Can I give for your consideration one Sadiq Khan, mayor of Stabistan and well known and loved by all.
”Sadiq Khan blames cost of living crisis for London crimewave”
Yes, the black fucker who stabbed an old man in his mobility scooter was forced into it by rising prices. The trainee architects and all round good eggs stabbing and shooting, seemingly at will, are worried about their gas bills.
Fuck all to do with an out of control violent shithole with a cunt for a mayor and a fucking useless police force. Fuck all to do with cries of racism, innit, every time a copper tries to enforce or uphold the law where effniks are involved. Fuck all to do with the the incompetence of the late lamented Cressida’s Dick. Fuck all to do with a culture of drugs, single mothers and knives. Fuck all to do with uncontrolled 3rd world immigration.
It was the cost of living what done it.
Sadiq Khan. A complete cunt, voted for by complete cunts to rule over complete cunts.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
(The stabbings at the Notting Hill Carnival were due to the CoL, unless the murderers were white of course – Day Admin)
And seconded by: Chuff Chugger
Seconded by me for this.
£12.50 per day if your car is a classic or an old banger and all you can afford, but isn’t ULEZ compliant. CUNT.
To make matters worse…..where London has expanded so much over the last 20 years, this ULEZ zone can take in parts of North Kent…….living in certain areas of Dartford in Kent..then fuck you- you are now in a ULEZ zone and this cunt want £12.50 per day fine for using your ten year old mondeo which you go to work in to stack shelves at Tescos. More people will join the benefits lifestyle choice this country has to offer, as it wouldn’t be worth going to work if you have to pay ULEZ on top of your other costs.
Anyone have Ruskie ex president Gorbachev in Deadpool?
The Cunt With No Name, Miserable.
Deadpool ghoul.
Congrats to him,
He wasn’t a bad cunt for a commie was he Gorby?
Liked pizza hut, westernisation, peacemaker.
Shame about that stain on top of his head.
It was a tattoo of the hammer & sickle, wasn’t it?
It looked like a map of the Isle of Man to me?
If you look closely you can make out the route of the TT.
Yeah credit where its due he played his part in saving potentially millions of lives.
Say what you like about the Ruskies, they know how to throw a good funeral. Lots of men in furry hats with instruments and a flypast with any aircraft the Ukrainians haven’t already shot down.
There’s more Russian tank turrets airborne than aircraft ?
Evening, LL. ?
Yep, good at funerals an hats.
Somewhat lacking in the humour, friendliness, and honesty department,
But then nobody is perfect.
Gorby was a decent man and genuine patriot, in stark contrast to the grubby kleptocrat incumbent currently destroying Russia.
I’ll tell you what’s inducing me to near stroke proportions is platinum-grade cunts referring to the fucking shit-fest as ‘Carnival’, including the cunt, Ian Payne, on LBC, now. It’s ‘The’ carnival, or ‘The Notting Hill Carnival’ you sycophantic spunk-stains.
Where’s Michael Ryan when you need him?
By the way, anyone got Mikhail Gorbachev, in the ‘Dead Pool’?
We have this shitfest every year and the peaceful celebrating it’s medieval hocus pocus.
You never see a whit walk anymore, do you, or a harvest festival..?
We have been REPLACED…!
It will all end in tears, ( hopefully)
Khan should give the people what they want…….him drowning in Pakistan – the massive Cunt
The cost of living crisis is to blame, is it?
Well, what happened to ‘Oh, it’s part of everyday life in modern times’ (or whatever the fuck he said)?
A total hypocrite and a thermonuclear turd.The man is filth!
I notice that trailer trash superslag Megain is gobbing off again. She just can’t shut the fuck up, can she? How many chances is this piece of shit going to get? Time for Old Liz to call the ‘specialists’, methinks….☠
Further to my reporting on the Notting hill riot with a soundtrack over the weekend, my stepson took his girlfriend on Monday night.
His first hand experience was one of pure terror.
The police had lost control, there were fights kicking off left right and centre and he and his petit bird couldn’t get out.
When they tried to escape, plod wouldn’t let them out down a side street, so he had to physically launch his missus over a barrier to get her clear. They then spent an hour hiding in a front garden until the riot calmed down.
When they returned home, thd poor tart was shaking and crying. She had never seen violence like it and genuinely feared for their lives.
I don’t think they will be attending next year.
Yet apparently the carnival was largely good natured.
What a crock of shit
Using the same algorithm that suckdick used to justify the non stop rise of stabby stabby in Londonistan I have discovered a tangible link between the price of coal cauldrons in 1645 and the influx of persons arriving on our shores via the inflatable boat method.
By analysing the Frimpton Turbot riot 1632 evidence has emerged that categorically shows that suckdick and his minions are utter cunts.
Ideological science you have to love, it’s true always and forever unless I say otherwise.
It’s the Grenfell Roast all over again! It was systemic racism and huwhite supremacy that made that bus shelter unstable and unsafe to twerk on.
The white man’s building standards weren’t good enough
They didn’t think to stress test it against 15 utter cunts dancing to reggae on top of it.
Shame on them