A ‘flashmob’ (which appears to mean loads of dark skinned types) turned up at a McDonald’s to rob the food and pop and abuse staff and customers.
Where was this?
South Africa?
Kingston, Jamaica?
It was Nottingham, here in Blighty.
Diversity is our strength. Well it seems to be the case for those involved, as according to the article, no cunt has yet been arrested.
Mind you, if a honky had said ‘white lives matter’ during the rampage, his feet wouldn’t have touched the fucking ground.
And well done MSM on more or less ignoring this story. Fucking shithouses.
Nominated by: Cuntybollocks
There is a very easy solution to the offenders. Darkies are scared stiff of the whip. Use it on them – and water cannon when they start congrgating and getting aggressive – that will dampen their enthusiam. Innit.
Nottingham used to have a sheriff who was tough on crime.
Greedy, corrupt, hated by the people.
Bit like saddick khan.
He wouldn’t of stood for moorish types stealing hamburgers.
That muck will put you in an early grave, so eat heartily bruvvas and sistas.
And I was thinking that Nottingham is a sleepy North Midlands city.
It is inarguable that the Feargal Sharkies are the light-fingered antagonists here. Fuck knows why plod hasn’t yet felt any collars as the footage is perfectly clear.
Fuck also knows what carnage would have resulted had this been a KFC instead. “Gibbs muh dat chiggun n sheet”.
Nottinghamshire plod are useless. I had a near brand new motorcycle stolen from my cottage in East Bridgford by pikeys. I was informed by the police within 24 hours of reporting the theft that ‘ all lines of inquiry have been exhausted’.
The then police commissioner was and ex MP who left the HoC following a misunderstanding over his expenses. His replacement as police commissioner is that whale who was caught speeding five times in twelve weeks and refused to resign.
McDonald’s is made to order so what where those dopey cunts stealing frozen chips and burger buns..
Mahjob: Dis burger aaain’t cooked braa. It’s liiike, cold.
Jamal: You gots to poot i’ in da miicro-waave fingy, innit.
Mahjob: ‘ow does you gets to ohh-pin dis miiicro-fingy. Man’s ‘ungry.
Jamal: Ahh dunno. Akks de worker wot you jus stole it from, cha.
Mahjob: Ahh aiiin’t usin’ no MA-sheen inven’ed byy a white man.
Jamal: Yeah, dems be ea’en jus liiike back in da deey.yeah.
‘ow is yours?
Mahjob: Tayystes liiilike shit.
Like it does when it’s cooked
Suprised it wasn’t nandos…..
Who the fuck would want to steal “food” from a dump like that?
Well who. ??? Especially if the chicken ? shop is a bit of a walk away
Where’s Robin in da hood ? When ya need him.
Apparently there have been several quite serious riots over recent weeks that the media seem to have overlooked.
There is no possible connection between the lack of reporting and the ethnicity of all those involved,after all that would be a racist conspiracy.
Anyhow all the trouble is caused by large mobs of Dark Key cunts who need “reading the riot act”..
By shooting them all dead in the street.
It’s why BBC stopped “Crimewatch” – too many blacks on it.
Wouldn’t mind but the police were given a description of the perps.
They all looked like Gary Lineker.
what McDonald’s needs is Michael Caine and Stanley baker and a regiment of paratroopers giving the command ” don’t shoot until you see the whites of their eyes” !!
Steamroller those G1 bbons
Obviously the poor deprived yoot don’t storm a fucking McDonalds because they are starving hungry, despite what Saint Marcus ‘five houses’ Rashford and the Guardian tell you. They do it for devilment, because they know in the wokie world we live in they can get away with it. They even film themselves doing it so everyone can witness them taking the piss out of the coppers and the whole concept of “law and order”. This is what comes of years of libtard thinking by politicians. None of this shit affects them. When you’ve got an expense account at some of the finest restaurants in Westminster you don’t go ordering Big Mac and Fries and sit next to common trash like us.
McDonald’s and gangs of feral blacks.
Russians – you people don’t know what you’re missing out on.
Found footage of another riot.
Fuckin ell!
Letting out time at Brixton junior school.
Priceless ??
They’re just apeing their American cousins.
I wouldn’t be too hard on them…students have always got up to “high jinx”…this was obviously a trainee-architects’ field-trip from Nottingham University that got out of hand.
My own old school tie/ rugby club dinners are more like “The Riot Club”.
Sort of off topic, a new vaccine has been developed to counter malaria, the dreadful disease that is the scourge of Africa.
You may ask where was it developed -Cairo, Cape Town, somewhere in between? No, it was the University of Oxford that deserves the credit. One can only guess at the colour of the scientists and who footed the bill.
Jamal:I ain’t using no medicine produced by honkies!
Happens in the softy South as well I’m afraid.
…these are the slightly lighter variety of ferral cunts
well it’s the Medway towns, what do you expect? the little cunts need oven
Sick as fuck seeing videos of dindus of mainly younger ages turning shop’s over. Or videos from America where a sheboon goes fkn mental and wrecks the joint.
Arrests in the UK ? never. While the police do the macarena at a pride festival or take the knee its a lawless society.
Remembered years ago, people outside McMucks parading banners with “meat is murder” on them. I never new they had meat in their burgers. You learn something new everyday.
I blame the lack of diversititty in the Cuntservative Rapinet; there is nothing to which da yoot can aspire.
Sat a ting.
Don’t get me started on that. Was discussing that on R4 on Tuesday early eve…..most important thing with the new cabinet according to how Evan Davis conducted his intervoew, was what fucking colour they all were and how diversive it was…….not how fucking good they were at their jobs mind.
Fucking thick cunts, the “food” in there is totally inedible.
It doesn’t matter what colour the politicians are or what colour us peasants are…….they’re on the take and we’re getting screwed. That’s all there is to it.
Exactly.They need double oven.Parasites.
The problem is clearly a lack of overhead foliage, a lack of suitable canopy. Back in the day when we were embracing our foreign brethren in a more discordant fashion we chopped down six thousand oaks per boat. To think, what a waste of blood and treasure now that these trees are needed most.
Now that the chınks own Africa, they’ll be needing lots more workers to dig precious metals out of the mine with spoons to power tiddlywink car batteries, so hopefully we can sell a couple of million of these moon crickets back their new slitty-eyed slavemasters.
It always amused me to see footage of hurricane Katrina’s aftermath, the area had no electrical power was feet deep in water there was no food or water, so what did the local people of less than white skin do ? , they were observed looting TVs and other shiny goods.
Self preservation to the fore, priorities severely confused.
I’d carry a small bag of broken glass. The moment those successful rappers, architects and community leaders started playing the war drums I’d make a big Mac with special sauce. BLOOD !
I am surprised it was not a KFC that was targeted.
Our dark skinned brudders do like a chicken wing or two.
Which leads me to my next point – stereotyping does exists, get over it – advertisers prey on it.
The newest KFC advert on Tellycunt features a voice that distinctly sounds like saaaaaf London, ghetto / council estate type brudder from another mudder.
And there was me thinking diversity means inclusion…
We’re finished
never eat KFC it says its proud to be HALAH…that means mudslimes can eat it happy in the knowledge that the animals were painfully tortured to death slowly with slits in their throats hanging by their feet bleeding out for half an hour in the name of ali snackbar their pedo prophet
Noted this week with new cunt Trussed up in charge – lot of dakis, and blackies in the cabinet and piss-up artist fatties who like karaoke:
Bet she likes a good fumble in the jungle…
Just read up on Thérèse Coffey in Wikipedia CM. Fucking depressing.
Isn’t this some trend started on social Ouija.