James O’Brien (8)

Oh dear that Pesky Cunt James O’ Shithead is at it again.

Apparently he believes his job is much harder than manual labour.

I don’t for a single minute believe he really thinks that and is just after after a bit of click bait but maybe he does.

But as this virus has popped up on my radar again after a very long sabbatical I thought I’d take a look at the champagne socialists most recent accounts.

Accounts posted in November 21 show net current assets of £400k.

Creditors, amounts falling due within 1 year are £214k.

There are 2 directors of the business, cunt and the cunts wife.

Scrambler Media makes no purchases or trades in any product.

It is simply a limited company with the sole purpose of receiving income so that as much tax as possible can be ‘legally’ avoided.

Don’t believe me?

During the year the business made a loan to the Directors (£214k – these are the creditors) of which almost £52k was outstanding at an interest rate of 2.25%.

So this shit cunt has taken an income of apx £160k by way of a loan from the company and also has the audacity to charge the company 2.25% on the outstanding balance.

Directors loans attract not a single penny in income tax, outstanding balances do but via corporation tax if not repaid within a certain time frame.

And yet this bastard shit cunt from the highest alter of cuntitude gets to preach to his army of similar tax dodging champagne socialist cunts how we need more immigration and the like and why wouldn’t he, whilst living in his £1m + house in Chiswick because everyone needs ‘a little man’ preferably Eastern European but any colour will suffice to do those alterations and extensions at rock bottom prices.

(Disclaimer:until the OP provides a verifiable & legitimate link for O’Brien’s finances, everything quoted is alleged! – Day Admin)

It’s a disgrace, not only doesn’t the cunt pay for the consequences of mass immigration or the NHS or any other public service as it would appear, he doesn’t have to live anywhere near the areas where these policies have created mass social unrest even within established immigrant communities.

I don’t even think Uncle Terry’s Oven is good enough for this piece of shit.

Perhaps time to invest in an industrial mincer….


Nominated by: CuntyMcCuntface

With helpful link provided by: Liberal Liquidator

The National Scot News Link

48 thoughts on “James O’Brien (8)

  1. He hasn’t got a days work in him.
    If he looked at a shovel the fat cunts heart would give out..
    Stick to sitting on your arse o’cunty.
    You would be a liability in the real world.

    • I misread that second sentence as something about digging his heart out with a shovel.
      It made me smile.

      • The shovel should hit his face first. Trying to breathe after that is where the hard work comes in.

  2. I know absolutely fuck all about this cunt, never heard of him, but being the first to comment ( given I am in the completely opposite time zone) gives me a perverse kind of pleasure.

    • Never mind Grumpy. We all get read at the same time. I’m the second who knows sod all of this airspace thief.

  3. Oh, the spectre has arisen from the grave. I used to listen to this two bob champagne socialist piece of shit all the time. The cunt used to drive me into enormous uncontrollable fits of rage with his EU arselicking and immo loving bullshit. I eventually did my blood pressure and mental elf a favour and gave up on him a couple of years ago. I have occasionally and accidentally switched on to his show and listened for a few minutes before switching off because I know what is coming. His monthly “Speak with Sadiq” is the most nauseating piece of arsecrawling you will ever hear. O’Shithead truly is the king of cunts. He even looks like a cunt the fucking cunt.

  4. Navvie -a itinerant unskilled labourer mainly Irish who built the canals,bridges, aquaducts, roads, during the industrial Revolution.
    Many died due to unsafe working conditions.

    “To work like a navvie”

    Bet they’re glad they didn’t have to talk on the radio for 5hrs a week?

    • It’s FIFTEEN hours a week with this arsehole. By the way I believe every word the OP says about his taxdodging. These cunts want bundles given away to foreign dictators and filthy, disease carrying, criminal immos as long as it’s not THEIR fucking money. No, it’s peasants like us who are expected to cough up while the likes of O’Shithead lecture us and virtue signal from on high. Cunts!

  5. When he’s happy with a caller he always has that demented chimp look on his face, must come from his breeding in Éire, but looks like a panda with piles when someone meets his displeasure, I really hope he isn’t cunted again though, he’d probably boast on his show about being on the wall of cunts!

  6. I’ve never listened to this twat and hopefully the bastard will never pollute my ears with what appears to be verbal sewage.
    But I guarantee that soft fingered shiny arsed pratt wouldn’t last a morning in my humble trade, an hour in front of a roaring forge in the recent heatwave would finish the ponse off. My boy was competing on the hottest day in a building with 8 fires going full tilt, I wonder how that compares with an air conditioned studio and pushing a few buttons whilst talking bollocks.

    • It’s obviously really hard work talking bollocks, I mean, look how much the various cunts get paid for doing it.

      • As my dear long gone uncle used to say “Hard work never hurts anyone except the people who do it” a genuine eccentric with a deep sense of honour and basic fairness who would likely top himself if alive now.

  7. Thank fuck I’ve never seen nor heard this sack of shite.

    Special corporate offshore oven.

  8. He would be the soft lad on site that everyone picks on and takes the piss out of..
    He’s mum would be up on Friday to complain to management about the treatment of her precious son..

  9. Unfortunately creditors is money owed to people. So the £214k is money owed to suppliers and other parties. If this is directors then the company owes them the money, not the other way round. If it’s debtors then it’s the directors who owe the company money.

    Doesn’t make the guy any less of a pretentious cunt though!

    Probably never done a days hard graft in his life.

  10. I’ve only listened to him once to see why everyone was wound up by him.

    It took me about twenty minutes for me to turn him off, before I started smashing things up.

    I hate the way he has some cunt on who makes a good point to prove he’s talking shite, only for him to mute the cunt and talk over them.

    You can ‘debate’ his taking points up to the point of proving him wrong. He knows when it’s coming and that’s when he cuts them off and moves on.

    In the short while that I listened, I heard all the cliches about him. Had a go at Brexit, ‘racists’ (people wondering why we’re letting in untold amounts of undocumented illegal immigrants), the Tories, Trump, Alex Jones and Tommy fucking Robinson.

    Just don’t bother with the boring cunt.

  11. Had to google this knob.
    Radio presenter.
    Lefty liberal


  12. Obnoxious fat homosexual (lets face it, he married a woman else he’d be disinherited his trust fund).

    Kept saying no one could do what he does for 8 hours – i regularly sit and chat utter shit in 8 hour+ tilts whilst supping at my local. As do many others.

    Fat wankers like him saying shit like this are actually good though because they drive the divide into the left wing and show the good honest working class people of this country what these liberal lefties really are

      • He’ll encourage people to vote labour but he summarises the absolute contempt him and his likeness and a lot of the labour party mp’s have for normal working people.

        My worry is that the ‘tory-lite’ style Starmer might win an election then be ousted by the liberal leftists in labour and be replaced as pm by someone like Dianne Flabbott and then we are well and truly fuckaroonied.

        I’m not impressed one bit by the tories recently but if the wrong people get in this country will become a giant gay parade with P and O ferries contracted to bring 20’000 migrants safely across from France daily and trans teachers only in primary schools and the like.

      • “Self-confessed player of the pink oboe”, said to be a Billy Connolly expression, dating from Peter Cook’s “Biased Judge Summing Up” (of the Jeremy Thrope trial} sketch.

    • Not only a homosexualist but a racist too: the woman he married is white! Could also be a tranny though I currently have no evidence of that being the case.

      • My apologies. Yes, it’s Clarkson-speak for homosexual, poof, fairy, pansy, nancy boy, etc.

      • I also use the old terms :- Uphill Gardeners, turd burgers, brown hatters, shirt lifters etc, rather than the yanks expression they stole for being happy.

      • You missed my favourite phrase “Crafty Butcher”, from having some spare meat around the back.

  13. I have spent a fair amount of time in institutions where sitting on your arse for 8 hours talking bollocks was a mandatory skill. The only hard part of this cunts job is when he has to reach round to grind the corns on his arse cheeks. Fucking arsewipe cunt.

    • In fact, the idle bastard only does 3 hours a day. And then only 4 days a week. So a 12 hour week. The fucking cheek of it…

  14. He really is an utter cunt. Champagne socialist no-mark of the highest order.

    Please someone get him in the dead pool.

  15. Ridiculous statements like that are made just to generate a response – probably because he knows he’s a fucking windbag & not taken seriously.
    ‘…like an air traffic controller…’ fucking hell fat boy, get a fucking grip! Knobbing about on air for a couple of hours & spouting opinionated shite doesn’t require concentration & dedication, you daft-arsed, self-obsessed clown!
    As Cuntybollocks said, don’t bother with the cunt.

  16. Yes James, I am sure you talking bollocks is equal to working on the Burma railway.
    What pisses me off are cunts who listen to it then moan. He is in the same league as the other cunt Vine.
    Switch off!!!

  17. The most exposure I’ve had to this arsehole is about 30 seconds of a three minute YouTube clip, before switching him off to save my laptop from violent destruction.
    A graduate of the Matthew Wright school of shutting callers up before they can easily demolish him.
    Oven, and thrice oven…

  18. Never listen to the Global media group.All a bunch of feckless twats.Send them to Unkle T’s special heater.

  19. I did a Google search ‘hardest job in the world’, the first hit was a top 30, strangely out of the 30 there was only one sit down job and it wasn’t sitting on your arse talking bollocks on the radio.

    O’Shithead is a cunt regardless of any tax dodging, that wouldn’t even be on the charge sheet when facing Uncle’s oven ?

  20. I no wouldn’t know where to start with offshore accounts etc etc which is proof he has specifically gone out of his way to do this and not pay his fare share. I hate paying taxes like everyone else but alas my moral compass ( and lack of earning a decent wad to siphon into said account ) stops me from doing it.
    The only reason this cunt hasn’t been levelled by someone is that he doesn’t frequent the likes of places us plebs go to. Again proves what a hypocrite he is.

    • Couldn’t see evidence of anything offshore?

      I suspect he is not earning sufficient wedge to make Channel Island banking commercially worthwhile.

  21. As somebody who has worked on building sites, i’d rather carry a hod than be this cunt.

  22. He thinks his job is harder than manual labour?? Stupid ninny.
    Someone ought to remind him what happened to those unfortunate divers in the Byford Dolphin (“catastrophic decompression”) incident.

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