A full-on cunting for this group of filthy unwashed, students and JSA middle class pultroons who are gluing themselves to roads, holding up traffic including fire engines and ambulances, and now, in addition to showing how childish they are, prove themselves to be a bunch of philistines, by damaging Van Goughs’s beautiful Sunflower painting:
It angers me that the police just watch them carring on like this – the protestors have been at it for two weeks now – comparatively few arrests. I doubt the scums benefits is stopped. If Khan hadn’t sold off those water canon Boris bought it could have all been wrapped up in a few days, as it is, they all ought to be rounded up stuck in cells and rmin there till they appear before stern magistrates who will jail them.
Nominated by: W. C., Boggs
And supported by: The Cuntfinder general
You beat me to it with this cunting.
Where to start with this bunch of bourgeois entitled cunts…… give me fucking strength…..they all look the same, dress the same, have the same incredibly punchable expressions, spout the same alarmist horse shit and share names akin to a fucking Lacrosse team. I can not begin to describe how badly I would lose my shit if these attention seeking hypocritical gobshites were to ever inconvenience me. These Cressidas, Farquars, Bluebells etc etc stir in me feelings of such ultra violence that even now I’m struggling to not go bat shit and mash up everything in my immediate vicinity.
The irony is completely fucking lost on them, these mostly privileged and privately educated pricks have enjoyed the most unsustainable lives yet now decide they want to deny every body else the chance to enjoy themselves. They suggested banning cheap short haul flights to save the planet!!!! Who the fuck do you think uses these shitty services mostly??? Its your binmen, tyre fitters, nurses, postmen etc etc ……. see a pattern emerging yet you cunts? Nope, didn’t think so. I’m alright pull the ladder up Jack
Whether its Just stop oil, Insulate Britain, XR or any other manifestation of misguided Marxist cunts hellbent on taking us back to year zero, I hate them all equally. The best thing they can do to save the planet is walk to the nearest biodigester and drown themselves in it. Utter cunts.
Cunts. Utter, utter cunts. I was on a CAT 1 call, yesterday, happened to go past the local football ground where the police were escorting the opposition fans away from the ground, in tbe road. Thought we’d be fucked so picked the mic up to talk to Despatch, but, with no prompting from the police, they parted like the Red Sea and we got through, easily with a wave of ‘Thumbs up’ from them. Also, related to the football nom, it goes against the grain of some posters of the ‘Thick’ fans.
Shame the ‘Stop Oil’ vermin aren’t so accommodating.
Can’t really add too much to these two splendid cuntings other than to say that if plod and the courts don’t get a fucking grip soon, Joe Public will.
And what a glorious day that will be. ?
I’d say it’s only a matter of time before some of these cunts are followed home and given a good, and well deserved, kicking. I look forward to the headlines. Boo hoo.
Every time I’ve seen coverage of these cunts, it has been my impression that the plod in attendance were there to protect these fuckwits from the tender mercies of Joe Public.
We are all frogs, watch as we’re slowly boiled…
Fantastic to watch a few years ago when these cunts climbed on top of a tube train, pissed off commuters pulled them down and kicked the shit out of them, should happen every time.
My policy is to grant complete immunity from prosecution for any well meaning gentlemen to kick the bullshit (and everything else) out of these parasitic cunts.
Well cunted.
Met Police Chief said they’re not disruptive enough to shut down. We must all be wrong then.
If some poor cunt croaks in the back of an ambulance because it is caught in a tailback due to ‘not disruptive enough’ I guess that’s just unfortunate.
Couldn’t agree more, they’re a threat to life. That police chief is unbelievable. The government sit back and squabble amongst themselves, whilst Sadiq dreams up more ways to waste money on PR and advertising.
The Police Chief is probably chums with their mummies and daddies.
“Oooohh do take care of little Tarquin and Florence…”
Glad to see we have another absolute cunt in charge of the met
Even though among them are people who slash the milk cartons in supermarkets and chuck soup on Van Gogh paintings? These cunts are bellends, dangerous bellends who are upping the ante to get attention/pussy – sorry, “create awareness”. I’m sure all those young blokes aren’t looking to get some activist pussy. I’m so cynical these days!
Just stop sitting in the road, go and sit outside Downing St or the entrance to the the the house of cunts.
There should be no comeback if the general public drag the cunts to the pavement, as for the police, it’s laughable.
The latest from the Home Secretary, taking an injunction out against the cunts, don’t need a fucking injunction, just more robust action.
Glue your hand to the road, sorry mate your are going to loose some skin cells.
Complete fucking retards!
You can bet your bollocks that these very same types of twat who are deeply concerned about the UK working class’s carbon footprints are absolutely fine with the entire population of Africa and anywhere else making its way to the UK
These fellas are all leaving a giant carbon footprint travelling all that way across the continent to Calais and will all be naturally multiplying their carbon footprints once they arrive here.
Free housing, food, heating, electricity, clothing and various gadgets doesn’t all just magically appear without oil or a carbon footprint now does it.
But that would be racist to point something like that out to them.
Fucking wankers
The so called authorities are pandering to the mentally ill.
I presume the poster in the picture is hand woven flax with vegetable inks and that their clothes are all animal skin and wool. They dont buy anything packaged and eat only what they grow. They all walked to their protest, naturally.
All wearing hi-viz they picked off a bush fresh that morning and driven to the protest in the wooden eco Range Rover running on dog shit and left-wing hypocrisy.
The more these motherfuckers get away with what they’ve already pissed us off with, the more they’ll carry on.
Let’s put their convictions to the test, and see how long the protests carry on for, if the general public are allowed to kick the living shit out of the cunts without prosecution.
I’d gladly burn lots of oil to get to where they are and put the boot in.
I wonder if it is like it was back in the 80’s when if a group of Hooray Henries trashed a restaurant, it was just dismissed as high spirits. The present day Judges may look at these kind of people and consider that they probably shouldn’t go to prison as they have a “promising future”. Also I’m willing to bet that some of these arseholes are Judge’s kids. Reacting against authority as they’ve nothing else to worry about.
Release the St. Trinian girls onto them, they’ll soon disperse.
Save one of the sixth form for me ?
After I’ve finished with her. Hope you don’t mind sloppy seconds. Or we could spit-roast her ?
There should be a national ‘make an unnecessary journey day’ in protest to XR and Just stop oil. ?
The bored privileged. Some of these rich twats turn to booze or drugs and become alkies (AKA: ‘socialites’) or junkies. Others, think that vacuous Hilton bint or that horrendous Kardashian creature, become internet slags. They are bored with their empty lives – nothing to strive for, everything given to them on a plate.
So they become ‘activists’ and tell the ghastly plebs how to live. Utter scum.
My inner Pol Pot strains at the lead just hearing the arrogant, public school accents of these ill-educated fucktards. The Old Bill should stand aside and let the general public kick the shit out of Jocasta and Tarquin.
I don’t like them.
Baseball Bat for these arseholes.
knock some sense into them with a 14lb sledgehammer to the face.
If I were in the police at this moment in time, I think I would be going well out of my way to not see any right thinking citizen giving these cunts a good kicking. There was one copper filmed asking them if they were all right and if they needed anything, for fuck’s sake.
Tamara Beckwith and Tara-ra-ra-ra Palmer Tompkinson knew they were thick and just slurped and snorted the 1990s away in West London.
These cunts are too thick to realise they’re thick and became activists.
How do these cunts travel to do their ‘activism’?
How was the clothing they’re wearing made? What is used to manufacture and transport the food and toiletries they use every day?
Unless these cunts walked naked everywhere and hunter gather their own vegan diet, they will be treated as shouty, little hypocrites by me.
Only a matter of time until some cunt dies after being delayed in an ambulance by these cunts.
At that point, they should be charged with murder.
And then hanged by their balls or cunt lips in Trafalgar Square, before being fed into the wood chipper.
I’d stampede over everyone to get to front of the queue to volunteer to be the executioner. I’d do it with a big fucking smile on my face and make their families watch too.
The Authorities will be as much to blame as the protesters and should be held equally responsible when someone finally loses their shit and drives over/kicks the living shit out of those selfish Cunts. Everyone can see that it will inevitably happen and yet the Authorities allow the protests to continue.
Anyone arrested shouldn’t be too worried…no sane jury will find them guilty.
Petrol is good for dissolving glue should they attach themselves to something…chuck a good splash on the Cunts, leave for 5 minutes and then chuck a match….one way or another,the Cunts’ll sharp be on the move.
Well done, Vewity and Vewonica, I like the point you’re making, which is that Heinz Tomato Soup is the sort of wee wee slurped by the lower orders, don’t you know? So it’s most appropriate to throw some at a Van Gogh (Daddy’s got a few of his own, so it’s no big deal).
It’s those selfish serfs burning fossil fuels to keep themselves warm in winter who have caused the Climate Emergency. If they don’t return to the Stone Age where they belong I can see the snow melting at Aspen and Klosters thus ruining the pistes for your annual ski trips, it being too hot to visit Daddy’s villa in Tuscany each July, and the little pad in the Maldives will be under the Indian Ocean. The plebs are destroying your future, gels.
Drive through those smeggers in a Chieftain tank.I hate them all.Piss off Jemima and Tristan.
Isn’t wokery repentance? Where are the people to bring them back to their senses.
The tomato soup incident was interesting in the way the media reported it.
They said the priceless painting m, which was covered in tomato soup, was ‘undamaged’.
It didn’t look undamaged to me. I used my eyes and it saw what it saw. Mad concept, I know
I also instantly thought ‘I wonder if they’d say it was undamaged if Trump, Farage or Tommy 5 names had done the same?’
‘I saw what I saw.’
I have two eyes and everything.
Tomato soup and sunflowers? Get back in the kitchen girls and make something decent.
Sounds like a Warhol to me.
The only thing Warhol was handy for, was his arsehole.
It had a glass screen in front of it. only the frame suffered minor damage.
ie. it got a bit sticky and can easily be cleaned up with some petrochemical based cleaning products.
The painting was protected by glass, to save them from actions like this, be it by spoil faux hippies, or the political loons you mentioned.
I read the other day that the two savages have pleaded NOT guilty to the charge even though they were seen to do it, and indeed, they were photographed and boasted about it. I hope their time wasting gets taken into considertion when the magistrate or judge sentences them, and they get n extra half year inside for their lies..
One of them is appaarently a lesbian lady (a future Starmer Charmer MP, no doubt). If only Queen Victoria had believed that they did exist, they might have bee teaeted as the men were).
“I hereby find you not guilty.
You may leave the court”
“Oooohh thankyou Grandpapa.
Mumsie sends hugs…”
And what’s with these posh cliff n dodgers getting involved.
I’d say these cunts have used more carbon than 99% of mankind, the fucking pricks.
They seem to think their age will protect them from a good kicking.
At some point, some mad cunt will lose it with these pricks and age won’t matter.
They’ll soon knock it on the head after 65 broken bones, becoming a spacca and a 6 month coma, the fucking melts.
‘coffin dodgers’
My phone is being a proper cunt today.
It’s made from an oil derivative. You must get rid of it. Get 2 cans and a length of string.
the dozy old Harpees are ex Greenham common layabouts.
Fucking pointless then and even more pointless now.
Just a pair of vandal Van-Dykes (See what I did then?), and where the fuck does that pink-haired harridan think that its hair dye comes from?
Oil, I”d guess.
Anyway, I’d be more impressed if they’d thrown themslves under the King’s horse, just like a proper protestor once did.
Or chain themselves to the railings. At least we could have a gang-bang.
Did the thick cunts attack the picture because it’s an oil painting? I can’t think of any other reason.
Expect the full force of the law to not be applied to these fucking retards. They’ll get away with yet another ticking off.
And I assume they are white, otherwise they’d never have been arrested in the first place.
Sunflower oil, apparently.
I reckon these daft cunts think Van Goghs paints were made of the same stuff as Castrol GTX.
The protests are against Vincent for going down to the local brothel every time he finished a painting. Then he’d get some earache from the girls, for not affording to pay them.
Earache, lol, see what you did there? 🙂
That’s what you call subtlety, my good man.
Apparently, he didn’t cut it off himself. He was accidentally shot by a young boy and lied about it so the kid did not get into trouble.
Proper chap.
Re Sunflowers I don’t think these Cunts would go to Tate modern to make a point because all the Shit in there is made by the safe scruffy soap dodging Cunts and if it were sprayed with shit it would be an improvement
I saw a documentary about the Tate Modern.
It looked like the world’s most well kept scrapyard…
Most of these cunts must be getting benefits.
If they are fit and able then they should be available for work.
Is they don’t declare that they were unavailable for work on the days of the protests then that is an offence.
Am I right?
The police should be taking their National Insurance numbers.
Follow that up a month later with a check to see if they have falsely claimed benefits.
If they have, then stop all of their benefits indefinitely.
Hit the scruffy cunts in the pocket.
I think all motorists should carry a 4 pint plastic bottle of cold water. When these twits block the road, everyone out of their cars, vans, lorries and soak the lot of them…
Peaceful resistance, civil disobedience, right to protest (against the twits) and all that…
Piss, not water, or some of that concoction the other twat threw on the Sir Tom statue.
Good for the goose, and all that.
A gallon of 98 octane and 20 Marlborough would be a better deterrent.
see how quickly the cunts shift when you spark up a ciggie and casually flick the dog end in their direction.
words cannot describe the utter contempt I have for the stupid, eco-fascist cunts.
but here goes anyway.
Sitting in the middle of a busy road with the sole aim of having your ‘demands’ of no new oil or gas licences being issued in the middle of an energy crisis is fucking retarded. particularly when we are going to run short of supplies around January / February.
Hopefully some of the older fuckwits of just stop oil won’t be able to pay their heating bill this winter and will be found in the summer, half eaten by their cats. when the neighbours start to complain about the smell.
The younger eco-cuntcicles, with their air of smugness, living off mummeh and daddeh’s generous trust fund allowance should be force marched to the local cabbage farm and made to do 12 hour days picking cabbages, with no heating allowed in their freezing shacks of an evening. Escape attempts will be punishable with six months of mucking out cow sheds. Naked.
I’m still heavily invested in small UK oil and gas companies and have ploughed my substantial profits back into them. oil and gas prices are only heading one way this winter and at this time, the government are ignoring any opposition to new oil and gas licences.
Largely because the idea of half the population burning the local MP to keep warm when the gas runs out isn’t a pleasant one.
Just how thick and entitled these pieces of worthless smegma are defies reality.
every time a new gas or oil licence is due to be granted, these fucktards show up, pull out the most pathetic arguments in the eco bag and the granting of the licence goes to appeal.
The appeal takes several months of legal wrangling and gets granted anyway. the O&G company then sues the local council for legal fees, lost revenue and expenses and the locals end up paying the bill via their council tax.
I end up making a fortune.
Fuck just stop oil, fuck XR and fuck that Swedish root vegetable Greta!
You’re all a bunch of clueless cunts and deserve every kicking a pissed off public administer.
I hope you all die screaming.
Well said Odin. Most of these spoilt rich kids are also doing it for the sole reason, to get even more wealth from their parents.
????.All a bunch of feckless halfwits.Extra measure push the smeggers off a cliff.
It’s enough to make Van Gogh cut off his other ear.
They should cut off the tarts tits.
As they are utterly protected (nay, encouraged) by the authorities/establishment, anyone considering justifyably running them down would be wise to remember this unfortunate woman’s unfair treatment and subsequent driving ban:
Two generations of cunts that didn’t learn the concept of being told no, and here we are. Ably supported by older cunts who ruined humanity by bringing up their kids in this fashion, but too stupid or ignorant to see what went wrong.
Just stop just stop oil. Any means necessary.
I would place responsibility firmly at the door of the education system.
Leftie teachers and professors indoctrinating young impressionable minds with all the attendant woke nonsense, anything to disrupt and sow division in society, undemocratic cunts who know they could never gain power legitimately via the ballot box.
Or at least not until sufficient numbers of the electorate have been brainwashed.
One of my neighbours is a recently retired teacher. He told me that right-of-centre opinions were verboten in the teachers common room (or whatever it’s called nowadays). Anyone departing from the leftie hymn sheet was made to feel very uncomfortable…
The blame for these ridiculous halfwits lies firmly with what we laughingly call the police and the courts. They have seen how other cunts have not only got off but in at least one case been helped (‘can we get you anything?’ from a policewoman to some cunts blocking a motorway) by our fucking useless cops.
Well done for throwing that statue in the dock.
How dare people and ambulances try to get through.
This shit would be thrashed by any other cop force. Defund the fuckers and start again.
At it this morning, more criminal damage
There’s a classic car dealer that sells Aston Martin and Lotus not far from where I live, but they’ve not had any trouble yet.
It’s the countryside. So less chance of TV or press coverage.
Plus there’s guns in the countryside…?
They should pick one of these obnoxious cunts at random and take a film crew round their house with a team of people who will meticulously remove every single thing that has oil or a derivative as an ingredient in the manufacturing process, uses oil during the manufacturing process or uses oil in the delivery. Leave the cunt with 4 bare walls, no power, no clothes and no fucking clue. Make the bastard live under those conditions till they fucking die, about a week I reckon.
No phones or internet.
They’d top themselves within half a day…