More proof that these green energy companies are nothing more than a bunch of snake oil salesmen, preying on weak-minded, virtue signalling tossers.
According to the article (not that I trust the BBC, but every now and again Panorama gets it right), these fuckers (Drax) have been cutting down forests to produce wood to burn in their power plant. The company is only supposed to use sawdust and waste wood.
It’s a bit like those electric battery cunts, using slave child labour in African cobalt mines to keep Greta happy, and then dumping the cars after 4 years because the batteries are too expensive to replace. Great fucking idea! Or sending our waste to the third world to burn and pollute the planet.
It’s just one big fucking scam to make a few cunts very wealthy. Yes, that includes you, Greta you cunt. And quite a few MPs have their fingers in such pies, I am told.
I’m all for protecting the environment and cleaner air, but not with these pricks dictating how to do it. I’m not convinced of the scale of our effect on climate change either.
Nothing more than scam artists the fucking lot of them.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
(The BBC News article is one of their more objective efforts concerning the environment and green policies – Day Admin)
Why the fuck are they importing any type of wood or its by-products from Canada anyway? Don’t we have sawdust in this country anymore?
Yes. The governments brains are full of it.
This Country’s Energy industry is run by Fucktards
We import this wood shit from the USA and Canada, yet export biomass to Sweden
This proves that Green energy is a con
Can’t we feed it with eco-mentalists or dinghy riders. Trees are much nicer to look at..
Apparently vegan man buns and fashionable virtue signalling wristbands do not burn very well.
Ageing hippies are too damp and fungal to burn…
Can you imagine the fucking stench that would come out of the chimneys? Would make Auschwitz smell like Boots perfume counter!
The whole green agenda is a scandal in waiting. There was 3 power stations around Drax. Drax, Ferrybridge and Eggborough. All were making vast amounts of electricity burning coal from local mines. That cunt Thatcher put paid to that. Successive governments have driven the life out of this once great nation. Not on spineless cunt of a politician dare speak out about this green nonsense for fear of being cancelled. The tail really is wagging the dog.
Drakelow was the biggest non-nuclear plant in Europe.
Gov thought it was a good idea to literally blow it up. Replacing it with … nothing.
Agree. And if a Pit Head Ballot had been held. The strike would have not failed.
If we had all the coal power stations running there would be plenty of electricity, use gas generators to top up and nuclear to supplement the coal, spend the green levy on cleaning up the coal plant emissions… sorted
Drax have been fetching wood over from forests in the Baltic region too,they can’t get enough of it.
All because our politicians have virtue signalled themselves into completely banning the use of coal for fuel at our dwindling power stations by the end of 2024.
We are now addicted to burning gas to generate electricity,luckily that’s plentiful and ridiculously cheap…
Oh dear.
Energy security?
Cheap energy?
Hundreds of years worth of coal,gas and oil within our own shores?
Maybe we can start burning the simpletons who have brought us to this cliff edge,the despicable cunts.
Start with Greta, an average body could produce enough electricity to power my wife’s TV for 6 months @ 8h per day.
Do something for the planet Greta, you know it makes sense.
They have been using Greta like their own child. Showing her off at parties, that she can speak cleverly. Once she grows the tits and wears high heels, she’ll get slagged off for being a dozy mare.
Greta Thunderpants is now telling the Germans to use nuclear, not coal for generation.
I wonder what they’ll do…
Btw, has the Deadpool shuffled off? Am sure somebody had Angela Lansbury on it…
Drax received almost a billion Pounds subsidy in 2021…paid from the Green Levy on UK electric bills…..this enabled Drax to make more than £100 million profit and increase the dividends paid to shareholders.
A few years ago I had a couple get quite irate when they came across a site that we were felling…wrong to cut down trees etc….I politely tried to explain that Sitka were grown in much the same way as a field of corn…they are a crop which is well managed…the couple were having none of it and I eventually had to tell them less politely that they were trespassing on a work-site and to Fuck Off.
You should have skipped the polite bit and proceeded straight to the fuck off bit. They were obviously tree huggers and Greta worshippers to boot.
That couple’s home will have had loads of spruce in it! From the frame of the house to the furniture to their grand piano. It’s the hypocrisy of many greenies that makes them look so comical.
You tinfoil hat wearing climate change deniers.
Next you’ll be telling me the climate is the ultimate bogeyman and it’s being used to control the population and make us surrender to draconian laws as we are fooled into believing there is an existential crises.
All heil Osama Bin Climate.
Tell it to the Dutch farmers!
“Climate change” is a leftist political movement.
How do I know this?
Because the left’s solution is always the same: more state, less liberty.
The standard “left-right” political spectrum is really outdated, by the way. Let’s call this what it is: Feudalism.
Too bad that reasonable discussions on how to reduce pollution get obliterated while the greenies prance around and feckless cunts like the American Democratic Party try to foment the Industrial Counter-Revolution.
Speaking of feckless cunts, I am looking forward to watching my local exurban wine women heading down to the river on foot to fetch the water while the men smoke legal pot and laze under the palm trees.
That Docu-film by lard arse Michael Moore a couple of years ago – ‘Planet of the Humans’ was it? Can’t be arsed checking.
That appeared to lay bare a lot of the myths and gross hypocrisy of the green (anything but) agenda.
Somewhere up in the rural Northern United States, they practically deforested an area the size of Wales (maybe it wasn’t but Wales is always a barometer of estimation for some reason) of ancient deciduous woodland and forest.
Completely uprooted it and fucking destroyed it. Animals habitat lost – the lot.
What for you may ask? Yes so some Bio/Green/Eco bullshit company’s power station could set up there and basically incinerate all of the trees that once stood there, all in the name of producing some electricity.
The logic being that because it’s not coal, oil or gas then it must be ok.
Cuntitude on an apocalyptic scale.
Hugo Drax?
‘Ken oath these cunts don’t bother hiding their villianry anymore. As much as I’m very sure Greta is a post op clone of Hermann Göring. Branson, Musk, Bezos, Soros etcetera, all Bond villains. Ian Fleming was a prophet.
“First, there was the dream”
About 10 years ago I got talking to a farmer who was planting corn on the cob seeds. I asked him if he hoped to get a good price for it and he told me that he’d already sold it to an electricity generator who were going to burn it as HMG were using taxpayers’ money to get they to do so. ‘Seems a stupid use of food’ I said to which the farmer replied that he thought it was bloody daft.
When are the politicians going to get a grip on the situation?
Fields of this maize around us, currently being harvested.
I heard they have Flying Saucers at the Drax site along with the aliens that spilled out when they crashed.
On a lighter note, could our government fuck things up any harder if they actually went out of their way to do it?
Keep the coal! Forever (not a six month extension)
Not the claim of ‘sustainable biomas’
Yet the government would love to stop homes having multifuel stoves. I feel it’s got nothing to do with what we burn. It’s about making us dependant on paying for our energy, from companies who milk us for every penny. What gets me more than anything else; surely it makes sense for people to be independent for their needs? Ww2 dig for victory ect, today we have people just going to a local food bank. People have become lazy and dependant on hand outs. As for our power, it’s indicative of a greater problem. We could be energy indipendant, we have oil, gas and coal. We could build nuclear power stations. Unfortunately those powers that be, are more concerned with pandering to the green loons. This has left us dangerously short of power generation. It’s not a matter of if, but when the lights go off. I’m all for green alternatives if they exist. It’s clear that if we have no wind or sun, then we have no green electricity. We made a huge mistake phasing out existing plants, before the infrastructure to replace came online. The idea we import gas ect instead of using what we have. Madness on the highest level, all to appease the few. I’m sure it never occurred to most of them, it’s less green to import from USA than get it out of the North sea. Still it’s okay because technically the responsibility for the co2 lies with the country that digs it up, or cuts it down. This means we can call ourselves green. It’s pie in the sky if they think we can accommodate electric cars on what we have. It’s a load of cunt! Rant over
crew i work for are the same. boast about zero to land fill. somebody else picks it up and they put it in land fill
What if I said I was a Muslim and having a wood stove was part of my culture
These soft Cunts would be falling over themselves trying to give me free Fuel
On topic – did anyone see this (see link)?
Fucking ridiculous. You’ve got the woke Southampton manager, his team 1 point above the relegation zone, asking his players woke questions during training.
From the article:
“On one occasion recently, he asked them to guess how many rotations of a windmill it would take to fully charge an electric car. I burst out laughing.”
How about sorting out your defence, who are leaking goals every weekend, you stupid cunt!
Lots of other bollocks too. There these pricks are, posing in selfies on a private jet getaway telling us to go carbon neutral…after driving to training all week in Ferraris, Lamborghinis and Range Rovers.
Fucking pricks!
I can imagine the first business meeting when power stations were first built.
“How are we going to power the thing then?”
‘Well what we will do is pay foreign workers to cut down trees in their own country. We will then have the trees transported by road, rail and sea over here and burn it.’
“Are you some sort of cunt? Have you any idea how much that will cost? People will have to decide between powering their homes or fucking eating!’
“Who cares? We’ll make billions!”
Drax reminds me of my bespoke log burner!
Although I only burn British timbers.
I wouldn’t be seen dead using Canadian wood.
It’s like Canada, full of saps.
And riddled with worms.
No, stop importing and cut down the Welsh forests for fuel.
More room for grazing sheep!
And shagging them…?
We had airships in the late 1800s and they were super-economical. Slow, but who was in a hurry back then? Then the Hindenburg blew up and that was the end of airships and the jet-planes took over and forced you to eat re-re-re-re-heated lasagna next to a screaming baby.
The horse faced lady running New Zealand is going to tax cow farts and burps.
I presume they’ll employ inspectors at each end of the cow, counting how many farts or burps are emitted? I guess they’ll also record a score of 1-10 for ferocity. 1 = the equilivalent of a large human fart, 10 = the inspector had to be pulled out of a nearby bush.
What a load of cunt.
Volcanoes should be banned.
I wonder if they are going to run an audit on Jacinda’s emissions? Then they can tax that horse faced horror.
I saw a video of her the other day and she was acting all coked-up, maybe it was speed. Why is New Zealand so pro-New World Order? Is it a bolt-hole for the elite? A lot of property been bought up there in the past few years.
To think some of the zombies on Facebook I was familiar with used to laud this woman as some sort of visionary just because of her gender and approach to Covid.
Firewood is now a BIG commodity. Many restrictions on sale of firewood in many European countries. Stockpiling going on. Ancient forests being cut down. People are getting desperate.
Rip up the floorboards and smash up the dining table,
Woods a valuable commodity,
It doesn’t grow on trees.
I’m burning a oak sideboard tonight and my neighbours shed.
He’ll be furious when he gets back from Lanzarote.
You could add a country cream gate to the fire?
I’d sooner throw my kids on than that gate.
That gate is everything I aspire too.
I look at it to cheer myself up when the bailiffs have been round…
They will never burn with all those layers of lead based paint on them..
Funny you should say that, i burnt my neighbours woodern leg, he is hopping mad .
I’ll get my coat.
Jeff Dunham’s ventriloquist dummies will be shitting themselves.
Peanut and Bubba J have fucking got it coming to them. Ahmed? “I kill you!”
When Rod Hull died Emu was speechless
I will be able to burn my woodgrain Atari, TV and VCR if I get desperate.
Kellingly pit is a few miles from Drax, Eggborough and Ferrybridge. A railway line runs through them.
Kellingly pit closed. Eggborough and Ferrybridge closed. Drax importing wood chips which are chipped using huge amounts of energy and shipped by sea and rail. Wood has a lower calorific value than coal and produces more particulates to blow over Yorkshire and Lincolnshire (who cares? It’s not the Home Counties old boy)
This horseshit has been going on for years with £1 billion per year being Drax’s subsidy.
We are as green as fuck for accepting this.
Also the fact that sea is THE most pollutant way to travel just adds to my piss boiling temperature.
I’ve just read “what climate crisis” not that I needed to know it’s all a scam but shit me it’s so blatant but no one in the media cares.
They should be burning Flabbot and Kier’s knickers – that fire will burn long and bright.
Right, here goes…..the earth is warming but only because we are steadily moving away from the last ice age 10000 years ago. Thus we are returning to a ‘normal’ temperature. Its natural. It will warm, then eventually go cold again. This is shown in ice cores. The concept that mankind is warming the planet is just wilful ignorance. Yes, earth is warming, glaciers are retreating but its all a natural cycle. All mankinds emissions compared to volcanic eruptions mean nothing.
As pointed out its just an industry now.
Full of cunts.
Pollution on the other hand……
Off Topic but a big hand for this Gentleman……
Just a shame he didn’t steamroller “CyclingMikey” and rid the streets of at least one genuine pain-in-the-arse Cunt
Anyone called Mikey is a cunt, and anyone who uses Siri likewise.
Another Dutch twat in London, a bit like that marketing cunt who started the clapping.
The power stations pretty much all, were once coal fired. My nearest one Richborough near Sandwich did from 1962 until 1971, when it changed to oil. and in 1989 Orimulsion, This did not go down too well if the wind was not blowing the chimney smoke over Pegwell Bay.
They call this waste wood ‘biomass’ but how can it be waste wood if the cunts are cutting down young healthy trees?
Why not use the dead wood in the house of Lords. I’d say there’s enough dead wood in that den of cunts to keep Drax running until the end of this fucking century.
The smell of burning shit would be overpowering, I suppose.
Life often imitates art:
“IN his 2020 book The Denial , journalist Ross Clark describes a dystopian future in which everything we buy or do has a carbon (CO2) value and each household or individual has a maximum allowance to use each month. Only the elite have no restrictions. ”
This is where we are heading, but there are unforeseeable variables, ie. the “elites” skulls being smashed in by million-strong mobs.
Earth is vastly over populated and cannot keep up with our needs, when you think that in the last 60yrs how fast we have advanced, what are the next 60 yrs going bring, we have used up most of its natural resources that have taken centuries to form in such a short time, It just can’t cope with our growth, we are on a self destruct path and the sooner we all fuck off the better.! The Human race will not be missed.!
Overpopulation is a myth and the population will never reach 9 billion, as less children are being born in the world than replacing the older generations such as the boomers, who will be dying off in a decade.
We’ll see a population crash in the Northern hemisphere in 30 years and China and Germany will soon feel the effects in their manufacturing industries.
I don’t give a fuck what they burn: trees, coal, nappies, shite. So long as they keep the lights on and it’s cheap. They could burn Flabbott: The burning would last until at least 2035.
Flabbot is so calorific she is her own class of star…
a black dwarf.
Read the fine-print. The word “bio-fuel” gets thrown around a lot.
What classifies as bio-fuel you might aslk?
Well, anything plant based of course, including wood, fabric & garbage.
Most if not all gas power plants are setup to burn bio-fuel to make electricity.
Don’t judge this documentary withour watching it…
Planet of the Humans 2019