What a stupid fucking heffer of a bitch!
In the New York Post on October 11th 2022 Lizzo said of her “crossover” success, “I don’t make music for white people”.
Well it’s a good job your music is bollocks awful Lipo and I don’t want to listen to it you vile looking repugnant lard squeezed into an outfit mother fucker!
Nominated by: David Jackson
Looks to me she has been eating all her rivals..
Also it has reminded me to order that bouncy castle..
Imagine sniffing the gusset of that costume “she’s” wearing!
Jeez, why does admin always post disgusting pics with the morning noms?
Has put me right off my brekkie!
It could be that the header picture is the most flattering that Admin could find of the artiste.
On the other hand it could be that Admin is a bit of a bugger.
*eye bleach*
‘I don’t make music for white people’?
Maybe not, but you eat their share of the buffet, by the look of you, you fat trollop.
Lippo the hippo doesn’t make music for white people,
That’s ok.
I’m not a fan of formulaic R+B, and insipid hip-hop.
And don’t particularly want to see her front bum sweaty gusset dripping through her lycra outfit.
Like a 70s wrestler.
Anyway I for one hope you survive your pending heart attack,
The thought of your fat carcass in a wheelchair makes me whistle a merry ditty.
White power✋
imagine the hoo-hah if some white, irritating cunt like Ed Shithead Sheeran said “I don’t make music for black people!”
He’d be cancelled and crucified to a cross before he could say “I’m so sorr….”
I have just looked up her record producers.
Lazerbeak and Ryan Olsen.
Both white.
I suspect that most of her management team are too.
If that thing went on a diet, several underdeveloped nations would have enough to eat.
Presumably her fans and people who go to her concerts are not white? Or if they are they’re banned from entering for precisely the same reason!
Clearly whitey money is no longer needed.
Maybe the stewards at the entrance gates can be given something similar to a Duluz paint colour chart for stopping people that appear too white to enter.
It looks like a trannie Cher impersonator addicted to dripping sandwiches with cheese. Her Sarlac pit would resemble a Cazu Maru left out on a hot day.
Perhaps when she has her next concert she could insist on two separate entrances for the fans.
One marked for blacks only, one just for whites.
Of course the white people would get the worst seats in a separate part of the theatre.
Maybe she could extend this idea so that public transport bringing the audience could be ‘whites only’ and ‘blacks only’.
Of course the toilets inside the venue will be segregated too.
I may be onto something here.
I hope that nobody has tried this sort of thing before.
Fat racist
You don’t make music period. You racist munter. Fuck off and do one.
Lizzo reminds me of late soul singer Barry White.
Who she bares a uncanny resemblance to.
Shes the walress of love.
But it’s more than just her chubby looks,
Is it the pitch and cadence of her voice?
No, not that.
Is it the soulful quality when singing about love?
Her stage craft maybe?
The fact she a big fat smelly ethnic cunt who can’t wipe her own arse?
That’s it!!
Please die of a coronary dear.Fat lump.
It’s possible that the fat cunt would lose some lard if whitey boycotted her “music”.
There aren’t so many morbidly obese buskers after all.
Can almost guarantee that if white people stopped streaming ,otherwise buying her music or playing it on white owned radio, that her wealth would decrease by about 99%
Stupid cunt
Indeed, there were a couple of lads renting near me, white as the driven snow and hardworking on a local building project.
They’d come home every evening during the recent warm weather with the windows down and some drill/rap/jungle/jigaboo filth resonating from the car speakers.
Didn’t this fat fuck recently play long deceased former US president James Madison’s 200 year old crystal flute?
First time it had been heard in many a year an all.
Black privilege innit
I wouldn’t want Lizzo blowing on my flute, that’s for sure.
Might let her on the trombone.
It should have to pay tax relevant to the emissions it produces.the porky cunt.
probably the safest place on her to place your cock though
…mind you, looking at the size of her, she would probably eat it.
Another money obsessed sleb jumping on the race baiting bandwagon. Sooner or later one of those bandwagons won’t be able to hold her considerable weight and then…….no more Spazzo!
Apparently she’s a Vegan…
“She had already been vegetarian for seven years before deciding to embark on a fully plant-based diet. She announced her transition to a fully vegan diet on TikTok, sharing videos of herself making vegan Ben & Jerry’s bread, plant-based snacks for Juneteenth, and other vegan recipes”…
Dear God…just when you think that Vegans can’t get any more irritating,up pops Lizzo….the Fatfuck may not eat animals but I bet she’s been responsible for whole herds of buffalo starving to death.
No way she got that fat eating lettuce. Not only is ugly, fat, narcissistic, talentless and unhygienic, she’s a liar to boot.
Bet you could harvest enough yeast from around her sweaty clopper to make dozens of jars of marmite?
That’s vegan.
You can tell by the fact it tastes like ear wax.
Marmite is the devil’s shite.
Vegemite even bloody worse,
Gday aussies,
Cake and crisps give the vegan girls a gunt.
Judgung by the size of her I’d guess she eats Canadian Redwoods.
Unkle Terry’s going to need a deep roasting pan to catch all the juices running out of this one as she renders down….an upturned VW Beetle might do the job.
I’ve just listened to a clip of one of this land whales’ “songs” on YouTube and I’ve got news her: she doesn’t make music for White people and I’d rather listen to a jackhammer at 2 paces than one millisecond more of her talentless aural excrement. Fuck off you fat blundering waste of skin.
Vegan my arse.
If eating 30 mars bars and a multi pack of monster munch a day is vegan.
It’s not healthy to get a stitch because you blinked.
The fat idle cunt.
I’d soon get the blubber off the lardy dosser.
The Cool hand Luke workout.
“What we have here Lizzo is a failure to communicate…”
I’m shakin’ it over here boss!
A lump of lard with bits of plastic wrapping stuck to it, sizzling in the frying pan, is what you thought was music.
Whilst scrolling through on line media, I often stumble across pictures/stories of strange, deformed overweight fuck ugly creatures like this with bizarre names. Generally promoting a ‘look at me’ non story about themselves.
I’ve seen examples of a ‘Cardi B’ a ‘Kim Kardigan’ something called a ‘Megan Thee Stallion’ and a Nikita Minarge. Whatever the fuck they are.
I’ve not seen this one before, but on inspection I’d now like to see it, along with the others mentioned earlier, splashing around in the ocean with Capt’n Ahabs Whaler in close pursuit, then later after the harpoons have done their job, rendered down for lamp light fuel.
Black men must have really low standards. Both sexually and in life in general.
Who in their right mind’d want to touch one of these obese shegorillas?
None of these silly bitches is doing any to counteract the notion that sootıes are anything other than highly sexualised, brain-dead simians with zero class.
I think a lot of black men prefer the depravity of mating with a gibbon like here.
It’s the filth that rings their bell.
Morning Mr Engine. It’s an interesting question and one I have studied to some degree.
Based on my views of Porn Hub, Xhamster, Xnxx and RedTube I’d conclude the male simian v fat black land whale or slim white ‘babe’ is about 50/50… I suspect the westernised African American porn star is a little more educated about where he dips his wick, whereas the ‘umbongo come lately’ from darkest Africa clearly doesn’t mind having a go at anything. Male, female, morbidly obese……..
She’s a prominent member of the body positive movement don’t you know. Diabetes rocks and she wants everybody to have it. She’s the poster girl for premature death and everybody fawns over her for it.
Why the fuck isn’t she being called out for being an unsustainable cunt? She clearly consumes three times what she actually needs.
Horrible fat cunt with a bad attitude.
even I have a standard ? oven now!
as Billy Connolly once said, the reason why people are fat is because one hole is bigger than the other
I wondered who first said that. I often say ‘if people remembered the hole it goes in, is bigger than the one it comes out of, you would put less in to start with’…..knew I had heard something like that from someone.
With a solely vegan diet I’m not so sure of that, bog must be a masterpiece of engineering. Her farts must suffocate the audience at every concert and would blow the hinges off of uncle Tezza’s oven.
Another fat ugly cunt who’s ‘proud’ to show off their morbid obesity in revealing outfits.
Put your flab away luv, nobody wants to see it. Imagine getting stuck behind the fat twat at a carvery? In fact, ‘the carvery’ itself could do with a cunting. Brings all the fatties out.
You couldn`t get that in a corset – you`d need bailing wire.
..and a bailer
I’ve seen Belgian Blues with less “bootay”, must be all the chiggun and watermelon!
Jesus Admin, What the actual fuck? Old Cunty nearly had a coronary viewing that obese horror. Destroy it with fire at once.
I’ve seen some sights on here I could never have believed existed. All curtesy of the underdeveloped human brain, from both sides. Otherwise we wouldn’t have to suffer such tortured goings on.