Dryrobe Wearers

Just a quick cunting for this increasing group of annoying people.

Usually found in DFL coastal areas like Whitstable in Kent, Brighton and Hove, Broadstairs. You get the idea.

This item was originally designed for surfers/ swimmers to put on after getting out of the water to warm up, but is now the thing to be seen in.The height of fashion for cunts. They even walk around town in them. Total cunts I tell you.

Top cunt award goes to the ones who wear the camouflage version. Some of them actuality go swimming in the sea too. Standard day is, go swimming in sea, take photos, put on dry robe, take photos, upload said photos on Instagram.

Look at me I’m a cunt.

Nominated by: Cunty mcfuckwit

50 thoughts on “Dryrobe Wearers

  1. The only acceptable time to wear a robe is when stepping into a boxing ring.
    Not popping into lidl for some cheap cider.

  2. Surprised any are left for sale.
    Thought most would’ve been bought to give to the poor women and children refugees that arrive exhausted and penniless on our shores.
    God bless Mong Allen linekunt human rights lawyers and all the good people. ?

    • There ones come with a leaflet in the top pocket on how to rinse everything from the gullible British taxpayers..
      Oh and some walking around money..

  3. People who brag about wild swimming and its supposed health benefits are pretentious cunts in their own right. If they have been watching the news last week and seen what the water companies have been pumping into the sea they might want a typhoid shot to go with their dryrobe.

      • That Sir James looks like Larry King’s evil twin brother, it needs sjamboking now!!!

      • Bevan is no expert – he is a civil serpent – a diplomat.

        Has he any idea if there are increases risks of pathogens from treated sewage entering the food chain? Will this lead to an increase in cancers and other health problems?

        I wouldn’t stake my health on what some ex Whitehall talking head tells me. Worthy of a cunting itself.

  4. Wild swimmers…just another group who think they have the right to trespass on private ground.
    An incomer ( who I actually Cunted a while back) wrote on the local facebook page that she had taken up “wild-swimming”, was looking for people to join her and asking if anyone knew of suitable locations for them to indulge in their fuckwittery…..I wrote in suggesting a particular stretch of the Tyne…lovely deep pools,secluded etc….and then received a load of abuse when it was pointed out that people had drowned there in the past due to the pools having some deep currents that can drag people down if conditions are(un)favourable.

    I live in hope that the stupid Sow is arrogant enough to ignore other people’s advice and take up my suggestion.

  5. I love wild swimming it’s like being at one with your natural environment,
    Mother earth,
    It also has great benefits for your health,
    Unless you swallow a rubber Noddy that’s floating past.

    As for these robes,
    I like em!
    Especially the camo one!
    Do they do 4xl?

    • And it will look good with your balaclava when your peeping through peoples windows, MNC.

      • Never let it be said I don’t have a unique look when it comes to fashion ?

      • Morning Miserable.

        You are a regular action man. Wild swimming, extreme dogging and sand bunker crapping to name a few of your exploits.

      • Morning LL?

        Yes I’m a regular little Bear Grylls.
        Without the god bothering, toadying to celebs or drinking my own urine.

        I think Mr Grylls has a fetish for urine?
        Nothing to do with survival.

        Bet if he had a bottle of Vimto and can of coke,
        He’d still want to drink piss


  6. Minority pursuitists. Cunts of the highest echelon, partaking in something the majority of us couldn’t give a flying fuck about, but they think they’re carrying out God’s work by taking part, and let you know at every opportunity. The Spawn Of Beelzebub, cyclists and vegans being the two worst offenders that bore the fucking arse off you pontificating about themselves.

    When asked by the cunts if I have any hobbies, my answer is always:

    “Yep, Dogging. Want to try it?”.

  7. I’d have loved to have seen these stupid fuckers wild swimming in the River Tyne when I was growing up in the 60s. Not so much swimming as going through the motions. The Ganges would have been safer.

  8. I having a whip round for the Pakistan floods today. So any arm bands or lilo’s would be appreciated.

    • Can’t beat a bank holiday.

      Especially when there’s a natural disaster somewhere in the third world.

  9. Glad to say I have no fucking idea what this shit is. You cunts must all live in Brighton.

    • I’ve seen loads of these cunts in Bournemouth wearing these things, not just when they come out of the sea, but walking along the front and back to the car park. They probably drive home in them. Must be nice arriving home with a sore, salty arse.

  10. You know the old saying MNC. Drinking Vimto in unclean waters will make you vomit.

    • Love Vimto me Sammy!
      Nearest I get to wine.

      Wouldn’t accept a glass off Bear Grylls though!

      It’s a fair bet he’d make it with his own piss.

      • Morning MNC…Bear Grylls was once arrested for drinking a tramp’s piss in a public convenience.
        Oh, hang on, I’m wrong…that was Tony “Charles Lynton” Blair.
        But Bear is still a piss-obssessed perv, isn’t he?

      • Morning Thomas.
        If you bottle your piss Bear will buy it off you.

        Think he fills his bath with it?

        I don’t trust him.
        He carries tampons for starting fires!
        Said they are ideal ?

        And do you know, they said Grenfell towers tragic fire was started by a lit Tampax.

        Now as you know I’d never cast wild aspirations against a celebrity,
        But I think he should be held to account.

      • It doesn’t bear thinking about MNC. But we could have a toast. You drink the anagram of the old nectar and I’ll have a sip some vintage Sarah Miles if she’s any left.

  11. Always learn things on here. They’ve not reached the Midlands yet in any large numbers. £140 a pop. They even do one for dogs. Must come in handy when Fido steps off his surfboard.

  12. Is Sam Beau’s facial (faecal?) characteristic the result of wild swimming, I wonder? I think we should be told. Are you there, Sam, or are you in hospital having your stomach pumped after swallowing some of it?

  13. More tat for the ‘I saw you coming’ to flog to the middle classes ?

    Maybe give these out to the poor to wear indoors when they can’t afford to put the heating on, huddled round a candle eating a bowl of porridge. Right that’s the energy crisis sorted, what’s next

  14. Wild swimming. Wankers looking for a nasty waterborne disease to kill them. My local rivers and drains are infested with the fuckers in July and August. There’s a popular spot near a small country town that they use. Just up stream cows and sheep regularly use it for a toilet and a walk along the more out of the way areas will usually reveal a dead and bloated sheep slowly rotting away after slipping in and unable to escape.

    Just wait for the horror story in the daily fail….

    As for swimming in the sea, judging by the amount of shite floating by when I was hauling my lines on Friday, best avoided end of.

    Still, the nom picture has given me the bank holiday horn……

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