To Bigot or Not To Bigot

The definition of a bigot is lost on this one:

A recent story:

Kent Online Story.

A village has reacted with anger over a poster in a church noticeboard stating: “We don’t celebrate Pride, we preach Christ crucified.”

OK you would think- that is the churches opinion and everybody should surely be allowed an opinion- after all there’s always two sides isn’t there?

No so apparently- one of the locals in particular got their already brain-washed 4 year old son to make his own ‘pride associated’ poster that now conforms to how those with the opposite opinion think the church should think. In a statement of totally irony, the mother of the 4 year old stated:

‘I was shocked and disgusted to have a bigoted message being publicly shown,” she said. “I decided to have a chat with my kids about it and my eldest Alfred said he wanted to colour a rainbow with ‘Be Kind’ on it’

Hmmmm….so the church has an opposite view to this mother, and this mother is so intolerant of that opposing view, she decides to censor it as she doesn’t agree with it. In my book, that’s being a very big bigot Mrs, so go and fuck yourself you stupid cunt….and take that brain washed soppy cunt of a son with you

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

62 thoughts on “To Bigot or Not To Bigot

  1. That church probably employs a few cob gobblers itself so the whole story is cunt filled. It reminds me of the Joni Mitchell song, “I’ve seen cunts from both sides now.”

  2. Alfred sounds a right little bender.
    The product of not being allowed to play with toy guns, climbing trees and throwing stones at stuff.

    His mummy will have second thoughts when Alfred gets his ringpeice stretched out of shape by a stranger in the park.

    The church are allowed a opinion just as the much as Alfred’s mam has.

    And I have the right to tell them both stop fuckin whining.

    • Anyone that calls their son Alfred is a fucking cunt anyway.
      She’s obviously a racist, or she would’ve gone full leftard and called him Mohammed.

  3. I wonder what Alfred’s father thinks about all this?
    Whatever his mother’s boyfriend tells him to think, presumably.
    Isn’t that fa9got flag awfully big for a 4 year old to have made?
    And how did he get up there to hang it?
    Which he, as a 4 year old obviously did cos he feels so strongly about fa99ot issues.

    • Yes he should have done it himself, but it was too high up. If he had had some initiative, he would have dragged that weelie bin over in the clip, & used that from the wall. But no, kids aren’t made to think these days, & that Karen probably would have stopped him anyway.

  4. She sounds a right fucking Karen.

    All of Hallings zero GBTQ+ community will have been outraged (the lezzas have been told to fuck off apparently)

    This was more about social media validation from other attention seeking mongs than any real effort of ‘being kind’. Little Alfred is just a prop for his cunt of a mother, go on and run for the hills Alf before she starts sending you to school in a dress!

  5. It makes you wonder how this harridan got pregnant.
    I assume she welcomes the thought of having no grandchildren. Someone sticking their cock up Alfred’s arse won’t produce any, no matter how brainwashed the poor sod has been.

  6. There is an issue here. I put up yesterday the video of the the confrontation between the Star Wars Memorbilia shop owner and a trans ‘woman’ politician.

    What was memorable for me was the way he just said to him-‘youre fucking nuts!’, ‘you’re fucked in the head’.
    Refreshingly simple.

    But that aggressiion can never be the Christian approach. No. We are always to ‘be kind’ and compassionate and understanding and be a good listener.

    So maybe having a cup of tea with them and asking them ‘about their problems’

    And being kind you would use their ‘preferred pronoun’

    But that softly softly approach is a danger because it just confirms their delusional thinking.

    I have everyday dealings with a Trannie. He is very polite and not ‘strange’ in the way he talks. He just looks strange.

    He looks like a man dressed as a woman which he is.

    But if we ever got onto the subject (which we never will) I simply couldn’t bring myself to stop our polite civilised conversatuon to say to him- ‘by the way you’re fucking nuts! ‘Youre fucked in the head!!’

    So what do you do? Say nothing I suppose.

    But then the number of them us increasing. Have we a duty to confront this in our personal dealings?

    • “Transphobic Star Wars Store Aberdeen Business Owner – YouTube”

      Note; the owner of course is in the wrong in the title if this video, being, ‘Transohobic’

      Should have ended with– ‘Have we a Christian moral duty to confront these delusional people? ‘

      • That old boy is my new hero. What an absolute legend.

        The big tranny is so deluded that I think it believes she can get him cancelled once she puts the video up

        Not realising that the small cabal of enablers she has that tell her “you look great hun”, don’t represent the views of most sane people in the world

    • How’d you know it Miles?

      Just be forthright.

      Flip it over point out it’s bollocks and ask for a refund ?

      • ‘flip it over’

        If I get your meaning correctly Miserable you are accusing me of having carnal intimate relations with one of these poor unfortunate people.
        What a calumly! What a counfouded slur!!

      • Hehehe ?
        Teasing you Miles.
        That Star Wars bloke was being honest.

        Trans type make me uncomfortable, and make me feel slightly sick.

        They can live however they want to live, but they try to involve others in their madcap bullshit.
        Then get hysterical when people tell them no.

      • I would like to make it clear to everone that my relations with this Tranie fella are business-like and totally above board.

        Plus he slouches in his heels.

      • Yup he’s great Miserable. Just watched it again and he answers my question above in a way-
        ‘I am confronting you as an asshole’.

      • I would very much like for someone, should the need arise, to kindly point out that me dressing as a woman, chemically poisoning myself with synthetic hormones and surgically castrating myself might be a symptom of a mental disturbance and not down to God putting me in the wrong body. So I do unto others as I would have them do to me.

        Christ was not averse to calling people liars, thrives, adulterers and hypocrites either. How unkind?

  7. Karen was so horrified by the act of heterosexual sex she had to endure to produce her pompous little brat she doesn’t want any other woman to suffer in the same way. Hence she encourages Alf and his little friends to bum fuck each other while she roams soshul meeja looking for a suitable partner for a bit of muff diving.
    The perfect morality tale for this fucked up world. Be kind? Fuck off bitch.

  8. Alfred in 1982 might have drawn a massive cock and balls over the church notices.

    In 2022 he’s putting his mum’s gay poster up instead.

    I think that sums up the country quite well.

  9. Wonder if the stupid bigot would have done the same if a notice of similar meaning had appeared on the Mosque notice board. Hmmmm let me ponder a while, what’s that a resounding no fucking chance. You see only our religion, culture etc are worthy of degeneration.
    Lady the time is coming when you will truly regret turning your back on thousands of years of your history. Suck it up it’s coming.

    • it is……uprising from within is not far away and us soppy white british twats are letting it happen in the name of tolerance and intergration, and laws are constantly being passed stopping us from even mentioning it and the cause

  10. Elizabeth Kitchener Alfred Kitchener Halling Kent

    ….there…..hope when this gay twat of a son grows up and all his mates google search his name they will find this ISAC nom

  11. Calling a 4 year old “Alfred” guarantees he will become an antiques dealer, a luvvie , a ballet dancer or Wes Sceechings relacement as a bender MP I sometimes wonder if the parents are the autors and artists of these chidlike tributes think Tony Hancock in The Rebel)

  12. Elizabeth “Karen” Kitchener said “I had neighbours smiling with big thumbs up as I was walking back home.”

    Wasn’t aware Len Fairclough was still alive and looking out for tender and supple young 4 year olds called Alfred in that neighbourhood?

  13. The good folk of Halling are all a bit puddled and angry. Can’t say that I blame them because I would be too if I lived there.

    It’s an absolute shithole of a place.

  14. Alfred will soon become a pink arsed Chicken for the local Pedophile ring. Then a childrens entertainer on BBC where he can indoctrinate other young chickens

  15. We don’t celebrate pride, like most people I would guess.

    And why the fuck do these mincing cunts use the rainbow, the only rainbow club I ever heard of was a kids club, not the blue oyster

  16. Kitchener eh? The Battle of Omdurman, the relief of Khartoum……ah……the good old days when Britain ?? ruled the world. Now the world uses our country as a public toilet. I’m surprised this wokie Karen bitch doesn’t change her name. Presumably she’s never heard of Lord Kitchener…….or anything else she hasn’t seen on the fucking telly.

  17. Mark Drakeford, that bigoted taff needs to learn to shut the fuck up and do what he is told by his English masters: (Mark Drakeford said he was not given advance notice that Prince William would be the new Prince of Wales.).

    I am never given advance notice of when this wet leek is about to open his mouth, I just get on with it.

    I am no Royalist at all but he needs to learn some manners.

    Also, why are all the sweaty socks lining the streets today, they fucking hate us – shouldn’t they be working to keep the mad Krankie that is Nicola Spunkgem in power?

    • Another typical look at me lefty.

      I have a short response.

      Drakeford, it’s not about you, you fucking dog faced no-mark.

      Crawl back under the stone you came from, there’s a good creature.

    • If I was the King, I would’ve told Drakeford that the reason he wasn’t informed is that it’s none of his cunting business.
      Then I’d give the nod to the headsman.

  18. It just gets worse:

    and this comment:

    ‘Elizabeth Kitchener, a Parish Street roommate, designed her own homemade “Be Kind” poster to go over the sign was attached’

    What the fuck is a ‘parish street roommate?’ and now it’s HER that’s done this poster and not soppy 4 year old son Alfred. Or he did actually do it and it’s now dawned on her she’s made him look a cunt forevermore

    • Some cunt in that report says “love is never wrong.” I’m sorry mate but sticking your winkle up some bloke’s shitpipe ain’t “love.” Not in my fucking world anyway.

      • The Yorkshire Ripper loved smashing women’s heads in with a hammer.

        Saddam Hussein loved watching people beaten to death.

        Amy Winehouse loved drink and drugs.

        I rest my case.

    • I like the response from the bible bashers ?

      I doubt they will give two fucks if a bunch of mincers parade through the village.

      I am sure if there was a survey of ordinary folk and the question was ‘do you celebrate pride or don’t you really care’, I am pretty sure where most votes would land, except in Brighton ?

  19. “I decided to have a chat with my kids about it and my eldest Alfred said he wanted to colour a rainbow with ‘Be Kind’ on it”

    Translated into realism as, “I made a banner and pretended my kid did it for likes on Arsebook and Cuntagram and for my own agenda.”

    Get to fuck.

    We need more of this muscular Christianity. Big flashing sign “Benders will burn!” hopefully next.

    Then a sign saying, “Jesus was British. If you don’t like it here fuck off back to where you came from.”

    Sign me up. I’ll put a few pennies in the collection pot.

    Get to fuck.

    • “I decided to have a chat with my kids about it and my eldest Alfred said he wanted to colour a rainbow with ‘Be Kind’ on it”

      Translated into realism as, “I made a banner and pretended my kid did it for likes on Arsebook and Cuntagram and for my own agenda.”

      Get to fuck.

      We need more of this muscular Christianity. Big flashing sign “Benders will burn!” hopefully next.

      Then a sign saying, “Jesus was British. If you don’t like it here fuck off back to where you came from.”

      Sign me up. I’ll put a few pennies in the collection pot.

      Get to fuck.

  20. Typo when sending email username so sending again:

    “I decided to have a chat with my kids about it and my eldest Alfred said he wanted to colour a rainbow with ‘Be Kind’ on it”

    Translated into realism as, “I made a banner and pretended my kid did it for likes on Arsebook and Cuntagram and for my own agenda.”

    Get to fuck.

    We need more of this muscular Christianity. Big flashing sign “Benders will burn!” hopefully next.

    Then a sign saying, “Jesus was British. If you don’t like it here fuck off back to where you came from.”

    Sign me up. I’ll put a few pennies in the collection pot.

    Get to fuck.

  21. Why did this woman automatically assume that the phrase ” we don’t celebrate pride” was aimed at the alphabet community?

    As my dear old Dad would have said
    “Who died and left you in charge?”

  22. The usual woke straight middle class who virtue signal and lecture us gays now. It’s like being kicked out of our own party. That’s why we now have LGBAlliance.

  23. Thank fuck it was a church and not a mosque that poor Alfred made his wee poster for or he’d be under a pile of rocks right now.

  24. Bet Alfred spends all day at school telling anyone who’ll listen

    “I fuckin never!
    Honest it was my mam,
    She’s crackers, I had nowt to do with it!”

    • She’ll have him twerking in hot pants on a float at the next pride event.?

      While his school mates are in hysterics laughing Alfred will remonstrate

      “I’m not even gay,!
      God’s honest truth.
      Dave you know im not gay don’t you?!!”

  25. I am a disbeliever, but still have my school bible from the 60’s. I do not recall any mention of these people in there. I an sure the local mosque is swamped with rainbow posters.

  26. Totalitarianism doesn’t permit opinions that don’t conform with its own.

    One group of peoples rights are never above another’s in a functioning democracy.

    Ignoring this costs us all.

  27. I am familiar with the ‘Be Kind’ crowd from Facebook. one moment it’s Rainbow flags and slogans, the next it’s stuff about Barron Trump and how he needs to be caged.

  28. We need some old time hard core religion to stand against all this transbenderism, kiddy diddling perverted shit.( Yes I know lots of diddlers in the mainstream religions but not all of them were fiddlers)
    Cannot understand why the peacefuls are so accepting of all this crap never see or read about them hurling abuse at “Pride” events. With all their showboating i.e launching gays from tall buildings etc one would have thought they would be in the forefront of the battle for the minds of minors, too busy importing heroin, fiddling benefits, fraudulent purchases of social housing and raping school kids I suppose.
    Like a knight in shining armour on a fucking big horse da da the only truely muscular Christianity I can find, I give you fellow cunters the Westboro Baptist Church check out this is the real shit so to speak.

  29. Yet again we witness the lefty woke all inclusive bollocks from most probably a middle class tart who’s bringing her (son at the moment but will probably turn into a trans freak due to his mommy) up to be “oh so respectful” to this crap. Alfred will probably turn out to be another shirt lifter after his mind has been poisoned by his twat of a mother. I wonder if he was adopted by her or she opened her legs and was royally fucked, loving every minute of it by some guy with a 14 inch cock to produce little Alfred.

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