Girl Students

The third Thursday in August, and, on cue, the BBC and print media, celebrate the GCSE Results by showing numerous pictures of jubilant girls, often POCs, but not this year (that’s waaycist!), screeching, screaming and hugging each other.

It is a sexist cliche’ – boys also pass exams – even white ones – yet you rarely see or hear of them, unless they are terribly posh lads with names like Quentin or Tristram, on their way to Oxbridge.

My son, years ago, went to an all-boys school, and no local newspaper, let alone a national, and certainly not BBC cameras were there to record exam results day.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

67 thoughts on “Girl Students

  1. They all look like a radio 1 roadshow fan convention, now then now then now then urgh urght Jingle jangle jingle jangle

  2. No one went mad about exam results when I was at school.

    No one really gave a shite.
    All knew they had work lined up,
    ” Me dad’s garage”
    “Me mums factory”
    “Going in the army”
    ” Our kids got me labouring with him”

    No one was hoping for a master’s in fine art or philosophy.

    Young realists.

    These giddy little cunts make me laugh!

    I’m going to uni!
    Yeah, getting in debt and being indoctrinated by Marxism is the answer! ?

  3. Misleading title. Shouldn’t it simply be,

    “Lowering of University Entry Requirements”

    More than 425,000 students have been offered a university or college place: a near-record high. Top grades for A-level results for England, Wales and Northern Ireland have fallen since last year – with 36.4% of all grades marked at A* or A.

    There’s no way that there are 425,000 great minds coming out of the secondary schools in the past two years which saw children mithering around during lockdown. I’d bet Peter Andre could get an A* these days.

    • I bet Peter Andre did ‘A’ to get into music? ?

      An a bit of ‘O’ levels.

    • This is true. All the women I know thought they were ’empowered’ going to university for what the fuck ever reason. It was great for them to shag blokes they didnt care about and spin into early adulthood not in touch with who they are-with massive debts. Told they could ‘Do anything’ What a load of shit. Can’t speak for the men but thinking its the same. All exept one had kids and works part time, doing jobs they could have done without the huge debt. I am sure they look at the 3 years and think ‘That was really worth it’ Fooled and hoodwinked

  4. It’s quite refreshing on the eyeballs to see a photo of a bunch of exclusively white English gals.
    (Not in that way; I’m not a lezzer)
    I mean not having disproportionate ‘diversity’ rammed down your throat every 5 mins.

    • Yes, nice!
      All white ?

      This was probably stopped a few minutes after and a token sootie added.

      • Absolutely fucking gobsmacked, an all white line up. Good mind to use this pic as wallpaper. Not perving just remembering the old pre Blair days.

  5. University education is now equivalent to buying a house..

    Except the bank manager is now Head of Department for Second Homes in the Dordogne and every other cunt in the place is Chinese.

    Probably also riddled with Eco Loons and Trotskyites.


  6. You can bet your life the goody two shoes girls they feature don’t attend some grubby comprehensive, BBC employees don’t inhabit that kind of world.
    The only possible exception is BBC London news, which will seek only Asians, or if they are lucky, dark keys who’ve actually attended school often enough to pass an exam.
    It’s mostly girls, but they may feature a boy who clearly displays the potential to be a homosexual.
    Let’s face it, most kids couldn’t give a shit, just like many of us when we were that age. The BBC don’t point the cameras in their direction though.
    Like I say, the beeb simply don’t inhabit our world. It’s all about the Tarquins and Jemima’s who’ll remain in education till their mid/late twenties, only to find that a degree in sociology just about qualifies them to stack shelves at Waitrose.
    And focusing on Asian kids thinking they’ll be doctors or dentists in the future is well wide if the mark. Most of them kick their heels until it’s time to work in their uncles corner shop.

  7. Fuck all that. The trades are where any practical education is. Most pay you while being trained too.
    The COTUS Biden is about to forgive college debt. Another vote buying ploy.

  8. Cunts these days cheat anyway. With stuff like Grammarly that basically does the work for them. So, they learn nothing and get university (I hate cunts that say ‘uni’) placements and qualifications for nothing. University placements and degrees are becoming more and more worthless as each year passes.

    • Unemployable is what most of the Universities produce, plus an attitude for being lazy minded and making it all about me, when they do manage to find employment.
      There are only a select number of degrees and courses that are key to the needs of society but universities many other colleges are awash with uselessness of shit box brained studies.
      Money making racket these days by and large and as for the lecturers, for every one that’s competent you can be sure there’s ten other fucking idiots around campus pretending to be something they quite clearly are not.

  9. Wasn’t it the Blair Creature that wanted everyone to have a worthless degree.

    A ploy methinks to get these numptys in debt and to indoctrinate them into voting labour..

    It will all end in tears….?

    • You’re right. Blair’s mantra that everyone should be able to aspire to be whatever they wanted sounded noble enough, but it’s simply flooded the market with dimwits with degrees. Having a degree nowadays is no longer seen as a sign of endeavour. Many employers see it as a sign of work avoidance.

      • Work avoidance is very appropriate FMC since one practical result was to remove a whole lot of people from the unemployment statistics.

  10. Your like this, a young girl has started working up at the farm at beginning of August so been here 3 weeks. She has requested a day orf to get her exam results because of the stress its causing her.
    For fucks sake man the feck up life is going to deal you a lot more stressful times than wether you got an A or D in some pointless modern subject.

    • I was on a chainsaw gang in the wilds of Tasmania when my results came out. I walked of the bush to refuel and Henry told me the base had radioed in the results. “You failed you stupid cunt” he said, then “Just joking!”

      How we laughed

  11. Simple engineering question that every last one of these oh so fucking clever cunts will fail.

    I have a ten storey building. My BCWS pump are in the basement.

    What do I set my pumps to in order to achieve a two bar head on the top floor?

    Bonus question.

    What do I set my PRVs at to achieve the same head on every other floor?

    If any of those ragged looking bints can answer this question, without consulting Google. I will get you a rewarding and well paid job in construction.

    You have five minutes.

      • Yes. Construction management.

        No takers then?

        What a shame. Best go back to Kim kardashian studies and a lifetime of debt then.

        The answer is 5.3 bar and the bonus question was a tricky one at 2 bar.

      • Got the first one easily enough Odin, I’d have to think about the bonus question. But I suspect your target audience wouldn’t understand the question.

    • I’ve been dealing with a pump supplier in India on a similar problem – ffs they’re hard work. factor in a chinese client and you have a recipe for disaster.

    • You need an ex fireman, standard stuff for a pump operator,or used to be.
      Doubt they could put the pump in these days.

  12. I have a very attractive niece who was in the paper, jumping up and down, when she had her O level results. I wrote her the following poem.

    Your O Level Results

    We were thrilled to bits
    You were in the Sun
    And didn’t show Your Tits

    That would be an A Star at A Level now.

  13. Why the fuck anyone who hasn’t a trust fund would go to University these days is beyond me.
    Get on a modern apprenticeship, learn a trade, get paid for doing it, you daft twats.

    • Sound advice JP. People will always need sparkies, plumbers etc and not people with degrees in Tibetan basket weaving or gender studies.

      I reckon that’s why a lot on the left, especially youngsters, are such miserable bitter cunts; they have been sold a lie with a combination of entitlement and expectation.

    • Nail on the head there Jeezum. My nephew went to work for Rolls Royce. Paid while he was training at no cost to him. Now paid handsomely working on jet engines.

      Having said that our elder daughter, a doctor, spent years at university with no alternative route available. Cost her and us a fortune. Still, you could hardly describe her degree as “Mickey Mouse.”

    • I think it goes down well if you want to become an MP. How many of hose on the green benches have included in their manifesto or on radio or TV “I was the first one in my family to go to Uni” (never university)?. I admired them more when they had spent years down the pits, working on an assembly line, or had served a few years in the army RAF or RN because they really had worked and met all sorts of people from all walks of life..

      I would have hated spending three expensive years surrounded by Jess Phillips, Michael Gove, Wes Screeching or that horrible Russell-Moyle chap.

  14. Student birds were mostly fit in my day.

    What’s happened to ’em nowadays? Loads of ropey birds about.

    That dodgy looking lot above are practically supermodels by today’s standards.

    I’m going to make a point of telling that generation that they are the ugliest fucking generation we’ve ever had.

    I bet the neanderthals cracked fewer mirrors.

    I was, of course, part of the gorgeous generation (gen x) and obviously near the very top of the list when it came to being outrageously handsome. I could make the driest minge wetter than an otter’s pocket, merely by being in the same room.

    Now, I’d be lucky to snare a bingo winged gobshite at ‘Gala Bingo’. Still, be better looking than those mingers above.

    Get to fuck.

  15. Hmmm…I would definitely leave the teacher and the girl in glasses on the left last. Deffo start with the girl in Blue, then Lavender top girl next.

    • Everyone going to University.
      It’s a waste of time.

      All they’ll get is debt and monkeypox.

      I never went Uni,
      No, seriously!
      I’m a self taught academic.
      Playing Trivial pursuit.®

      Well, cheating at Trivial pursuit ®
      But that gave me the foundation of higher education.

      Now I’m a fully fledged, card carrying intellectual.
      Even got patches on the elbows of my jacket.

      But prefer the life of a honest yeoman.
      The peasants (you) and proles have a simplistic honesty that appeals.

      I lower myself to your level!
      Hehehe ?

      • Well, thank you for reminding me of my place MNC.

        I still regret a lot of ‘business’ I didn’t do when I was a lot younger- despite it being offered on a plate, I would often say maybe later, and fuck off to the pub with my mates for a few beers.

        Nowadays, the wife tells me to fuck off out the house and go to the pub, and I don’t even have a rub out offered, let alone one to turn down.

        If you are young…unattached and pussy is there for you- take it before it’s too late…rest assured when the pussy conveyor belt stops….beer will still be there.

      • Hehehe ?
        Wasn’t a dig Chuff ?

        When a youth I did pretty well with women,
        Tall, tanned, cheeky,
        Dark hair, white teeth ,
        They’d be frothing for some!!

        Nowadays I be got dark teeth and white hair,
        They don’t seem as interested?

        Mostly ask if they can stroke my dog or how long did it take to grow my beard ☹️

      • I for one applaud you MNC for having the grace not to be up your own arse even though you clearly possess the ability should you desire and that takes courage to refrain from looking down on mere mortals
        A thoughtful and understanding mind instilled from a misspent youth???

        I’m trying my best to sound intellectual ?

      • That’s the only thing thats held me back in life Mecuntry.

        False modesty.?

      • ‘I’m a self taught academic.’

        If youre self taught like that Miserable that makes you an ‘Autodidact’.

        I’m an Autodidact. Left school with no qualifications.

        Then I thought I would educate myself.

        What a mistake. What learnt a complete waste of time.

        People dont realise that the ‘intellectual’ life is full of stupidities. After Plato its all down hill.

        It’s all fucking made -up nonsense. That’s what I’ve learnt the past 30 years.

      • Evening Miles?

        I thought that was someone who get sexual thrills from strangulation?!!

        I’m not into that stuff.

    • I wouldn’t tamper with any of them.
      I’ve got socks older than them.
      I’m 52yr.
      People would talk.

      I’d feel like bleedin Stuart Hall or something..

      • The one in blue will be got drunk in the first week by two Positive Discrimination refugees who’ve been “placed” in University and be giving Jamal and Mahjob guilt-pacifying BJs for the whole first term.

      • Same here Mis. Not so much concerned about folks talking as the fact women in their teens and twenties built like stick insects just don’t do it for me.

      • If I had to interfer with one of them ,
        And it’d be against my will,
        Say you all bullied me into it,
        It’d be the blonde on the right of the teacher .
        In the crop top.

        I’d apologize after squirting baby batter all over her little rosebud titties.
        And give her a plaster for her torn arse.

        Hope she’d forgive me and understand I only acted under peer pressure?

    • Girl in the glasses on the left has that naughty, filthy nerd look. She’d be my first choice as a young man needing to empty my gonads every half an hour.?

  16. Yes it’s great now but wait until you get your choice of Brunel or Roehampton, and have to walk back to halls from campus as the nights draw in. Several female friends from my college years did that, and ended up ditching their courses because they didn’t feel safe walking around suburban London after dark.

    I can’t imagine why…

    • I built some student digs about ten years ago in Peckham.

      One of the rinkydink foreign students got mugged three times in his first week while walking home from Brixton Station.

      Couldn’t possibly think why.

      The thick cunt.

  17. I glanced at the bbc article in the nom, no boys in the pic, just girls. Stems from feminist bollox. Ffs they imply we’re still in era when girls don’t aspire to anything or can’t get an education. It isn’t the 1880s. Load of outdated tosh. Real Marxists would be lobbying for working class boys because they are the proletariat too.

  18. Agree 100% Mrs C, outdated tosh. However you don’t need to go back to the nineteenth century to find when that attitude persisted. I shall never forget a day in 1967 when I did my O-levels and our maths teacher stood in front of our mixed class and addressing the girls said; “I don’t want to see any of you lot in my A-level class next year. You can go off and do domestic science or needlework or whatever.”

    He was an evil bastard. Mancunian named Clark.

  19. The number of fuckwits I’ve worked with over the years with Degrees who have absolutely zero common sense. Some of them I would describe as mouth breathers. Degrees in Tourism, Formula One and General Studies. Give me a worker any day who’s started at a firm at 16, learnt a trade and worked his way up the Company not straight into the Company from Vacantgaze University with a Degree in Mongolian Basket Weaving Studies.

  20. I did 5 yr apprenticeship straight out of school, back then all you had to have as qualifications to start was the ability to walk and breathe at same time, you were A+ if you had cycling proficiency test.
    Now they want all sorts and they even taking girls as Farriers, but the powers that
    be are whining cos it doesn’t have enough effnicks, with the inclusivity mania they will want blindies and spaz chariot pilots next.
    Just wait till health and safety get their prod noses in it.

  21. Most of these puddings would be best served in getting a degree in the following.

    1: common sense
    2: The bleeding obvious


  22. I once went out with/lived with a teacher. She was very sexy, like Shirley Maclaine in The Apartment (only with glasses). She had degrees of all kinds, but she never went on about it. She now teaches in Japan, and I still hear from her….

  23. Looking at the girl on the far left I would say almost certainly Lesbian Studies, and the future Labour MP for Ahston Under Lyne, when Angie Rayner’s growler wears out or shrivels up – but as for the girl on the far right in blue – I’d certainly say big things are in front of her – art of some kind. I could see her turning up in a few Boggs porno films -I might offer to paint her in the nude. I’ll have to keep my socks on though, as I need somewhere to put my brushes.

  24. I bet 5 of them go on to study psychology but drop out. the other 2 will study English at Oxford… Brookes.

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