hmm seems like a volunteer security force for the UK is needed. Time to wield big clubs eh?
None of these ‘experts are real scientists’, they are bullshit woke professors of faggot studies. There is no climate change, meteorologists interpret computer models of weather. They base everything off of <200yrs recording, earth is considerably older. It is actually the coldest it’s ever been (for a long while). People like milk and cheese and not faggot food. Fuck off.
Being deficient in vitamins from meat make you fucking retarded and unable to have sensible thoughts. That’s all the science you need.
Humans are omnivores, except these protesters they are just cunts.
Any scientist on a climate change paper is a fake journal, eg journal of scientific climate change (it’s not real, you may as well call it the journal of the occult, this is why they can slap 1000 names of any scientist they like and not remove it). This way you can manufacture falsely whatever you want as fact. Of course there isnt a politician in the world with the brains to work this out and do something or probably even care.
The reality is tofu, and Nutella are fucking up the world and the highest pollutants while these lefty fuckers all fart out methane. If anyone needs to help the plants chop em up and worm food them all.
Nominated by: getfuckedwokecunts
I live a partially vegan lifestyle.
Sometimes going upto 95 minutes without eating meat.
And I’m prone to hysteria and see myself as a Christ like figure.
‘Blood on your hands’…
The sign says
That gives me a hunger pang AND a raging hard-on.
Little minx?
You use oil based paints on your gates you hypocrite.
I thought hypocrisy was essential to being a climate activist?
I believe climate change is a fact and ongoing. It has been for millions of years. The actual cause of any current fluctuations is debateable.
Man made change is a huge industry from Greta and her family’s interests to the rest of the ‘green’ lobby. It is where money, jobs and non jobs are made.
We should embrace living in mud huts to benefit these good people.
The bitch should set an example and show us all how it’s done.
Completely off topic –
Is Therese Villiers actually Noel Fielding in a frock?
She’s a frightful looking cunt.
Will there ever be a smoking hot female UK MP? Overseas cunts got many…
No. 13 – goddamn!
Is Rishi Sunaks wife shagable, her bank balance does a lot for her, she didn’t look too bad when she was younger, problem with the Asians the looks deteriorate once they hit 40 ?
The Russian and the Y*d for me ?
Or the Italians ?
It’s mostly frumpy women who go into politics. Keeping the beef off while you sit on your arse must be hard too and the boozing is a given if you are in Westminster. I’d be banjoed most of the time if I was an MP, like George Brown. Doing that job sober would be fucking impossible for a cunt like me.
Therese Coffey is an ugly fat munster. I shall have to look up this Villiers woman. Photos abound of my favourite Penny looking sad, as if she needs a good cuddle…
Munter. Bloody smell check.
Do what all greens do; pretend things are run on wind andd solar and hide a diesel generator under some bales of hay.
These cunts are as bad as the perpetual motion/ free energy crowd and their hidden batteries.
Another bunch of middle class wankers disappointed that they couldn’t walk into some snooty high paid job with their degree in African gender studies.
So we’ll save the fucking world instead, save the uneducated from their own stupidity. Aren’t we great?
The worst of these vegan cunts are the ones that won’t feed their pet dog meat
Some Cunts cornered the market in selling these fuckwits vegan dog food
It’s hypoallergenic for dogs with ‘sensitive ‘ stiomachs
I hope a vegan has an Alsatian that snaps and rips its owners face off
That cunt Linda Mcartney started all this feed your doggo on rice & quorn shit. Then she tried flogging quorn sausages and burgers to Tesco, then thankfully she dropped dead. I expect that cunt Billy Shears, continued to kill their dogs slowly with malnutrition cos he’s a vegan wanker as well.
“I gave the dog your steak.
it’s a bloodhound, not a muesli hound.”
Shirley Valentine.
Looking at you, Lewis Hamilton, you sadistic cunt.
Bulldogs love a bit of raw frying steak.
Another group of utter cunts who can’t just state their opinions and let us decide what we think of them, but have to take ‘direct action’. This involves Fucking up people’s jobs, inconveniencing the public, wasting our money. I’m starting to think the USSR’s communist party had the right idea : any loopy ideas and off to Siberia.
Bit hard to be vegan in Russia when that cunt Stalin starved 50 million of them to death with most reduced to eating their own kids.
There’s plenty of silver birch trees in Russia. Yum….
The Soviet communists would have loved these wankers. An abundance of “useful idiots” to manipulate
I’ll bet these twats wouldn’t demonstrate in China or North Korea, trying to tell the Asians to stop eating rats and dogs.
Straight into some re-education camp for them…?
never see the wankers superglued to a Chinese factory chimney shouting just stop oil.
Ugly vegan girl: “Go vegan!”
Me: “Beat it, stinky.”
Hot vegan girl: “Go vegan!”
Hot vegan girl? Get a grip.
I do actually know one, although she isn’t strictly vegan. She eats cheese every now and again. She guzzles a lot of cum too, women or men she isn’t too picky. Right little minx.
I’ve known a couple of seriously fuckable veggies in my time. Not sure how strict they were as both loved warm blood sausage served with lashings of salty yogurt.
You got more chance of a hot sausage roll in greggs..
Oh I’ve seen many, many smoking hot vegan women. They are all over YT, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They were hot before they were vegan, of course. I’m just saying that they aren’t all pale and ugly with blue armpit hair.
YT, Twitter and Instagram are full of filtered pics of these so called hot vegans.
a bit like xhamster is full of saucy, attractive lesbians.
Its a myth. The reality is that vegans are all pale and pasty with horrendous flatulence and real lesbians work part time as gargoyles.
I don’t know about knocking vegans. Lenny Kravitz is 58 and looks 35. Yeah, you get vegans who look ill, but not all of them look ill. Hot women aren’t know for being burger munchers, are they?
I couldn’t go vegan, I like chicken and fish too much – and egg foods. But beef I can do without, most beef is pretty crappy. The nutrients in vegetables are what our body craves most. The main thing is to avoid sugar. I was gutted when I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last month. I don’t want to be one of those sugar-cripples with an amputated leg. Losing a leg was something a war veteran had not some Coca-Cola guzzler.
They should try tipping stuff over in an Aldi in somewhere like Stalybridge.
They’d get their vegan heads kicked in.
Mind you,I must admit to being surprised that these cunts get anywhere to start their rebellion as I assumed a mild breeze would blow them into a canal or some such.
Send them to cattle farm in Brazil and see if they are ever heard from again.
The little mithering cunts.
I know two cunts in their late fifties, who were persuaded a couple of years or so ago by their university age children, to go vegan. I don’t know why any mature person would take any advice from someone like that, I guess their kids just whined at them and having no spine, they just went along with it. Anyway, both of these cunts fell over on skiing holidays ( I suppose they walked there,,,?) and got complex fractures that took ages to heal . Maybe coincidence, but I have thought for a long time that there seems to be no substitute for calcium in a vegan diet. Women in particular need to not go down this road due to the loss of calcium due to menopause. I thought it was common knowledge that many elderly women had brittle bones. It amazes me when I see people being lectured in supermarkets by their kids about buying eggs or butter – why the fuck do they put up with it? Making a rod for their own backs, and later on, everybody elses.
Children are best not seen and not heard.
What kind of adult listens to morality lectures from their kids? The one’s that raise swampy-types I guess.
I’ve been to a Brazilian beef restaurant, it was fantastic! Medallions on swords brought to you! Argentina consumes the most beef per capita. Been to an Argie beef house in Haarlem outside Amsterdam, again fantastic. But thes days I’m not huge on beef, it has to be prime, succulent, perfect, I can’t be arsed with eating beef just to take a mighty painful shizer the next day – or with the hour!
Antifa, BLM, XR, Just Stop Oil, now Animal Rebellion. Are there any I’ve missed? Same old story. Just another load of layabouts and failures who think that doing shit like this justifies their pathetic little existence.
No credible scientific body has ever said climate change threatens the imminent collapse of civilisation much less the extinction of the human species, despite what Extinction Rebellion and Thunderpants say.
However, global warming is happening. Scientific evidence shows that human activities (primarily the burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have impacted on Earth’s climate. This is based on over a century of scientific evidence.
What I disagree with is the eco catastrophism which says we have to change right now or our planet will implode within 20 years. This is nonsense. We can’t revert back to the Dark Ages overnight. We need to look at long term aspirations to turn the situation around and develop new technologies. It might take 100 years – more than enough time.
Outlawing internal combustion engines within 10 years where the technology isn’t there and it won’t make any difference is sheer lunacy. No way I’m giving my cars up.
Earth experiences catastrophes. Some natural, some unnatural. Next one is due in 2040 and again in 2046. 2012 was the wrong date. The so-called, “elites” know about these catastrophes and that’s why they have underground cities to escape to. The countdown to 2040 has been underway for a while. We’ll see a lot of insane shit in the coming years, way crazier than what is happening now.
2040 and 2046? Very precise dates. The elites must have that sports almanac from Back to The Future.
I hope they’re more accurate than that Mayan calendar that said we were all going to die in 2012 or something…
(The film was bollocks too)
Freemasons know the real chronology of Earth, for example. At the higher levels they teach the true chronology and when the, “comets” affect Earth, that’s why Masonic tapestries are replete with comets – but they aren’t comets, they are something else.
I’m a Freemason. This is news to me.
You must have see the comets on the tapestries, MMCM. Not every Mason gets told everything, for most it’s a socialclub not a mystery school. I’m not a Mason, there are ways of knowing this stuff if you are inclined towards the esoteric side of reality. The main thing is that the orthodox chronologies of Earth, mankind, is false. The real currency of the world is not fiat money, not gold – it’s knowledge. I mean, you still think the Earth is a globe and that’s one of the things you get told is false if you are so privileged in Freemasonry – that the Earth is a level plane, enclosed by the Firmament. But you don’t need to be a high-up Mason to know this in 2022, it’s common sense.
You’re really on fire today, Gordon! ?
He’s fucking with you, he said himself he doesn’t post serious shit.
No one is that stupid.
Evening Gutstick.
Hilarious, ain’t it. Almost as funny as Zelensky playing piano with his knob!
Top tip: check out the earlier BBC nom, re Sunak threads. ?
Like I say, it’s common sense that the ocean is level all over the Earth and the gases and heat of Earth are sealed in by something physical or maybe it’s metaphysical, exotic. The “globe” Earth deception is an intelligence test, takes some people a while to see through it. Avoid the YouTubers on this subject, though, figure it out for yourself, it’s not difficult.
Evening RTC.
I’ll take your reliable word for it my friend, sifting through the juvenile racist drivel that passes for wit these days is beyond me.
Here’s to all that live on the only flat planet in a solar system of spherical planets.
Happy Monday!
Yeah, the usual pea-brained bile, dogs born in barns aren’t horses, etc…
To be honest LeCunt I haven’t been attending freemasonry for a few years and got a bit bored of it. I’m still a member but not a very diligent one. It’s not the sensationalist, exciting stuff it’s presented as. It can be a bit tedious and certainly not the hotbed of plotting and the secrets of the universe it’s often presented as. Most masonic lodges couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery let alone plot world domination.
Once you figure out that the Earth isn’t a globe hurtling through space, you feel very relaxed. You could do with that, Mr Japseye! 🙂
Freemasonry is 99% a social club and philanthropy network. Most Masons don’t get beyond the 3rd Degree. It’s one of many societies, 6 million members worldwide from Iceland to Japan, China, everywhere. It’s a powerful network but not the MOST powerful. Manly Palmer Hall revealed most of the Freemasonic knowledge in the 1920s before he was a made a Mason. He was murdered, it seems. Fascinating guy, good guy.
Are you still persisting in your Flat Earth beliefs?
I could give you the science but I can’t be bothered. Alternatively, you could use common sense. If, as you argue, the Earth is flat, what profit is there for the entire scientific community, not to mention everyone else, persisting in a conspiracy to present it as round?
My dad was a Freemason. Still got his apron, etc, in the loft.
Might wear it when I go shopping tomorrow.
It will certainly help you if you’re caught shoplifting by the Police.
It is scientific fact that over 95% of so called greenhouse gas is water vapour. What to do about that?
Less than 1% of 1% is CO2 emitted by the UK, far smaller than a pimple on a pigs backside, but a nicer little earner for some, and a great way of controlling and taxing the proles.
Agree with you Temujin that the UK contribution to global warming is minuscule and the Eco lobby is a racket. But I believe global warming is an issue – but not the catastrophic short term one the Eco-Loons would have us believe. It just needs to be kept in proportion.
They would better sticking to what Greenpeace and others targeted from the late 1960s – pollution. We can all get behind hating polluted rivers and skies and wanting that stopped. But the way we are propagandized about ‘climate change / global warming’ just pisses off 99.99999999% of humanity or makes them apathetic. Their strategy is shrill and ineffectual at this stage. Retards are behind it. You need to incentive ecology and the government tried that, but the supermarkets didn’t get behind the super-recycling programs, because the government were going to pay a pittance to them, so they said, “fuck off.”
Until the public gets a tax rebate for being more ecological, no one will really make an effort to reduce their carbon footprint. That’s just basic human nature.
Around The World in Eighty Days Flat, must read that one.
You can go around a circle not just a globe.
I thought it was a giant turtle, or a stack of them.
Or was that Terry Pratchett?
I read that. Felt a bit flat to me.
I know a few cabbage munchers who’ve been that way for years. Without exception they all look like emaciated victims of Auschwitz, all skin and bone. A strong gust of wind would blow any of them away.
Those cunts in the photo don’t look like proper vegans to me. What’s the betting they sneak off for a steak and chips when no one’s looking? Closet carnivores imo.
If animals were not meant to be eaten then they would not be made out of steaks and chops.
And any food shortage crisis that may happen,,….. I will just do a Dahmer. ???
You’re not going to start shagging dead people are you?
Do a Dahmer?
You don’t mean fruity stuff do you?
Because this is a family site.
Sawney Bean!
He was great in Sharpe’s War.
I agree and they wouldn’t intentionally get in the truck and go to the abattoir unless they didn’t want to
I think most of them disagree to having their throats slit by a twat dressed in a frock saying a magic spell on behalf of backward Religion
I wonder who that could be?
I heard that some cunts today smeared cake over the face of Charlie the Chimp Boy’s waxwork. Don’t know what they were protesting about but I don’t suppose they were very sure either. It’s Monday……oh is that Insulate Britain day or Save the Fucking Polar Bear?
Here’s the video of it…
(42 seconds)
Charles has had worse things splattered on his face, of course.
Those days at Gordonstoun School still haunt him.
These are the cunts that throw milk about.
Not a tactic employed by the IRA or ISIS.
But for some reason it offends me.
I was taught not to waste food,
These little Quentin’s and Tristan’s wasting good Moo juice ?
How come nobody has chinned them?
People take their kids shopping, blokes tired from work, etc
Sooner or later…BLAM!!??
Someone who needed that milk for the kids breakfast is going to go postal and give them a battering.
“Staff member to aisle 3!
Staff member to aisle 3!”
Hahaha ?
They should throw whale spunk.
LeCunt @
Whale snot.
It’s used in perfumes,
It’s called ambergris and worth a fortune ££££!
The spunk too.
If you get the chance to swim with whales,
Maybe killer whales in Florida at SeaWorld?
Try to wank them off.
Messy but worth it.
Everyone’s a winner.
Yeah, I know about ambergris, some lucky bugger found a lump of it on a Welsh beach a few years ago and got 75,000 quid for it. They used to use it to ‘fix’ a perfume’s formula. There’s a good movie based on a great novel, Perfume: The Story of a Murderer…
(2006, 147 minutes, HD)
Set in 19th century Paris, very atmospheric movie, perfect for these dark nights!
Thats how I know about it.
The jammy Welsh cunt on the beach.
Since then I’ve kept my eye out for sickly whales.
Throwing them out of date yoghurts.
It’s such a weird phenomenon, ambergris. Whales gobbing out a precious substance. Whale hunting, that was mental. Mad cunts did that for a wage. The smallest man or boy had to climb inside the dead whale and scoop out every last drop of oil.
Some silly cunts have done a custard pie to the face of a Jug Ears wax work, fucking hard bastards, they must be from Worcestershire ?
Would want to get on the wrong side of these two ?
Not sure what throwing a custard pie at the Kings waxwork achieves or how it furthers their cause. Especially as he probably agrees with them. The antics of these lunatics become more bizarre by the day. Cunts.
Hopefully the daft wankers have shot themselves in the foot.
Pissed off their most high profile admirer.
Next stop The Tower.
Then the block…?
HRH Jug Lugs needs to channel his inner Longshanks on little Milo and Poppy…
These twats boil my piss.Send them to the oven for 3 weeks.
Same cunts, different tee-shirts.
It’s a rent a mob..
Blue hair instead of brown shirts…
Rent a gob.
Isn’t it about time that there was some sort of protest centres set up in London and other large cities?
Maybe a section of one of the parks.
A bit like ‘Speaker’s Corner’, but bigger.
I suppose that these deluded nutcases have the right to protest, but they seem to have been given the right to inconvenience people as well.
Let them protest. They can be as noisy as they want. They can scream and scream until they are sick.
They can bang drums and play loud music if they want.
But protest in a designated place and not on the public roads, supermarkets or up river crossing bridges.
Maybe then other people may listen and perhaps sympathise with you.
Keep to the protest areas.
Disrupt or agitate people outside these areas and you will be arrested and jailed.
Either that, or have one group or another causing mayhem every fucking day.
Time someone started Rebellion Extinction, to run counter-protests to these twats, comprising baseball bats and Doc Martin’s.
Three thoughts spring to mind: 1. Without farming and eating animals there would be no human civilisation. 2. The Earth’s climate varies enormously with time – by far the biggest factor being the fucking massive fusion bomb that lives in the sky. 3. Animal Rebellion are cunts.
I get where they are coming from, but they just present their case in a stupid and obnoxious manner. Food chaos is coming this decade, so expect even more mental shit to come.
Spare a thought or maybe not for the NZ farmers who will soon be taxed on their cattle burping, farting and producing urine. That crazy horse faced fuckwit Ardern is about to introduce a Draconian levy on these farms which will of course benefit the planet.
The voters of NZ must be more fucking stupid than the sheep.
Sheep are ok by me btw, kiwis I’m not sure.
Holland is fckd as well.
Something very, very sinister happened to Dutch politics in the past few years, they are all in lockstep towards destroying/remaking their country and it will be a colossal “fuck “you to a people who spent 400 years creating an amazing society.
The murder of Pym Fortoyn and the outrageous treatment of Gurt Wilders was the beginning of the end for them.
I totally agree with telling vegans to go if they have blood on their hands. Its very naughty of them.
Why are they’re no “trucks of peace” about anymore to sort these cunts out, drilling holes in lorry tyres, like to see them try that shit with Enver from Albania!
“They turned blue after damage tyre, very sad, where benefit office and wodka shop”
Force them to eat double cheeseburgers and fries, with an SA80 pointed at their heads…
No need. They’re all fucking hypocrites who skulk off to a McDonalds out of camera view once they’ve had their 15 minutes and wade into a big Mac meal and giant strawberry milkshake.
They’re a bunch of cunts who would do anything for the attention their parents didn’t give them.
I so hope that incriminating footage of the twats gorging themselves on corporate slop ends up on YouTube.
Along with more footage of them queueing around the block to get the latest sweatshop produced disposable plastic iPhone then bragging about it.
It’s not the meat and fats making people fat but starch and sugar, and the cheapness of all food in general. These tubby vegans get fat on potatoes, cakes and sugary drinks.
Chicken used to be a luxury most families could only afford to eat on special occasions, now it’s eaten by the literal bucket by the poorest of society. Any change to this gluttony is met by handwringing from lefty wankers over ‘austerity’ and ‘poverty’.
“Go Vegan” well go on so you cunt, no ones getting in your way. Oh I see, you live in a fashionable flat that daddy paid for, that must be nice “Sell the fucking thing so and buy a few acres of land and grow all the nuts and bugs you need to sustain your lifestyle choice.
You’ll be so fucking busy with the daily chores living off the land like weeding and pests and tired as fuck from it all that you won’t give a fuck about stop oil and Black cunts matter because it is that hard.
Thought not, you vegan fuckwit
Anyone else out there seen the French film Themroc? Man reverts to the stone age and becomes a cannibal. We could eat these pathetic cunts, wouldn’t get much meat off them though.
Michel Piccoli, great actor, RIP. He’s also great in another weird film, Dillinger is Dead.
I wonder, the one with blue hair, was the dye vegan?
Were her tattoos done using vegan ink?
I bet some of the vegan ladies are right dirty little minxes in the sack.
No meat, I bet they don’t say that when they’re all lying naked next to each other, rubbing their quims together…
Them girls at top have very different approaches.
Blue haired one, fake blood, anger, accusations of murder.
The one in a Easter bonnet, all flowery, limp,
Wet hippy type.
Bet the blue haired one is better in bed?
I’d stick my thumb up her balloon knot and whisper
” I’ve just eaten a lamb I strangled”.
Jump aboard while she’s having a seizure.?
My ex Mrs is Vegan , by what i hear though she definitely likes her meat on the bone . fucking hypocrite.
My missus likes her meat on my boner, hur hur.
Is Lady Creampuff on a diet then?
Evening Ruffers.
You’ve famously never met a vegan have you Ruff?
They’re dead nice!
Have blue hair like the Golden Girls.
And talk really loud.
If you want to meet one try the doctors waiting room,
Usually in there.
Or the dole office.
Either side of the desk..
No comments from the peanut gallery!
Evening LL ?
It’s true, Miserable. I have never knowingly met a vegan.
I’d have known if I had cos they can’t wait to tell you.
Or the Samaritans Hotline, Miserable. I bet there is a ton of vegans on there.
“Its terrible, I just can’t go on. He’s cooked me cauliflower chickpea patties and mung beans again tonight”.
Their jumpers stink of stale farts LL.
All that veg , surprised they don’t bloat with gas?
That’s why they never smile.
In pain with windypops.
Bacon butty solves all problems ?
Michelle Pfeiffer is a vegan. She might be 64 but she can use my face as a wild west outhouse if she so wishes…
Not bad, eh!
Lets go vegan, okay so, get rid of all the grazing lands for farm animals around the world and plant lovely rape an sunflower an whatever else the vegans needs are.
Bill Gates and WEF and all the other real and actual conspirators step in and having already bought up some considerable hectares worldwide will impose there’re will.
Now even delve further into the dystopia that is the future of food.
If i need seed to grow crops, i have to buy from seed banks that are big corporate business as they have made it illegal for me in Europe by law, to buy seed from another farmer for payment.
The seed i buy from big tech is only good for one crop as it is castrated and cannot reproduce from its own seed, a fucking hybrid.
So now we are all vegans and slaves to big giants and the inability and illegality of growing your own.
Of course these vegan wankers protests are all sponsored as everyone on here knows.
Im even confused with my own post but cunt to all of em
Moderation just write Billy grates and wet, its my own fault