Lizzo (2) – Who the Fucko?

What a stupid fucking heffer of a bitch!

In the New York Post on October 11th 2022 Lizzo said of her “crossover” success, “I don’t make music for white people”.

Well it’s a good job your music is bollocks awful Lipo and I don’t want to listen to it you vile looking repugnant lard squeezed into an outfit mother fucker!

New York Post

Nominated by: David Jackson

123 thoughts on “Lizzo (2) – Who the Fucko?

  1. A bit of an oddity this thing, but her song called juice is a cracker. So maybe not 100% cunt just her vast majority. Of fanny as those crazy septics say.

  2. Looks like Guy the Gorilla after a visit to Ann Summers.

    Just as well she doesn’t want white people listening to her music. I doubt any white people want to listen.

    • Modern black music isn’t even that though, it’s not actual music.
      Apart from Michael Jackson, they haven’t produced any decent music since the days of Fat Larry’s Band.

      • Agree with you there Thomas. Most modern black music is just gangster doggerel. Bring back Barry White.

      • Almost all of Stevie Wonder’s stuff up to ‘Hotter Than July’ and the early Sugarhill records (Grandmaster Flash, Melle Mel etc). Everything after that is bollocks. Apart from De La Soul’s ‘Three Feet High And Rising’, of course.

        And Jacko after ‘Thriller’ was a busted flush.

      • You have made me get on up on the good foot while playing “ Bus Stop “ by the Fatback Band ??????

  3. She doesn’t make pussy for black men, now we know why like David Lammy, Lenny Henry and most gimmegrants they chase white tail.

  4. For all the comments, of which I thoroughly recommend by the way, I suspect some cunters have had a quick shuffle over her nom picture this morning,

    You know who you are you degraded bunch of degenerates ?

  5. Couldn’t agree more, David (and welcome to IASC by the way).

    We get these fat women in our facess all the time these days, and especially black ones. I was on Deansgate in Manchester City Centre last week. And what did I see on the advertising billboards? Fat black women in their underwear. A proper Diane Abbott job. Fucking repulsive, and enought to put you off your lunch. And when I got to Market Street? Even more fat black women on advert stands. Apparently, in this woke era, fat cunts are supposed to be celebrated. I remember when companies used glamour and attractive women to sell and advertise things. But that’s yet anothet thing that is now ‘not OK’ and verboten. Beautiful women are now all but banned from modern advertising and fashion publications.

    Ugliness – like the deviants that infest LGBTQ – is now ‘beautiful’, or so they tell us. Just like the abnormal is now normal. Just look at how many of those weird looking drag queens now infest the television. There was even one on Blankety Blank for fuck’s sake. These demented woke fanatical fascists want things like Page 3 (which is just nice looking women with nice tits) banned. Yet they think it’s acceptable to have a fat fucking lardarse with next to nothing on in our faces? Get to fuck.

    • Couldn’t agree more Norman and I’ve seen those very same ads.

      Do you remember the Gillette razor advertising campaign that told us men to be ashamed of ourselves for unanimously being bigots and belittling wimminz? Better known as ‘toxic masculinity’.

      Well if you want to bust your business there’s no better way of going about it by demeaning your target audience.

      At the time the lying plastic cunt CEO said sales hadn’t been affected but P&G’s accounts showed a decline of 7% in market share.

      Somehow I can’t help but think showing big fat mamma’s in your Grandma’s knickers won’t endear even the most woke of millennials.

      • Stoped using Gillette years ago. Double edge is much cheaper than those kids razors. I use feather blades, which last ages and are super sharp. Gillette can fuck off.

      • Same here, I have thick beard hair and Gillette etc go blunt quickly so switched up to a real double-edged razor with a pack of blades.

  6. What I found saddening about this, apart from the whole ‘body positivity’ crap that tries to make being unhealthily overweight and the associated health ramifications, is that she is actually a very talented musician. Not that you would get that from the shite she churns out.
    Reconnect with your dignity, get on a diet, and use your talent to make some real music!

    • Too right, Gutstick. These cunts are basically telling kids it’s not OK to eat junk food and drink high sugar pop. Yet they then tell kids it’s OK to be a fat cunt and that it’s ‘beautiful’ to be a fat lardarse. Typical woke hypocrisy and mixed messages. They are saying now that it’s not good to look glamourous or attractive. Yet it’s OK to look fat and ugly. If that is the world and culture advancing, then God fucking help us….

    • @GJ

      Very valid point.

      Unfortunately, as we all know at Isac, with a lot of modern music, the worse it is, the greater the sales and the fame.

      If she’d focused on utilizing her talent and slimming down she’d probably be unheard of.


    • Music for blacks only on a WHITE president’s flute. She should stick to the fucking bongos

  7. At first glance I thought that the cunt in the pic was wearing a comedy fat-suit.
    Fuck off and take your malodorous natal cleft with you!

  8. Now, if some bugger had said ‘I don’t make music for black people’, we would hear the ‘racist’ sirens and the ‘outrage’ for miles.?

    Just like the despicable Sophie Duker and her ‘Kill Whitey’ remarks, it’s only ‘OK’ when they do it. Fucking hypocritical black cunts.☹

    • As a completely tone deaf cunt who can’t play any instruments I can state in all honesty that I don’t make music for blacks. FUCK EM

    • Nah let the cunt explode from diabetes, I’ll buy her a treble cheeseburger to help, good riddance

  9. I bet she has the poor chigguns scrabbling and running for their life when her Mr Staypuft-esque frame looms into view.

    Colonel Sanders’ very best customer.

  10. Now I know what David Lammy looks like cross dressing.

    Don’t let the Japs see it, they’ll try and Harpoon it.

  11. She actually does make music for white people alot of them 70% of her fans at least all the libtards who buy her music but what’s even worse is she stole Ian Anderson’s bad flute playing act from Jethro Tull

  12. If she doesn’t make music for ‘wypepo’, then why the fuck was this Jabba impersonator at Glastonbury a couple of years ago, wobbling and quivering it’s gelatinous arse all over the stage? I was just glad smell-ovision hasn’t been invented. *retch* *heave*

    Don’t bite the hand that feeds, fatty (although in her case it may do her the world of good).

  13. I pity the poor cunt who has to mop the stage floor after her sweating stinking minge has been rattling all over it.

  14. This racist thing is difficult – when browsing PornHub for “specialist” material I always, and I mean ALWAYS, skip through anything with black birds, yet I went out with a coloured lass for more than a couple of years. Admittedly she was a total fucking loon, but a babe. So, who knows, but the “around blacks never relax” mantra has totally saved me more than once. Lizzo is too “specialist” for me.

    • be honest its the whole pubes thing isn’t it, i mean its not human hair is it, its like a kind of fungus mould growth, like what grows on a pack of cathedral city you forgot at the back of the fridge

  15. Has Jane Goodall been notified about this escaped gorilla? She’d better bring in the elephant tranquilizers for this behemoth.

  16. Well guess what you fuckin fat MunKey, us White people don’t give a shiny shit for your one dimensional jungle beat capering, go and act daft in your enclosure and maybe someone will chuck you a Banana!

  17. Thankfully I’ve never heard of this fucking behemoth, but I can tell just by the pic that it’s a nasty, race baiting cunt!

  18. The thing is, these woke cunts are such liars. They will talk about how this fat choccy fuck is ‘beautiful’, and that any other fat cunt is as beautiful as any atrractive looking woman. No, they are not and they fucking know it. These libtard bellends can’t even be honest. Every cunt on Earth knows they don’t mean it.

    • True, they’ll often slip up by using a person’s actual gender when lying to co-presenters/panellists about a trans being a ‘they’.
      I saw a dim blonde tart on GB news do it about a week ago.

      Pathological liars and cunts pedaling bullshit.

  19. how the feck has she not got skin cancer from the UV light off the fridge bulb, looks like she spends a considerable amount of time in front of the fecker.
    Be another one of those bloody fat twats whose to lazy to lose weight so seeks to change society’s view of being a jelly terror, says it doesn’t bother them but deep inside they are riddled with envy and hatred for non porkers.

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