Edenfield Centre

I would like to cunt the Edenfield Centre. I have just finished watching the Panorama documentary on these cunts, and,, quite frankly, the abuse presented within it is some of the worst that I have ever seen. Routine bullying and psychological torment, locking patients in small, secluded rooms rife with the smell of sewage, physical violence… I’m generally a pretty tough nut to crack from an emotional standpoint but fucking hell, this broke me. Right now, of course, these are all still technically allegations, but I had to throw my two cents in.

(Link very kindly provided by Night Admin – NA)

Nominated by: OpinonatedCunt

61 thoughts on “Edenfield Centre

    • It’s the old Prestwich asylum behind Tesco’s. The unit is set further back away from view.
      I walk past the secure unit on my walk. it’s a forbidding place.
      These people in the documentary are truly despicable and should be sacked and prosecuted but there are plenty of dedicated nurses in the hospital itself.
      The CQC gave it a good report which was swiftly rescinded.
      I’ll never understand why audits are known about way before an inspection as steps are invariably taken to paint a different picture.

    • I heard about this,
      A journalist went undercover to expose I’ll treatment in the care sector.
      No surprise there.

      Didn’t see it, unsure of the outcome,
      Lessons will be learnt?

  1. Move the ill people to one of the newly requisitioned luxury hotels that the excellent Home Office keep putting illegal immigrants in.

    Put the foreign cunts in the asylum and let the staff have at them.

    Then perhaps a day or two later dynamite the place.

  2. Not the first time this sort of ill-treatment has been exposed and won’t be the last. Underfunding is the root cause of the problem and many employees are totally unsuitable for this kind of work.

  3. Staff who are probably more insecure than the patients.
    Trying to prove how superior they are to the most vulnerable.

    The cowards wouldn’t dare say or do anything to anyone outside the hospital.

    That said, I’ve no problem with sickos such as Brady and Hindley getting verbally and physically abused. It should have been a daily routine as part of the sentence. Unfortunately, the remains discovered on Saddleworth Moor recently, thought to be that of Keith Bennett, have proven not to be human.

  4. The joys of mental illness are endless. The big one that always got my piss boiling was because you are in hospital as a mentalist no one takes much of what you say as a serious attempt to explain or protest. But hey when the rest of the ward are hiding from Koala bears or silver aliens what can the staff do.
    To treat mentally ill people the way these bastards did is really naughty. The chemical cosh is a favoured method of controlling unruliness and the use of isolation rooms for days is a great way to totally mindfuck someone and turn them into a compliant dummy. Cheap option as well unless they manage to rip the skin from one or both arms or something similar
    Very glad I never had a spell in this shithole. At least the places I have been in treated you as best they could even the awkward bastards

  5. In all seriousness… My Mrs watched this programme, I was intending to watch it with her but after the first 20 minutes I fucked off to bed. I’m like to think of myself as quite thick skinned and strong stomached but I draw the line at the kind of stuff shown by Panorama that night. Nobody deserves to be treated like that by “Care Staff”. Fuck every last one of them!!

  6. My boy won’t ever end up in one of these ‘specialist centres’. I am currently tacking a large extension for him on the side of the house. A haven for him even after I am gone and resting in a vase on the mantlepiece.

    Seriously skinting me bit worth every penny.

    Fuck the Edenfield cuntingent into a stinky tramp’s hat.

  7. My father worked as a mental health nurse after being demobbed in 1945.

    Poorly staffed.
    Poorly paid.

    Fuck all has changed in 80 years..

    Still, can find shed loads of the above to look after ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS…..?

  8. Stand on your doorstep.
    Clap your hands.
    Hit a kettle with a spoon.
    Save the NHS.

  9. All too easy for people to turn a blind eye…O.A.P homes.children’s homes.mental homes etc….out of sight,out of mind. We rely on and expect other people to look after the most vulnerable but for many,myself included, it’s a case of…well.thank fuck someone is doing the job because I couldn’t…and don’t even really want to involve ourselves once the responsibility has been passed to others about whom we know nothing.
    There will be bad apples in every walk of life…even the supposed “caring” professions…it’s human nature and all I can do is hope to Hell that I never end up relying on some at best uninterested,at worst ,malicious, “carer”

    • You can come an live with us.
      Won’t beat you unnecessarily,
      Change your pissy keks everyday,
      Or at least the missus will.

      All for a very reasonable price.
      You can still eat pork scratchings in bed.

      • No good letting yer missus change my keks,Mis…she’ll giggle even harder than normal when you wave yer little maggot at her if she’s once seen my python.

    • Good points, Dick. I see a lot of care/nursing homes, as you can imagine, and some are great, really nice places, but they tend to be the expensive places. At the other end of the scale, you get the ‘No Lifting Policy’ shitholes, who, when a resident falls, call us and leave the poor fuckers on the floor, for hours. I had a complaint and a ‘slapped wrist’ for reading the riot act to these cunts, not too politely, for doing that, and made them clean the shit off him as he’d soiled himself, before taking him in and Safeguarding the place. Happens day in, day out. Don’t have much experience of mental health homes, but, I’d wager it’d be the same demographic.

      • I know that the vast majority of “carers” are decent people doing a fucking thankless job,DCI but I can understand how easy it must be for some of them to slip from being indifferent to malicious..there but for the grace of God etc.

      • Exactly, Dick. I only see the fuckers for a short period of time before moving on to the next, but, some of the dementia pts don’t half try you, and that’s just for a short trip to hospital. I can’t imagine what it’d be like full-time. It’s the nursing homes that boil my piss, with SRNs on duty that call us to ‘Just check them over’. That’s what the fucking residents are paying vast sums for you to do, you fucking bone-idle trollop.

  10. It is a heavy subject, i know a few that were alone in there’re later life and decided on some sort of suicide before they completely broke down requiring full time care and who can blame them, i certainly do not in fact if i manage keep my compos mentis but i am bolloxed physically, and i mean fucked by just not being able to manage any task of daily living. i hope that i could summon the strength and tidy my affairs and take a similar route cause i aint going in no old home.
    Hope that cheered a few up on here

    • Me neither.
      An nor are my parents.
      Not to be mistreated by some minimum wage ethnic cunt.
      Fuck that.

      Better off in jail.

      • Mecuntry @

        You seem to think some cunters are against you?
        I think your being paranoid.
        Never seen anyone have a go at you,
        And even if so,
        Fuck em!?

        Maybe it’s because your from Craggy island and wear wellies year round?

      • Nah MNC, me paranoid not at all at tall. mind you i did get in a bit of bother the last few days when i called this guy a cunt for fucking his rubbish cans all over the place when a bin was alongside him. I thought he was foreign but i was wrong as he approached me fast and said who are you to tell me what to do.
        i new straight away i was dealing with a dangerous local cunt and i mean the wrong type.
        i stood my ground as his head veered in on mine, eyes fully tuned as who was going to kick off first.

      • Hehehe ?
        What happened?

        I had a snapper on some bloke in a supermarket carpark the other day.

        My dog finds it funny to lay down in road and wriggle with her tummy on show.
        Mostly I get away with it because the dogs so cute,
        People laugh!
        But this cunts pulling his face, throwing his hands about, rolling his eyes.

        Dunno if it was because I’ve been ill but I totally over reacted.

        “What’s wrong with your face you cunt?
        FUCK OFF!!!”

        I felt a bit ashamed of myself afterwards.
        Dog just laughted.

      • i was recovering from a whiskey hangover as i had no beer left the night before and that’s why i snapped at the cunt, its a good job that he was bit tipsy but i managed to turn away and said Ah go way you ignorant cunt and cross the road as a car was approaching down the oneway.
        i swiftly walked down the road and he is on the other side following me down shouting shit.
        i really didn’t need it but having shit with these sorts does not end well. So was feeling a little paranoid about it.

      • It’s ok for you Dick you’ve a shotgun.

        I’ve got to black up and goad the police into shooting me.

      • Its the mini strokes that can cause the cognitive damage FF, one doesn’t need full on alzheimer’s or dementia to fuck the poor ould brain up. The drop of whiskey will keep the blood from clotting at least that’s what i keep telling myself

      • That thought is crystal DCI, as is the tumbler that i sip from.
        I will and in no doubt change my ways when time has no further use of my good self but until then i will not be bothering the emergency services all being well of course. I feel like a 20 year old.
        Would this the sign of my demise? that i feel too good and can still rise.
        “Wont wrap me up in a silver bag, for me to partake in bingo cack, they will not get at my few bob, cause i know cunts behind all that
        Living as long, as I can and when I cant, well fuck that”
        I was blacking out there

    • My own Dad was in one for two weeks as a respite for the Mams sake as he was not able to function cognitively. he was taken to Hospital as a result of very high temperature but recovered.
      he was still in under observation and he saw us all and then i could see.
      He closed his eyes, never to open them again. He chose to leave, it took quite a number of days.

      • That’s what worries me….not being capable of making the decision for myself.

      • i put my reply FF above you (wrong place AH well I must fucked in the head time to tidy my affairs)

      • @MJB….no need for cyanide…I’m confident that if the Hounds don’t get fed for 24 hours,they’ll step up to the plate.

      • What would you call it? ‘ISAC House’.
        Yes we all end up there. RT would run the place of couse. Super efficiently. Nurse Cunty will return to take care of us. Mr Fiddler will be allowed his hounds and we could all stroke them to cheer us. Miserable’s Akita as well.
        I would of course be The Chaplain. You will be able to come and see me with any of your ‘worries’ about the afterlife.

      • Ah a vision comes to me…who is that?

        Oh its old Gutstick tottering towards tte chaplaincy with walking stick…

        Oh dear
        What a pitiful sight

        What is he saying…he can mumble now..

        What was that again…

        ‘I would like to see the Revd Plastic please. I have something on my mind’.

      • Meanwhile Revd Plastic is seen writhing on the floor in terminal agony, crying:
        “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”

    • I’m lucky enough to have, and hopefully retain, the knowledge of a quick and painless end if and when I’ve had enough.

  11. It really is disgraceful that this is happening/happened.

    As other cunters have pointed out, the caring profession is massively underfunded and not very well managed allowing staff to clearly take their frustrations out on the patients in varying degrees of mental/physical/sexual abuse.

    All in all this place is just the tip of the iceberg. There are (sadly) many more like it in the UK and yet another example of what a third world cess pit Britain has become.

  12. Going into care if you’re suffering from dementia may not be a choice or anything you’re capable of changing.
    We tried desperately for 3 years to keep the mother in law out of one but had to eventually concede. She was suffering from vascular dementia quite bad so didn’t have a clue. We just couldn’t cope any longer.
    Anyhow she lived another 6 years in a caring home and seemed very content.
    Then the same happened with my brother, his family tried to keep him at home and succeeded for about 5 years until his frontal temporal forced their hand.
    Neither of these could have made any conscious decision, sometimes it’s out of ones control.

    • @Angryman. I’m sure there are problems with care throughout the country. I’ve lived in Manchester all my life and been happy enough. The hospital in question is in a desirable place to live if these surveys are to be believed.

  13. Illegals coming in and being put up in 4 star hotels and given 3 square meals a day vs OAPs eeking out their meagre state pensions, homeless Veterans with nowhere to go and the mentally ill being treated like this. Does nobody but us see there is something wrong with that?

  14. They’ve been making documentaries like this for decades. Only they were better in the early days. No misty goldfish bowl on their heads, no disguised voices and nobody else telling us the bleeding obvious to what was going on. The summing up at the end stayed the same, with the bargaining removal of staff, of which we won’t hear a single dickybird of these events ever again. Notice there wasn’t a single black patient in the place. The beeb made sure they didn’t drop their pals in the shit.

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