Lenny Henry [10]

Lenny Henry (again) – the mithering cunt has got himself a part as a Hobbit in the new series Lord of the Rings – Rings of Power.

The character is called Sadoc Burrows – I’ve read the books often and can’t recall such a character, but he has seemingly been created to compensate for the lack of diversity in Tolkien’s books. The same books that had elves, dwarves, hobbits, wizards, orcs, walking and talking trees, humans, trolls and Christ knows what else.

Anyway, Lenny says it is great for these 1000 years old tales to be positively reimagined by todays storytellers. For information, The Hobbit was first published in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1955. Suffice to say I shall be giving this pile of shite a miss.

MSN Link.

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

86 thoughts on “Lenny Henry [10]

  1. He pretends he’s so clever nowadays.

    Well, letting Dawn French sit on your fucking face doesn’t sound very fucking clever to me.

  2. Shame some right winger in New Zealand didn’t push this cunt off a mountain during filming.

    Wonder if old King Charlie III is gonna go woke – change the name to the United Kingdom of N****RS & Dinghy riders.

  3. As chippy as Sir Lennington , knight of the British EMPIRE might be, let’s not be disingenuous and pretend he meant the books are thousands of years old as he does say this is not ‘the canon’ and the tales are 1000 years old.

    Given how far into the mire this site has been wading recently, some may be tempted to call me out as a ‘race-mixer’ etc.

  4. This thick as fuck treeswinger is hilarious. Tales that are a thousand years old? I don’t recall Tolkein living in the Middle Ages. Was he at the Battle of Hastings? Did Tokein see Joan of Arc done to a crisp? Did Robin Hood rob him? Perhaps he saw King John sign Magna Carta? Nah, did he fuck. Somebody should tell this Um Bongo imbecile that these stories were written in the 20th Century. I’ve heard of white cabbage, green, and even red. But this is a new one. A black cabbage.

    And, of course, when Henry says ‘reimagined’ he means loads of blacks being shoehorned in that were never in the original version. Reimagined is the new word for Goebbels goes woke. And Lenny loves it. And it’s tough tits if longstanding Tolkein fans or anybody else doesn’t like it. Sieg Heil, you black fascist knob.

  5. Why don’t we give him a star role in “Reggina in the Woodpile”. Because he doesn’t seem to know whether he’s coming or going?

  6. I look forward to seeing cur lenny in the reimaging of nig of the dump. Wherever the former, the latter is an inevitability.

  7. Wasn’t the crack of dawns arse cushion, ask on a quiz show, for a thousand pounds, if he knew the name of the dog in the “Dambuster” film and the the daft cunt said shove the money up your arse. What a strange name for a dog.

  8. Middle Earth had no blacks 1000 years later.
    Guess they all stabbed themselves to death. Instead of stabbing them elves to death.

  9. Had to laugh. The Sly footy show panel have a tart and a blacky sat in between two normal regulars. Whilst BT have their usual intelligentsia for the Goal Show. I’m torn between the two.

  10. I fuckin detest this Black Animal, crying and moaning his way through any show he can get on, every Nee Grow has it roots in that huge sorry shithole that is Africa, if we had our time over again I bet we would have given slavery a wide berth and left every tree swinger alone happy to carry on its primitive way of life, Africa would not have moved forward an Inch. By the way that pic is an accurate depiction of the Henry tribe standing outside its Nest doin fuck all.!

  11. Take note, when the Jocks pronounce they’re going blackcurrent picking, they mean nothing against the knife wielding black murdering scum. It’s just the way they speak.

  12. Da ting is Lenworth – how much money do you need?

    You’re in Lenny Henry’s Race (Bait) Through Comedy, Lenny Henry Sings The Blues – a 3 part documentary on how Britain has never produced a top notch black blues singer (for Sky Arts) AND Lord of the Rings – Rings of Power.

    People in Britain can’t sing the blues because you have to be from Mississippi or somewhere like that. You don’t need a 3 hour documentary taking hundreds of hours of editing time and international travel to tell you that you thick fuckwit. How much did he get paid for that shit?

  13. Needs to get a turban and fuck off into the desert where some cunt will hopefully Allah Akhbar him into extinction. Fucking afrospaz.

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