Bourrel, a 27 year old Canadian, is mother to a 4 year old daughter. Except, the cnut states that now she isn’t.
Bourrel claims that since the age of 2 the child has wanted to transition to a boy so that she could “look like daddy” (preferable I suppose to taking after her heffalump mother – see pictures within link). Therefore she is now bringing her daughter up as a male following a gender reveal at a pride parade in Vancouver. As good a way as any to get her fat face in the paper I suppose.
Who amongst us has any memories of what we were thinking at the age of 2 never mind knowing the difference between the sexes? I suspect more milk is required with the morning rusks would be the limit of my thoughts (or perhaps damn, I’ve sh!t myself again and am in for another good hiding off whichever of my big sisters was tasked with the clean up job).
Methinks the mother probably wanted a son and is simply pushing her daughter to be something that she isn’t. As if that isn’t enough the child’s father, granny and preschool appear to be in on the charade.
I know that Canada is renowned for being “progressive” but for me this takes things too far. The kid is simply a tomboy, nothing more than that. Don’t tell her she’s a boy when she isn’t. Left to her own devices she may well turn into a girly girl when the raging hormones of puberty come a calling whereas The Lord alone knows what damage mentally the mothers trendy idiocy will bring.
Nominated by: Dickie Dribbler
Canada will be 100% Inuit again at some point. Another failed overseas experiment, just like America, Australia, New Zealand.
Imagine what it will be like when Australia and New Zealand collapse and the Mob and Maoris devour the white folks?!
@Le Cunt.
You’d have a valid point, re: the Maori, except they’re an absolute minority, and most of those are white anyway, who exactly would they eat?
Answers on a postcard to anyone who gives a fuck.
i give up i really do. This and now cricket ripped to shreds by the BBC and their agenda.
Cricket has now gone full fág South Africa test, the ‘special flag’ flying and BBC focussing on that rather than quality commentary and entertainment.
Isa Gooshi warbling about absolute tripe just parrotting her ear piece no doubt. Emphasis all in the wrong place, and then to cap it off some new tart saying how Nortje blowing all the competition for fastest ball of the year. (96.7mph vs Mark Wood at 96.5mph).
Yes new dozy bitch 0.2mph is considerably quicker.
No doubt more bollocks tomorrow and an ugly rainbow scoreboard, covered in dildoes maybe.
Bring back Clive Lloyd, Botham and Boycott. Fuk the BBC their agenda and their illegal tax. Burn the down for good measure (figuratively speaking of course).
Aye, I just watched that…no programme is complete without The Gayness being shoe-horned in…what the fuck do they hope to achieve?…all the constant hectoring achieves is to fucking irritate people.
Cricket bats need to be replaced with a massive black dildo.
I guess it’s only to be expected in a country that would have Justin Trudeau as its Prime Minister.
Yeah I’m surprised the woke fucking tampon didn’t make an appearance in full black face and jazz hands for the kids gender reveal.
He’s on holiday in Costa Rica. He should stay there if he had any sense as it won’t end well for this Satanic cunt.
Please explain how he is satanic.
Because he’s evil perhaps?
Good grief, what an ugly child!
Could be describe as “Piglet”*
*Copyright Lord Fiddler
This is some sort of psychological brainwashing and the authorities should be involved in taking the poor kid into care and way from the deluded cunt.
(won’t happen though….because now, this is deemed ‘normal’)
They all look like fat ugly cunts to me. How did she persuade some bloke to poke his dick up her? The cunt must have been well pissed. “Staff and pupils congratulated him on his new pronouns”……….oh please fuck off. ??
The western world is going fucking mental.
Yup…if you stick your fingers in your ears and continuously recite 2 plus 2 equals 5, you will eventually convince yourself that is correct.
Just wish the staff at the school, just said oh, fuck off and grow up.
They’d get sacked for that. Transphobia don’t you know. The biggest crime in wokie world.
Was rather the point Freddie old chap.
…unless wishing for something is now a thought crime as well?
Good observation FF but in my experience stick a cunt in front of many males not good with colours and weasel up a drainpipe comes to mind.
The madness continues.
Can’t say at two, but at three years old I wanted to be a bandleader – it was that Ambrose and all those exotic sounding singers on the old 78s (that Eve Lombard really gave me the horn) . If only my parents had indulged me instead of laughing at me, Saturday nights and Sunday lunchtimes might have been the Billy Boggs Band Show. “Wakey, Wayy-keee”. You didn’t have to even play an instrument – you just taped your baton on the podium – I’d do anything for a laugh, money in the bank, and a television topper on your arm instead of the spouse.
Cunt Basie!
Cunt Boggsie?
I like it LeCunt and Moggie63 – all those sinful crazy rythyms that could have been mine!
Jizzy Gillepsie
QUIM-see Jones
GAY Lombardo
Ruddy Bitch (Buddy Rich)
The little fucker will be pumped with testosterone in a few years, end up looking like a fucking freak, I guess it could be worse, stay as a girl and end up looking like mummy ?
…just wait a few years for it to start growing tits and find its man in a boat and realises it’s pretty good being a girl.
Knew the poor little fucker was either going to be some soppy Canadian or a Californian.
He looks more like a chicken nugget than a boy or girl.
Being 60% saturated fat.
I like his middle name,
Apt as he’s at risk of being indoctrinated over gender and in danger of a childhood heart attack.
Why am I saying he?!!
It’s a fat little girl.
Another freak show.
So abnormal to 99% of people,a complete aberration.
Back when people didn’t put up with loonies this cunt would have been carted off and it’s family would never speak of it again.
What’s the betting this kid’s father is wetter than an otter’s pocket (Blackadder?) and has never lifted any weights, had a proper hamburger or thrown a punch in his pussy life.
His fat bitch undoubtedly pegs him good and proper too, showing him who wears des pantalons.
No real man would stand for such pathetic wankery regarding his daughter.
Canada is fucked.
Shame, nice looking country.
Fir, spruce,pine, snowy mountains,
Suitable climate for proper men,
Decent wildlife,
Wolves, bears, and of course moose.
They used to be lumberjacks!!
Hard cunts, doing proper work.
An them Mountie coppers.
“A Mountie always gets his man”
Nowadays it’s still true.
Probably in a civil partnership with him.
Nation of puddle skippers.
You are IsAC’s poet laureate and I claim my £500+
Now mounties trample old dears at protest rallies.
The Free West…
If America had won the War of 1812, then America would have annexed Canada. Not sure if this would have been a good or bad thing. Canada, like Australia and New Zealand is basically a nation that has never really produced great cultures, great things aside from some great musicians like Neil Young, Joni Mitchell and, err… the other ones. it’s all very, “meh”. Any one of note fucks off pronto to America. Cold as fuck and hot as fuck places never produce much that is great.
Still, it would be awesome if Canadian dealt with Turd-eau the way the Italians dealt with Mussolini.
How’s it hangin’, Benny?
A crash course in Canadian history right up to the present day.
Bravo Sir
Canada made a massive contribution to WW2 that is constantly overlooked.
Mostly voluntary too.
Battle of the Atlantic.
Read some real history for fucks sake
Fathers probably a turkey baster, and the guy who donated his muck on a toilet floor hasn’t a clue about it
A couple turned up at a hospital recently with their baby who had some minor ailment, I know not what. Young, not yet very experienced doctor casually asked; “Boy or girl?” and was thrown when the parents responded with; “We don’t hold with these artificial societal constructs, they are what they are.” Doctor made an excuse, left the room and went and asked the rgistrar for advice. Without ceremony, the reg entered the room, lifted the baby’s nappy, stated flatly; “It’s a boy.” turned on her heel and left the room. True story from a reliable source.
Same thing happened to me in Halloween 2017 when I ended up in A&E dressed as a sort of Elton John-Marie Antoinette spectacle. I was so banjoed that I couldn’t tell them, “je suis un homme!” so they had to lift my gown to confirm my junk. Crazy times.
Should’ve called social services.
They sound like the sort of cunts who’d feed a baby on a vegan diet and then wonder why it dies of malnutrition, like this evil bitch:
Fuck me those two need a cunting for killing their kid. Although Novak Djokovic has gone down in my estimations.
I notice in the photo they are outside a bakery, Probably stocking up on pies, sausage rolls and doughnuts for the day the fat wobbly freaks.
Be a boy so be it, bet you can’t wait to climb trees, steal apples and get into a fight or too and the the cunt slagged off you should you fuck up in anyway.
This borders on child abuse by the mother rainbow nut job
Appalling example those parents are setting, encouraging the brat to play in the middle of the road like that!
You’d be forgiven for thinking they’re hoping it’ll get run over…
Child Protection need to have a word in their shell-like.
Evening Ruff?
You winning?
Did you figure out who Night Admin was the other night?
Where’s Gutstick he’s not been on last couple of days?
Evening Miserable.
Wouldn’t say I was winning exactly, but decided to cancel my appointment with Dignitas (again!) earlier today. I let Gutstick take it instead. ?
Yeah… who was that Night Admin… said he’d bin away 3 years, out on parole… nice chap obviously, taking the time to chat and get re-acquainted and that… buggered if I know. Wish him all the best though.
Evening NA, you winning? ?
Glad you cancelled the appointment.?
The Admin wasn’t our friend from Warrington was it?
Sans parrot.
I often wonder how he is getting on,
A fine cunter!!
Also poor Spoonington,
The mildest of the ISAC inmates.
Bertie? He been gone 3 years?
Could be Willie Stroker. Always thought he’d make a good Admin – fair minded, balanced, allotment, Japanese missus.
I don’t think Bertie has been gone that long.
Maybe Nurse Cunty?
Other possibilities, off the top of my head:
Quick Draw McGraw
Rebel Without A Cunt
Shîtcake Baker
The Empire Cunts Back
Cuntflap (brilliant cunter, bizarrely all his posts have been pulled…)
Kendo Nag
Cunts n’ Roses
I know some of those,
But can’t think who’s been gone 3 years?
It’s not Willie Stroker.
I was talking to him last year about John Lydon and P.I.L.
The fact they only said hello to me & Ruff made me think of Bertie Blunt,
But yeah, I always liked/got along with Nurse cunty.
Aaah, the good old days.
Evening lads.
I knew Trouserbulge from another forum and I was aware he had become ill (cancer I believe). He was no longer posting as of around May 2019.
I hope he is still with us, but knowing how irrepressible he was, sadly I think he may have passed.
Sorry to hear that, Paul.
He was also one of the few cunters who put the case for Remain. Maybe the only one.
I don’t remember him?
I think it was Nurse Cunty.
Doubt many bar mecha Rigsby, cuntflap, Empire,
Would of said hello?
A lot of the names you mentioned had gone before I arrived Ruff.
The funny thing was I knew he was the same poster as on the other forum (where he was very active) from his writing style. I rumbled him immediately.
He took a few goes to guess me correctly as Paul Maskinback. A very witty and unique poster who brightened many days over many years.
Apparently the Canadian Prime Minister Justine ‘blackface’ Truedough is the bastard love child of Fidel Castro.
I always wonder what they would’ve done with my neighbour as a kid? It was a girl one year older than me. I was about 9 when I met her and we played footy together. She was a proper tomboy, always hung around with the lads. Got into fights with lads, climbed trees, hated dolls and dresses etc. Bought ‘Shoot’ and ‘Dan Dare’, not girls’ mags.
Nowadays, some cunt ‘teacher’ would be trying to ‘suggest’ to the child that they might have been born in the wrong body etc. Probably forced into some kind of sex change in an attempt to get attention and social media likes.
Well, I’ll tell you what happened to this lass. She grew out of it and became quite hot a few years later. Got a good snog off her too, but that’s as far as it ever went, sadly.
She got married to a good lad, had three kids and clearly turned out to be a full on heterosexual once she started going through puberty.
Let kids grow up. It should be life in prison for any adult trying to convince or encourage such shite on kids.
Fucking demons.
Evening CB, how goes it?
Demons indeed. These people are evil.
I mean, when I was young, I used to prance about in clothes fit for the bentest of homosexuals and…er…
…well, I still do! ?️?
I’m winning Thomas, thanks.
I’m trying to find pictures of Kate McCann (from Sky news not Madeline’s mum) in a bikini…or tits out if lucky.
The internet can find anything?
Bollocks. Cock in hand and no Kate McCann in a thong.
It’s a good job for her that I wasn’t there when she fainted at the televised political debate recently.
I can hear the floor manager now:
“Are you absolutely sure that a study says putting that in there will revive her?”
????, couldn’t have said better
Me mam caught me trying her bra on when I was 5, she threatened to send me to schweel wearing it. No sex change or anything.
My dad was a Royal Marine Physical Training Instructor. If I’d have done the same, I’d have been hustled into the boot of the car at 2am and buried in a field somewhere.
Once the kid is 13 and they’ve sewn on a deceased man’s Hampton as well as procured then fashioned on another’s beanbag, squirted the fucker with testosterone, brainwashed it into believing it’s a feller and calling itself Derek, will her driving have improved?
It will have improved until she’s as good as Maureen from Driving School, Cap!
Remember her? Silly, dangerous old witch. Probably dead by now:
Shit, I remember her Mr Cunt Engine. My foot was instinctively braking watching the mad bint.
Evening LL…well, I ‘ll be damned!
She’s still alive. She did an interview for the Radio Times recently and waxed lyrical about her beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
It’s adorable. She’s in her mid-80’s.
Here she is looking her sweetest:
Hahaha ??
She was fuckin ace.
Dangerous to everyone on the road but funny as fuck.
Not a chance I’d sit in a car with her.
I don’t remember the driving Thomas but looking at the picture, I remember when he won Britain’s Got Talent, the crazy old geezer.
Who cares?….the fat little brat would just have grown up to be a big fat Munter like it’s Mother anyhow….the fact that it will now grow into a big fat It with mental problems is no bad thing…it might decide to take revenge on it’s Mother and go on a Yorkshire Ripper style murder spree targeting fat ugly women with fat ugly children….
Never mind the blood and gore…just think of the benefits savings if a homicidal Little Mr/Mrs Porker was set loose in a few of our city centres.
Anyone fancy a long term bet?
In 12 to 14 years this overweight piglet will sue its mother for “forcing an inappropriate gender on it, thereby causing phycological issues. “
Hopefully the Mother will have died of obesity before then…brat’ll probably be well on it’s way too.
Mi’Lord, good evening indeed.
If I lived on Canada I’d get the fuck oot.
To where though, MC?
All the western world is in thrall to woke mentalism and everywhere else is full of all-year-tan types.
When the lights and power goes off this winter, hopefully the weak and lame social justice twats (who have never known any hardship) will die in their millions and their bodies could go to soup kichens to make a delicious baconesque broth for hungry homeless people.
This winter perhaps shall spring forth a new Cromwell.
Then the gloves can come off and we can have done with Quisling rubbish and the other gutter dwellers that have infested our country.
No light?
No food?
No good men in the House?
Victory at all costs and in spite of everything.
Sponsored by EDF energy and the Ukrainian armed forces of Biden.
What’s next? Deliver a baby and order a strap-on? Silly fuckers.
Seeing this ‘boy’ makes me wish I was a kid again just so I could bully the little cunt.
The fact that I’m no longer a kid wouldn’t stop me…I’d happily ram it’s head down the shitter and pull the chain.
Hahaha ?
I had a beard at his age.
The little weirdo.
Ha ha it certainally would be temping.
Evening fiddler.
I’m sick of all this LGBT alphabet bollocks. As a poof I can’t stand all this crap and I’m not the only one. We are made to look like right cunts. It’s a load vocal minority of idiots and I blame Stonewall for adding the T because if they didn’t they would have been no longer relevant. We now have LGB alliance because we many of us sane gays don’t want to be lumped in with these unhinged and deviant twats. We just want get on with our lives like the majority of people, work, contribute to society, raise families. There is more to a person than your sexual orientation and so called identity. How sad to you have to be. No one cares just piss off with all the bollocks.Trans ideology is evil and as a gay myself I shall be out protesting this sick movement. If that makes me a internalised homophobe so be it. This parent is an idiot and in a few years time I’m sure the child will have mental health issues due to this twat of a mother. What pisses me of the most is so called straight people classing themselves as queer so they can jump on the victim bandwagon. It’s like we have allowed the lunatics to the party and they have taken over. What cunts they are.
Something seriously wrong, then in states of America now an unborn foetus has a right to life, yet a 2-4 year old child hasn’t got a right to live in the life it was born in.
People will say ‘but a foetus has no choice, we will give it that choice’ yeah, and what about this 4 years old choice? That is trumped by the choice of its mother then?
Well, she got her 15 minutes of fame, so thats alright, then.
What a cunt, render her down, we need the lard.
Gas Mark 10 in unkle Terry’s oven for this odious creature and it’s offspring.
The kid would only grow up to become a fat useless barrel of monkey spunk just like it’s parents anyway.
Let’s lessen the burden on the future taxpayer and do the world one big fucking favour…….
Oven oven oven
Dear Mrs A Barrel,
Instead of mithering us with this shite, sew a John Holmes size cock on the kid and be done with. Now fuck off and leave us all in peace. We don’t want to know what you get up to behind closed doors.
What a complete and utter cunt trombone….
As Arthur Brown might say:
‘ I am the god of hell fire! And I kill it with….’
When the parents are like this and the teachers are like it as well, the poor little kid is fucked for life.
Get used to living in a pod with a stinking landwhale and her pet soyboy and sucking on huel.
You’ll be happy.