NYPD blue Vs Harlem Globe trotters.
NY police make a arrest on a murderer armed with a gun.
A crowd of nosey cunts who should be at work intervene.
Spitting, trying to stop the officers arrest.
Then the murderers girlfriend runs into the melee,
Slapping at the officers.
A detective kendo Kinsey has had enough and punches the daft bitch out.
Then handcuffs her and arrests her,
She’s lost a lot of the chippy attitude.
Funny how a good punch can do that!
Now her halfwit parents are complaining,
Saying she was just a little girl and the cop should be investigated.
Luckily , NYPD seem to be made of sterner stuff than most,
And standing by their detective.
I hope he broke her jaw the numb bitch,
If her boyfriend had managed to get his gun free the simpletons of Harlem might of found a bullet wound as a price of interference in things that are nothing to do with them.
Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt
Luckily the copper who punched her was black, otherwise ol’ man river would’ve set fire to the neighbourhood.
Didn’t you know about ‘Black Privilege’?
Fucking right!
The cop probably ended up saving this stupid cunts life. If her boyfriend had fired his gun and the cops forced to return fire there could have been multiple Sasha Johnsons.
And that would be a bad thing?
Well played that man! Great shot!
Good to see a bit of old fashioned coppering getting a result.
If you ask bouncers who are the worst punters with whom to deal, they all say women; specifically women out on the lash for a Hen Night. They are abusive, violent, entitled users if choice language as they know they won’t be lamped like a drunken, abusive chap. Bouncers and police should be able to punch anybody who’s kicking off regardless of gender.
For that problem, a BIG DYKE is great to have. She’ll sort out that skinny bitch who is causing a ruckus. This is a classic video…
– Dyke bouncer
Normally I thoroughly disapprove of hitting wimminz but that bitch was asking for it. A white copper wouldn’t have done that……if he did he would be all over the libtard media. The BBC would be showing it on a continual loop.
Was it a carnival?
A house party?
A concert?
A shop?
A library?
Wherever these cunts are there is always bother.
I wonder if that police officer could come over to Britain and offer Dawn Butler the same service when she is pulled over in her sunglasses in a big car, and mouths off about racism i the police force innit
Good on the NYPD for standing up for their chap, rather than suspending him, like the UK copper who shot the black bloke driving a car involved in an armed ‘incident’, who was obviously far too important to pull over when required to by the police, and (probably) acted the cunt ending up with the poor fucking copper having no choice but to ‘discharge his weapon’. Act like a human being, stay alive. It’s not fucking rocket science.
Indeed who’d be a police officer in this country now?
A potentially violent drug dealer who could well be armed tries to ram your patrol car then run you over?
Fuck the silly cunt..learned the hard way.
The copper should get a commendation for not emptying his weapon into the thieving waste of oxygens vehicle.
There does seem to be a trend I’ve noticed…violently resist arrest for no (apparent) reason and be amazed when the police use considerable force to detain you…
Or comply with instructions like a normal person..
I suppose if you are a dark key then you’ve probably been brainwashed by other dark keys into thinking the only outcome will be a large protest then compensation..
Think again you dozy cunts.
The talented rapper was cornered by police cars, according to one witness the police gave him multiple calls to get out of the vehicle, cunt wasn’t having any of it and tried to run down officers with the car, they had no idea if he had a gun or not but were taking no chances and shot the cunt.
All we get from the media is cop bad, talented rapper was a fucking saint, yes course he was ?
Hopefully, the truth will come out and all of those who jumped to conclusions ( including a ghastly, race baiting MP of whom I’d never heard) will be left looking like the cunts they are.
BTW the rapper was 24 yet driving an Audi which cost £75,000 and he had already served a term in prison.
But he loved his mum and would help anyone.
If it’s the same incident I’m thinking of, the cunt is called a ‘drill rapper’ by the media.
He’s a fucking gang member, I’d put my left nut on it.
Yes, I hear he acted up and got himself shot.
I’m no royalist, but even I showed a bit of decorum when I heard old Lizzie had popped her clogs. Fucking ‘ell, even DF kept schtum.
What did the dark keys do? Had a big demo shouting about “it’s normal for a 96 year old to die, but it’s not normal for a black man to be murdered by the police! No justice! No peace!”
Fucking hell. It’s always about them, innit?
I want to know why the cops wanted to pull him over. They don’t though. They’ve tried and executed to rozzer already.
I bet he’s got previous that’d take hours to read out.
Diane Fucking Abbot was there race baiting too. Millionaire that cunt. What a fucking country.
If you can look at her at that rally and not say Enoch was right, you’re a fucking idiot.
She should be at home anyway, making sure that her obviously poorly brought up son isn’t exposing himself, while trying to strangle or eat every cunt he comes across.
I doubt if Diane would go anywhere near Abbott Jr. The last time he was at home he tried to stab the shit out of her.
Bit of a waste of money that private education eh Diane? And all those strings you pulled to get him that cushy job in the Foreign Office. All you did for him and he turns out to be a head banging , druggy, sex offender,stabby cunt! Shame.
Kendos my kinda copper!
He should have his own show!
Narrated by John Thaw
Kendos period pains®.
Where he administers right hooks to black ladies who need a crack!
Michael Obama
Sasha Johnson
Ash Sarkar
Gary Lineker
He just needs a catchphrase,
“Fuck em, Dano?”
Right turn Cl…
…fucking hell I’m not saying it lol.
Naughty boy.
The moaning parents should be told to fuck off. If she’s just a “little girl “ what is she doing hanging about with a killer?
Where’s your responsibility you pair of worthless cunts? It’s always some other cunt’s fault innit? The copper did them and their slag daughter a big favour.
Give the man a medal.
Remember when coppers used to clip misbehaving kids around the ear? No me neither, but I remember seeing it in the Beano and Whizzer and Chips so it must have happened for real. This copper is the same, just on a slightly larger scale.
Interfering with an arrest of a cunt with a gun, deserves a bit of a slap.
Great policing, but let’s be honest, if he’d been white he’d be being vilified by the MSM, would need to go in hiding and wouldn’t be being supported by his bosses.
I pissed my panties with laughter when I watched the video.
Slut struts up to the cops like she’s a sister from another mudder and then gets properly slapped down and not just slapped mind you, but corrected, shut down & re-educated – that was a feast for my eyes.
Shame we don’t get more of this.
Abusing the cozzers and then complaining? Sounds like our old mate, Chalkie Sinclair….
We need to go back to the old days when mouthy cunts used to slip and fall down the station steps.
No questions asked.
Pity the Mail aren’t accepting comments any more ( or showing them). I would have liked to see
(A) normal people pointing out why this has to happen
(B) the usual moaners with their warped logic
I’d like to see the soppy Brighton Night Coppers (TV series) do something similar instead of trying to get all matey with the louts who swear at and abuse them. Nobody ever seems to get arrested and when they do the custody suite is like a hotel “what would like to eat mate?”. “Another blanket in your cell sir?”. Pathetic.
My choice for custody officer?
Personal touch.
Brighton Night Coppers? Surely they’re all under the pier sticking their truncheons up each other’s bumholes?
I really like this little police interaction.
Why not just do as the cop says when you’re caught in a stolen car?
I was the chief of police my only criticism of the office was he waited to long before shooting the daft cunt.
Can’t do as they’re told can they?
Then get tearful when they get shot.
Fuck him.
Bury the cunt with his bare arse stuck up out the coffin.
On the subject of abusive twats, this is hilarious. Serves the cunt right.
Super! Odious cunt should be banned from the planet.
100% agreement here DCI. Got me thinking actually. Is there any way we could get him on to a manned Artemis flight to the moon? And leave him there?
Ha ha ha ha ha little gnome
If you cop a attitude with a policeman your making it worse for yourself.
Think smart.
Your never going to win.
He has the Law on his side.
Be reasonable and polite.
Don’t get his back up.
I tried to tell this to Vernon Fox.
He didn’t listen,
Then got upset when the coppers treated him roughly.
Coppers are human beings, prone to the same emotions as us,
Why make them vindictive?
Vernon Fox got a tad cross when Dick Fiddler questioned him and gave him some ‘robust’ feedback, too! He’s been conspicuous by his absence, since. Languishing in one of His Majesty’s Grey-Barred Hotels?
I hope not DCi.
I genuinely do.
He was a friendly chap,
And get the feeling he was good hearted.
Think he mentioned something not nice in his life, that I think effected him.
I wish him well for the future, and hope he finds happiness.
Terrible fibber though ?
I agree, Mis. His intentions and heart were good, but I’d question his methods.
The best videos are when a black bitch in a bitch fight gets her weave ripped off to reveal her natural frizzy fro.
For people who claim to be so proud of their genetics, they sure do like to culturally appropriate the hair of other races.
After the fight is broken up by the cops, “Ma’am can you please retrieve your weave or I’ll have to cite you for littering.”
Quite right too. You can’t have tumbleweaves littering the pavement.
A little girl? At 19? Oh do fuck off. Silly cunts.
If a cop hits a woman that assaults him first its “police misconduct.” If a pimp slaps a “ho” that mouths off to him its “street justice.”
The world has gone mad.
?????? decent police officer
Should’ve Chauvined the cunt.
She went down like a sack of shit – very appropriate. Should put the fucking boot into her while she was on the deck too, silly screaming biatch. And that cunt shouting ‘Bro’ constantly needed a knee in the bollocks too.
“My thoughts remain with Chris Kaba’s loved ones at this intensely difficult time as the IOPC continue their independent homicide investigation.”
The above, from the odious cunt, Khan, mayor of London on the ‘Rapper’, shot by police. No thoughts for the poor cunt suspended for doing his fucking job, or his family then, you slimy motherfucker?