“The Queen and Us:1950s” – The BBC (75)

Christ. The Beeb. Yet again.

8:55 minutes into a BBC documentary, “The Queen and Us – 1950s” on Beeb Iplayer, we get this anti-Brit diatribe, I quote verbatim:

“Things were already improving [after the war]
The National Health Service and a new education system
Had been introduced to make a fairer society
But we had a long way to go
Because, in many ways,
We were stuck in the past
We still had an Empire, and
An attitude that Britain knew best.
The population was almost
Exclusively white and Christian.
We were the most industrialised
Country in the world
And factories, mines and mills
Still dominated our landscape
And our lives”.

And went on to showcase our appalling respect for the bobby on the beat, and distress caused by having a British accent and so on.

UM ….. SO WHAT? You’ve just described our proud national heritage, sadly lost now, (yet no Brit was given a single vote on any of the processes leading its downfall), as if it were Something Bad.

I had to stop watching, due to the imminent threat of bursting a blood vessel. Fuck you BBC filth, I’m orf to Netflix.

BBC iPlayer Link

The offending shite-piece in action.

Nominated by: Fuckwittery Churchill

72 thoughts on ““The Queen and Us:1950s” – The BBC (75)

  1. I don’t fund the anti British Bastard Lefty Broadcasting cunts and never will.

    I ignored the wall to wall coverage of the passing of HM the Queen as the commentators used every opportunity to get a sly political dig in at the evil whitey when ever they could.

    I also heard the ex Beeboid fuckwit Andrew ‘groper ’ Marr on a commercial radio on the morning of the funeral waxing lyrically about how things in the country had gone downhill since Brexit…. and we’ve been in decline for years….. and the funeral needed to ‘work’ (whatever the fuck that meant) as there was a belief that… ‘we just can’t do this stuff very well anymore….. and the world would be watching’

    What an absolute cunt of an individual. Any fucking opportunity to spout his lefty bile a filth.

    I’d ship the lot of em to Vladivostok.

  2. You cut me in half and I’d be red white and blue like a stick of rock.
    The fecking media and the cunty fuck pigs of woke are in reality a minority but they hold the reins of access to the tv, newspapers and social media. As with all committees they will NEVER invite or allow dissenting voices to come aboard and rock the boat, until you can sneak a right wing patriotic person into a position of power we are well and truly fecked. If it came to out and out violence the wankers would find themselves out gunned many times over but this being Great Britain it will never happen.
    God save the King ?????????

  3. So mainly white and British?

    In Britain?? How dare we!!

    Are Nigerians made to feel bad because their country is overwhelmingly (funnily enough) black and Nigerian?

    Are the Turks continually told to tear up their culture due to the sins of the Ottoman Empire? Are they fuck

    It is plain and common jealously, the British gave almost everything of any note to the world and they can’t fucking take it. Sad but true

    Ooh let’s celebrate the staggering historical achievements and inventions of Albania.

    Fuck right off

  4. I don’t pay the BBC bullshit tax. They can fuck off. This so called state broadcaster and most of the media are the most anti British cunts going. History is fuckin history, yet its always British history that gets lambasted, non of the other cunts throughout history who were even worse get a mention, no mention of the blacks pillaging other tribes and slave trading. No the British apparently are the only ones who committed these so called crimes.

  5. On the subject of how these types ‘enrich’ our society, that parki woman was at it again. Got my head down for a kip, and the bitch has that Bollywood muzak ringtone blaring out. Then, her fucking can’t behave curry grandkids are yelling down the phone. Fuck racism and fuck sexism. I will shove that phone up her old arse. Pig ignorant thoughtless savages.?

    Fucking fit nurse looking after me tonight though. Looks like a young Gina Bellman. If I was a dastardly unethical type, I’d be tempted to feign cramp to get a leg rub. Not that I would do anything like that….?

  6. “Factories, Mines and Mills dominated our landscape” – fuckin’ shame they still dont.
    “Population was almost exclusively white and christian” – fuckin’ shame it still isn’t.
    (B)are (B)ack (C)ock- how dare you denigrate this country and try to shame our glorious history with your ignorant Marxist babble.
    Fuck right off you self-loathing, extorting, Marxist cunts.

    • There’s a factory excluded I’m looking for to destroy. It’s where humans are spray painted except for their palms and soles of the feet. Let’s hope we find it one day.

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