Emily Crossing – Cowboys but no Injuns

Emily Crossing, a social worker from Oxford, who complained about an arcade game in Weston Super Mare

MSN News Link

A shoot ’em up type arcade game which had been around for years, has now been removed after the arcade owners rolled over to this whiney snowflake, even though this was the only complaint received, plus the silly cow doesn’t even live there. Still as one person commented, at least the native red Indians in Weston can now relax.

Nominated by: mystic maven

Barry zuckercunt is pissed off with Crossing also

I give you emily crossing. Another super woke cunt who can find offence in a arcade game.

While on the grand pier she spots a cowboy and Indian game and surprise surprise is shocked and horrified by the blatant racism.

Emails the company and as usual the company buckles instead of just telling her to do one.

Long story short company removes said game and the permanently offended win again.
So one emily you are a joyless cunt and the grand pier boss you ain’t far behind

Metro News Link

49 thoughts on “Emily Crossing – Cowboys but no Injuns

  1. Fuck Emily Crossing.
    And the fucking Metro News link has an LGBTQXYZ banner too, so fuck them as well.
    Can I start a paragraph with the word ‘and’ or is that cuntish?

    • Probably is cuntish your grace, but I do it as well so you’re not alone.

      As for social workers, best argument I know for reviving crucifixion as a form of entertainment.

  2. “There’s a bad moon on the rise”

    CCR obviously had this shit pegged in 1969, no way can they get away with self indulgent, neurotic and damn right idiotic crap for much longer, most people don’t give a fuck, until this cunt pointed out this benign folly, they’ve probably caused more people to want to go and play said game now, get the feeling this is just some kind of strange marketing ploy?

  3. I must admit I do kind of like these stories.

    They are mildly amusing.

    It amuses me that so many people are just simply offended, at everything.

    I also find it amusing but possibly more perplexing that so called ‘bosses’ keel over at the slightest mention of offence, where’s your bollocks you soft cunts.

    Grow a pair.

    But what amuses me most is knowing how empty the lives are of the likes of Emily Crossing must be that they feel so compelled to make the complaint in the first place.

    I would imagine Emily will have to settle for a vibrator.

  4. Funny how no one seems to take issue with rap and hip hop lyrics.
    That is some truly offensive shit.
    Even video games where you can murder n***az and rape bitches don’t seem to get the attention of the woke either.
    Obviously it’s about the destruction of western culture and any accurate history related to it going down the memory hole.

  5. I’m in complete agreement with Emily. It should be replaced with a game in which you have to sit on a horse and shoot woke social care workers.

  6. When will woke be outdated.

    The Wild West, how the west was won, the conflict between the white man and the red skin…. It happened and the game is just a reflection of history, maybe they should replace the gun with a whip and change the Indians to black slaves.

  7. “The managers had no idea about cultural appropriation”.

    That’s probably because because they are not grievance mongering bedwetters who live their lives on Twitter

    They are however still cunts for getting rid of the ride instead of telling this nosy bint to fuck off.

    She is welcome to come a view my collection of Robertson’s golliw*g pin badges….pearls will be clutched.

  8. This bitch is white so nothing she says is of any importance and will soon probably be illegal.

  9. I’m guessing my “Whack-A-W0g” carnival game probably wouldn’t delight Miz.Crossing.

  10. Ugly fucking bitch, isn’t she? Looks like a peroxide Lily Mong.
    Cunts like this busy body slag really have fuck all else better to do.
    There’s poor sods getting shelled, raped, murdered and fucked over by Ivan in the Ukraine, and this cunt is wetting herself over an arcade game?!! Words fail me….

  11. Another trooper from The Joyless Cunt Division of the Perpetually Offended Army.

    Pacman was yellow,obviously a racial stereotype of a demented Chinese heroin addict.

    Sue the cunts Emily.

    • And Donkey Kong is obviously racist as it’s likely the Japs thought he was a Dark key who abducts blonde white princesses.

      What a disgrace.

    • She is an ugly fucker Norm.

      Has her hair gone grey, or has she done it?

      Perhaps it went grey with shock when she saw this shoot ‘em up game?

      In the header pic, she looks as though she is ready to receive a facial, and with a forehead that size, you couldn’t miss.

  12. Thing is, if social media was banned worldwide tomorrow, that would kill almost all wokery and ‘offended’ cunts overnight. And then if scum like the BBC and the Grauniad were brought to heel or (better still) destroyed completely, than I reckon woke would die a death eventually.

    If somebody did ban social media in all its forms, I would consider them a saint and a gift form God…

    • Absolutely. But social media alone isn’t always as powerful as people make out. It’s conventional media backing that stirs the shit to intolerable levels. The BBC website, in particular, would struggle to come up with content if it wasn’t for twitter.

  13. If she wants up to date games how about one with a cop that has to go around and kneel on as many drug dealers necks in the time allotted whilst shooting all the wimminz with coloured hair with female hormones so they can get back in the kitchen to put the kettle on.

  14. If this game offends Emily then it must be quite good?
    Not being 13yrs old or a child sex offender I dont frequent arcades so dont know.

    Im also a married adult so dont go in for games much.

    But I was that owner of the arcade?
    Is give the whining cunt her moneys worth!

    New games

    Its a lynching!!
    Beat the wife
    Paki man
    Donkey Dong
    Anne frank lazer quest

    And Harvey price jurassic park.

    Id have the most offensive arcade in the world.

    Oxfords full of red jean wearing fairies,
    He should of told her to fuck off an booted her up the khyber.

    • That’d be the way forward I totally agree.

      Add “Wack a Woke” to the list – the little wokes pop their heads up and whine random phrases like “it’s sexist”, “it’s racist” etc and you wack them back down with a big mallet and score points. Then, like hitting the coloured clay, you get bonus points if you manage to wack the Alphabet woke who minces up and squeals “oh ducky”.

      • Or. like the old road game ‘Frogger’, a game called ‘Chiggun’

        Cops have to pursue lovable rogue (and cunt) Mistah Floyd George along the highway, as he robs houses and shops and also plays ‘Motorway Chiggun’.

        With wonderful special sound effects like ‘Jesus! It’s that darkee again!’ ‘How many times have we pulled the cunt over now?’ And the all time classic, ‘I can’t breathe! Momma!’

        Fun for all the woke family…

    • I liked medal of honour back in the day. Krauts shrieking ‘achtung grenaden’ before being blown to pieces was a great thrill. She’d probably be ok with that though, seeing as they’re stinking whiteys.

  15. I’m sure miss crossing and her woke brothers and sisters would agree, that using social media to coerce, threaten and bully people goes against the grain. Yet these cunts are happy to take offence at trivialities and plaster it all over twatter and the likes, in an attempt to fuck people over.
    If this kind of shit carries on, the gaming industry in this country will be fucked. I take it she hasn’t seen grand theft auto for example. She’d probably pass out.
    And she looks like that swimming raspberry, Ellie Symonds.

  16. I was talking to a Punch and Judy guy a while back and I asked him what changes had he had to make to comply with all the woke bollox.
    Punch can’t club Judy anymore but he can toss the baby onto the sand, he said..
    There are only three P&J left I think and it won’t be long before these woke cunts get those shutdown.
    Personally I love watching Punch and Judy, especially all the dark humour.

    • 3? Jesus.
      Used to be loads!
      At every seaside and every family day out!☹️

      My mam & dad dreaded me watching Punch &Judy as a kid.

      Id become over stimulated,
      Firmly on Punchs side in the dispute.
      Id scream encouragement,

      “Smash her face in the whore!”

      “Chop her fuckin head off mr Punch!!”

      Id trigger the other kids,
      And whobetide when the copper or crocodile came on!
      Id have to be pinned down by two adults.

      • Ps

        Was mr Punch jewish?
        Certainly looked it.

        *(Sorry JP?
        Only messing about) hehehe

  17. What’s even more irritating that that meddlesome, interfering bitch, is the fact that all these companies crumple like a crisp packet. I just wish one of them would have the plums to tell these cunts to fuck off.

    • I would have simply told her to fuck off if she didn’t like what’s on offer. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been the first time she heard it. Why does this type of cunt think they have the right to dictate what other people can enjoy?

  18. I’m hardly surprised that somebody from Weston SuperNightmare is a cunt!

    I went on a night out there once (off-season) and it’s full of weirdos, junkies and degenerates. I want to say something good about the place but I’m sorry, I….. yam not sorry. Fuck WSM and fuck the fuckers who live there. Weirdos even by my standards.

  19. Anyone else recall that woke slag who got ‘offended’ at the sweets Midget Gems?
    The bitch wanted the name changed, because she thoughts it offended gnome types.
    Well, I am pleased to say they are still called Midget Gems (by Bassets, at least), as I had some the other day. I hope the daft woke twat topped herself over it. But I dare say she has found something else to be offended about. The cunt.

  20. Should have attached scrap metal to the dozy tart and pushed her off the end of the pier. CuntyMorts ducking stool, upgraded for the new witches.

  21. I think they deliberately go out and look for this shit, like a memo’s gone around telling them to look for it. Never hear them complain about anything significant that actually causes physical harm.

  22. Who remembers that utter fuckstick that complained to M&S about their ‘Where’s Wally’ advent calendar?

    Apparently it was sexist because there weren’t enough female characters depicted.

    Quite rightly he got a royal cunting on ISAC but they just keep coming.

    I read earlier today about a family that have lost a legal battle to keep their child on life support.

    A very sad case and I’m sure it’s nuanced beyond belief but what really grabbed my attention was that the parents have received some pretty nasty hate mail, wishing the kid dead and the rest.

    So…. Let’s just hope whoever these vermin are they can find the time to turn their vitriol on Ms Crossing et al.

    And maybe they will learn that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and that as soon as you put your head above the parapet in the real world you get shot at.

    • What’s the difference between a Rottweiler and a social worker?

      You’ve got more chance of getting your kids back off a Rottweiler.

  23. Maybe she gives a fuck about the plight of indigenous peoples? Maybe she’s attention seeking? Maybe she wants to ride the liquorice?

    I have no idea why she feels the way she feels but I wish she’d have a moment of clarity and realise no one outside the echo chambers she rides her unicorn through gives a fuck.

    Hopefully Big Chief Comes Mighty will write to her and inform her about the lack of fucks given on the reservation when it comes to arcade games in Weston Super fucking Mare.

    The games industry is in for some hard times if it’s ever proven aliens are real.

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