Jordan Grey..a comedian,according to the article, played the piano with HER penis….fuck me, what an utterly bizarre and ridiculous statement. It does however expose just how far The Emperors New Clothes mindset has penetrated the media and “thinkers” in this Country.
It is just so fucking obviously nonsense.. a “her” could not have a penis.”.Her” is feminine and ownership of a “penis” is masculine. I’m sure there is some way of describing two words that cannot be used together but I’m fucked if I know what it is…Come back,CS,and put me out of my ignorance.
Besides,this sexually-confused “comedian” isn’t even original…I seem to remember Miles Plastic being outraged at the Ukrainian leader playing the piano with his circumcised bell-end months ago.
Nominated by: Foxchaser-Fiddler
Supporting link provided by: Le Cunt
In case you didn’t see it:
Yikes. Hughie Green didn’t allow this in the 70s.
And here’s another, this time from Mary Hinge
Jordan Gray, transgender “comedian and musician”.
Out of curiosity, I started to watch the new Friday Night Live series on Channel 4, as I used to enjoy it years ago. I missed the beginning and saw Julian Clary, looking ill, bloated and uncomfortable, do a few minutes of stand up, then some woman was in the audience pretending to be Olivia Colman, fuck knows why.
Anyway, that was enough for me and I switched off. Thank God I did and was spared the spectacle of this Gray person suddenly completely stripping off. I’m sure if any man had decided to get his privates out, they would have been handcuffed and in the police van within 5 minutes, but this person seemingly gets a free pass. Other commentators have noted that the clothing appears to fly backwards along the stage, thereby suggesting that the whole thing was staged.
I don’t know who the fuck wants to see stuff like this, or who was consulted beforehand, probably no-one. It would be one thing if the public were saying, yes, more fucking degeneracy please, but it is really just a tiny minority who work in the media.
Nominated by: Mary Hinge
I wonder what would have happened to Jerry Sadowitz if he got his cock out on TV these days.
I think we probably know.
I’m normally all for whipping your cock out as entertainment,
But when it’s some mentally ill tranny I draw the line.
I used to be ignorant and just pity these oddballs
But with research and education I now believe that the best way forward is to burn them/they/ he/she at the stake.
You have to be a Super Lowbrow Fuckwit to find this Entertaining
I wouldn’t be surprised if this Shit is shortlisted for the Tuner prize
Put it in the Manston detention centre and see how the feral shite take to it.
The Prophet Orwell, blessed be his name, foresaw it all –
“BLACKWHITE…….means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when Party discipline demands this. But it means also the ability to BELIEVE that black is white, and more, to KNOW that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary.”
If I’d told you 10 years ago that a tranny would be shaking it’s cock at you on TV and playing a piano with it,
You wouldn’t believe me.
It says a lot about where we are that it’s not surprising anymore.
We’re rotten to the core ,
Hopefully a biblical event will wipe the earth clean.
Amen to that.
But I’m an optimist. There is a fightback against this garbage. I’m hopeful common sense will prevail, eventually.
Jesus fucking Christus.
A mental case bloke with plastic tits and a wig plays a piano, naked, using his tallywacker to hit the keys.
The cunt needs sectioning, but this is Channel 4, don’t forget, a haven for deviants.
Sue Perkins’ better looking wife presenting that crap ‘Naked Attraction’ springs to mind.
Puerile shite for gormless lefty wankers and perverts.
The word “deviant” is precisely correct Paul. I would like to hear it used routinely to describe the various weirdos who abound in society these days. If they see it as pejorative that is their problem.
The media – telling you want you want to see. After a hard day dealing with fuckwits, yesterday, thought I’d watch the ‘Rogue Heroes’ thing about the beginnings of the SAS, all the while thinking how they’ll shoehorn a ‘Strong Wimmins’ and an ethnic into it. BBC didn’t disappoint – the pilot of a RAF aircraft was black – and a flying officer to boot! Of course, the RAF was awash with black pilots in the 1940’s. Not saying there weren’t any, but, for fucks sake…
As for the cunt in the nom, didn’t watch it, never heard of it, saw an ad for the programme which was enough to want to give it a miss.
If you missed it Fiddler taped it.
Just ask if you can borrow it for the weekend!!
Lifesaver! Along with his extensive library of Elton John concert videos.
Same on top gear DCI cut to the audience straight to the darkie and peaceful…
No honkys present..
Yep there were DCI but I’d imagine Ranulph Fiennes still has enough fingers on which to count how many.
It’s fucking laughable
Problem is all the best characters and institutions are from white history.
Otherwise , woke writers would put together some new characters.
Well, they do but they always fail to have any longevity.
It’s why they are trying to shoehorn a black actor for the role of Bond.
Imagine Mboto Bond operating in Nigeria. Cunt would have AIDs fairly rapidly I’d imagine.
Black Bond, would have gone down a treat in Bulgaria in the 70’s
That program was utter shite overall..the facts don’t need “sexing up” or the presence of fantasy know it all dark keys.
Oh what am I saying?
It’s the fucking BBC.
Exactly. A great story that doesn’t need embellishing. Imagine if the fuckers made a drama out of the Penlee lifeboat disaster? Strong wimmins coxswain, couple of ethnic crew, one poofter with his worried husband waiting at home, strong wimmins captain of the Royal Navy helicopter, all going out into the storm to rescue a boat-load of brave refugees.
Dispicable cunts.
They should’ve just put on Red Tails instead.
Where’s Terry Jones and the woodern mallets when you need him..
You’re not a woman, you’re crazy mental bonkers and broke public decency laws.
Off you go to a MENs prison for some therapy!
I always thought Mary Whitehouse was a cunt.
Where is she when you need her.
Back in the day I thought Mrs Whitehouse was a cunt too.
Shows how your opinions change as you age.
I’ve gone from budding sex pistol to a staunch supporter of Mary Whitehouse
Good point Miserable. I have thought the same. Whitehouse was mercilessly mocked wasn’t she, yet to see the degeneracy of society and the corruption of the young by the media since, you can’t help but know she was right, trying to protect children and traditional decency. She was right and no one listened.
You’re having a giraffe.
She was the Enoch Powell of television.
“That is the silliest comment I have read on ISAC for a very long time…”
(Mary Whitehouse, Mrs. Deceased)
How dare you slander Mary?!!!
A beacon of hope in a dark void.
The wages of sin is DEATH.
Rather a world designed by Mrs Whitehouse than a world full of tranny cock pianists!
I’ll get my cardigan…
What’s next I wonder?
Presumably the right to do this in public.
Some geezer was shagging half way up a chain mail fence at the Notting Hill carnival, so it can’t be long
Did he have Time? What with all the Stabbing to be done, all them Wallets don’t Steal themselves you know
That bloke who threw petrol bombs at the asylum centre in Dover,
He topped himself afterwards
Didn’t hang around long enough to pick up his ISAC man of the year award.
Just seen it on the news.
More positive action in three minutes than the government has achieved in three years.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ??????????.Tough.Useless inept Government.
Futile gesture. He went all-in with sixes and sevens. Idiot.
I can’t imagine Russ Conway, Semprini , Oscar Peterson or Artur Rubenstein playing the paino with their dicks – though it might well be one of Chris Bryant’s party pieces to encourage the rough trade. Lloyd Russell-Moyle could turn the pages for him. Or Mandy. Or Screeeching. Or Adonis. Or Kyle. Or Bradshaw – the list is endless.
Librace maybe?
Errol Flynn would play “You Are My Sunshine” on the piano with his dick…
What a guy!
If you play the piano with your cock, it most certainly would have to be erect. If attempted in public, by law is an arrestable offence. Then a good idea to lock up deviants, made easier of their own accord.
What a fucking apology for a cock ! Playing the keys with your Dick!! If you cannot manage a five note augmented chord on a piano with your member, then you have no right to call it a cock! I remember a bloke in the Naffi one night playing “Roll me over” with his huge organ and using his balls for the step notes ! Now THAT was a cock !
Sadly I never learnt to play piano.
With fingers or cock.
No point aspiring to be the new Liberace where I grew up.
Or ‘ Libber Archie’ as it’s pronounced.
Only piano I saw was in school,
And the teachers got funny about letting you have a go.
I could of been like Elton John or as I say Liberace now.
Bet their wives and kids are dead proud of them?
No you wouldn’t like being a Liberace Mis….Rumour has it he took a full set of keys up his melody box each night !
Did that include the candles ?
He had some lovely clothes.
I’d look down at my threadbare flared cords and battered monkey boots and sigh.
Bet he pulled the birds with those snazzy threads?!
Flash cunt.
Lit ?
Will anyone get the horn?
I showed the second picture to the Empress. Her instant, no context reaction – “Man.”
She’s mistaken surely ?
Its times like this that we need a head butcher from ISIS back
Playing the piano with your cock, would be the first lesson. To improve, you would need another nine, you stupid prick.
There was a cunt a few years ago called Mr methane that played the national anthem out of his arsehole he was quite entertaining as long as you were not in the front row
Here y’ go Smegs…
The Macc Lads – Mr. Methane… featuring the man ‘imself
Next it will be Emily Thornberry playing the cymbals with her tits;
Migrane Markel blowing the Trumpet out of her arse and Greta Thundercunt on the drums with drumsticks poking out of her two gaping holes!
Now that I would pay to see!
Music hall revival…
Wholesome entertainment for all the family!
Yes indeed ladies and genitalmen…
Ben Elton and FNL is back but needn’t have bothered.
What was once a hilarious and relevant show is now feeble, unfunny and of course woke. Embarrassing actually.
Apparently the last act was a big hit at the Edinburgh fringe. Well, no surprise there, the modern yoof would laugh to see a pudding crawl as we say in Norfolk.
The performer, whatever it is, was hideous, crude and the finale just about summed the whole pathetic programme up.
A flop!
“I wish the world could finally understand: I’m more than just a female Russell Brand.”
It’s comparing itself to Russell “my face is on the wall of cunts” Brand?
Speaks fucking volumes does it not?
And I thought Karlheinz Stockhausen, having his string quartet played from helicopters was weird.
Slowly regressing back to our neaderthal roots, and the lowest common denominator.
As a species we are not becoming more civilised- less so on a daily basis.
For example- Who would have thought you now need security guards in a fast food restaurant? That is not what I consider progress.
1945 is when humanity went past its cultural prime.
Most of today’s technology is still using physics invented 100 years ago.
He’s a bloke.Send HIM to the oven.
To have HIM casseroled would endure everlasting pain.
It looks obvious to me that Vieira’s head is about to spontaneously self-combust at any moment and nobody appears to be showing any concern whatsoever. Please let me know when its expected to happen, because we all need a good laugh from time to time.
Jordan Gray, transgender “comedian and musician”.
Jordan Gray, “psychotic cunt”.
I can’t be arsed to give these attention seekers the ‘outrage’ they clamour for.
If it produces eggs it’s female
If it produces sperm it’s male.
Same across the animal kingdom.
Channel 4 have been promoting degenerate acts and puerile crap as ‘asking questions’ and ‘raising awareness’ for decades. Time to pull the plug.
Pity the piano keyboard lid didn’t fall on HIS todger.?
Since no-one else has posted Dick, the word you’re looking for is “oxymoron”. My favourite example is “reality television”.
Thanks for that,arfur…thought there must be a suitable word.
There are loads of examples –
Army Intelligence
Police Specials
German Humour
Public Sector Worker
And some real-life examples
Clara Barton: “I distinctly remember forgetting that.”
Dolly Parton: “You’d be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap.”
Isaac Bashevis Singer: “We must believe in free will. We have no choice.”
Mark Twain: “It usually takes more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.”
Samuel Goldwyn: “A verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.”
What a degenerate piece of infected sputum this THING is, if he so wants to be a bird he should have his flaccid little exhibit removed live on tv without anesthesia, what an abominable bunch of suppurating labia is C4 management.