What is the Point?

For 30 odd years I’ve been in steady full employment, paid my taxes, paid my NICs, commuted to work in all weathers with only a few days off per year pulling sickies. (Even though quite often I’d make up for that by working 50+ hours per week!)

In all that time, I have studied hard for various IT certifications with the likes of Microsoft, HP, Cisco, Citrix, Inspur and Fujitsu. Some of these course were paid for by the company I used to work with, but some I had to pay for myself when I went self-employed.

But it really pisses me off when I see my monthly pay-slip and notice the hefty amount of tax and insurance I have to pay. Again, I wouldn’t mind so much if I knew these taxes were being spent on deserving causes. But of course we all know they’re not!

I don’t bother with the MSM because it really hacks me off when I read sob stories of some cunt who has never worked but seems think they’re entitled to thousands of pounds in benefits in order to cope with the current cost-of-living crisis.

And its not just lazy cunts born in this country that think the same way, but of course the 1 million cunts from abroad via the Dinghy Express, who seem to think I, as a taxpayer, should not only work harder but also contribute more tax in order to keep them safe and sound in some cushy 4* hotel for a few months or years. (No rising energy bills for them to worry about.)

Then you have the growing band of apologists, who go out of their way to defend the indefensible, especially when it involves children. The constant push by teachers to set their own curricula that is far removed from the traditional “3 Rs” and focuses instead of gender identification, sexual discovery and the apparent acceptance that adults can have sex with children without the consent of parents or the threat of prosecution from the police or courts.

In fact there’s so many things utterly wrong with this government and the unaccountable but agenda-driven Civil Service, think tanks and faceless policy advisors, that it makes you wonder what is the point of trying to be a decent hard-working law-abiding person?

As it is my wife and I are looking at options to move to Austria or the Netherlands, probably starting with a 90-day stay, just to make sure we’re doing the right thing.

As much as we love life here in the Lake District it doesn’t get away from the fact that we’re going to be shafted sooner or later with more taxation, a lower standard of living, household costs rising and the inevitable arrival of some of those illegal migrants – probably running into the tens of thousands if this woke council have their way!

Am not saying Holland or Austria are perfect places – far from it. But we’ve been to both countries before and we do have an expat couple living in Salzburg, who could give us valuable guidance on how to move there through the proper government channels.

Austrian Embassy Link

And yes it will only be a matter of time before Austria and Holland become no different to the UK, Sweden or Germany. Moreover, the entry requirements to live and/or work in both countries appear to be far more demanding than what’s needed over here, especially after Brexit. Compare and Contrast:-


  • Passport
  • Residency Permit
  • Birth Certificate
  • Marriage Certificate
  • Savings & Investments
  • Medical Documentation (including dental and immunizations)
  • University Degree(s)
  • Professional Certificates
  • Police Records


  • No Passport only a dinghy and a concealed pack of C4
  • “Refugee” Permit, guaranteed 4 star hotel and top rung on housing waiting list
  • No Birth Certificate but have 30 children
  • No Marriage Certificate but have 10 wives
  • No Savings but entitled to other people’s money
  • No Medical Documentation but entitled to free NHS services
  • No University Degree(s) but entitled to free education
  • No Professional Certificates but entitled to good jobs due to positive discrimination
  • Police Records (probably loads but the Home Office turns a blind eye)

It just seems ever more apparent that if you study hard, work hard and be a model citizen then you’re basically deluding yourself and you’d be better off going on the dole and claiming benefits for the rest of your life.

But really the decline in standards at social, political and economical levels within the UK knows no bounds and as quite a few cunters on here have commented on in the past “This country is – or very soon will be – finished!

And I really have come to believe that now.

Nominated by: Technocunt

142 thoughts on “What is the Point?

  1. Maybe it’d be easier and less costly to pop over to France, black yourself up, dinghy your way back and call yourself Mo Farah.

    • *plus a free flight to Africa.

      *allegedly…as i haven’t fucking seen one yet.

    • Headache? Nah, he’s just moved house and has to knock on doors to tell them he’s on the register.

  2. Well, I don’t know what to add……except I agree.

    ….think that says it all really.

  3. A sobering and thought provoking nom Techno.

    This country is indeed fucked mate.

    I can’t quite figure out who I hate more though – the idle spongers and freeloading cunts, their enablers or their apologists.

  4. Frankly I don’t blame you techno. I have sometimes thought of emigrating to the USA – but I love England and things are no better over there anyway – in fact they might be worse.

    This country has been ruined by an avaricious bureaucracy and incompetent politicians who somehow think the UK owes every piece of Third World flotsam a living to purge itself of guilt over the British Empire. No wonder the third world wants to come here – we’re a soft touch, scared to say no in case its waaayycist.

    • MMCM – 20 years ago when I moved to the US (wasn’t supposed to be permanently, but life happens), it was way better than the UK on many levels. Over those years the gap as closed significantly.

      On balance I’d still rather live here than in the UK. But like the UK, things are getting worse and worse. The US is a very broken and divided country. Generally speaking every time a Demoncrat gets into power, it results in marching the country 10 paces closer to the abyss. When a Republican gets into power we pull back a few inches. Then a Demoncrat gets back into power……

      A strong, arrogant, kick butt-and-take-names USA has historically been good for the world. It kept things in some kind of order. The balance of world power has shifted and the USA is now in a weakened state. You just have to look at who’s in the White House now to draw that conclusion.

      The places where you could bolt to and insulate yourself from the demise of society are growing fewer by the week. Mrs Yank and I have discussed this several times since we want to move. Again. But where do you go?

      • I lived in California in the eighties it was great moved back here early nineties, after 9/11 I think that’s when the US changed. Your right not many places left to go to now plus I’m to fucking old now life’s a cunt

  5. One thing I can never grasp is why the 3rd world wants to come here when the UK is so racist.

  6. The country is going down the pan due largely to the fact that we are such rule following cunts at government level.

    It’s immensely regrettable that they have forgotten we are a sovereign nation and can do as we please.

    We’ve also forgotten the excellent habit of telling other countries to Fuck Off..

    EU divorce bill 40 odd billion?
    Uninvited foreigners?
    World health organisation?
    Hard border bollocks?

    No thanks,if you want to try to tell us what to do then send your armed forces to make us.

    Don’t fancy it after all?
    Then Rule Brittania and Get Fucked.

  7. @Techno, I have lived in The Netherlands 30+ years and watched the UK slip into decline due to successive cunt governments, snowflake policies and the need for enrichment by foreign incomers allowing the British culture to continuously be undermined. Unfortunately I am also noticing a trend allowing more and more immigrants into Europe with their cultures which it seems we have to accept. I suggest that you take a peek at Portugal especially with regard to your pension. I am posting this link https://expatra.com/guides/portugal/uk-pensions-and-tax-in-portugal/ to give you a bit of an idea. Good luck.

    • This is why Mrs Odin and I are moving to Madeira.

      Particularly for the introductory offer of 5% corporation tax for ten years to get a business going.

      Also no inheritance tax.

      I think HMRC are going to miss the £40k they bleed out of me every year in income tax.

  8. I have a few Danish friends, Techno, and would highly recommend their country.
    * Friendly people
    * English widely spoken
    * Clean
    * Climate like northern England
    * Plenty of well used cycle lanes, so few fat bastards
    * Most importantly, unlike our Government theirs actually bats for the home side. Okay they’re in the EU, but they’ve kept their own currency, they had a clause written in to the Maastricht treaty preventing foreigners (ie Krauts) buying their property, and they actively discourage invasion by the camel fanciers.
    * It’s just a short flight away if you need to get back to Blighty.

    It’s too late for me at my age, but I’d have given moving there serious thought if I were younger. This cuntry is fucked.

    • Lived there for six years and go back regularly to see my son.

      It has changed a lot in 20 years and not for the better.

  9. Sadly the benefit cunts have been milking a living off the state for just about as long as I can remember.
    Back in the 70 s a Cunt next door to the woman who became Mrs Everyonesacunt never ever worked, glass back, sticky mattress I’ll call him John mainly because that was his name 4 kids wife also on benefits. Cunt had a new car ? every 3 years big estate cortina followed by Volvo telephone colour tv ? etc.

    He and his wife just one of many many thousands.

    The the situation just got worse when Tony B Liar ? let in millions from the sub continent


  10. A very sobering, thoughtful and damning indictment on the state of our nation.

    I too can see nothing but the continuing downward spiral.

    The influx of illegal immigrants is particularly galling. The UK is an island. The last place these cunts should be showing up is on our shores. The fact the government panders to these bastard freeloading criminals simply amazes me.

    If there is a law on the books which says we HAVE to process these cunts, then change the law to protect the interests of the home nation and its lawful citizens. In times past, I am certain the French foreign minister would have been summoned to No. 10 for a bollocking and told to sort it out. Not these days. The game now is just to virtue signal using other people’s (tax payers) money.

    When the indigenous population is made to feel like strangers and second class citizens in their own country, it’s over. That’s where this is heading and it’s already a fair way down that road. The death of a nation by a thousand cuts.

    I haven’t visited ‘home’ for almost 5 years. I dread to think what I’ll find the next time I set foot on British soil. One thing I know for sure. It won’t be quite as British as it once was.

    • You’re very welcome to stay in Texas IY. You can even call it home even though y’all talk funny.

      • We’re moving, MC. The decision’s been made.

        Hopefully we’ll be gone either this year or by spring next year.

        Been back in Texas for 4 years and it just hasn’t worked out for us for a variety of reasons. A pity but that’s the way it is.

        Can’t wait to move to our own private island in Hawaii.

      • Greetings LL.

        We’re staying in the US.

        I wouldn’t move back to the UK for a number of reasons.

        My quality of life and standard of living would drop significantly. My disposable income would be halved. I’d be exposed to the NHS which is a joke (sorry DCI – but it just is). I couldn’t afford the car I drive over here in the US. The weather would be shittier. Taxes would be higher. I couldn’t afford to buy the property we’ll be buying in the US (semi-rural, 5+ acres). The list goes on.

        One of the big differences between the US and UK is attitude. Over here, there’s a can-do and ‘just do it’ approach to life. In the UK it’s a constant game of ‘gotcha’ (e.g. speed cameras, shops closing early, can’t get hot food in a pub after 8PM, etc. etc. etc.). There always seems to be a hundred reasons why you can’t do something or go somewhere or pick something up or have something delivered or …..the list goes on.

        Whenever I visit the UK, it’s always quite exciting for a few days. I see friends and family, enjoy a pint or several, gorge on sausage rolls, proper cakes, BBQ Beef Hula Hoops (a major weakness) and enjoy the novelty of it all. But I must admit, the UK gets annoying pretty quickly. It’s so repressive and restrictive. When you’re not used to it, it really grates on your nerves. After a week I can’t wait to get on a plane and get back to the US. I’ve been away too long and I just don’t fit in anymore. Sad but true.

  11. Austria sounds fantastic, I love it there, wonderful countryside, friendly and humorous people, skiing, loads of naked women in the saunas, great wine and fantastic weather. There is a natural bias against non-locals, I am told buying property there is difficult and I suspect they might not be as welcoming if they know you are not going.

    • Been skiing in Austria a few times. Always had a really great time.

      The look and feel of those charming ski villages is just wonderful.

      Happy times.

    • Lived in Vienna for two years. If you learn German, and generally make the effort to fit in, healthcare is excellent, the place is constantly rated one of the very best cities to live in great food and drink (local wine and beer equally good), the police are good, the place is generally low crime, you feel safe walking around.
      I am homesick for Switzerland; however, with cardio surgery due between now and Christmas, no guarantee I’ll see the other side. Oddly, am quite zen about this…
      GB is fucked, with some very nasty stuff dribbling down the country’s thighs.
      Here in Wales, Dripford has said that he must be able to justify replacement farming subsidies to Bongladeshi taxi drivers in Cardiff.
      I would say, as taxi drivers in Cardiff may well get Welsh-speaking fares, is a taxi licence dependent upon the wallah having a basic certificate in spoken Welsh?
      No, I thought not.

  12. So many people are feeling the same, basically our main purpose is to support most of the Worlds population. Get fucked up mentally or physically in some cunt of a war which the persons you are supposedly aiding, spend most of their time trying to kill you and hate you, and once you pull out the lot that you kicked out are back in and most of the government that you assisted have fuckfed off with oodles of money, ours
    Play second fiddle to every other cunt that racks up here, be ignored by the pack of cunts who claim to be our leaders hells bells the list of complaints is endless. Everything is going free speech has already gone if your an indigenous inhabitant or your White or a aBlack person who speaks out against the narrative your a nazi bigot bastard.
    Time to beat the plough shears into swords.

      • Gutless marmalade, popular in house of cunts and very popular in the House of Lords of the expenses fiddle for pointless existence. Boil the lot in slurry.

  13. Techno has seen the fatal flaw of socialism/Marxism. The INCENTIVE to produce is destroyed in the parasites as they are handed a living wage for nothing. The INCENTIVE is destroyed in the producers because they see the fruits of their labor being taken and given to lazy cunts.
    It’s burning the candle at both ends. It kills the goose that lays the golden egg.
    It’s shameful, depressing, counterproductive, wrong, sad, cuntish, frustrating, and infuriating.
    But I will continue to be a producer. I couldn’t live with myself being a parasite. But I am fucking pissed off that’s for sure.

  14. Austria or Hungary for me. Far right nationalistic governments, anti immigrants, non woke and speak their minds. This country was actually finished in the 1950’ and 60’s and onwards with with immigration, legal or otherwise. We were warned but they knew best didn’t they?? What a wasted opportunity to make this country great after WW2. From 1997 the country was brought to its knees by Bliar and his cronies. Then we have the present government, more like the emperors new clothes. I have no interest in the present leadership contest. The same false promises, media sound bites and bullshit. How can anybody fix 60 years of mis management? All self serving bastards to a man. A white working class working man is a cash cow for the feckless, idle and criminal. Now we have woke, LGB UWVXYZ, non male or female, the moronic left. Just fuck off you simple cunts.

  15. Superb cunting, and what’s ironic in all of this is that a Hindu cunt is probably going to get the keys to No. 10 with his greedy slapper of a wife (who ironically is a non-dom – WTF!!!) by his side.

    • India gained independence 75 years ago and now it looks like we’ll have an Indian prime minister. Churchill must be spinning in his grave.

      • For sure, and when those cunts realise he’s in they’re going to want to come over in their droves.

      • Yep. An imposter PM and an imposter London Mayor. You couldn’t make it up.

        Obviously I don’t follow the 24 hour news cycle in the UK, but last I saw some slag called Truss looked likely to get the PM job. I hope she does, just to see the look of distain on the sun tan’s face at having been beaten by a woman.

    • I bet Wishy Washy’s wife will demand new wallpaper to replace the rubbish Carriantoinnette insisted upon at great expense.

  16. its happening, the disquiet that is, throughout European countries, among the contributing productive peoples. i feel something is coming.
    Something locally interesting happened in my home town recently in that an ambulance was requested for someone who was feeling unwell in the Ukrainian refugees that were staying in large numbers in a very modern upmarket hotel.
    On arrival the ambulance driver noticed one of the women staying in the hotel was familiar to him from before.
    it then dawned on him and he informed the official that that women was married and had been living on benefits with her husband and children in a house in the city for the last ten years.
    he told the unreceptive official that he had 24hours to report this or he would do it himself.
    it turned out to be true and the husband was renting out the house that they were getting for fuckall ,to a different set of people, while she and her children were staying full board in a luxury hotel.
    the lying cunts were caught red handed by the ambulance drivers cop on.
    Suppressed naturally by MSM but lessons have been learned

    • All that training, all those skills, and still an ‘Ambulance Driver’?

      I take my hat off to my colleague.

      • the whole town that works in the regional hospital(University hospital nowadays Hah) and post office were talking about DCI.
        fucin truth

      • Sorry, Mecuntry, you’ll have to explain that? (PS, I refer to myself as an ‘Ambulance Driver’ most of the time, if I admit to doing what I do for a living).

      • And the only difference between my colleague and I would be that I’m fucked if I’d have given them 24 hours.

      • the whole town was talking “about it” , DCI i meant it as, not about DCI as the typo on my behalf looks. cunt of a thing sometimes typing stuff , and thanks for giving me the opportunity for clearing that up
        The people that work in the emergency services DCI. were all suddenly aware when one man pointed out the truth and fair play to him, it was handled after that.
        People need to realise that the power is actually in their hands if handled with care.
        Cheers DCI and best of luck

  17. Cheer up Techno its tax free Friday!

    I couldnt live anywhere else,
    Because I dont like foreigners and get homesick stepping out my door.

    In Holland they put peanut sauce (pinder) on chips,
    Not even got gravy!!

    I couldnt live like that.?

    • My mum always used to tell me the story of when I was about 4 or 5 and on the bus going through a particularly diverse area of Peterborough asking loudly “Are we in India?”.

      That was over 30 odd years ago and my old self would now be asking “Are we in England?”.

      • You were a disgusting little racist LL.

        You should be prosecuted for historic hate crimes.

      • I was in a little scarlet tunic and pith helmet at the time with a pop gun rifle.

        Different times, Miserable.


      • When I was a toddler my mother took me down the town shopping. In the town we happened to meet one of my numerous aunts. She leaned down over my pushchair and said something to the effect of: “What a lovely little boy!” I looked up and said clearly and distinctly, “Arsehole!”

      • My 5 year old daughter commented that there were “too many black faces” when I had to take the wife to King’s College Hospital in Londonistan a couple of months back.

    • Sadly, if you go to the Netherlands, you’ll have to learn to sing Freude, schone Gotterfunken. They are too keen on that.
      However, Rowan Atkinson did a good video.

  18. I was the same as you Techno … I knew what was happening, but what could I do about it? After almost 30 years of doing it I couldn’t really fuck off to somewhere else, my kids were just starting their own adult lives and I wouldn’t leave them. So I decided to be mercenary about it – started coining it in as a “consultant” (fuck off – it was a con, but there were thousands doing it so why shouldn’t I!) and told everybody else to fuck off. After ten years I had stashed enough to retire, so I did – and told everybody else to fuck off.
    Since then, in the last twenty years, I have reached my twilight years and things have really gotten even worse and I am concerned about the country that my grandkids may decide to stay in.
    But why are we in this fucking mess? Isn’t it our fault? Your views and just about everyone else’s views here are the same views that are held by 99%+ of the adult British population. Poll any pub audience at any time, and they will ALL agree.
    So why do we put up with the fucking dozy, fucking wimp, fucking woke-sucking governments that we do? I’m no fascist (though I do recognise that my views are somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun), but surely there is some multi-billionaire that would fund a new party – then it would be up to us via the electoral system to bring that party to power. Things would then change and those that didn’t like it – could fuck off. Wouldn’t it create the kind of country we want to see? Why don’t we do it? Surely it’s because we’re fearful of doing so?
    I understand why the millions of Russian and Chinese put up with their lot – it’s because they don’t have the electoral opportunity to do what I suggest. But we do. Why oh why? Can anyone explain why we don’t do it?
    Sorry for the rant …

    • Apathy I feel got even worse after Trump lost the last US election. We rejoiced when he first got in, although not our leader, he was nationalistic, anti woke, anti illegal immigration, said what he thought and wasn’t afraid to drain the swamp. We thought maybe that some of this would rub off on our country. This couldn’t be allowed to continue. Career politicians, the woke left and woke media contrived to get him removed from office. A businessman cannot be allowed by the left to run a country. This all showed to me what self serving bastards they are. They are now reaping what they sowed with the present state of the world.

      • You’re exactly right, Bob.

        I accept Tango wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Hardly presidential in his demeanor, a little uncouth and a lot bombastic – BUT – he did great for America and started to reverse the damage done by that cunt Barry Obastard. And what happened? Practically the whole world turned on him. He was a massive threat to the status quo, the swamp if you will, and the swamp turned on him like we’ve never seen before.

        Biden was always going to be a fuck up. If anyone thinks enough of the American electorate voted for what has happened since that senile old cunt took over, you are sadly mistaken. It was the ultimate manipulation to get Trump out of the way.

        My only hope for America is if Trump rises again or someone similar picks up where he left off. I do believe that without the pandemic, Trump would have cruised to a victory so massive even the manipulators couldn’t have swung it the other way. Covid was a freak occurrence and without it, Trump would still be in power. I just hope the mid terms will massacre the Dems and start the reversal of what those cunts have done to this once great nation.

      • Thanks IY. Here’s hoping Trump runs again. The reaction from the woke left would be something to behold if he got in again.

  19. I agree.Bin off the utterly useless “Civil Service”.Drain the swamp at Troughminster.Send all the dirty goat shaggers back to Africa.Vote for P.M Fox.

  20. Bearing in mind our next PM will be an Indian, who wants to be a Yank (and therefore doesn’t give a fuck about Great Britain)we’ll have no chance of stopping the tide of immigration, or stopping the rot that Tony Blair (CUNT) started in 97′.

    More to the point, the opposition (Dame Kweer Starmonkey) will of course accelerate the decline WHEN he comes to power in a couple of years time.

    The UK is like a giant public lavatory-full of the shit from across the planet!

    We need to flush it, by getting rid of all the shit and start again.

    That starts with ditching this rigged two party system together with the bullshit traditions/laws that tie us up in knots and allow cunts whom are not born here to rule the roost and dictate to us what we can and can’t do.

    I’d advocate making a start with the Labour party, that party that has done more damage to the UK and its people than Hitler’s bombs ever did…………

    • Not one of the self serving bastards gives a toss about Great Britain, it’s all about lining their pockets and we can all fuck off until they want our vote, then they’ll lie about what they’re going to do for us. And the way they’re going about things they will ‘do for us’. They will also do for themselves but they’re too stupid to realize that.

  21. When the people of any country see their national flag as being racist, when they allow their history to be rewritten and when they bastardise their own language then that country is finished.

    Although no longer a British citizen I am proud to have been born in England.
    There is so much to be proud of.

    It’s immensely disappointing to watch what is happening to the country of my birth.

    I often hope for civil unrest in Great Britain where normal people will demonstrate that enough is enough, but I honestly think that people have now been beaten into submission.

    So sad.

    • You are living in a foreign country.

      You are surrounded by foreigners.

    • Not quite sure what part of Spain arty lives in but in my quiet little corner, life is great. Fucking hot, but great. The locals are friendly, helpful, fun to have a beer or two with, not lovers of nognigs, muzzies or pikies. I too hate what England has become, not the country I grew up in, so rather than complain about it constantly, I moved.
      Best thing I did

  22. I’m hoping to win the Euro millions, and buy a private Island, other than that, I’m hoping to be dead.

    • Switzerland would do for me, but just to rent a cheesey, chocolatey, kirschy corner

    • Let’s hope your dreams come true, why should Epstein have all the fun?

  23. This country has been finished by its own inhabitants,- its indigenous people.

    Its demise has been accelerated by the myriad of scum that we, and various politicians, have allowed or encouraged onto our shores.

    You cannot fully blame the foreigners for taking advantage of our weaknesses. This place is perceived as paradise, the land of milk and honey.
    And a fucking soft touch, to put it lightly.

    To paraphrase Enoch Powell, “we must have been out of our minds”.

    A mere 50 odd years later, crikey, was that man correct in his assumptions?

    50 years to head completely and utterly down the shitter.

    This country has been flushed away to the treatment works, and has been remodelled into a giant mutant turd of its former self.

    And if I see another accessible Ukrainian flag flying, I’m setting fucking fire to it, – or putting a Hammer and Sickle in its place.

    Where are your hard-earned taxes being spent? Squandered on causes and hopeless beings you probably couldn’t give a two shits about.

  24. Good nom. I asked myself the same question today. The answer to me is there is no point. So I’m gonna fuck off and live somewhere else where David baddiel and Gary Lineker can’t shit on my mojo. Or just step in front of a train.

  25. Brilliant, thought-provoking, articulate cunting. A damning indictment of the state of Britain, and its inexorable slide into the gutter. It’s a good thing those who sacrificed themselves for this once great country during this and the last century, cannot witness the shithole it has now become. The truly depressing point, is that it’s going to get worse.

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