Lenny Henry [10]

Lenny Henry (again) – the mithering cunt has got himself a part as a Hobbit in the new series Lord of the Rings – Rings of Power.

The character is called Sadoc Burrows – I’ve read the books often and can’t recall such a character, but he has seemingly been created to compensate for the lack of diversity in Tolkien’s books. The same books that had elves, dwarves, hobbits, wizards, orcs, walking and talking trees, humans, trolls and Christ knows what else.

Anyway, Lenny says it is great for these 1000 years old tales to be positively reimagined by todays storytellers. For information, The Hobbit was first published in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1955. Suffice to say I shall be giving this pile of shite a miss.

MSN Link.

Nominated by: Mary Hinge

86 thoughts on “Lenny Henry [10]

  1. Sir Lenny will ‘find’ racism wherever snd whenever it suits his cause.

    Nowadays we only hear from this terminally unfunny arsehole when some racist bile dribbles from his mouth.

    He clearly has no idea that many people out there are sick and tired of his whining.

    Fuck off now, dear boy. O-KAAAAAAYYY!

  2. At least Tarzan is safe from a woke remake. Can you imagine the uproar if a black actor was asked to act like an ape and swing through trees. Lenny Henry is a turd that won’t flush away.

    • Admin can use the same picture when Dawn Butler makes it onto the wall. Have they been seen together? I think we should be told.

  3. It’s a good job ‘Sir’ Lenny’s back catalogue doesn’t contain any instances of piss taking using racial stereotypes, or he’d have been cancelled long ago.
    Katanga my friends!!

  4. Personally I can’t see much harm in casting a Sooty in such a film…it’s all just some imaginary world and I can’t really see what difference it makes whether the character is black,white or baby-shit tan.

    Doesn’t alter the fact that Lenny Henry is a total Cunt…he makes everything about racism and really just sickens people off with his constant whinging.

  5. The only positive thing I can say about Henry is at least he hasn’t put on a frock and make-up to make him look like the embalmed corpse of the Queen Mother to try to become a Labour M.P, so I will go softly on him. No doubt he is a great supporter of Dame Kweer’s tranny and poofter agenda, (as long as there is an equal number of bl*ck poofters and trannies) but at least he is not Izzard. Speaking of parties, I wonder if the conferences will go ahead?. Ed Davey was going to do a karioke to If I Ruled The World, and lady Nugee has been rehearsing The Red Flag on the spoons, while Dame Kweer is polishing up his tap dancing to do a rendition of Tiptoe Through The Tulips – and – greatest sacrifice of all – AnalEase Dodds was going to change her knicers for the first time this year I have nothing to say about Henry becoming a hobbit for a hobby.

  6. Apparently ratings comments are closed because it’s shite.

    Could have told you that without watching it.

    Onan, son of Gonad, Lord of the ring?


  7. Katanga Katanga,where dat kfc ? me sent message by bongo drum for kfc, not seen Uber eat man delivery, Katanga

  8. This cunt wasn’t opposed to racial stereotyping whilst making his shite BBC series nor TV ads.

    Now he’s a goblin?

    Fuck me if only a wizard would appear and turn him into what he is..a dog turd.

    • Redbeard: We have travelled far and require supper..
      Flaxxon: Verily, somewhere with wenches, good grub,, and ale.
      Redbeard: What think you, crowbarred-in black man?
      Lenny: Oooh, oi dunno. ‘ow about a Premier Inn?
      Flaxxon: No, for they are cheap and shite, like your acting.
      Lenny: Wayy-ciist!

      • I like Premier Inns they are good value, however when I am asked to give a review I mark them 5 out of 10 and tell them I have deducted 5 marks for employing that cunt Lenny Henry.

  9. LOTR fans like myself fucking HATE The Rings Of Power. Not because it’s got a few persons of colour in it (although that woke shit doesn’t help, obviously), but because it’s utter unmitigated shit.

    Disjointed, badly acted, crap storytelling and boring beyond belief.

    Amazon seem to be slowly waking up to the fact that they’ve created an absolute abomination. It should have been made by people who have an understanding and love for Tolkien’s work, not by a bunch of no-marks who seem to think it’s OK to fuck with his legacy and create their own updated version of it.

    Oh, and Lenny Fucking Henry is a right cunt.

    • This is a point that is often overlooked. These works are loved by many people. They do not need to be improved or re-imagined, as far as we are concerned. Anyone with that mindset needs to simply realise that they need to produce original work of their own, to the highest standard they can manage. Then people will either like it or they won’t.

  10. Why’s Lenny no longer a Brummy?

    One of the strongest accents you can have!
    Ozzy Osbourne has lived in LA for years he’s not lost HIS accent.

    And when did Lenny become a academic?!!

    30years a shite cabaret act doing characters like Theophilus P Wildebeest,
    Now he’s a black intellectual hosting programs for the BBC on black Britons?

    I’ve heard of reinventing yourself but he’s stretching it a bit!

    I don’t like the bullshitter.

    Not because he’s black,
    Because he’s a spoofing,no morals, bite the hand, low rent,
    Chubby chasing,
    Grovelling, motherfucker.


    • I’d never let a Sooty into my home….I have far too many valuables..wouldn’t let a Front Wheel Skid in either,for the same reason.

      Now,I’m not one for stereotyping people but social niceties won’t protect one’s priceless antiquities.If I’m to be called a racist or anti-semite just because I say ” Fuck Off Rastus/Moses….I know what you thieving Cunts are all like” when one comes to the door…well,so be it.

      PS..Wouldn’t let a Fruity Gentleman in either…whatever his colour.

      • I wouldn’t let a lot of people in the door.

        Epileptics, stutterers, cripples, lispers, whisperers, people with ecsma,
        Especially those cunts!

        Flaking all over the sofa,
        Like someone’s been eating a Eccles cake without a plate.

        I have a strict door policy ,

        None welcome.

        Morning Dick?

      • Remember at primary school in assembly a kid with really bad eczema sat next to me. Had no choice we sat in alpha order I think.

        Right pong, like dead rotting flesh and shite.

        Used to try holding my breath.

      • I feel your pain Cuntybollocks.

        A kid at our school had it.
        If he washed his scabby hands the sink would look like it was full of Readybrek.

        I pitied him.
        No one likes a leper.

        Obviously I made him face the wall during dinnertime.
        Especially if I was eating rice pudding.

      • @Mis…you should hang a sign on your Country-Cream gate….”Artisans Only”.

      • Too right Dick, ancestral Fiddlers didn’t bother to liberate African bronzes just so modern day sooties could take them back. I mean you would be lost without your Zulu disembowelling knife happily used as a letter opener for many a year.

    • Great point that MNC.

      Sounded like a thick Brummie cunt and then all of a sudden put a suit on, some nerdy glasses, scratched his little bumfluff intellectabeard and all of a sudden he’s speaking like the housemaster at Eton.

      Fucking full of shite.

      Was all ‘oooo kkkk’ and ‘katanga!’ while it suited his wallet. Now it suits him to be a fake posh intellectual.

      I heard a great term for his type.


      Or cunt for short.

  11. I wont be watching this new Lord of the Rings shite. I would be too worried to as, if one of the diverse actors used a dagger or short sword in the film, i would instantly lose the suspension of disbelief necessary for a fantasy film.

  12. Remember that damn advert for Premier Inn?
    Lenny enters into the hotel foyer.
    The receptionist says “Good afternoon, Sir”
    Lenny looks around and says “it is now”.
    Fuck off, you corporate cocksucking darkıe cunt.
    He should have the worst punishment known to mankind administered….having his stupid face sat on by a 3-week unwashed Dawn French’s flabby fanny.
    Then Dianne Abbott’s.
    I hate Lenny Henry and hope he dies imminently.

    • I would imagine he’s already undergone the first part of that punishment.
      The dirty fucker.

    • Oh good show Thomas.

      It occurs to me this boil on the arse of humanity once did adverts for crisps.

      That puts him firmly in bed with that fellow blek cunt Linekunt.

      Who the fuck wants monkeypox flavoured fried snacks?

      It’s a homosexual conspiracy.

      • DON French? No another cunt jumping on the tranny bandwagon to bolster a flagging career. She’s another one who’s turned into a (naturally very wealthy) leftist. Makes her woke royalty, a Cuntess.

      • Yeah, but she dumped a black man in favour of a white man, that wouldn’t have played well with BLM and the wokies.

  13. Lenny Henry is a brave man , don’t forget he fucked dawn french many times and knocked her up, then like a typical spook he left after she birthed a few sprogs , anyone who sees dawn French’s quim and arsehole bent over and it’s right in your face must be either brave or mentally ill, that said magic grandpa did the same with flabbotus, , but flabbotus did push out a sprog from grandpas jizz, that would be a crime against humanity # father’s Day in Brixton

  14. If the beeb make a program about black Birmingham,
    Watch Lenny’s accent reappear!!

    He’ll sound like fuckin Noddy Holden.

    Kipper tie?

  15. In the past our Lenny was quite happy to use African stereotypes in his act to further his career H Wiidebeast, Katanga etc. His late flourish of roots, ethnicity, culture is just a device to shore up the career as he has twigged that the fastest way to get some publicity is to worship at the arsehole of woke. This would explain why the great man exploded into our consciousness after decades of anonymity and why many see him as some kind of “wise prophet” or something similar.
    I found him very funny at the start of his career David Bellamy always made me laugh.
    So sad that in his case age has not born wisdom just smug bandwagon jumping cuntery. He really should consider modern politics he would ooze in nicely.
    As to being a Hobbit to me he will always be a cuntish Knobbit.
    Sir Lenny fuck off

    • That’s true, he was hilarious in his early days when young and fun. But at some point – married to the uber-successful Dawn French – he became cunty. Started to take himself too seriously, playing Othello like he’s a grade-A thespian. Then he did, err… Travelodge adverts. Now he’s jumped on the BLM bangwagon and is a token black elf or whatever the fuck he is in Lord of the Ringpieces. Yawn.

  16. Saw a trailer for the new series of darling buds of may…….token blick and a joe dacki in the cast….I remember seeing the original series and reading the books, and they certainly weren’t in either. Times may change, but the time it is set in hasn’t, so wtf?

    • CC how very true, could not find them in the book either, something afoot that reeks of sweaty bollocks methinks

  17. Henry is a cunt.

    Never been funny, and when he tried he always used his race as fodder for humour.

    Only thing that’s kept his race based career going all this sorry time is fucking Red nose day..and that’s a crock of shite as well.

  18. So when they shoehorning a tranny into LOTR?

    Or a mixed race couple?
    A elf maiden shacked up with orc,
    Maybe get a Stanley wizard in there?

    How come that Warwick Davis hasn’t pushed his way into the LOTR franchise?

    He’s a genuine middle earther,
    Think he’d of got a role?

    • Hey MNC, check out my response below. The Profit of Al-AqsaminsterKharpet has granted your wishes.
      ALLACCHHHHHHU AKBLAAAARRGH ( just cleared my sinuses, apologies)

  19. There are blacks and Asians in Tolkien’s original works. They were called The Haradrim and Easterlings. They were generally unpleasant and allied with Sauron/Mordor. But try explaining that to these thick fucking “celebs”.

  20. Why hasn’t this nonentity ever given a last name ? Come on lads, let’s think of one that finishes him off once and for all.

  21. He used to live round here, he was member of a gym/club establishment a friend of mine worked there and said he was the RUDEST man she has ever met, completely devoid of any manners whatsoever and wouldn’t talk to anybody.
    As a bonus for me his roly-poly wife nearly whacked me truck by being in wrong lane at a roundabout and swerving over without looking, her face was a picture as she saw me there, colour drained out of it she looked like an uncooked fray bentos pie.
    I believe that they adopted a child.

  22. You heard the silly cunts absolutely dreadful Irish accent he puts on in it? I fucking despise this talentless prick.

  23. Saddick Bongos surely.
    Anyway, why are there no peaceful characters in this “re-imagined” (I HATE that fucking word, code for “let’s be more inclusive” shite) and nothing remotely “trans” either, the doubly phobic, cunts.
    We could have Bomboe Banginns, Heddoff Hackin, with their winged horses & magic Belts of Blastagore.
    Not forgetting the new reigning Queen Draggo Cockinfrok.
    Evil dwarf Sturjonn of Hagiss and Blacko Ford of Biglunch
    Close ally of Banginns and Hackin, Jezzcorbo of Gaza.
    All in a new “reboot” Locdoun of Kovid and the Needles of Doom episodes 1, 2 with revenues boosted in 3 and 4.
    Last but not least, the invading Dingee hoatds from the land of Free Lohdah.

    Hope that’s diverse and inclusive enough with that retinue of cunts. Actually if they actually made this and took the piss out of that lot, it’d probably be a hit.

  24. If I was a writer and had to include a primate in the new books, I would at least try to add some realism.
    He would steal someone’s pushbike and get in a fight at the local KFC.

  25. Lenny Henry spent his first thirty years in showbiz breaking down racial barriers.
    Lenny Henry then spent the last ten years building racial barriers back up.

    That’s this unfunny, shit actor cunt in a nutshell.

    “My hero is Richard Pryor.”

    Really? Well, you’re nothing like him, katanga kunt, fucking hack.

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