Right, I am going to nominate the “New Russian Army”,
Nope not the Kremlin’s official one, but the ultra nationalist terrorist group, who may or may not have blown up some bint in Moscow.
Now the grounds for my nomination is simple.
They have a fucking silly name! Google the NRA and you get a bunch of fat yanks waving guns about, try and be clever and Google New Russian Army and yet get photos of a drunk bloke sitting in someones house eating their dog.
So top tip, if you intend to form a terrorist organisation, fuck sake give a bit of thought to your name or initials otherwise your search for infamy will be a bloody hard slog.
( By the way, my intel says the explosion was caused by a leaking fuel tank and a discarded fag but)
Nominated by lord benny (not quite deceased, but close)
Well the Poisoner-in-Chief needs a New Russian Army, as his old one are all dead or wounded. Stupid cunt should have invaded a softy country that couldn’t fight back. Like Germany, for example.
or Calais and sorted out the gimmegrants
i’m trying not to laugh Russia has won, it is hilarious people believe whinging lefty newspaper lies.
Carry on with the right on thinking.
Anyone who blows Russians up is alright with me, I don’t care what name they go under.
How’s the weather in St Petersburg comrade?
Might I suggest you work a bit harder on your written English? No bonus vodka ration for you!
“i’m trying not to laugh Russia has won,”
That from the fella who said this summer had been coldest on record, LOL
….or WWF.
Got a bit confusing- we mistook it to think there were a load of fucking steriod pumped Pandas with long greasy hair throwing each of out a ring pretending to hurt each other, watched by dirty smelly teenage kids with slipknot t shirts or kiddie fiddler looking old blokes.
The wildlife fund got a bit techy, so now WWE
The Russians like to portray themselves as a nation of Ivan Dragos,
All spetsnaz, and elite killing machines.
Rather than the square headed, cabbage eating conscripts they really are.
They got their arses kicked in Afghanistan,
And now they’re struggling with Ukraine.
They worship Vlad Puddin even though he’s obviously a shit stabber.
So any terror organisation they have will be some crackpots who daydream about Joe Stalin’s mustache tickling their balls.
They are as thick as pig shite
My stepdaughter just took a look at the header picture and she reckons her “Gaydar” is going off like an air raid siren ???
I will bide my time until the truth is known. The Russian Army as I knew it, has my respect, and yes, I hold them in high regard.
Rapists, child killers, and poisoners .
I’ve made my mind up already.
It used to be said that Russia had the second best army in the world.
Today the best that can be said about the Russian army is it’s the second best army in the Ukraine.
Even NATO was taken aback by how badly it overestimated Russian military competence.
Today the only thing Russia still has going for it is its nukes.
Without them the Russia that Pooting has laid waste to – both economically and politically – would today be at best an irrelevance.
… in Ukraine.
Whatever acronym the Russian army uses I fear them more than RAF or USMC who have become woke playgrounds full of transbenderists, wimminz, hom0z, or whatever.
Our grandfather’s will be spinning in their graves.Shameful.
Sad news of our Queen. God Bless
The Russian army is a fucking rabble. They defeated Hitler through his own stupidity and by sacrificing many millions of Russians, including their own civilians. They were shit in Afghan and Chechnya.
Their tactic is massive destruction of towns, cities and the populace. As in Syria. Otherwise the are fucked. A rabble.
A bit like USA you mean ?
Yep scorched earth motherfucker!
They are pretty useless but when you have lots of people you are willing to sacrifice , you can kind of get shit done.
How Vlad is avoiding being overthrown I really don’t know
I quite liked the New Model Army.
looks like Liz is going to croak, anyone got her in Deadpool?
I have.
Hoping she pulls through,
I’d only just sent her some perfume I’d bought off Yulia Skripol too ☹️
I would love to be a fly on the wall when Megan turns up with Harry to meet up with the rest of the family, my money is William kicking Megan in the cunt, although his shoe would fall off and get lost up her
@Sid. A kick in the Royall Box ! Brilliant !
Good luck, we need some fun and games to take our minds of our immediate troubles – Brenda’s funeral will be just what the doctor ordered!
I think my bet is down, I’ve got her in a double with the Archbishop of Canterbury.
The BBC have got a news special all afternoon, fuck me the vultures can’t wait for her to croak, cunts.
Acronyms can be very misleading. I used to think Vanessa Phelps, Katie Price and Adele were all fans of the BBC until I realised they are fans of BBC.
I preferred the old Russian army. Try and make the nazis run out of bullets by soaking them up with their bodies.
That commitment for you..
When the Iran – Iraq war was on the front lines of the Iranians had no guns.
More cannon fodder.
With all their vehicles breaking down like Mike Brewer has taken them for a test drive in Mogadishu and Big Gay Vlad threatening to use nuclear weapons every 10 minutes on everyone, it’s hard to take Russians seriously at all.
Seen dozens of drone videos of the Ner Russian Army, all they do is run round in circles. Apart from the guy having a crap, he shit himself and fell over.
More vodka comrade!! Useless cunts.
It’s funny how I was led to believe that their military were ard as fuck for many years. Up until they actually attempted an invasion. Now the whole world can see that they are useless pussies who shoot people in the back and rape women and children. Sick weak cunts. Fuck all Russians. Like fuck all polish and any other invading smarmy cunts.