Benefits Vs Employment

I had a drink in the local pub with a couple of other self-employed workers last night (03/08/22). We talked about many things, not least the problems of the pandemic lockdowns and little or no government support for certain types of self-employed companies, including ours!

We then moved on to discuss the current crisis’ – energy and cost-of-living (CoL). Both of which are decimating the two companies my friends work hard at trying to keep trading.

Then they complained about some of their staff wanting pay rises to cope with their own CoL problems, something that is impossible to do due to cashflow issues and rising costs of their own.

As a consequence some of their employees have left arguing that they would be better of on state benefits rather than having to put up with a low income that’s just above the minimum wage for their particular age groups.

Inevitably we then moved onto how the myriad of benefits people are now “entitled” to is not only undermining bosses of small businesses, but also workers as a whole.

Obviously if you’re earning £50k+ a year you’re probably not all that bothered about what other people earn or receive in benefits. But my two friends don’t earn that much and despite working all hours they can’t always afford to pay themselves a salary and often have to plough that allocated money into paying business bills.

When they heard the news about more government support for those people on means-tested benefits to help with the cost-of-living crisis (worth around £650) with top-ups available for certain other groups, it just made them even more pissed off.

It does seem that living on benefits is the way to go because in times of crisis – Covid, energy, CoL – you’ll more often than not receive a shedload of tax-free money. Whereas if you work but earn a lowish taxable salary or you’re self-employed and struggling, you’re likely to get sweet fuck all again!

I don’t know how many state benefits there are available these days, but in the link below are a few (I don’t include state pensions because they’re definitely not a benefit, but have been earned through a lifetime of paying Income Tax and NI contributions)

Some benefits are means-tested, some are taxable. Quite often if you work and earn a taxable wage that is just outside of any of those entitlements then you’re very much on your own. And that includes the extra Cost of Living handouts (of around £650+), which again is going to those people on benefits. However, those same people who do work and not entitled to anything will be expected to pay for it all through higher taxes and NI contributions sooner or later.

And on the subject of pensions – again if you take out pensions early in your working life because you want to think about a comfortable retirement, you often end up being means-tested come your retirement and your pensions are taxed yet again. Whereas there are many cunts out there (and I know a few) who have never worked but still end up with plenty of benefits when they reach “retirement” age, almost to the point of receiving more money than those silly workers who spent 30-40 years paying into various pensions and taxes and came out worse off!

And more often than not you’ll get the charity groups (you know, those with CEOs and board members earning 6 figure salaries) moaning on MSM and social media that the government isn’t doing enough for the poor and should therefore give all those on benefits extra cash, courtesy of the Taxpayer.

As a consequence, my two friends have said they’ll give it a few more months and if things don’t improve they’ll jack it all in and live on benefits instead (although obviously because they have worked and may have savings they may not be entitled to quite so much compared to some cunt who has never worked but has 8 kids!)

I know I’m making quite a few generalisation here, especially with regards benefit allocation (those genuinely in need due to poor health for example). But the fact is we do seem to be living in a society where living on benefits is now regarded as an essential entitlement (lifestyle choice?) and nothing to be ashamed of, just so long as the Taxpayer doesn’t complain and just keeps on paying more and more taxes to pay for it all.
(Extra link provided by our resident sociologist, Night Admin – NA.)

Nominated by: Technocunt

123 thoughts on “Benefits Vs Employment

  1. I’m on benefits due to several health problems and to be honest I fecking hate it and find it embarrassing.

    • Difference being your genuinely entitled due to health Civvydog.
      No shame in that kid!?

    • I’m not annoyed with anyone genuine too ill or infirm to work.

      No need to be embarrassed. There for the grace of God etc…

      It’s the lazy entitled cunts who can work but won’t. Or deliberately have 20 kids on the dole.

    • I’m with you there, Civvy.
      The embarrassment of having milk tokens to pay towards groceries at the shops, going to the “eddy grant” for socks, shoes etc for school, begging the benefits office to get on with it, breathing a sigh of relief when a tax rebate meant we could pay the rent and leccy bill.
      It’s vile. Thank God it only lasted 6 months.

    • The idea has been round for a long time.

      George Bernard Shaw was a great advocate for a universal basic income.

      Chesterton dead against it.

      Cant remember exactly what GK said …but warned of great dangers in it.

      Probably similiar to what Musk says above: ”how do you derive meaning without work?’.

    • There’s an Elon Musk day?!

      When’s that??

      Hang on a minute. Why does he get a special day and I don’t?

  2. I think it’s fairly obvious that the self employed and small businesses are going to take a hammering but what do our masters care? The small businesses will get swallowed by the corporates, the pubs will close so we are sat at home swallowing the propaganda on the idiot box, rising prices will suck more and more people into state dependency, the streets will be a dystopian, Clockwork Orange style nightmare. All perfect for the Great Re Set. It’s been coming for years but we just couldn’t see it. Social change doesn’t happen by accident. Behind every scheme there’s a schemer.

    • Added to which the Queen is supposedly about to croak. They’ve probably been planning her death for years… in fact she’s more than likely been dead for years, been kept on ice, waiting for the perfect time for the “News” to have the maximum impact – simultaneously distracting and further demoralising an already infantilised populace.
      Murders of John Lennon and Diana were a dry run.

      • Yeah it does seem a very convenient time for the old Doris to keel over. Then we’ll have a new wokie King spouting all his wokie green crap. What a cunt.

      • Hologram technology has made some serious progress of late it’s safe to say.The recent Biden speech,evoking the requisite Satanic ritualistic vibe springs to mind,ditto that other strange papal appearance at the Vatican months ago where he turns away from crowd pleasing mode and visibly disappears instantaneously on his balcony… a little earlier than intended lol.Captured for posterity albeit not by fakestream media.Next stop ‘Project Bluebeam’ or another brace of ‘hijacked’ airliners headed for god knows where ?

  3. I’m no expert on benefits but many on benefits have to work ‘x’ amount of hours per week to achieve certain ones.
    Add this wage to their benefits and it can be enough to get by. Truss said the other week she would increase the amount of hours people have to work to gain these extra benefits.
    I’m fucking confusing myself now.

    She’s got nice tits btw

  4. Basic economics means this is not sustainable. It will come a time in the future when the rich say fuck it. And the burden on the taxpayers becomes too much.
    Dire straits lyric change.
    Money for nothing and the chiggun for free..

  5. A very relevant cunting in the light of today’s announcement of an energy price freeze. Limp Dump Chief Gobshite Ed Davey has been sounding off about a ‘phony freeze’ because those on the lowest incomes won’t get any extra. Except they will, you cunt, because the £400 off bills for every household and the extra £650 for households on benefits announced previously will still be happening. As this nom alludes, more help for the indolent, as always. And more bullshit from the Limp Dumps of course.

    • The Kweer keeps banging on about the energy producers 170 billion in profits but doesn’t mention the fact that is global and only part of that 170 billion would attract UK tax, maybe in region of 30 to 40 billion, given that they already pay 65% tax, squeezing more wouldn’t do very much to pay for the 2500 cap

      • Sir Starmer also fails to mention that for the past 30 years successive governments have signally failed to make the UK self-sufficient in energy, we could have had an extra 10 nuclear power stations up and running by now if it hadn’t been for the Labour /Lib Dem /Tory alliance.
        Now would be the perfect time to pull the plug on HS2, a train set nobody wants or will ever need – put the 100billion+ savings toward the 150billion Truss is reportedly going to spend on fuck knows what to keep our fuel bills down this winter. Rather than that, why doesn’t the government just cap how much the energy companies can charge at a reasonable level whilst still allowing them to make a reasonable profit?

      • All whilst not having to allow the world to fester and occupy our housing stock.

  6. I am old enough to remember benefits as a safety net not a career choice. Likewise when choosing to spawn kids with no support was not encouraged. (or a good idea)
    Now everyfucker seems to be entitled to housing, money, family allowance.

    Fuckers who dont work when able bodied should get fuck all.

    • I’m old enough to remember a time when if a woman spawned kids with no financial support they both ended up in the workhouse.

  7. Apart from the willing unfortunately unemployed, strap all idle dolescum into giant dynamos connected to the national grid, get them to walk in vast teams for 8 hour shifts and to get free electricity and everyone becomes fitter, healthier and less of a burden on the NHS.
    It worked for Conan the Barbarian.

    • Some people are on benefits through illness,
      Unfit to work,
      Or through sheer bad luck.
      I’ve no problem with them.

      Others come from Liverpool.
      That’s a cultural thing.

      But I personally wouldn’t want to be beholden to the state,
      Breastfeeding off the Government.

      I’m happy self employed.
      No boss to bark orders at me,
      Or stupid fuckin diversity training.

      If your employed you have self respect.
      You’ve earned your corn.

      • Same here. Not had a “boss” of any kind in 20 years apart from a thankfully brief stint working at a Harley dealership.
        Don’t earn much between my efforts and the Mrs wiping arses in a care home, but no debts, no credit or overdrafts and we live in fat arsed comfort despite not being entitled to state assistance of any kind.
        I’ve met quite a few of the “voluntarily unemployed” over the years and almost without exception they consider themselves smarter and more intelligent than those of us who prefer to earn a crust. Some even claimed to be making a “political statement”

  8. Techno is bang on, anyone who is just above the cut off will probably be worse off than a full on scrounger.

    There should be a clear and significant gap between working a full week compared to sitting on the arse, an actual incentive to get a fucking job.

  9. I own a business, and haven’t increased what I take out for about 8 years. Wife used to work full time until we had our daughter, so I said rather than work full time then have to spunk money on a child minder during the holidays etc, find a job with less hours that give you school holiday time off, so she got a job in a school. My wage 8 years ago was pretty good and we could afford to live, maybe not a lavish life, but a life that allowed my wife to earn less due to my income.

    That was 8 years ago, and checking all the benefits available NOW. My income is only £500 a year off from qualifying for benefits.

  10. My niece is 21 has never worked, has 3 kids (you can imagine when she started) and has been rattling on about how worried she is about the cost of living crisis.

    How I have kept my mouth shut I have no fucking idea.

    I can’t be a hypocrite , she is proper benefits scum as is her ex.

    Feral lowlives who should be head jobbed basically

    • The answer to a lot of this is dead simple: job allocation.

      All benefits recipients fit to work are allocated a job from the millions available and benefits stop. Don’t like it? Tough shit.

      And stop this 16 hrs a week bollox as well. I would say there is not a month goes by without me having to work 16 hours in a fucking day.

      Child support for 2 children after reaching qualifying level of NI contribution. Can’t afford to feed your kids? Take them off them and give them to childless couples, then all this IVF bollox on the NHS can stop as well.

      If these plans fail spectacularly, stuff all the dolescum in my special waste disposal machine.

  11. Anyone for a soapy tit wank from new health minister Therese Coffey?

    Cigar smoking, piss head,
    She looks like Winston Churchill played by fat Reg.

    • But just a wank mind.
      If you sling one up her and shes tubbed,
      You’d have to keep the funny looking kid.

      She’s dead against the abortion bucket.
      Unlike Boris.
      He sent loads of trade their way.?

      • She has promised to do a Granny Rayner ‘Basic Instinct’ style flash during next weeks PMQ’s.

      • I know a man, from Worcestershire, that’s got a ‘thing’ about abortion.

        He’ll tell you all about it, behind the bike sheds.

      • MNC’s post is made for the Worcester Warrior.
        It’s like throwing a bucket of chum in the oggin waiting until he bites.

      • Certainly not for want of trying. He was prolific for a short while, until his offering out, behind the bike sheds, whomever disagreed with his stance on abortion. He’s either hanging his head in sheer embarrassment, or plotting revenge. With all the bad news, at the moment, we need comedy gold like him! Admin said they were keeping a beady eye on him?

    • It’s about time the BBC’s flagship political show, ‘The Daily Politics’ invited esteemed members of the ISAC community onto their panel.

      Portillo:…so I don’t think borrowing is the answer to the cost of living crisis. It won’t bring inflation down. It’s hard on us all, but austerity is the only way out of this I’m afraid.

      Abbott: But surely we need to kick start the economy with investment?

      ISAC representative: What me? Ermm… what I want to know is the percentage of the population who would jizz on Lizz Truss’s tits.

      • I’m willing to appear as IsAC’s Health Advisor:

        “Lose some weight, you fat cunt”


        “Stop eating pies and get a fucking job, you Scumdog Millionaire”

        I thank you.

  12. The front cover of today’s Daily Mirror states that the new PM has caved in to the Mirrors “demands” concerning energy prices.
    That fat cunt Maxwell may be dead and gone but his ego lives on in toilet paper…

  13. Some people on benefits seem to struggle to have the bare necessities. But then there are lots who know how to play the system and have cars and foreign holidays etc. Usually having sprogs seems to give them more options. I don’t know what all these benefits are, but what the hell is tax credit? It’s just money given out to people with jobs isn’t it?
    If the minimum wage was high enough, you could do away with the bureaucracts and the hand-outs.

  14. Like owt else it started with good intentions but ballooned out of all control year by year.

    Lots of reasons for it to be in place as either a temporary helping hand in between jobs or for the very ill..

    Unfortunately it’s been seized upon by every lazy cunt going and acts as a giant magnet for third world dross to make the dinghy trip.

    It’s a lifestyle and a passport to all sorts of free stuff….and is a huge disincentive to work..imagine never working and being better off in old age than someone who’s put 40 or 50 years in..that’s a reality now.

    A decent cure would be to remove all means tested benefits and only give assistance to those who have paid in for at least ten years.

    As it is it’s a millstone round our necks.

    Thanks again Westminster you fucking dolts.

  15. We pay our own able-bodied to sit on their arses claiming benefits and yet complain about immigrants who come to do the jobs that are apparently beneath our own people or immigrants who hear that you don’t need work to get a house and live comfortably in this Shangri la of a Country…no fucking wonder they keep coming.

    Child benefit can Fuck Off too.

    • I can’t be arsed to google, but how did the conversation about the state paying for it’s members kids come around?

      ‘Prime minister, it would be a good idea if the state gave money to the population who decide to have children’

      ‘….but why? And what about the population that don’t have kids…why should they miss out on a handout just because they choose not to have children?’

      ‘ good for votes, as the majority have kids’

      ‘ahhh, ok then let’s do it’

      I mean…what the fuck??? How did they / do they justify child allowance. I may choose to buy a Ferrari, but I don’t expect you cunts to chip in to the running costs, and I certainly wouldn’t buy one if I couldn’t afford it.

      • Child benefit really fucks me off…people choose to have children…why the fuck should I pay for them?….like your ferrari example, I keep Hounds but don’t expect the taxpayer to pay for their houndmeal.

      • There was a couple in the paper a while ago boasting that the child benefit for their 2 children was paid into a seperate account that they used to pay for a holiday every year….Cunts.

      • Aye.

        My uncle and aunt are fairly well off. They had one child and saved his child benefit up and bought him a car and driving lessons when he got to 17 or 18.

        Nice folks btw, I don’t blame them, but it’s fucking mental when you think about it.

        The argument is that these kids grow up and pay tax to fund care (NHS etc) for retired folk.

        Partly true, but a few of us have already paid a shitload in.

        And how about the kids that copy mum into having 15 kids to ten dads?

        That photo above? I fucking guarantee you that most of those daughters will have at least 5 kids without getting a job or a working husband.

        Shouldn’t be entitled to a fucking penny, families like that.

        Let them starve (my election slogan).

      • I hope his car seized solid the first time he took it out…teach the Fucker for driving around in a car that I fucking well paid for.

  16. Piss taking, dole scrounging cunts should not be able to get a fucking penny if they’ve been out of work for over a year.

    There is always work out there. Too many take the piss. These cunts who have 10 kids on the dole? If the parents are able bodied (doesn’t include being a morbidly obese cunt btw, lose some fucking weight!), then unless they can get jobs to feed their sprogs, put the little cunts in care homes. And no bennies for mum and dad. Get a fucking job.

    I’m pissed off with all this. My folks worked hard all their lives and have their own paid for pensions, but the COL crisis is making them worry. They’re just above what is the limit and reckon they’d have been better off never working.

    No way should fucking dole scum be the ones to sail through this. No way should these lazy fucking bastards be better off than pensioners who’ve worked all their lives or people currently in employment.

    I fucking hate the attitude of politicians with their autopilot response of thinking these lazy twats have a devine right to be helped out with our fucking hard earned at every turn.

    When I become supreme leader, I’ll let these lazy, freeloading cunts fucking starve to death!

  17. If that’s all the kids the bint in the header pic had, she must have a cunt like a horse collar on her. ?

    • My wifes cunt is still tight after all these years- although I can get both hands in , I still can’t clap my hands!

  18. I have to work fifty hours a week just to get by, I live on my own in a private rented flat. What help will I get, fuck all.

  19. There should be no benefits for anyone. Charities, churches, family, friends, etc if you really need help. The way now is rife with corruption and abuse. It appeals to the worst in human nature: sloth, greed, entitlement, vendictivenes, distorted sense of justice, unproductiveness, selfishness, etc, etc.
    Humans need to be productive to be happy and fulfilled. Without benefits the need to eat would see to it that there was some kind of production and better life choices would be made.
    Top shelf nom!

  20. Fucking hell! The old world we were clinging on to has gone for ever. The Head of State is now Charlie the Chimp Boy. A new PM and a new monarch in the same week……,and both of them useless fucking cunts!

  21. Sad day for the country. Usual suspects, most of which should be deported, will revel in the Queen’s demise. The lefties can fuck off, Labour can fuck off, the Fenians can fuck off, and Hewitt and Megain can especially fuck right off.

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