a mile off.

  6. This non made me laugh, hard. I completely agree with everything that is said, I once had the misfortune of seeing this show. It’s just as shit as homes under the hammer, where every sandy taj wants to become a property magnate. The shit that BBC puts out is unreal.

  7. A programme made by cunts, for cunts with the mentality of half a peanut, possibly.
    Millions of whom now infest this once illustrious and influential nation.
    To paraphrase Jesus and William Blake: “The infantilised cunts will inherit Jerusalem, in England’s green and pleasant land.”

  8. She turns up at someone’s house who never invite her over the doorstep, with a massive £50 profit.

    She scrounged the stuff from a recycling center in Birmingham, took in to some ‘artisan’ in Cornwall where she had to visit again to pick it up when ready before delivering it to a trendy shop in Glasgow to be sold.

    She doesn’t take into account the fuel costs before calculating the ‘profit’.

    Typical BBC cheap daytime shit.

    • I thought that.
      350mile round trip ,
      Not to figured fuel and delivery time into it.

      Her fuckin annual tax report must be more creative than Jack the Cunters!!

      • About the same as Bargain Hunt, where the auctioneer appears to charge fuck all commission.
        Mind you the daft twat contestants buy from dealers so they’re on a loser to begin with…

  9. Come winter us plebs will all be looking in skips and bins.
    Ps fuck the BBC I hope their almond milk curdles..

  10. Middle class woke lefty liberal,


    Along with Jay ” does fuck all” blades.

    Always reminds me of some blokes I worked with, used to flit from job-job and claimed all the credit when the gaffers turned up.


    • I should be on this show.

      I represent the working classes of this country.

      I can rip off the gullible as good as any Crispin or Oliver.

      I’d add authenticity to the show .

      I can paint a chair leg orange.

      I can overcharge and not deliver as promised.

      I haven’t a expensive leather pinny,
      But I’ve got some sheepskin undercrackers.

  11. I particularly like the episodes whereby she gets a few bits of wood off some old grumbler at the tip…..takes it to a master carpenter who is tasked to make a table out of it, but only uses 10% of it in the production of a handmade bespoke table for which he wants £1200 quid for making and she rocks up at the original old grumblers house and says ‘I thought you would like to see what I’ve had done with your load of old wood’

    …old guy then struggles to actually see any of his original wood in the construction, and is then told ‘I haven’t sold it yet, but when I do I will be back with some cash for you’

    Table, then either never sold, or sold at less than cost to build.


  12. I’m not onboard with this cunting sorry.

    I fuckin love this show!!
    I’ve just decided.

    It’s my only real exposure to middle class crime.

    They should twin it with Rogue Traders and arrest fuckin Simeon and Bex the blacksmith at the end of the show.

    And I’m a big fan of rooting on the tip and bin dipping.

  13. Funny she only goes to dumps is posh areas, such as Altrincham and Surrey. If she went to a rough place she’d be told to fuck off.

  14. I bet it’s all about ‘sustainability’ and green recycling bollocks.

    “Oh Jemima, dahling. That handcrafted lamp is to die for.”

    “Yes. It is, isn’t it? We got it crafted by a traditional local craftsman out of recyclable items that people, probably common, threw away. The local tip was only an hour’s drive in my new Range Rover. Of course, we had to make a few return visits. Sometimes we left with nothing if common people were around. And yes, the table only cost us 15 thoisand poinds in the end, but it’s the thought that counts. Mmmmwah!’

    • They sound like the sort of Jonty and Jemima Hampstead wankers that buys Drew Pritchards stuff from Salvage Hunters. Just don’t mention the thousands of miles he does every year chugging away in his van all over the country. Here you go Jonty, an 18th century antique cock ring from a country house in the west country, they don’t make like that anymore.

      • Now that short arse Welsh shiester really does piss me off.

        The way he rips people off is a fucking disgrace…how clever am I type, no wonder some took a pop at him in a local taff watering hole….?

      • The marks must feel utterly humiliated when the programme airs and they see how much the slippery little tyke ripped them off for.

      • Drew: I’m sorry, there’s not enough in this for me. Fifty quid?

        Later in show when they are unloading their booty and taking pics with Milo in every shot –


        Robbing diminutive cunt.

  15. It’s typical BBC: Cheap to make, Woke as fuck, Effnic and supporting minorities and da community. There is no reason why quality items shouldn’t be reused. It saves materials and brings them up to modern standards but I hate it when they destroy something by making it into something it is not. My mum had a beautiful display cabinet that nobody wants any more. We’re loathed to throw it out but I don’t want someone to turn it into a gin cabinet.

    Sarah Moore is like the special needs sister of Fiona Bruce, resembling Evil Edna from Chorlton and The Wheelies. Arthur Smith pretending he is Sid James narrating the shite. I feel sorry for EJ – he died in 2020. I don’t mind Jay Blades but I think other people in The Repair Shop do the hard work.

    My dad described it as, “That lassie that rakes about in bins”.

  16. I’d love to see what they’d make of what I usually take to the tip.
    Mainly grass and shrub clippings.
    I’m sure they’d manage summat, artisan collages probably.
    A programme made by cunts, presented by cunts, for cunts.
    And funded by the biggest one of all, the licence payer.

  17. Nothing much new here. The great citizens of Liverpool have been flogging on other peoples stuff for years. Most of them don’t bother with the local tip and just take unwanted stuff from peoples houses. Although the owners didn’t know it was unwanted originally.
    Cuts out the middle man and saves burning fuel on unnecessary trips to the local recycling centre.
    How’s about that for sustainability!

  18. I’d let her have a rummage ….she looks like she’d be an enthusiastic and athletic fuck prepared to climb on top and do all the work… something to consider if you prefer early evening delight but are prone to heartburn and wind if gyrating too soon after dining.

  19. I think I saw the blind wood turner on a best gore video, he went round & round & round till his head came off…should be compulsory

    • They had two good tradesmen on.
      A white working class carpenter called Norman,-gone.
      A Scottish blacksmith who needed a wash but was brilliant -gone.

      All wokies and um bongos masquerading as craftsmen.

      Get fucked Crispin .
      Same for you Deshawn.?

  20. You’ve summed up this programme perfectly well, that I’ll safely never set eyes on it. That’s the beauty of isacunt. Friends warning others from a fate worse than death.

  21. The ultimate modern woke BBC freakshow in a nutshell. These cunts will put on and employ any old shit. A channel for and featuring deviants and weirdos. Their endorsement and protection of Savile is only the thin end of the wedge, I reckon that the BBC will be glorifying ‘Joe Ronces’ on air within ten years or so.

    NeverEnders is another BBC dead duck that is still stinking the place out. That fat pisspot bald cunt – Phil Mitchell – is now over 60, yet he still wins every feud, every punch up, and is still the king of the ‘manor’. Even heavy gangster types can’t beat him. Utter bollocks.

    And let’s not even start with Doctor Whoke. A squealing tart is being replaced by a black poove. Absolutely finished.

  22. It’s an appalling program, but not as bad as Homes Under the Hamster, that truly is the absolute dregs. And Sarah Moore is a minger.

  23. Utterly dire programme as is much on the idiot lantern now. The stuff that gets ahem recycled and DOESN’T go to landfill is shameful now, the cunts that work in these gift shops snaffle up the good stuff themselves without ever offering it to bicycle repair man or some such genius. Greedy snooty cunts.

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