The Prosperity Gospel

But what about ‘it is harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle’

And Jesus said to the rich man-‘Give all what you have away and follow me’.

Even now a modern day monk still has to will take vows of Obedience, Chastity and POVERTY.

Not so the expositors of the Prosperity Gospel. Quite the opposite. You SHOULD get rich if you lead a proper Christian life. You should have ‘financial Security’ if you are right with God. He rewards you NOT with spiritual ‘gifts’ like meekness, kindness but with real tangible gifts like big cars, a big house, expensive watches.

This ‘poor’ Pastor reprimanded his congregation for them not allowing him financially to have a better quality watch. The meanies-

You Tube Link

There’s loads if them-Joel Osteen, Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Creflo…wait for it… DOLLAR!!.

They are are all fantastically wealthy. We are talking in the hundreds of millions of dollars here. Copeland has a runway that leads to his house for his private aeroplane.

Jesus talked of His ‘Fathers’ House” with it many rooms. Mr Copeland has a mansion with ‘many rooms’. His heaven here on earth I suppose.

The Rich shall inherit the earth it would seem.

Wiki Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic





56 thoughts on “The Prosperity Gospel

  1. Clearly their followers have the IQ of all sincere believers of any faith.
    It’a 2022 for crying out loud, not 1637.

  2. Does all this really surprise anyone? “Give me your money and you’ll be blessed by god.” Yeah right.

  3. The gullible are exploited everywhere. For money, for obedience, for living in a shithole (Allah’s will) . For Catholic guilt. For a sense of victimhood. For the cult of the personality.

    So it goes.

  4. Miles, you’ve missed out my own favourite charlatan, Peter Popoff.
    In spite of being exposed as a fraud by James Randi, gullible fools still flock to part with their money.
    You can fool some of the people all of the time.

  5. What the fuck has that cunt got to do with religion?

    He sounds like a pimp from a Dirty Harry film.

    Give him the almighty .357 Magnum cure.

  6. You believe in a sky fairy, then by definition you are already a gullible fool, and I don’t blame these cunts for taking them to the cleaners

  7. I see their point…God probably doesn’t want to share Heaven with a bunch of whiny Got-Nowts harping on about the cost of a Nike halo or expecting Himself to pay for the rent on their cloud. and their “Only God can judge me” tattoo.

    • My brother has that ‘only god can judge me’ tatooed on his back in a script writing……..I haven’t the heart to tell him it’s so difficult to read, it actually looks like it reads ‘only god can fudge me’ which is somewhat unfortunate.

      • LOL…I had a lad doing some work for me who had it too…I couldn’t wait to ask him if he’d told the Magistrates that they had no right to judge him after he appeared for drink-driving.

      • “better to die on your feet
        Than live on your knees”

        Few of my mates have that tattooed,
        Think it’s a army thing?

      • Wouldn’t make much difference either way at Dame Elton’s gaffe. Live on your knees there and you’ll be bummed to death (allegedly).

        Good to see DF here too. I was looking for his always astute commentary on the recent news.

        I guess he must’ve been in mourning yesterday after ERII’s passing ?.

        At least the cricket is on. The footy cunts are making a moral stand, of course.

        Well at least it will give them the weekend off to batter their girlfriends black and blue, rape party guests, go dogging, go n o n cing, spit on children and get bummed off tranny brasses.

        Afternoon MNC, DF.

      • Afternoon,CB….. …. I had no great desire to discover that I was besieged by irate Bert and Doris Nutters screaming “Gord Bless ‘er” while chucking Franklyn Mint commemorative plates at my vast front door ….discretion is the better part of valour… The Auld Trout’ll keep for another day.

      • I completely understand DF.

        I showed my respects by not visiting Sickipedia for 24 hours. Nothing is ‘too soon’ over there.

        The sudden ‘patriotic’ attitude from the woke BBC et al is somewhat galling, I have to say.

        I have enjoyed the dark keys’ unfortunate outbursts though.

        And the fake OTT grief from some a bit ridiculous (not quite as bad as when Diana died, but it’s getting there.)

        Sorry I’ll stay on topic from now.

        Money shouldn’t be a factor for religion, but too many see it as a money making thing. The C.o.E is a rich, woke joke nowadays and it’s lost its way.

        I’m all for ‘muscular Christianity’ myself.

        Rev Ian Paisley all the way.

        If I’m in a mood, the Westboro Baptist Church.

      • I actually put a ” Death of an old woman” nom. up…..unsure if it’ll see the light of day…

  8. It’s no wonder all the God bothering types are confused, full of mixed messages, be poor and be next to God, be rich and do good, love your fellow man but not up the arse.
    I think it’s all a bit of a con, wake up and smell the incense ?

    If in doubt blame the money lenders exploiting and making money on the backs of the poor.

  9. Even as a teenager and being taught at a C of E school, I couldn’t square the teachings of Jesus with this sort of ‘investment opportunity’.

    I caught one of Joel Osteen ceremonies/sermons/invocations when I had Sky and was looking through the God-bothering channels for late-night entertainment.

    Back then I was at ‘peak-New Atheist’ back then but was still impressed with his charisma and seeming benevolence, and the sheer number of the congregation.

    A good nomination, Padre Plastic.

    • I love those US TV evangelists.
      Slick, shouty, “it’s a miracle!”

      The unfortunately named Oral Roberts, sort of like Jim Jones,
      Wonder how his brother Anal Roberts is?

      They earn big money in the states.
      Don’t think they’re suited to UK tastes?
      We like a prophet to be poor, humble,
      Not some shouty bouffant haired car salesman.

    • I must be a strange case, coz when I’m looking for late night ‘entertainment’ after the wife’s gone to bed I normally stumble across the freeview babestation channels……….maybe that’s where I’m going wrong?

      • I’m not into Babestation types (orange and fat). They used to be ten-a-penny in my college days especially the ‘Cheese’ nights in various bars and clubs along the South coast and when I visited friends in Cardiff and Swansea.
        I once sent Babestation/Babecast a text when they had a scrolling text bar saying ‘Come home mum. Dad’s worried’.

  10. To be fair if I was a religious man I think I would prefer a new Mercades over meekness too.

    • The most Christ like man I ever saw was David Icke.

      He’d just announced he was the son of God.
      His career in tatters, the whole country taking the piss,
      And he was on TV being interviewed by Terry Wogan.

      Sat there in a turquoise she’ll suit like the loneliest Scouser in the world.

      An I thought in the words
      of the late great actor John Wayne

      “This man is truly the son of God”

  11. When i’m living in Poland everyone comes out in their Sunday best to attend church . young and old. Then after, they all go to local restaurants or home and sit round as a family.
    Now. i’m not religious at all but generally there kids seem to grow up more balanced, respectful and eager to learn a career.
    In Britain we have lost that family cohesion . So i think in there case Religion has worked well for them.

  12. man I ever saw was David Icke.

    He’d just announced he was the son of God.
    His career in tatters, the whole country taking the piss,
    And he was on TV being interviewed by Terry Wōgan.

    Terry took the Mick out of him, the tight cunt.
    I felt dead sorry for him.

    Sat there in a turquoise she’ll suit like the loneliest Scouser in the world.

    An I thought in the words
    of the late great actor John Wayne

    “This man is truly the son of God”

    • I think he genuinely went mental and fucked his career.

      There was no ‘mental elf’ sympathy back then. We still had nuthouses I think at the time and he must’ve been close to being admitted.

      There was no way back to the BBC after his outbursts so he got clever.

      He went even more ‘mental’ and started doing gigs and writing books.

      I read one his books. The most insane drivel you’ll ever read. But his books sold. I bought one out of curiosity. Like, ‘I bet this is fucking mental…he used to present the snooker.’

      He fills out arenas with genuine mentals paying about £80 for a ticket for him to tell you that the royal family are human eating, shape shifting space lizards. His shows (rants) last about 8 hours.

      I think he’s fine and has been for years. I believe he’s just making loads of money from mentals who like to hear this shite, in order to ‘justify’ the thoughts in their schizophrenic, or their drug addicted brains.

      Not a bad idea, really.

      • Well, he went on to write over twenty books translated into countless languages and make around $10-15 million, raise a happy family and not be a fearful fucker like most people are. Wogan was educated by Jesuit priests, for fuck’s sake, he was an showbiz lion, an insider, a lifelong BBC goblin.

        I’m not a huge fan of Icke these days, I went through that phase years ago, but there are loads more researchers out there that ferret out the forbidden facts. Tell a Hindu, “after many years of searcher for God, I realise that I am God!” and they’ll say, “yes you are – and so am I, my friend!” but in the west if you say that, you can actually get sectioned. Icke was right, we are all manifestations of the Godhead, even a flea, even a shark, even… Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, but the latter would rage against like as if you just called him a pea-dough-file.

        Life’s rich pageant is what it is, it’s best to just go with the flow of the river of life because any other strategy leads to you drowning.

      • Yes, he made a lot of money. So what?

        As did Billy Graham and Pablo Escobar.

        I enjoy most of your posts LC, but Icke is a man who had a breakdown, destroyed his career by going on W .ogan while still fucked up, but made a bomb by preying on mentals afterwards.

        Clever bloke, I’ll give him that.

        Saw a business opportunity once he was ok and exploited it.

      • Nobody believes that I’m God.
        I don’t know why because I’m quite plausible.
        Nobody knows where I come from, somebody saw me come out the sky so I had to kill him, yeah, I had to kill him because he might have told everybody else that I was, Gaard!
        I didn’t use a parachute neither.
        I’ve even got my feet still with holes in them, mme.
        You wouldn’t like my feet if you saw them, you wouldn’t like my hands either, that’s why I always wear gloves, so you can’t see where them nails went through, got me!
        When I was last down here we used to till the fields and I used to walk on the water and stuff like that for a living, yes I did. I had twelve friends – I used to go to their dinners, I did. I went to Simon’s house once and his wife was there and she let me feel her front bottom….LOL.

    • i remember seeing David Icke on wogan miserable.
      He looked like he had gone through a Breakdown and Wogan was using it as entertainment.
      I have listened to David Icke on youtube, he talks for hours but says fuck all.
      His deluded followers really think he’s a Prophet.

  13. I’ve made a pretty good living from believing in atheism. Do you think I should change my religion?

    • I hate that cunt Urine Geller.
      He’s a false prophet.
      His miracles aren’t as good as Jesus’s.
      And his magics not good as Dynamos.

      And any fucker can bend spoons.


      • And he was mates with Michael Jackson.

        It’s staggering that millions of people were impressed with that spoon-snapping slight-of-hand in the 70s, 80s and even fucking now. He was on every chat show in the world, made millions of shekels.

        Being a psychic should be like being any other profession based on a skill – you should have prove yourself and get credentials and if you don’t, you can’t practice psychic… stuff. There are legit psychics/mediums, but the vast majority are just deluded and some are outright criminals. Geller’s crime is mostly being an egomaniacal bellend. Just found through doing a basic search on him that he is related to Sigmund Freud through his mother. The plot thickens!

  14. On the subject of religion, good to see old Charlie boy this morning “faithfully promise and swear to inviolably maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion as established by the Law,” blah blah blah – that’s one in the eye for the Papists and followers of Allah, may his name be shat upon from great height!
    Maybe he’s seen the light and decided to ditch all the wokie, Net Zero, Great Reset type rhetoric? Could be that pigs have discovered the power of flight.


    Me: “Kind of”


    Me: “Uh huh”


    Me: (fuckin’ hell he can see me) “Yes… YES I AM…FORGIVE ME… I am but a weak and simple sinner…*sniff*”


    Me: “$500?? ARE YOU MENTAL?? Get the fuck off of my TV you deranged mentalist cunt!

  16. I only listen to Reverend Cleophus James, pastor of the Triple Rock Baptist Church and yes…I have seen the light.

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