“The Queen and Us:1950s” – The BBC (75)

Christ. The Beeb. Yet again.

8:55 minutes into a BBC documentary, “The Queen and Us – 1950s” on Beeb Iplayer, we get this anti-Brit diatribe, I quote verbatim:

“Things were already improving [after the war]
The National Health Service and a new education system
Had been introduced to make a fairer society
But we had a long way to go
Because, in many ways,
We were stuck in the past
We still had an Empire, and
An attitude that Britain knew best.
The population was almost
Exclusively white and Christian.
We were the most industrialised
Country in the world
And factories, mines and mills
Still dominated our landscape
And our lives”.

And went on to showcase our appalling respect for the bobby on the beat, and distress caused by having a British accent and so on.

UM ….. SO WHAT? You’ve just described our proud national heritage, sadly lost now, (yet no Brit was given a single vote on any of the processes leading its downfall), as if it were Something Bad.

I had to stop watching, due to the imminent threat of bursting a blood vessel. Fuck you BBC filth, I’m orf to Netflix.

BBC iPlayer Link

The offending shite-piece in action.

Nominated by: Fuckwittery Churchill

72 thoughts on ““The Queen and Us:1950s” – The BBC (75)

  1. Britain ?? did know best fuck off bbc scum buckets and take your fucking misplaced ideas to some shithole abroad that you think knows better.

  2. The BBC won’t be happy until we all hate ourselves and hand England back to Africa who we stole it from originally.

  3. You can always rely on the BBC to insert their vile politics into anything they produce.

    The reason for this is that they are the biggest set of cunts in the country.


  4. Yes indeed, we still had an Empire in the 1950s. We still owned the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, South Africa and the Irish Republic.

    • These places were deserts and wastelands before we turned up.

      If they want reparations, we should charge them for railways and roads and transport infrastructure, schools and colleges and education, hospitals, medicine irrigation systems, agriculture, mechanisation, instituting proper government, etc, etc.

      They can send the balance to the British people.

  5. What a good and timely post. Times Lost. Someone ( possibly on this site ) once said , that “if my vote counted, I wouldn’t have a vote “.

    Sadly, I think that is very true, and our “democracy” is little more than a contrived and duplicitous scam.

    I only ever once exercised my democratic right of expression, and that was to tell my new Dar kee neighbour to fuck off. ( I could do that then )

    Progress? Nah ! Fuk it.

  6. I went to a very traditional school in the 1960s. The (out-of-date) map on our classroom wall had a quarter of the world’s landmass coloured pink, which gave all us kids a warm glow of pride. That this small island had ruled so much of the world was something to celebrate, not denigrate. Fuck off BBC.

    • Me the same. Used to stay at my grans back in the 70’s during the school holidys and she had a copy of Pears Cyclopaedia. In the front were maps of the world, and like you say there was some much couloured in Pink. I was so proud when gran told me that’s how much ‘we’ own of the world. I felt very luck and privileged to be born in such a country as the UK.

      …now, apparently I am a cunt for thinking that way, am far right, and a fucking racist! What’s going on?

      I don’t admire much about the USA, but what I do admire is the pride they have in their country. I like seeing that they display the stars and stripes outside residential homes- we on the otherhand are classified as white supremicists if we dare fly the St George.

      • Great Britain bankrupted itself to save the world from Nazi Germany.

        Now our national broadcaster wants to both morally and financially bankrupt us in the name of foreigners and extreme left wing dogma.

        I wonder if they ever ponder what will happen if the country revolts against being turned into a third world shithole?

        The end result of extremism isn’t a globalist utopia..

        It’s the rise of a new Hitler.

  7. That didn’t take long, did it? I actually thought the Beebscum would ‘blackjack’ the Queen’s funeral. I knew they would do something to ‘diversify’ Her Late Majesty’s death, one way or another. Funny, how the cunts don’t complain about how Japan is exculsively Japanese and Buddhist (or whatever they are). But, why shouldn’t they be? It is Japan after all. But, as far as the BBC vernin are concerned, it is now a crime to be British, it is a crime to be white, it is a crime to be heterosexual, and it is now a crime to be christian. But dark cunts and peacefuls can leech, thieve, rape and murder with impunity. And the BBC even cover up and even make excuses for their crimes. I boycotted the BBC in 2018 and that still stands. They should have closed for good after the 2012 Savile scandal. But I hope their permanent end comes soon…?

  8. What the BBC means is the UK was homogenous, white and pretty much a green and pleasant land without chiggun shops, third world dregs and vast concrete jungles sprawling into the rural landscape, this very much upsets the Mayfair Marxists and Shoreditch Socialists!

  9. Oh, they mean the bad old days of being energy reliant, full employment,
    No gun crime,
    Respected on the world stage and with our national identity intact.

    Now we’re improved with race riots in Leicester,
    Tranny’s teaching 5yr olds, Europe calling the shots,
    And no manufacturing,
    Our energy needs met by a windmill.

    • And those dirty goat shaggers who are coming in their droves to claim asylum.Burn them all.No addition to us.Sponging water rats.Sod off back to Africa.

  10. ‘The population was almost exclusively white and Christian.
    Factories, mines and mills still dominated our landscape and our lives’

    The sheer horror.

    • It is to graduates at the BBC who’ve never picked up a shovel or hammer in their pathetic soft lives. Their idea of a hard slog is roughing it on sleeper trains around India and China.

  11. The statue overlooking the entrance to Broadcasting House, was created by Eric Gill, who sexually abused two of his daughters, says it all.

  12. And hospitals and kidney units weren’t full of African and Parky cunts. Seriously, I feel like I am a marker in there some days.

    And I remember those days. When we didn’t have to worry about living near scum from Somalia or from the arse end of the iron curtain. When history wasn’t black revisionist bullshit. When the pop charts were (by and large) good. When TV was ace and wasn’t a load of woke bollocks. When terrorists were Irish (and even they didn’t bomb a pop concert full of kids), when football was still a man’s game, and blacks and wimmin hadn’t got their noses into absolutely everything. When a woman could be a woman, and a bloke could be a bloke. When there was none of this LGBTQ circus freak shite…. Anybody got a time machine? Me first…

    • Spot on Norman.

      Half a century,less perhaps,has seen a great deal of the niceties of Britain simply disappear.

      Replaced by cultural and human garbage.

    • Halcyon days, Norm, halcyon days. Latest Beeb offering on ‘Strictly’ Mrs Cunt watched it, last night? Two sets of poofters and a dwarf. Show needs a fucking Ringmaster, not a host. Thought she’d put on ‘The Greatest Showman’.

      • Halcyon days, Norm, halcyon days. Latest Beeb offering on ‘Strictly’ Mrs Cunt watched it, last night? Two sets of poofters and a midget. Show needs a fucking Ringmaster, not a host. Thought she’d put on ‘The Greatest Showman’.

        (Edited due to moderation).

  13. It’s a thought, I wonder what our country would be like if after at the end of the Second World War we hadn’t invited sooties and p*kis here and we had kept immigration to a absolute bare minimum.

    Well it couldn’t be any worse that it is now that’s for sure if we were 99% white (and Christian)

  14. I see the CofE have taken out the Colston stained window and replacing it with one of Jesus in an inflatable with Albanian gangsters and ISIL members.

  15. It might be worth adding that if we still had the ultimate deterrent then numerous murder victims (Sarah Everard for example) would still be alive.

  16. The fact that the powers that be, are open to considering a funding system that everyone pays into, regardless of whether they watch the telly, or not, is fucking despicable.
    No party has any intention, whatsoever, of making the BBC stand on its own two feet.
    A monstrous alliance of cunts, the lot of them.
    Get To Fuck.

  17. When I think of the country I grew up in I could weep for the youth of today. What a fucking contrast, they are totally fucked. I suppose it’s not as bad for them as I think since they don’t know any better. They are brainwashed by schools and media cunts like the filthy BBC to believe that everything in the past was shit and we should be ashamed of it. Well I’m proud of our history not fucking ashamed. We civilised the fucking world, everything good in the world came originally from Britain and the British. So fuck the BBC, fuck the Islington elite, fuck the benders and the trannies, fuck the w*gs , fuck the vegans and the green wankers and fuck any cunt who spits on my flag.
    Oh…and especially fuck Gareth Wokegate, the useless arsecrawling cunt!

  18. This is another excellent example of how the BBC hate everything traditional about Britain. In their eyes, everything that’s now actually sending the country headfirst down the shitter should be venerated as wonderful and everything that once made Britain great should be trashed. There are no bigger shithawk cunts than the BBC. Defund the cunts.

  19. But we had a long way to go
    Because, in many ways,
    We were stuck in the past
    We didn’t yet have Drag Queens reading stories to toddlers
    A man wearing a wig and frilly frock announcing he was a woman
    Was only seen at end of pier shows, or in a loony bin
    Swathes of countryside were still green and pleasant
    Before housing estates were built to accommodate
    muslim child rapists and their cousins and grannies
    You could leave your front door open
    Without fearing an Albanian might come in and nick your wireless
    London’s gang warfare, epitomised by the Krays and Richardsons,
    Was yet to be enriched by armies of machete wielding subhumans
    Britain had a steely populace who had not yet learned to adopt
    The soppy culture of the Over-Entitled and victimised Cunt
    …. I could go on …

    There ya go Beeb, I’ve written your script as it applies to the Real World and not your lame corner of woke fairyland

  20. If they think a white Christian, industrialised nation full of factories was a bad thing, they truly must be fucking insane.
    Where has an economy based on service industries, house prices and cheap immigrant labour got us?
    Fucking nowhere!
    With every passing year we are more and more out of pocket. White people are second class citizens and police can hassle you for telling the truth.
    You can shove a large proportion of the Elizabethan age up your arse, but it ain’t Lizzies fault.

    • This country has gone to fuck. I can’t even get a booster vaccine for my cat. The vets excuse is they have ‘ran out’ and that they ‘can’t get any more supplies’. Which means they get their supplies from the chinks, and nowhere in the UK manufactures animal medicine any more. Absolute incompetent craphole.

  21. All this shit about Britain as we know it being finished? Fuck me, that already happened around 1997, didn’t it?! Just walk through any town or city centre in the UK and listen to the voices, see 25 kebab shops, 15 hand car washes and terraced houses of multiple occupation. We have eyes and ears, you cunts! Diversity ain’t worth shit!!

    • And how many ‘Turkish’ barbers and ‘Turkish’ restaurants does one town need? There are well over half a dozen of each in Prestwich (near Manchester) alone. And then there are the Dooshka convenience stores and off licences. The cunts are in England, then they can eat English food and buy English goods (or at least they fucking should). No wonder the place is infested with them. Don’t have to speak the language, don’t have to do a days work, all their ‘home’ comforts ready and available. It’s paradise for those Eastern Bloc gyppo cunts. And don’t start me on Africans.They are everywhere. Human Colarado Beetles. Even the Cotswolds will be full of them soon enough. Nowhere is safe. Not any more.

      • Loads where I live.WE DON’T WANT THEM.Piss off back to Turkistan/Albania you untrustworthy shites.

      • If the Prestwich mental home is still open, I hope there’s enough room for more of the same.

    • Yeah….and it’s a public lavatory where everyone pisses on the floor and smears their shit up the wall…….and nobody bothers to clean up.

  22. After Her Majesty died and before she was laid to rest, there was a lot of TV ‘news’ reporting on the nation’s mourning. The BBC just couldn’t help themselves, could they? I don’t know where it was, perhaps Edinburgh or Windsor, but there was a wall with a ton of flowers laid out with various cards and Paddington Bears, etc. A scene repeated in many places in the UK.

    The BBC cameras though just happened to catch a couple of gays looking at the flowers and embracing, with the extra touch of one placing its head on the shoulder of the other. Ahhhh. It was so obviously staged just for the cameras. You could just tell. Fuck the BBC.

    We discovered a Sky News app on our Roku and watched Sky (for free!) throughout the period of mourning, including The Queen’s burial service. It was very well done actually. The commentary was at the bare minimum, very respectful and appropriate for the occasion. Didn’t see any obvious virtue signalling either. Not saying Sky are the paragons of virtue, but compared to the BBC segments we saw, they handled it far better.

  23. Couldn’t it be argued that Britain is a victim of her own success? Everyone wants to come here especially from poor countries to make a success.
    There are Winners and Losers in this modern capitalist world. The trouble is the losers are very big losers compared to the Winners.
    I am poor but I am a lottery winner compared with someone in Africa.
    So (to keep the gambling metaphor going) they risk life and limb to get here. They see the ‘prize’ of Western life and want a part of it.
    Mexicans are enterjng the US in droves. They can see Mexico has little and America has a lot.
    I am not just talking about riches. Anerica is ‘where its happening’ in terms of culture. The lure of the ‘bright lights’ I mean.
    We call them foreign ‘rats’ who enter here illegally .And a rat is a very good comparison..They can get in anywhere, famously.. That’s why I’m not really a believer in building Walls. I just dont think that they can be kept out 98ver mikrs and mikes of borders.
    Thats why we need a more equitable distribution of wealth in the world. So the people in poorer countries feel it is worth their while staying at home.

    • Why not take a closer look at why “poor” countries are actually poor in the first place.
      Socialism is never the answer.
      We have enough of it in the west already…

      • Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty and into prosperity than any socio-economic system ever devised. No other system has even come close to improving the human condition as much.
        The jealous, inadequate haters of the wealthy entrepreneurs who create jobs always promote failed socialist systems that result in misery and poverty for nearly everyone.

    • If the cunts are so poor, how the fuck can they afford to travel the 000’s of miles to get over here? I mostly walk everywhere because I can’t afford the bus fare.

    • Extension of the Islamic caliphate Westwards is a form of Jihad, a duty (amongst other things) for Muslims, and the West has thus far (very questionably) enabled it. Nothing to do with the ‘allure’ of England whatsoever.

  24. Someone should tell those treasonous BBC cunts that there’s fuck all wrong with being white, male, heterosexual, Christian, working class, patriotic, not living in Londonistan and having a fucking huge British Empire.

  25. The beeb always have to get a dig in for such programmes. Bunch of cultural Marxist, Greta-worshipping cunts.

    I don’t even bother with Countryfile these days.

  26. Fuck the BBC (and Sky whilst we’re at it).
    I have escaped my race riot city for a while to a nearby market town that hasn’t been infested yet. Very pleasant. I wonder for how long.

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