Not a Lottery Winner Whiners

I missed out, whine, whinge. whine.
Not a Lottery Winner.
Scottish Sun News Link
Is it just me, or does there seem to be loads of stories, recently, about people whinging about not winning a lottery of some kind.
I’ve seen stories about the National Lottery.
The Postcode Lottery
And various others.
Can I say, tough shit?
If you divorced, didn’t pay your dues, forgot to put your numbers on, didn’t buy/sign the ticket, tough!
You cunt.

Nominated by: Jeezum Priest

On a similar note there’s this from Fuglyucker

Mirror News Link

Daniel White is a cunt, who the fuck is Daniel White you may ask, I’ll tell you, he is a money grabbing cunt who dumped his girlfriend just before her family had a massive lottery win, bad luck but shit like this happens in life.

The bit that makes him a money and attention seeking cunt is the fact that he has gone to the press saying how gutted he is now that her family is instantly rich, what a cunt.

He wouldn’t have dumped her after the lottery win, so he could share in their good fortune, who knows maybe she was a complete cunt or a mutt, but only so much can be compensated for with money, I know this from experience, I went out with this gorgeous girl with a very wealthy family back in the day, she was a total cunt most of the time, their meant very little to me, so I fucked off, over compensated the other way and went out with an OK looking, broke, fuckwits, who twas a cunt and took me to the cleaners in the end,

the moral of the story is, don’t be a cunt for the dollar, don’t throw your dummy out of the pram when you make the wrong choice and don’t go crying to the press be ouse you can’t help her spend her cash.

You now look like a money grabbing peice of dog shit who will sell his soul to the devil for any fucker with a few quid.

Next you can think of ways to sue them for money, what a cunt

22 thoughts on “Not a Lottery Winner Whiners

  1. I don’t get Daniels point.
    In what way would he be entitled to anything even if he was still with the girl?

    Dropped a bollock there Daniel you thick fucker!?

    She’ll have the pick of eligible batchelors now she’s minted.

    She’ll be bouncing on some chiseled athletes cock on a foreign holiday while your stood in line at the dole.
    You sponging crybaby fuck.

    • Hopefully the Daily Mirror only paid him a derisory amount for his pathetic non-story. 100 quid or something.

      • How very unseemly. Fiddler would not tolerate hangers-on and chancers not that he plays the lottery. Investments in the Royal African Company and land in the Caribbean have matured very nicely down the years.

  2. Isn’t life a cunt? I’ve never won the lottery either and it’s so fucking unfair, unjust and cruel that I’m going to go blubbing to the newspapers as well.

    Mind you, I’ve never bought a lottery ticket, but that’s not the point.

  3. I went out with a girl twenty years ago, who has since started her very successful business and it very wealthy due to it……maybe I should put a claim in?

    ….see Daniel, that is how fucking stupid your ‘story’ is


  4. I’ve won the lottery. By not buying a ticket from day one. These glass jars are as heavy as fuck.

  5. I won £100 in this month’s Premium Bonds prize draw.
    Please forward all begging letters to my solicitors, Sue, Grabbit & Runne.
    Thank you.

  6. Silly cunts.

    A man shouldn’t go crying a fucking newspaper about anything,especially someone else’s money.

    Laughable weaklings.

  7. Dunno about anyone else, but I ain’t been able to access this site most of today.
    Sorry, off topic.

  8. If that’s Danial on the header, he looks as though he’s lost a fiver and found a ten bob note.

  9. Myself like most cunters have won the lottery by being born a subject of the Empire.
    Yasur save the King.

    • Gingers should be made to stick to wanking by law, in order to prevent further pollution of the gene pool.

  10. The guy in the photo looks like he’s about to drop over from a heart attack anyway….all red and shiny.

  11. Yep Daniel the cunt looks like he,s stuck a charcoal briquette up his arse and is trying to squeeze it into a diamond, he also looks like a tight arsed fucker so maybe he will manage it, as for the ex girlfriend, she,s probably getting a good trunking from Lynford Christie and has forgotten Danny boy ever existed…..

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