Uncle Tom

“Uncle Tom” has been used or insinuated against Chief Justice Clarence by 3 BLACK commentators. Samuel L Jackson, Lori Lightfoot, Whoopie Goldberg.

The most offensive comment by Jackson–‘How’s Uncle Clarence feeling about overturning Loving v Virginia??!!’

That refers to the legalisation of interracial marriage. Lightfoot ‘(‘Fuck Clarence Thomas’), Mayor of Chicago couching Abortion ‘rights’ with the fight against slavery. And Goldberg reminding Thomas that black people were only considered ‘a quarter of a person’ by the Constitution or something back in the day.

Anyway he’s an ‘Uncle Tom’ figure doing the bidding of his white Masters.

In his Senate hearings all those years ago he accused those left wing politicians of a ‘high tech Lynching’ for those ‘uppity blacks’ who dare to think differently. Meaning Conservatively.

He is married to a white woman.

How hateful all three are.

Switching it a bit to Candace Owens. She really nails how Blacks have been enslaved again. But this time by white liberal Democrats. Keeping them fed on a diet of past injustice. Keeping them down by destroying initiative. Oppressing them by making the case they are ‘different’ and need special pleading.

A recipe for despair.

It is like the Abortion debate. Those on the Pro- Choice side really are saying we must have it (even though it is morally reprehensible) because we need women to able to get out of a fix. It’s quick. It takes care of the ‘problem’.

The same with Democrats funding Black organisations who just perpetuate Grievance. It’s quick and easy. It takes care of the ‘problem’.

A counsel of despair for both.
You have got to work at life’s problems.

Fox News Link 1

Fox News Link 2

You Tube Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

73 thoughts on “Uncle Tom

  1. Candace Owens is lush. She’d shag your brains out then make you a fine dinner and homemade pudding.
    Why can’t alot more black women be like her? She’s a fantastic role model for black girls to aspire to.

    • Agree Thomas, I like Esther Krakue as well. Attractive right-wing/conservative smart black women who don’t have a victim mentality are the sort other black women should look up to, not the Flabbotts and Dawn Butlers of this world.

      • I’ve just googled her…very nice indeed.
        I see fit back ladies being visited in Pornhub this evening.

      • Good Lord above.

        I’ve just had a quick search myself.
        Esther is an absolute cracker isn’t she.

      • Esther pops up on GB News quite a bit.
        Imagine knocking one out to GB News instead of Pornhub…??????

    • I’d bang the fuck out of Candace Owens…… or she’d ruin me….. one or the other.

  2. White liberals have a very paternal, condescending attitude to blacks but most blacks are too fucking thick to see it.

    • Im not sure what this is about if im honest Miles.

      Is it blacks moaning again?

      Uncle Tom
      Uncle Remus
      Chicken George
      Papa smurf
      Huggy Bear

      Its all zippedydohdah,
      Name callings not much in the scheme of things.

      I got called a ‘ignorant motherfucker’ once.
      Didnt cry about it.
      Just grinned.
      They were spot on?

      • I do get frustrated at that CC. They are a bit thick.

        Like the white English working class sticking with Labour.

        And if you dont you are a ‘trator to your class’

        Same with the Blacks in America. They remain loyal to the Democrats because they’re supposedly on their side.

        And if you choose to vote Trump or Republican you’re branded an ‘Uncle Tom’.

      • The same Democrats that were pro slavery in the Civil war and founded the KKK?

    • That header pics off uncle Bens rice isnt it?

      Uncle Sam Jackson portraying him in some film?
      Ill look forward to that!

      • Say pilau rice one more time..I dare you..
        I double Dare you motherfucker..
        Could be a oscar winner..

      • Yes Miserable since they got rid of Uncle Ben’s picture from packaging, they are bringing out a ‘Where’s Wally?’ type book where Samuel will appear in random crowd scenes like a BLM riot or police raid and you have to find him!

  3. Stirring up racial discord is part and parcel of the lefts modus operandi.

    It usually comes down to taking normal peoples money off them and giving it to troublesome minorities to keep them quiet after they’ve been whipped into a frenzy by their masters.

    All aided and abetted by actors and such,who know best and are required to tell us off a lot.

    Oven the cunts.

  4. Are liberals saying that someone’s ethnicity should automatically determine their political views and voting habits? Isn’t that racist??

    • I don’t think any of the contenders share my manifesto, maybe Braverman is the closest.

      The usual cunts getting upset about Andrea Jenkyns giving the protesters the finger, fucking good on her, about time ?

      • Rishi.

        ‘I have no friends that are working class’

        I like his honesty there.

      • I confess I had never heard of Morley and Outwood until today, but if I lived there Andrea would be guaranteed my vote.

        And as for the teachers, fuck ’em.

        Those that can do…..

  5. Allied to this is the very real threat of assassination of one of the Conservative justices. Kavanaugh has already been a target. He was run out of a restaurant the other day. His house constantly picketed.
    And what does Biden do? ‘Keep protesting’. Encouraging people it seems.
    It is of course illegal to harass anybody lke this. But no-one is arrested.
    I think we’re very near a ‘post-Constitution’ America.

    • I think we are near a civil war in the US.
      A recent poll stated that the majority of Americans are expecting it.
      NRA figures on firearm and ammunition sales in the last 6 months, do seem to back up this pejorative feeling.

  6. When they (chippy soots and the offended on their behalf white libtards) stop banging on about fucking slavery and reparations there could be some change, it doesn’t help anyone.
    The ones who call people Uncle Tom are the problem not the ones talking sense, I still remember the black woman in Washington giving the BLM protesters some stick, made good viewing ?

  7. That Lightfoot bitch is one crazy looking lezza. I wouldn’t want to bump into her down some dark alley. To her the white male is the enemy, unless of course they are rich and can help her climb the greasy pole. She also hates the Police, except when they are guarding the streets around her mansion.
    If anybody is an Uncle Tom it’s that fucking hypocrite bitch.

      • That someone like that can gain high office shows that America is fucked, it’s over. No one of sound mind will ever get power in America as long as the the corruption of gov and media is in place as a standard not exception. America is totally corrupt in every way now, very sad. Civil War Redux! Make it happen!

  8. I wouldnt worry about it Miles.

    Yanks are puddled especially the black ones.
    It looked a lovely place in the 1920s and 30s,
    Less uppity.
    But its fucked now.

      • Hehehe,
        Harold Lloyd, segregation,
        The charleston,
        And someone pumps your petrol at the garage!

      • Were you there when Harvey Price was on top of the Empire State swatting all those planes?

      • Know that Al Capone?
        Hes responsible for sell by dates on milk in the US .

        No shit.
        Google it.

        Fuckin gangsters done more than most politicians.

  9. That Candace Owens is one hot bird with a proper brain. I understand she is married to a whitey……and an Englishman to boot!
    Lucky lucky lucky bastard.

  10. I’ll pass.
    Im a pretty laid back liberal type of bloke,
    But my winky is a right neonazi.

    Not even a twinge.

    • You must have the gayness. See a doctor at once. Go private if you have to.

  11. Candace Owens and Clarence Thomas are exactly what the black, victim playing race baiters hate and are terrified of – conservative black people with a moral compass and a functioning brain in their head and no chip on their shoulder.
    Had quite a bit of interaction with Candace Owens when I was on Gab (no longer on it – Andrew Torba is a shill, anti Semite nasty little cunt pretending to be “a Man of God” and I will not grace his redneck hate site with my presence).
    Compare Clarence Thomas to Amy Coney Barrett – a traitor rat who pretended to be right wing to be elected to The Supreme Court then promptly put a knife through Trumps heart.
    Enemies come in all colours, as do friends.

  12. If a black wishes to be as far from an Uncle Tom as it’s possible to be, logic dictates a flight to Africa and the abandonment of all western possessions and services. At the end point of this line of thinking stands a nice mud hut situated a four hour walk from some dirty water.

    So come on Mr Jackson you “bad mother fucker”, are you willing to let go of your Hollywood home, multiple expensive cars, kids private education etc? After all, these things were all created by whitey which you earned through one of the industries created by the white devils.

    No? Shut the fuck up then hypocrite.

    There’s so much bleating by the umbongos and their pet knee takers these days. Here’s a nice, simple idea they can’t seem to grasp; IF YOU DON’T LIKE US AND OUR SOCIETY, GO AND LIVE IN AFRICA!

    …but we all know they won’t. As much as they claim to hate us, they couldn’t live without us.

    • If you can find an early DVD of Die Hard 3, Jackson’s character has the racism argument with McClain and loses, looking rather stupid in the process.
      Later issues of the film have the dialogue trimmed slightly…

    • Same goes for the woke and disgruntled whites. Ultimately we all originated out of Africa.

  13. Amazing, isn’t it?…

    They can call themselves and each other ‘Uncle Tom’ ‘Choc Ice’ and even ‘Ni**ger’ as much as they like. Yet, if whitey does it, they will be burning looting raping shooting, as Bad News once sang.

    • He needs to dilute all that jizz he’s swallowing with some Robinsons juice to stop the leg cramps…the england football team swear by it..

    • Did he get a little overzealous in trying to shove his entire leg up Schofield the Brave’s ringpiece?

      Or maybe he slipped on the piss soaked floor of a public lavatory, after hanging around in there for 3 days?

  14. Nauseating little fa**ot. It’s hard to believe his father was a professional footballer and coach. What the fuck happened there? Wokegate wasn’t around in those days.

  15. Vernon, don’t forget Thomas Sowell.
    Another voice of reason is Larry Elder.

    • Thomas Sowell demolishes all the crap that BLM retards spout. He basuically says, “no one is stopping any black person from succeeding in America,” and he’s right. I mean, we saw a black President, in Obama became a reality. But since then, many black “activists” have acted like it’s still 1902 with lynchings all over the land. Tiresome.

      • Stockports most famous negro is David Dickinson.

        We put him in jail because he wouldnt behave.

      • David Dickinson is like an Oompa-Loompah crossed with a 1920s ventriloquists dummy!

  16. Very good by Admin to choose a picture of Jackson with the words ‘Uncle Tom’ underneath him.

    For he is the new ‘Uncle Tom’. Beholden to his Liberal Hollywood Elite Masters.

  17. Samuel Jackson is a one trick pony actor. He can shout and swear. That is the sum total of his acting talent.

    • “Beetlejuice” is her nickname stateside General. Chicago; another Democrat toilet.

      • She certainly is a “challenging wank” LL?

        I hope you are keeping well hydrated outside, LL?

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