The English Premier League (5)

(Premier League’s Richest Owners 2022- Day Admin)

Just when you think Premier League cant get any more despicable:

”Eight of the 20 Premier League clubs are being urged to ensure they pay the real living wage to all their staff.”


”Premier League clubs spent a record £1.9bn on players over the summer.”

Qatar, rapists, Beckham and of course St Rashford spending our money while using tax avoidance schemes. How low can these cunts go?

BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

85 thoughts on “The English Premier League (5)

  1. At last, Newcastle are top of the table. They haven’t been there for years.

    Ah, so it’s not actually the league table. Bugger.

    • Ah, but it is nice listening to some of the other clubs banging on about the wicked owners….moral outrage from the morally bereft.

      • I woild rather have the Magpies at the top than those bastard Gorton Globetrotters and their hypocrite of a manager, Pep Fraudiola. Wearing a rainbow armband, when his paymasters are from Abu Dhabi? The cunt s hilarious. But, good luck to the Toon. Anything that thwarts Man City will do me.

  2. Gave up on this shitshow a few years ago (around the same time I gave up on the BBFuckingC).

    Couldn’t give a fuck about it anymore.

    Couldn’t give a fuck about the forthcoming World Cup either.

  3. And bending the knee is back..
    In case you all forgot about poor George, you wicked racists..

    • Indeed, BZ.

      Lineker is promising that he’ll ‘highlight Qatar’s issues with the LGBT community.’

      As others pointed out, he’ll be doing it from the comfort of a London studio, no doubt.

      Go on Gary, make it a crusade! Go out to all those countries who make the gayness illegal and ‘educate’ them. Maybe give an impromptu speech in an Afghani school, telling the kids how great bumming is?

  4. Football and all the sheep who follow it can kiss my arse.

    The economy is in ruins, we have mass illegal (& legal) immigration on-going, a failed government, on the brink of a war with Russia, we have a crime ridden nation, we have lost our basic freedoms especially freedom of speech, our NHS is fucked, our police force is bent and our MSM are actively working against the interests of this country.

    Non of this matters just so long as Man Utd, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal or what other wank stain team get a win with their 11 man squad made up of dark-quay’s & Spics eh?

    Just keep watching the show and paying your obscely priced season tickets and listening to your cuntoid pundits like Linekunt whilst your country goes down the shitter……….

    Fucking Sheep……

  5. And what is it with the cunts that pull their fucking socks over their (bended) knees? The Double-Cunts. I don’t think Brian Clough’d have allowed that particular fashion statement.

    • Not just these long stock though is it….you have the shorts then if it gets a bit chilly they wear training leggings, then these long socks…….fuck me when i played at school it was middle of fucking winter and i was freezing my tits off in a pair of nylon replica umbro shorts and my y fronts.

      • Best bits were when the fat kid blasted the hard, plastic ball at your thighs, which hurt like a mother, and being made to lap the field by Sir, for ‘playing like a girl’, lol.

      • Ah, school sports eh Chuff? Cured me of any interest in sport for ever. Day I left school, got on my bike, rode away, left all my sport and PE kit behind knowing I would never use it again.

        Happy days. Or something.

      • In my poverty stricken youth, I couldn’t wait to get into the the teem and wear the warm football kit for bed.

      • I’m sure many of us on here can identify with your childhood experience Sammy, including me.

  6. Wish some rich Arab or Russian gangster would buy Ipswich.

    Had a major rage attack when I saw the football results this morning.

  7. A game played by knobs for the entertainment of knobs, on a box designed for knobs and a complete waste of a Saturday or Sunday

  8. From the look of that particular league table of foreigners The Wooden Truss could do with a hefty windfall tax to shore up her playground economic policies.

    • I will be clapping the Qatari secret police this autumn,our law enforcement could do with learning a few tricks off them..if they can stop dancing with Gays or running away from blek riots long enough.

      • On that note Unkle T, despite my hatred of ‘Footy’ I’d be amused to see how the Qatari police deal with the footy fans of the gay persuasion.

        I can just see now a few fruity gentlemen being dangled by the ankles from a 10 storey hotel by the said police force for engaging in their infamous back door sport of ‘Mud Darts’

        East meets West eh old chap?

  9. Won’t watch the woke fest just like so many other Cunt s in the limelight. Sooner watch park football.

  10. That fucking Rio Ferdinand bit on knee bending that they keep playing gets on my tits.

    “Why do we take the knee?”

    Because you’re a bunch of stupid cunts, is the correct answer, you ugly cunt.

    He never got over his chippy brother losing in court against John Terry.

    Said Terry (who is a cunt anyway) called him a black cunt. TV footage showed he probably didn’t and another black player on the pitch said he heard everything and Terry didn’t call him that.

    Rio is just getting his chippy own back now.

    I saw an article in which the writer said he now hated everything about football apart from the football.

    I get that.

    The punditry and pre game virtue signalling is vomit inducing. They even did a show recently about combatting climate change.

    Here these cunts were, coming to ‘work’ every day in Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Range Rovers and fucking Humvees, telling every cunt to save the planet. They all use private jets to fly to games, even for relatively short distances (Manchester to Birmingham etc). I’ve seen players posing for selfies getting on private jets for midweek getaways or holidays.

    No fucking self awareness.

    Oh, the world’s most expensive player (Kylian Mpabbe) is dating a tranny. He plays in the Frog league, but by God, I bet the likes of Sky, BT and the Premier League are dying for him to sign for a Premier League club.

    Imagine all that lovely virtue signalling they could do for the fucking degenerate?

    As for the owners. They’re all cunts. The good news is they’d ruin the clubs to make a few quid if the economy tanks. Here’s hoping they make car parks out of those mostly soulless, generic stadiums.

    • Good post CB.

      Anybody who knows the game and knows what passes for media coverage, knows two things for certain – Rio Ferdinand is a complete cunt and that his entire existence on the television is just an exercise is box ticking.

      My Great Grandmother has a deeper insight into the game and she’s been dead 25 years.
      And she was less racist.

      • I Notice Rio didn’t Grieve for long after his wife died and now he’s Shagging some other white bird


      • Rio – aka the Wobbly Gobbed Tosser – was screwing every prossie, stripper and Babestation slag in Manbxhester while his ‘beloved’ wife’ was alive. It’s a well known fact. The man is a cunt.

    • The suggestions for burning Greenwood at the stake wouldn’t work. I’ve told them, green wood doesn’t burn.

      • Rio – aka the Wobbly Gobbed Tosser – was screwing every prossie, stripper and Babestation slag in Manchester while his ‘beloved’ wife’ was alive. It’s a well known fact. That BBC special with him grieving and blubbering? Didn’t mention the roasting at the players Christmas party, did he? The man is a cunt.

  11. They pay for the skill sets. Talented footballers get paid mucho, cleaning ladies not so much. That’s economics and the same rules apply football club or care home.

    Of course if you truly wanted a more equitable system Jeremy Corbyn was offering it but most here I’m sure declined his kind offer.

    A footballer earning £950k per week seems excessive but it has no relation to the value of a tea lady.

      • Certainly a tea lady has value, minimum wage value. If football fans gave a fuck they would boycott clubs in an attempt to get better pay and conditions for supper staff. Football fans boycott clubs due to poor results.

        Football fans don’t give a shit how much a tea lady gets paid, football fans don’t give a fuck that there are players currently being investigated for rape, they still pay for games and merchandise.

        The reality is the morality doesn’t come from the clubs it comes from the fans.

        As long as fans are willing to finance the excesses and injustices nothing will change.

      • I Notice these Clubs get special dispensation from the HMRC
        Oweing Shit loads in tax and Instead of letting some of these big clubs go to the wall they come to agreements Leeds should be History


      • Nail on the head sixdog.
        Most money in football comes from TV. And its just excrutiating to see normal working men pay out to fund the lifestyles of the human trash that makes up teams.
        Football is now so divorced from any sort of tribal identity it once had.
        Almost none of the players are from the teams city- or even this country. The managers for some reason all have to be European or Scottish. The owners are either Arabs or Americans or Russians who never even go to the matches.
        Its a business pure and simple, funded, i have to say, by the soft minded. Players have the same loyalty to a club that F1 drivers have to their team i.e. none.
        Also, its such a dull sport often ending with no one scoring! What kind of sport is that?
        Also, pussy players who roll about in agony if another player touches them,nor even doesnt touch them. Cheating cunts.
        WorldCup? Who gives a fuck.

      • I’d sooner pay tea ladies millions than the jumped-up, up their own arse, ignorant morons we currently have in the PL.

      • Moggie,

        Most of them appear to be up someone else’s arse most of the time.

        Mbappe is banging a man, Jordan Henderson looks like he’s forgot his handbag, Ronaldo, well, I know a wrong un when I see one, and he’s as bent as a nine bob note.

        Far cry from standing at the Baseball Ground with my dad, watching half-drunk players kick lumps out of each other and pretending they were NOT injured. Plus a decent pie at h/t ?

      • Wouldn’t it be marvellous to see tea ladies waving wads off money at footballers, sweating their bollocks off for fuck all. Then refuse the gasping arseholes a cuppa after the game.

  12. I can’t be arsed to check who these owners are, but it would be interesting of the MSM did some proper journalistic investigations on them, especially with regards the usual Woke tick boxes:-
    human rights
    equal rights
    modern day slavery
    Net zero: environment

    Some of these owners are from the Middle East and Asia – countries not particularly renowned for condoning any of the above. And the MSM seem strangely quiet about it, as are the various protest groups.

    Could it be that some of the “protestors” casually forget about what they’re protesting about because their team comes first even if it means having an evil cunt as the owner!

    I would imagine a few of those “Just Stop Oil” middle-class cunts probably support the likes of Man City or Newcastle (both owned by Middle Eastern cunts with links to oil) and yet we don’t see any of them gluing their heads to the tarmac of the staff carpark at their respective grounds; or do you see them protesting on the pitch mid-game.

    Instead they shut the fuck up and cheer their clubs and constantly demand the owner spends more and more “dirty” money on signing the best players to achieve even more success/money, despite all the hypocrisy.

    Come on, Lineker//Neville, you want to talk politics, so why aren’t you saying much about this then?


  13. There will always be vast chasms in pay in every area, even in your commie utopian paradise where from what I can see the loot is concentrated on an even smaller section of the population.
    As for fecking football and indeed every fecking game/sport they can all go and take a running feck, sweaty ego maniacs who dont make a real tangible difference to human advancement, get a real job.
    Lifes not a continuation of your school days PE lesson if it was I’d be still doing lines ” I must not forget my kit”

  14. I have no interest in football, I have however observed that:

    Those that watch it are morons.
    Those that commentate on it are cunts.
    Those that play it are thick.
    Those that own them all are rich.

    Just one big pot of shite….?

    • I agree, barney.

      The start of the knee bending and football’s support of BLM was the last straw for me. Obviously I can’t go to games since I live in the US, but the team I used to follow will never get another penny out of me. In fact, I donated all my old replica shirts to charity some time ago. Didn’t feel a thing giving them away and don’t miss them either.

      Many on here thought there’d be riots if the knee bending continued when fans were let back into the stadiums. Riots, protests and fans staying away in droves to make a point that you can be against racial discrimination without aligning yourself with Marxist, anarchistic, criminal and corrupt organisations like BLM. Didn’t happen. The fans came back in droves and just accept what happens with the knee benders like it’s OK. Some on here have reported that the fans actually applaud the knee bending in some stadiums. Un-fucking-believable.

      The ‘fans’ are now officially part of the problem. Football and the cunts to pay to watch it live are now officially cunts and can fuck off.

  15. The only thing that’s English about the English Premier League is the locations of the stadiums.

    The game at the top level has gone through monumental changes financially since the start of the ‘Premier League’ back in 1992.
    Originally thanks to BSkyB’s colossal investment but increasingly thanks to foreign billionaire sugar daddy types or foreign billionaire investment companies which have warped the game almost beyond recognition.

    As far back as that first season in the early 90s ridiculously wealthy owners have been a thing in the Premier League as steel magnate Jack Walker had already began investing heavily into his local club Blackburn Rovers who ended up punching well above their weight on the pitch and blowing the likes of Manchester United out of the park financially when it came to snapping up top players.
    Much to the bewilderment of the status quo.

    To be fair to Jack Walker and Rovers at that time – he was a local man and in keeping with the identity of the league, his club tended to splash the money on the very best available Anglo Saxon players at the time.

    • My Latest Bill from Sky was for £90 So I phoned and told them It is no Longer Affordable so you need to Cut it Down The Best they Could do was £ 81

      New customers Pay £ 46

      I’m not Subsidising These Fuckballers Wages so I told them to Fuck off

      • Thanks for the tip. I’ll get in touch with Sly and see how much they’ll reduce my bill after a few rehearsals.

    • Now owned by the local “indigenous ” Asians who, apparently haven’t invested like Jack did.

      Hence no longer premier….⚽️

      • Yes John.

        Would that be Venky’s’ ?

        Those cunts wouldn’t know their gluteus maximus from their humerus when it comes to football.

  16. Even the football itself is oddly boring nowadays. £90 million pound wingers who can’t go past defenders, playing from front to back to achieve nothing in the name of possession, most corners headed away by defenders who also play like midfielders.
    It’s largely reached a level of perfection in possession football and it’s fucking mind numbing.
    Add woke hypocrisy, bent owners and the fleecing of brain dead fans, and you’ve got a seething nest of shit.

  17. Can’t wait for the Wintery World Cup and watch the wokery get shot down in flames by the gun crazy Arabs.

    • Can’t wait to see all the cunts dying of heat exhaustion, lifting a pint of cider up in that heat is too much effort 45 degrees at 4 in the morning.

  18. I admire the new owners of UK FC, they make maximum moolah whilst turning the sport into a showcase for their iffy policies. Imho you should understand that they view the football league with very real fear and utter contempt whilst acknowledging the absolute need for state sanctioned tribalism.

    We had a much loved family dog, he got old and poorly. It didn’t matter how hard we tried to disguise his pills the little fucker would suss us out. In the end the only option was to grab him, open his jaws, drop the pill in the back of his throat and massage it down his neck.

    The look on his face.

    • Same with our old tom cat FF. Trouble is he has claws like stilettos and is not averse to using them.

  19. The Premier League; the ultimate ‘pay-to-win’ competition. It’s only fair that EA decided to use the same principle with their FIFA series of video games leading children to use mummy’s debit card to buy ‘packs’ of virtual players for their online teams.

  20. Arsenal Leeds game held up for 10 minutes now because the referee’s communication kit isn’t working.

    All because they brought in VAR because every cunt is too precious to be wronged nowadays.

    Fucking suck it up!

  21. I remember when Manchester United was top of that list. Self funded and in the black, debt free….

    Until those cunts Ferguson and Gill let those weirdo American carpetbaggers into the place. The greedy purple nosed cunt pissed off a couple of big time Irish racing tycoons, because old Taggart wanted the rights (and more money) to some horse spunk. Now the Glazers -I think – are here to stay. SirJim Ratcliffe my arse. And Michael ‘Walter Mitty’ Knighton can fuck off and all.

    I know some will revel in United’s demise (knob off), simply because of the Fergie era and the Premier League years. But what hurts me is everythnig Sir Matt and Jimmy Murphy built after the war and after the Munich air crash has been destroyed. The United I knew and loved has been financially raped and pissed on by the Glazers, David Gill (cunt) and – alas- Alex Ferguson. Tommy Doc (RIP) always said Fergie was a wrong’un…..☹

  22. Remember Oldham Athletic? Yeah, First Division club, were in the Premier League, runner-up in the 89-90 League Cup, F.A. Cup semi-finalists twice in the early 90s.
    They are now in the non-league. Whaaaaat? It’s mental. They have been the worst run big club in the world, probably. Abdallah Lemsagam, a Moroccan business bought the club in 2018 and made a right cunt of it. Fans protests (including the classic bullets in the mail) were met with the fans being banned from the stadium – former great players were banned too. Abdallah Lemsagan wanted £6 million for his non-league club! Poor Oldham fans, they deserve to have a good club not this shit-show.

    If you buy a football club, then you have to be serious about it, employ the right people, not interfere unless it’s necessary. You can’t just buy a club, pump in millions or even billions and say to the manager, “buy M’bappe, but de Bruyne” and think that is enough sit back and watch the trophies be won.

    The big enterprises in life are got off the ground and propelled by money, but there needs to be expertise, passion and certainly common fucking sense, but that seems to be lacking in some of these club buy-ups these days.

    • I hate to say it, but Manchester City have got it right. They do things in the Manchester community, they treat their fans and ex-players well, they have got the best facilities and set up, and they have left other clubs standing. United now don’t give a toss about anything or anyone in Manchester. Everything Sir Matt Busby built and made has been destroyed and shat on…

    • I know Oldham and Bury fans who are devastated at what has happened. And Bolton only just survived. I suspect that other North West clubs will go down or under as well. A bloody shame.

      • Rangers were so fucking lucky. In other countries, they would have been dead and buried, but they clawed their way back to where they were. The Scottish Football Association are cretinous bunch. But Scotland needs Rangers and Celtic, they pull in the mega-bucks.

  23. Brian Greenhoff (RIP) died more or less skint. He has to sell his 1977 FA Cup Final shirt and winners medal. The Glazers and the club did nothing to help the man, and they knew he needed it. They are bastards.

    And legendary defender and United captain, Martin Buchan could not get a ticket for the United vs Real Madrid European Cup game. Yet cunts and celebrity twats like Russel Brand got in and got in for free. That would not happen at City. United have gone to Hell. They are cunts of the first rank.

  24. Looking again at the pictue at the top, does anyone else have the overwhelming desire to don their Totector boots and kick that w*g’s face into the back of his skull?

  25. Be interesting to see if the Qatar morality police allow the England team to enter the country seeing as they’re all puffs.

  26. I remember when players drank with fans in pubs. Brian Kidd, John Fitzpatrick and even George Best drank with my dad in the Brown Bull. Bryan Robson, Norman Whitesisde, and Gordon McQueen and others used to go in many Manchester alehouses. But now, players live in gated mansions with black windows and armed security. They treat fans like they have a disease and act like hostile arseholes if approached. Even signing an autograph for a kid is a chore. The modern footballer is an overpaid, overpriced, overrated and overindulged cunt.

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