Night Coppers

This is one of the newest police reality shows (C4, Tues) on tv.

Now I know the cops have a difficult job especially with people off their faces on drink/drugs on a “night out”. British youth has a serious problem with aggression which is a throwback to our viking heritage. They rampage through town and city centres arguing and fighting each other for little or no reason.  They certainly can’t take their drink and behave abominably. There’s no excuse for this.

However,  this series is set in Brighton, London nightlife overspill and weirdo capital of England.  The green MP and council oversee a filthy overpriced, overrated sewer of a place. There is no respect at all for law and order on the streets and they seem to have got the woke, insipid police “force” they deserve. Honestly these soft cops sicken me. They tiptoe around amongst the yobbish trouble makers trying to sympathise and reason with them. In return they get threats and abuse.  “Get away from me bruv or I’ll murder ya”. “You’re a c***”. Hardly any of them seem to get arrested or even cautioned. One rabble attacked a bus and assaulted the conductor. The ringleader was “advised to stay away from buses.” and sent on his way.

Had my mates and I attacked a bus in the 70s we’d have been rounded up given a good hiding and thrown in the cells. And we wouldn’t have complained unlike this lot who are all experts on their “rights” and film everything on their IPhones.

The Brighton night cops seem more interested in buying fast food than confronting crime. I despair for this country when I watch stuff like this. No wonder the police get no respect now. They tolerate far too much which sets the bar lower and lower. The kids know they can swear, insult and threaten them with impunity. Even the really bad ones who do get arrested are treated like guests in the local nick. What would you like to eat? Would you like an extra pillow?

Whatever happened to zero tolerance and drink tanks? Treat them like the bloody scum they are. Fine them £500 for being drunk and disorderly and £1000 for abusing a police officer. Ban them from city centres and night clubs. Don’t treat them like your wayward little brother or sister you woke twats.

Get a backbone and restore respect for law and decent society.

Spectator News Link

Nominated by: Lord Percy Percy

48 thoughts on “Night Coppers

  1. If I was a Copper in Brighton, I wouldn’t try to arrest anyone either…the place is a cesspool of homosexuality and veganism…a combination of reamed-out ringpieces and eating rabbit food means that the Cunts are probably like rats and leave a constant trail of stinking,watery shite wherever they go….you wouldn’t want that in the back of yer Panda car,would you?…Plus they’ll all have The Aids and either drone endlessly that “Meat is Murder”…or try to bum you.

    • Is that a Sooty Officer in the picture?….fucking ridiculous…probably stole the uniform when they were filming Crime Watch and is using it to gain access to “da white wimminz” houses.

    • The trouble is a lot of the policemen are mincers, benders or lesbians. A lot of the men only join up for the prostate exam.

      You can’t really play Bodie or Doyle, Regan or Carter if the night before your were dancing in a club saying “oooh, look at te arse on that!”, and the man you are trying to arrest today was that an last night.

  2. Surely the threat of a good bumming and the consequent appalling diseases would be enough to deter the feral mobs?

    They just need more Rainbow Police,riddled with AIDS and the pox from the trees.

    Bum enough of the unruly cunts and the crime wave should die out?

    They could make a TV series..

    Midnight AIDS Police.

  3. When we were kids the local beat Bobby (remember them) was a bit of a horrible cunt when I think back.
    He was however, a familiar cunt, a fair cunt, we all had respect for him and knew fine well to clear off if we seen him knocking about and certainly wouldn’t have dreamt of giving him any lip.

    Times have definitely changed.

    • I remember ours from being very young, maybe 7 or 8 back in the mid 1960’s he used to threaten us with a trip to the Guild Hall (now demolished) and we shat ourselves, despite doing absolutely fuck all. We crossed over the road when he came by. Respect, now, sadly gone from some members of ‘society’.

  4. “They are not bad people……just people who do bad things.”
    What like Fred West you mean? Ian Huntley? Peter Sutcliffe? Jack the fucking Ripper?
    Fuck me sideways! Is it any wonder that every criminal cunt in the world are falling over themselves to get here?
    What a fucking country!

    • I bet the 2nd from left (male) is often flat on his back with his legs apart – or bent over Brighton Pier at midnight..

  5. When I was a kid there was a kid lived opposite a bit older than me, he would have been about 14 at the time. The local beat Bobby spotted him riding an old moped a couple of times round the block which we’ve all done. So he calls out a van, arrested him on his doorstep, stuck his arm up his back and marched him to the van. Fucking kid was crying his eyes out.
    Now us younger kids witnessed all this and learned a lesson that day……..don’t fuck about with the coppers! Even if you think you’ve got away with it they’re coming to get you!
    Can you imagine that happening today? No fucking chance! The copper would get the fucking sack for a kick off.
    The past is another country as they say.

    • Oh I forgot to add……the copper knew his name and knew where he lived. That was a real community not the made up shit we get today.

      • Round where my mum lives, the 12 year olds fly about on 50cc motorbikes, nearly knocking folk over. No one does fuck all – too scared. When police do show up round mum’s way, it’s for a drugs raid. Meanwhile, the kids running amok, smashing windows isn’t a problem for the police.

        Last year, I watched a guy get knicked in the city centre for brandishing a knife. When the cops came, they just stood and spoke to the cunt! Never even cuffed him! And I’m sure I saw – I was about 40 feet away – ANOTHER knife in his back-pocket. Fucking comical.

      • Our neighbourhood copper Fred had massive mutton chop sideburns like Noddy Holden.
        He liked casual violence and intimidation,

        Proper copper!!

        I miss being rabbit punched in the guts while he stood on my feet,
        Or pulled out the short hairs on the back of my neck,
        He was THE LAW.
        Like Judge Dredd with sarcastic attitude.

        Modern coppers would probably offer me a hand job or buy me flowers or something?
        Theyd sprain their narrow wrists punching me in the belly.

        R.I.P Fred
        You were orrible
        An I salute you for it!?

      • In the mid 80s I spent about 8 months living and working in Horsham, West Sussex.
        Nice place, Horsham, very middle class and well-to-do. Actually it’s well hoity toity….

        Anyway, there was a copper down there, an old boy not that far off retirment who used to patrol the town centre square, pubs etc on Friday and Saturday nights. Lovely bloke he was, soft-spoken, polite, a real gentleman.
        I never once saw him be on the end of any kind of threatening behaviour or even ‘lip’ from pissed up morons

        You know why?

        Because he was fucking enormous. I’m talking Richard Kiel sort of size here, no exaggeration. I’m 6’5″ and I had to properly look up to him. He must have been a good 6’8″ and built like a barn door. You could tell it was muscle, not fat, too.

        Compare and contrast that with the assortment of Nancies, m1dgets and fairies that pass for police officers these days….

        We’re fucked.

  6. I live just outside Brighton, Hove actually… I totally agree with this nom. Everyone’s comments are pretty accurate.
    West street and London road areas of Brighton are fucking shit holes. Rampant with ferrell youths . Law and order have completely broken down. I blame the fucking limp wristed council and the useless Police force here.

  7. About time we had zero tolerance like New York in the 1990’s and 2000’s under Giuliani’s watch. No fucking about. Of course this will never happen here, coppers are too busy dancing with turd burglars and shirt lifters to actually catch burglars and shoplifters.

    • I first went to NYC in the mid 80s it was one scary mother fucker of a place. Sat in a bar just off Time Square the broadway theatres kicked out and the coppers followed the punters down the subway what was left looked like escape from New York, pimps prosers, muggers and steam rising. Didn’t go back for many years and after Ruddy had sorted it out it was totally cleaned up and safe. Think it’s gone back down the pan since.

      • Same as San Francisco Jaguar. This is what woke, lefty soft as shit people in charge gets you.

  8. On our council estate in Cwmscwt we had Copper Thomas. On a bycycle. You didnt fuck with Copper Thomas. The estate was by and large law abiding.
    I have seen the programme cunted. Copper Thomas would have fucked the lot of them up. Including the fucking tossers in police uniform.

  9. We also have “ uniformed council environment enforcement officers “ patrolling the streets of Brighton… Watching out for heinous crimes such as putting your rubbish in the wrong bin.

    • We have a professional Karen whose paid to go around to people’s recycle bins and make sure you didn’t throw in a bottle cap or box with a metal staple in it. Citations and fines will result. My solution is to put my recycle bin in the back corner of my back yard and not use the fucking thing.

  10. It’s because you have to be a gay to live in Brighton.

    It’s the law or something.

    All that talk of “big helmets” and “14 inch black truncheons” got the soft fruity types joining up en masse.

    Get Dezza Chauvin out of prison and put him in charge, along with that dark key cop who punched that mouthy bitch the fuck out.

    Dezza and Clyde.

    Could be a new buddy cop show?

  11. Got to ask why are the police acting this way? Do they want more lawlessness so they’ve got job security?

    • Don’t all new coppers have to be university graduates? That means they’ve had 3 years of wokie brainwashing. That’s followed by even more brainwashing in Police training.
      It’s no surprise that they’re fucking useless, they don’t even believe in the law. Those coppers taking the knee outside Downing St wasn’t an accident.

      • A Ghanaian bloke said to me a few years ago about soft coppers .
        Said as a kid back in Ghana he nicked a piece of fruit off a stall.
        The market stall owner shouted “Theif!!

        As he ran off passers-by,
        Men and women rained kicks and punches on him .

        He ran into the police station to escape,
        And a angry mob gathered outside.?

        We slag Africa off but in my book that’s the right approach to theiving cunts .

      • Watch these “soft” coppers turn into violent aggro merchants if anyone stages a protest with England flags or anything that could vaguely be interpreted as “right wing” or “nationalist”
        Motivated by hatred you see…

  12. I may be imagining it, but isn’t there currently some consideration being given to (re)allowing a form of corporal punishment in schools? Now, if society is prepared to authorise permission for a lad to be marched into the headmaster’s office and given a belt with a stick, what is wrong with authorising the police to give a rowdy, drunken cnut a belt with a baton? As long as it’s warranted – and would probably be recorded on body camera – it would seem legitimate. I’m sure the threat of such an outcome would change the attitude of most of the Saturday night cnuts. After all nobody likes getting a piece of 2×4 round the ear (unless you’re a raving masochist)

  13. Saw an ad in the Metro the other day for Hampshire Police. It featured two coppers, one male one female…….very diverse. Trouble is they were both BAMEs! When box ticking comes before the law we are fucked.

  14. What we need is someone with a bit more aggression, like this on Auntie Beeb who are wallowing like pigs in shit with he coverage of the passing of her Maj.

    Kingpin Charlie get’s cross with a pen – thought he was stick it up the jacksie of one of his aides.

    You wait till Markle who Sparkles and Spunk of Hewitt start demanding to come back to the UK – fuck me, he’s going to have an aneurism. ?

    • Fucking wanker…….having a hissy because the pen leaked. He’ll have to get one of his flunkeys to sign for him in the future. Lazy fucking spoilt brat.

    • That’s 2 dickey fits he had over pens, the Queen has only been gone 6 days never saw her have a spaz out in my 56 years.

  15. Just watching Michelle Dewberry on GB news.
    She’s showing the queues in London for seeing the Queen lying in state.
    A column of soldiers file past to clapping,

    Looking good!
    They look like, ..well like soldiers.

    Then some coppers,
    And on their back the legend ‘Heddlu’.
    Welsh coppers.

    They looked a fuckin mess
    Like weight watchers had kicked them out.
    One was out of breathe just walking.
    One had a scraggly beard and longish hair.

    This is why they’re in dire trouble.
    Can’t polish a turd.

    I’d sack everyone of the cunts and recruit from the armed forces.

  16. Our bobby was a spiteful cunt.
    He rode a ‘noddy-bike, Velocette methinks, silent running, water-cooled probably, didn’t hear him creeping up. He had his cosh rolled up in his raincape and he would clobber you across the back of your head. You really do see stars. You didn’t dare tell your parents.

  17. Trial by Social Media. Carefully edited YouTube videos. Everyone an expert on policing. Vilification for doing your job by the media. Interferance by politicians. Agendas. Promotion not on ability but on what you are. Everyone thinks they could do a better job than you but won’t – a few posters on this site fit that category.

    To name a few of the problems.

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