Dame Sharon White

Dame Sharon White (ironic)

She is the Chairwoman (shouldn’t that be Chairperson??) of the John Lewis Partnership.

She is complaining that quite a few of her staff over the age of 50, have decided since covid not to return to work and effectively take an early retirement. Good on ’em I say- no probs there. However she is now stating that because of this, they are fuelling inflation due to the fact she has to recruit new, younger staff to replace them…..at more money.


She also stated in an article dated 16th June 2021- also on the BBC. That her younger staff don’t have the skills that the older staff have.


Now, what I read across both these stories is the following:

She has been fucking happy to underpay those older staff who she acknowledges are worth more to her business than the younger ones, but is now fucked off, because now they are leaving, she has got to pay MORE to replace them with lesser skilled younger staff. Basically…she has been mugging off the oldies, because they are the least likely to up sticks and move on.

For that reason alone….she deserves a major cunting.

Nominated by: Chuff Chugger

58 thoughts on “Dame Sharon White

  1. Well if inflation carries on to further giddy heights then this moaning blek cunt won’t need to worry about staff or her fancy shops..

    They will all be shut and the business bankrupt.

    • How many of these companies treat their staff like shit?
      Pay them as little as possible then moan when the staff fuck off?


  2. I have heard this old dame on the radio. She is the sort of entitled Dark Key who will be inviting herself on to the Board f Governors of the BBC (Jacqui Smith did the same thing but her kind offer was turned down) but this woman, being among the Guardian reading class, will succeed when she has run John Lewis into bankruptcy – they are almost there anyway.

    She aimed high tough, I’ll give her that – she should have started out running the soap powder and lavatory paper section of her local street market before she tackled John Lewis – walk before you can run, innit?

  3. Good one Chuff.

    The yoof of today do not have the same work ethic – the standards and loyalty of the older generation are dying out.

    Dame White seemingly cannot manage her way out of a plastic bag – you wonder how on earth she is Chairwoman – but then again why are we surprised?

    The world is full of cunts like this

  4. She’s got a point though,hasn’t she?….A lot of younger people are unwilling to do the lower-paid “unglamorous” jobs…too many with useless Degrees expecting £50 k a year as start money or they’ll stay on the dole,so employers will have to pay more to get staff who are willing to work.

    Plenty of jobs and plenty of people out of work claiming benefits….and,like it or not, without those immigrants prepared to do so many of the “shitty” jobs that our own spoiled citizens think beneath them,we really would be fucked.

    • Many of these immigrants are claiming benefits and working ‘cash in hand’, it a piece of piss in the large cities, the cunts move around so virtually impossible to keep tabs on them and it’s easier just to pay the cunts, well they are entitled ?

      • She is also right in highlighting the lack of basic numeracy skills amongst school leavers although this is not breaking news if you know anything about the UK education system.

        They will however know all about BLM and slavery, net zero climate change which a lot of businesses, John Lewis included, are in the thrall of.

      • Perhaps some of them are….doesn’t alter the fact that they are prepared to actually work, unlike so many of our own bone-idle wasters.

        It isn’t a case of “them foreigners stole our jobs”. it’s a case of too many of our own people being unwilling to work and the Govt. encouraging, through their refusal to do anything meaningful regarding immigration, a pool of easily exploited immigrants to pick up the slack while the taxpayer pays our own citizens to sit idle.

        Too many Govt. donors/influencers are only too keen to see the gig and cash-in-hand economy flourish.

    • Afternoon DF.

      I have to agree with you on the entitled attitude of these (not all obviously) younger employees.

      We have taken on a few young lads over the last few years who have had next to no academic qualifications or whatever else and given them a genuine chance to make something of themselves.
      However, they think that within a few months of learning the trade that they should be earning big money for not much effort.
      Trying to get any genuine loyalty out of some lads or being able to wholeheartedly rely on them actually turning up on a Monday morning for work has proven to be a joke in itself.
      I’ve even had their mothers texting me shite excuses ranging from headaches to upset tummys.

      I’ve probably had about a fortnight’s time off sick in my working life.
      Probably because I’m lucky with my health but probably more so because I’ve never had much choice but to pull my finger out and get the fuck on with it.

      • Afternoon, H.J.

        I know that not all young ‘uns are useless and over the years I’ve had a canny few come to help when we’ve been tree-planting,handballing timber etc…unglamorous,shitty work admittedly..and the “students” who have come have,almost invariably, been absolutely useless….I even had one young ‘un ( doing an arboricultural degree) that he wouldn’t shift any of the brash,logs etc. because he was only there to learn climbing!…this was while myself and 2 blokes with 20+ years climbing experience each, began clearing…..I didn’t take his announcement too well.

  5. No problem with the over 50’s not working as long as they aren’t claiming benefits, what it this whole economically inactive shit ‘those out of work and not seeking employment’, does that include the bone idle, never worked, life is sweet on benefit brigade.

    Who is this fucking Dame, never knew John Lewis had a sooty at the helm, ah well I don’t buy anything from JL or Waitrose so fuck them ?

    Get the youth working, lazy cunts and pay them minimum wage, entitled bastards need a bit of reality and stop paying fucking benefits to those able to work.

    1000 + cunts came over the channel yesterday, no wonder every cunt is pissed off, why work when these cunts are coming and getting everything for free. Maybe the Dame can use some of these cunts to clean her shit houses ?

    • This is how you learn at the prestigious Diane Abbot School of Maths & Economics from where “dame” Anti-White no doubt graduated.

      Q, If I had one banana and I add two more, whst do I have?

      A. Dat be one shit KFC meal, knowa’ah-mean, bruv.

  6. The problem with parroting the lies of those who possess an unhealthy amount of guile and cunning is that you come off looking like a cunt, especially if you are as thick as pig shit. If this brain dead tart had said that HMGovt profligacy with the money printer has caused a clusterfuck of epic proportions well. First it was covid, then a half dozen bits of bollocks and now Vladolf Putler, Oh, and sleepy joe can’t get MBS to pump a few more barrels? Are you fucking kidding me. We’re getting fucked and now, as a bonus, have the pleasure of being lectured to by this cunt. Cunts … just so many cunts.

  7. It is the reincarnation of Milton Friedman surely with economic brilliance like that

    Anyway Waitrose etc is going to be out of business over the next few decades.

    Once those final salary pension holders work their way into the grave

    Ever noticed that the vast majority of their customers have liver spotted hands?

  8. Someone says something that makes sense, but is called a cunt because she’s black.
    Que Someone to spell racist badly. ?

    • I think she’s a cunt because she’s a cunt, regardless of her colour.

      Any ‘job’ that requires the worker to claim ‘in-work’ benefits is not a job, it’s a government sponsored make-work scheme. That’s what most minimum wage jobs are nowadays.

      BTW the minimum wage rapidly became the maximum wage, with multi-million pound companies using it to artificially depress wages, enabled by government subsidies.

      Work has become, most unfortunately, a complete waste of time for an awful lot of people.

      • @Termujin

        Be interesting to know how many businesses are paying dividends to shareholders while their staff are being subsidised by the taxpayer.

      • Afternoon Dick.
        On the other hand, I’ve worked with a few people who have refused to go full time because they would lose the working tax credits, be worse off, and have to do normal work hours like the rest of us.
        Plenty of lazy cunts playing the system

      • Afternoon,GJ…..I’m not so sure about the “lazy”…just common sense,isn’t it ?….if you can pick up the same money for less hours,why bother?

      • Mr Fiddler,

        Good luck with finding figures on that one. You know it will be a very large number.

        Mr Japseye,

        It seems perfectly reasonable to me to refuse to work more hours for less money. It’s successive government’s fault for starting these ridiculous schemes in the first place, the one-eyed wonder Brown I think it was who started this nonsense.

        Stop paying fckn shareholders and non-executive directors and pay your staff properly. Or, don’t be surprised when decent workers leave to be replaced by spotty, innumerate, illiterate teenagers.

      • I’m only speaking from experience.
        I work for a small firm, less than 15 people. 3 are on the sick, one had a migraine yesterday, today ge couldn’t come in because he had a bad stomach from eating something from the fridge last night. Wonder what tomorrow’s excuse will be?
        Another is long term sick because ‘his head has gone’
        One went 3 and a half days instead of 5 and now he is eligible for working tax credits to make up his pay.
        It might be easier to swallow if they did a bit of graft while they are here.
        We are barely breaking even at the moment as our process is electricity heavy, so fuck knows what’s going to happen.
        A fair days work for a fair days pay. It doesn’t work without both.

    • I really don’t see what the fuck her skin colour has got to do with this cunting???

      • A sensible black woman who knows her onions. That doesn’t play well with a certain demographic.

        Afternoon Gutstick, afternoon Herman, afternoon all….

      • Afternoon RTC.
        It’s always the same lately, if the nom isn’t about it (or trannies) someone will shoehorn the hate in.
        The cunting about vabbing was cracking, old school IsaC, well written and funny.
        It wasn’t five comments old before someone mentioned dinghys.

  9. To dame Helen White.
    I hear Anthony Joshua is in the market for a new job.
    Just keep him away from belts and don’t let him make any motivational speeches and you should be alright..
    Oh and don’t let him him catch a reflection of himself, he will be there for hours..

  10. Simply employ more Nigerian workers.
    Your stock, customers bank details will be safe in thier hands.

  11. if any more evidence were needed that identity politics is the religion of the secular liberal managerial class. Remember Magic Barry deporting Latino types and starting eight wars? it was for a just cause because he’s black. Now it’s Sharon white the WoC trying to get cheap workers for her corporate masters.

    Only dickhead liberals and students are fooled by this shit.

    • The Age Concern shop is much better value. I source all Lady Creampuff’s underwear from there. ?

      • I picked up Bertie’s ‘Its a Punderful Life!’ from my local Age Concern shop Ruff. Only £3.

        I think Miserable must have a copy too, reading his past posts.

    • I prefer shopping in Grace Brothers. Old Mr Grace was always willing to pay high wages to his young nurses without moaning about it.

    • What John Lewis?
      Sheffield one shut down, unprofitable.
      Hardly surprising, over priced.

  12. I refer the honourable ladies and gents to Robert Mugabe and the fun Palace he turned the country into

  13. Same old story, the fucking bosses hate you when you’re there, but they are buggered when you take your skills elsewhere.

    I took a voluntary redundancy some years back, bugger me 18 months after I left I got a letter asking if I wanted to return, they had let to many engineers go. I asked for a 4 day week, they said full time, I said


    Early retirement is just so hard….?

  14. I retired at 55, for the love of Dog, I can’t understand why anyone who can retire early doesn’t do it.

    • That looks like the sort of thing Drew Pritchard would find in someone’s garage, that’s been gathering dust since 1976.

      He then sells it to some trendy London wine bar for stupid money because the London Hipster bar owner thinks it “has heaps of character” or that it “like, really speaks to my personality”.

      I’ve got a bridge to sell people like that.

      Incidentally Mme C. I like to picture you as Christina Trevanion from the antiques programmes on the telly.

      • Drew Pritchard is good at making money, I’ll give him that. Apart from his penchant for Howard & Sons chairs and the odd table, the rest of the stuff he gets is awful.

      • Drew’s a slippery tyke alright. His marks must feel right mugs when they see how much he ripped them off for when the programme they’re on airs. ?

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