Azeem Rafiq (2)

It seems that the oily little parking stanley who tried to destroy Yorkshire Cricket may have exaggerated somewhat. And that he took in a load of gullible MPs and other cunts who should have known better and perhaps questioned his motives rather than accepting his bullshit at face value. Oh, and ignoring his very real history of anti-semitism.

”Yorkshire accused of acting with ‘brutality’ by British Asian sacked in wake of racism scandal”

Kunwar Bansil, one of 14 members of staff who signed a letter to the board complaining about its failure to stand up to Azeem Rafiq’s “one-man mission to bring down the club”, became the latest ex-employee to denounce Lord Patel’s response to the crisis.

”Bansil, who joined them in 2013, said: “I was never aware of any racism or complaints of racism. The picture painted of Yorkshire was that if you are a person of colour you were made to feel unwelcome, that you’d be regularly bullied or discriminated against. That couldn’t be any further from my experience of the club.”

I dont suppose this will get the wall to wall coverage the slimy little cunt got.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

25 thoughts on “Azeem Rafiq (2)

  1. The cunt made 43 allegations of which 36 were not upheld so on balance by a score of 36 to 7 he is a lying cunt.
    I guess some of the 7 that were upheld were exchanges with his mate (ex mate) calling each other names related to their ethnicity.

    The cunt was let off over the Y*d tweets, seems that saying oh sorry is fine for a P*ki but the same isn’t true for whitey.

    I bombarded the BBC Look North (Leeds) over this bullshit with emails and never got a reply including asking why they didn’t give the same amount of coverage to P*ki grooming gangs.

    Rafiq is a cunt and Yorkshire Cricket are cunts, they allowed themselves to be fucked over and were screwed by sponsors and the ECB although they could have handled everything better from the start.

  2. Azeem Rafiq’s account is the only account that matters.
    Yes he may be a liar. He may be an anti Semite as well but that doesn’t matter either.
    Azeem is offended and that’s all that matters here.

  3. The sad truth is that all branches of government,police,social services and anywhere else that has something to lose are afraid of the Peacefuls.

    Too much liberalism and deceit has tipped the balance and it’s likely that the authorities will never have the guts to confront what is essentially the biggest threat to our way of life since Nazi Germany.

    This cunt is just a small is the witch hunt after his bullshit allegations were made public.

    Britain will become a literal third world nation if we continue down this path.


  4. Nasty little inbred lying cunt.
    Why do people in authority take everything they allege as gospel.
    If one of those cunts told me the time I would check my watch..

  5. Good on the lad for speaking out.

    If you notice, these claims from sportspeople always come out once they retire and need a few bob. Pure coincidence.

    What a cunty thing to do though. Such allegations can ruin the careers of many. And it has.

    Ok, if they were calling him Osama, shoving his head down the bog and calling him a smelly p ki, then fair enough.

    However, it seems like nothing more than dressing room banter of which he joined in with. And his social media history shows he’s worse than some on ISAC with regards to ‘racism’.

    He’s one of the main reasons btw that sports coverage if filled with ‘diversity’ nowadays. Cost David ‘Bumble’ Lloyd his 30 year commentary career for a honest remark (‘Asian’ players don’t contribute subs to their cricket clubhouse, which is what keeps most clubs afloat. All take and no give. Controversial, but absolutely bang on, by the way!). Bumble officially ‘retired’ but he quit just after this cunt started having a go at him. It was a case of jump before he was pushed, obviously.

    Massive cunt this ‘un.

  6. This typifies modern Britain. The MSM and Establishment unreservedly believing and publicising the poisonous lies spouted by a single chippy Stanley cunt, whilst permitting mass rape by his brethren, all for fear of upsetting the communidy. The truth gets about 1% coverage of the lies. Fuck the communidy and fuck the boneless cunts.

  7. Interesting that Rafiq himself was guilty of anti-semitism.. You would think that after Tom Watson got taken in by “Carl” was it, the name the man gave himself, who turned out to be a fantasist who pretended to be a “victim” of a non-existent paedo ring at Westminster, tat politicians would be elss inclined to jump on one-man band waggons.

  8. All the pandering to sly lying con artist arseholes.
    It is happening in all countries of the so called free world
    It has to change and that means from the top but it won’t, as the will is simply strangled by political correctness lunatic language.
    A world of hurty feelings and victimisation is already being used like an industry for profit.

  9. Thing is with all this diversity shite is as far as I can see, it’s having the opposite effect.

    Whitey is by and large fucked off with it all. Most folk are live/let live types but having this equality bollocks constantly shoved down our throats ( including the bum boy crap) is making me and I imagine others feel the same, pissed of and increasingly intolerant of all of this poofery/ diversity/ immigrants/ bliks/ peaceful’s/ BBC/ msn/ guardanista’s

    Fuck em all…..????

  10. Dress the piece of shit up in orange overalls and give him the Ken Bigley treatment.


  11. No Peaceful has got any right to complain about racism. Those cunts hate the Jews and the Infidels with a passion and they even hate their own kind who are in a different sect to them. And they don’t discriminate, they don’t call you hurty names, they chop your fucking head off! When they get the upper hand you’ll know all about fucking racism. Fortunately it will be the posh libtard wankers, who love them so much, who will get theirs first because they’ve got all the good stuff that’s worth nicking. I’ve got fuck all so I’m bottom of the list. So at least I’ll have the pleasure of seeing these gutless politicians, gays and wokies getting nicely served up the dumb cunts.

  12. Yet another vile little Parking Stanley playing the race card. I’m sick to the back teeth of hearing about these cunts trying it on all the time.
    If this country is so bad, feel free to fuck off to Pakistan or Bangladesh and see how your standard of living improves greatly (NOT!)

    Class ‘A’ Cunt for sure…………

  13. I believe that most of not all the Yorkshire CCC staff took their employees to employment tribunal and it was found that they had been unfairly dismissed, following on from the allegations made by this no-mark piece of excrement.

    This little facet, I.e no case to answer in English law, has conveniently been ignored by the ECB, as big a bunch of cunts in my view as the FA…. Who are now pushing ahead with their own racism trial…

    Andrew Gale, the ex captain of Yorkshire CCC is one of those summoned by the ECB, along with Michael Vaughan and others fingered by the parking Stanley.

    Any how, Gale has told them to stuff it where the sun don’t shine as he’s no longer employed in the game and was found to have been unfairly dismissed from it. I think he said the ECB sham is nothing more than a witch-hunt and they can do one.

    Good on him.

    • There are so many people who have been treated unfairly in the Yorkshire CCC case that I am sure that some of them will pursue the truth and a bunch of wokes and a lying cunt must be shitting themselves.
      It ain’t over yet, Mark my words.

  14. What astonished me is how and why everyone just took the word of this slimy slithering little shit stirring turd without question. ‘Oh, a Parkin Stannit said it. So it must be true’.
    So, they are incapable of lying now, are they? Funny that, considering what sort of things they are capable of….

    Rafiq is a grass and total turd. I would cover the slimy little shit in salt and slug killer and watch him bubble and melt…

  15. This cunt is the George Floyd of cricket.
    How the hell are Yorkshire CCC racist?
    A racist club wouldn’t allow a Pack Kee to clean their filthy fucking toilets let alone chuck a ball at a batsman.
    Try and redeem yourself by interfering with Ms J’s ventilator.
    There’s a bit of a theme in my postings tonight.

  16. And the real point is that EVERYONE on this site knew full well that he was just making up shit.

    But all the very highly paid chairmen and committee members of YCC didn’t understand have a fucking scooby.

    There’s enough of us on here – vote ISAC at the next general election.

  17. I saw quite a large slug on my driveway today. It reminded me of Azeem Rafiq. It was brown, slimy, slithering, and probably poisonous. Salt time….?

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