Hair is Racist

”Nearly half of Black people believe hair discrimination has increased in recent years”

Yes, even hair is at it in this racist hellhole that is modern Britain.

This from a completely unbiased survey from hairbrush brand ‘Tangle Teaser’.

”Hairbrush brand Tangle Teaser has found that 46% of people surveyed with 3C-4C hair believe unjust judgement has increased when they wear their hair naturally”

Now I dont have a fucking clue what 3C-4C hair is but I am willing to believe that these problems are racist.

Why oh why are we such racist cunts? Did Rosa Parks skip paying her bus fare for nothing? Did Magna Carta die in vain? (T Hancock, sometime in the 50s)

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

66 thoughts on “Hair is Racist

  1. Don’t worry. Everything will be fine on Tuesday when Miserable’s Down Syndrome girlfriend becomes PM.

  2. Stabbing shooting fat lips ? fat arses crap music poorly educated unable to speak coherently in sentences being able to be somewhere on time oh and fried chicken ? al racist init man.

  3. More race baiting from MSN.
    I take it all the real problems in the world have been solved..

  4. Well they’ve got a valid point,haven’t they ?….I know that I’m far more likely to regard “Sooty-hair” wearers with suspicion…mainly because “Sooty-hair” comes attached to Sooties and I have no desire to be mugged,stabbed and pelted with greasy fried chiggun bones.

    The Tarry-Toots should fucking well make an effort to fit in by having a nice sensible short back and sides…. as well as making them appear civilised,it would also make them less liable to stick out on security footage as they sprint away from the scene of the crime…who knows. perhaps if they took a bit more “hair care”,they might be able to get a “honky beaatch” without having to threaten violence or drug her.

    • It’s not just the Coloureds who are discriminated against due to their hair….I remember suffering many micro-aggressions and cruel jibes during my “Flock of Seagulls” phase.

      Muh struggle is your struggle,innit bruv.

      • I can picture the scene in Lord Fiddler Towers as ‘Space Age Love Song’ blasts from the Bang &Olufsen and the hounds look on with a look of wonderment.

      • @LdC…..As nothing compared to when I introduced Acid House Dub Hip Hop to rural Northumberland….the village talent show had never seen anything quite like it….course,they’re not groovy hip Cats like me.

  5. Oh dear. So they suffer from “micro aggressions”. What exactly does that mean? It means exactly what you fucking want it to mean. Some bird I saw in the street didn’t want to suck my cock….there’s an example. The cunts made me pay to go in the cinema….there’s another one. They won’t give me a free pint in the pub, the discriminating bastards. Micro aggressions everywhere.
    How dare you!

    • ‘Micro-aggression’ is a synonym for an imagined slight formed from one’s inferiority/persecution complex and paranoia.

      It is not real.

  6. Is your Afro getting you some suspicious looks?

    Are your Cornrows holding you back in job interviews?

    Join the RAF.

    • Or any other public service. Every recruitment poster/advert shows ethnics as the majority in a predominantly white country. Same with wimmin in predominantly male-orientated jobs.

      “Are you chill enough to fly this”?

      Fuck me ragged, Douglas Bader must be spinning in his fucking grave.

      • I’m actually trying to work out how he’ll spin with no legs.

        And he’s dead anyway.

        My brain scares me sometimes.

  7. Top Tips.

    Black people’s hair if sheared is great for polishing metal work,
    Getting rust off car bodywork and cleaning stubborn roasting trays.

    A popular misconception is that blacks hair are pubes.
    Although at first glance this seems to be the case it’s part of the fibreglass family.

  8. I feel sorry for black women.
    They have to buy expensive wigs from joke shops to look remotely like a woman.

    Underneath the wigs the real hair looks like a burnt mattress.

    Or a irate coconut.

    This is why black women are ‘sassy’ all the time.

    • Morning MNC, why is it that us honky men are slapheads by mid-40’s, yet white birds keep theirs while the exact opposite is true for moon crickets?
      Perhaps black wimminz have slipped off the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder?

      • God’s will Thomas.

        Men who go bald have high testosterone,
        It’s a scientific fact,
        Meaning their not quite superman,
        But better than other ‘bouffant’ men.

        White women keep their lovely hair because God is rightly proud of them.
        His greatest creation.

        Black women start going bald due to God’s wrath.
        He’s embarrassed by them.
        What was he thinking?
        Must of been a “off day”
        In honesty he probably wishes he could erase them and start again.
        Big fat arses, thick,
        Fuzzy felt hair,
        So he lets them moult as they get older.

        Although Diana Ross is holding out

      • True. I started going bald late 20s. High testosterone.

        My skin thought hair was too gay and wasn’t having any of it.

        I have my own scientific theory too. More or less every cunt I know has had the bat flu. Mrs and I haven’t.

        My theory (which I actually told her) is that I’ve filled her with my spunk so she’s protected. I never get ill (so far anyway).

        I’m going to pass my findings on to the scientific community. Caring is sharing.

        Ladies (only hot ones) can line up for their fill too.

        ‘Now, now Kylie, stop pushing Taylor Swift you’ll both get a turn…no skipping that bird off the Sky Mobile advert!”

        I’m gonna be knackered me, MNC.

      • Your probably like me,
        Borderline superman.
        I’m never Ill either.
        And I said at the beginning I’d not get Batflu and I didn’t.

        Although I didn’t start to lose my hair till in my 40s,
        In your 20s?

        Jeepers Cuntybollocks!
        Bet you looked like Charlie Brown.

        I’m convinced that people like us are the future of the human race,
        Impervious to disease
        My sperm should be held by the government as some sort of ‘super soldier serum’
        And forcibly injected into the population.

      • I agree, but they’re not getting my creamy goodness for free.

        5 grand a pop and sexy ladies only.

        “Do you want a perfect immune system or not ‘hello possible’ Sky Mobile advert bint? That’s it…spread ’em.”

  9. Honky with dreadlocks?

    How dare you, you culturally appropriating racist!

    Black woman with straight ‘blonde’ hair?

    Das wad ahm talkin’ bout.

    Good morning and chiggun.

    I’m all for stopping cultural appropriation. All the dark skinned types and Pakistanis will have to stop using electricity, cars, the internet, sanitation, roads, windows, anything using modern building techniques, modern medicine etc…

    You can keep your dreadlocks, rap, curry and jerk chiggun and as long as you live in mud huts and caves and stop using all our stuff

    Get to fuck.

  10. London won’t suffer when the fuel crisis really hits this winter.

    The rappers and architects will set the city ablaze when they can’t put the heating on.

    London will be roasting!

    I wonder who’ll get the blame when it inevitably happens?

    • Lenny Henry will be blaming you CB.
      You, with your opposable thumbs, you fucking oppressor, you.
      In fact, Lenny is planning on getting back together with Dawn French this winter so he’s got a large supply of meat and blubber ready for when the shit hits the fan.
      Honkies living in London ought to be very afraid when ‘that lot’ return to their cannibalistic tendencies in February.

      • I’m looking forward to it. I can ride it out. Lived with no central heating as a kid for years. No hot water apart from a bath once or (if lucky) twice a week. Ice on the windows. Could see your breath in the house.

        It’s not on of course that it’s going to happen, but I’ll be fine.

        These fuckers who’ve known nothing but free money for KFC delivery and Sky TV with the heating on 24/7?

        Can you imagine the kick off? I predict they’ll refuse to turn the gas off anyway and when they get a £2,000 bill they’ll just refuse to pay. When they come to cut them off, they’ll just riot and burn the street down.

        The government will cave in and house them elsewhere, writing off their bills (well getting us to pay them!)

        No way will those cunts put up with that shite.

        Probably racist too.

      • Being sensible for just one post, I have bought an extra freezer (eBay, £40) that’s full of pre-made dinner portions and I’ll be buying a small generator in the next few days, just enough to run a fridge, 2 freezers, telly and reading lamp. Oh, need to get some basic table candles and a lantern too.
        Roll on the blackouts!

      • I tend to take Captain Blackadder’s advice when it comes to taking care of yourself:
        Besides, when some birds are cold, hungry and desperate in Jan/Feb, I’ll invite them into my temporarily warm house, give them a slap-up meal, point out that it’s not free and if they want to stay over (and warm), they’ll have to indulge in all sorts of terrifyingly romantic endeavours.
        I’ll be up to my nuts in guts all winter!
        I’m not joking…this is actually my plan.

      • Sir Lenningham of Henry has got very chippy since accepting his knighthood of the evil slave-owning empire.
        A bit like the Duchess of Sussex and Narcissism.

        Keen on biting the hand that feeds, aren’t they?

  11. Two families of sooties have moved in around my way, both renting. I watch in interest to see what issues start occurring ‘in da hood’ that has been, over they years pretty quiet, apart from when the great white land whale that lived in the cul d sac and her errant nutter son would go off their heads on cannabis and cider.

    I saw one of the dark tribe walking across the road yesterday evening, I spied it in the half light, it’s movement gave it away, it had a simian like gait and judging by its skulking approach and habit of avoiding the light of the lampposts didn’t want to be seen… it was carrying a bag. Must be guilty of something I’ll wager.

    Had a normal short haircut though.

    • Why not extend the hand of friendship?
      Halloween isn’t far off,
      All go over dressed as ghosts, to welcome them to the neighborhood!

      If it’s dark take tiki torches?

      • Hahah. I may wear a long white robe and pointy hat and walk around muttering about keeping the home fires burning.

        ‘The wizards, the wizards’

  12. How the fuck this can be “news” beats me. And what the fuck are “micro aggressions”?! If aggression is to be involved, make it macro / maxi / massive and employing at the minimum an accurately deployed fist.

    At least you’ve got hair you fucking snivelling cunts, grow a pair, live in the real world and get a sense of fucking perspective.


    (Think I’ve still got some Chardonnay in the bloodstream from last night ?)

  13. Slightly off topic, well, a lot, really, has anyone noticed that if there are mens and wimmins sports finals, one after the other, it’s always the wimmins that’s first? That’s because the cunts know that if it was the mens first, there’ll be no fucker left in the ground, and that wouldn’t fit their narrative that the popularity in wimmins sport is exploding.

    The duplicitous cunts.

    • Bollocks never thought of that DCI GC, I always believed it was an attempt to show that some of the old values on which we built this nation still stood. Ladies first, bit of etiquette that sort of thing.
      Given the situation today your reason seems most logical. Think I will hide in the woods whilst I mull over this situation.

  14. I saw the BBC use the term ‘verbally assaulted’.

    Unless the cunt had a voice so loud he caused a shockwave, I don’t see how that’s possible.

    “Hurtful words are violence.”

    Not they aren’t. Allow me to kick you in the knackers and then call you a cunt. Tomorrow, you can choose one.

    Get to fuck.

  15. This explains why Blick Wimminz wear those fruit bowls full of mangoes and pineapples on their heads, to hide a cranium full of thick pubes.

  16. Fact is hair included, they are not a bonny race which is probably why black fella’s always prefer our good looking white lasses…

    • I’m reliably informed the term that is used for black women by black fella’s is


      As in hey bro wot u goin out wi a Bessie for, innit..!

      Somat like that I imagine…

  17. Hair today gone tomorrow for all I care. A piccaninny asked daddy why was his head covered in watch-springs and fuse-wire ? The usual liar came back with, because when the coconuts fall from the trees, they won’t hurt your head. Then why are we living in Liverpool ? Well you see son, they’ve been stolen, again.

  18. I’ve been subjected to blonde jokes my whole life to which one responds, only blonde girls are thick, blonde boys are evil like in Germany. Uncle Tezza’s oven on standby.

    • Not that i’m affected but have you noticed only attractive women have ‘red’ hair or are ‘redheads’, ‘flame-haired’ and the others are just gingers?

    • Nigeria is expected to become the world’s most populous country by 2100.

      A bad time to be a goat.

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