Theresa May (29) – Interim PM?


Express News Link

How could any Torfy, sober I hope at midday on Thursday really want this perncious woman back at the helm?

It was HER grovelling and appeasing the EU that caused the original problems in implementing Brexit, now some of the cunts – probably Jeremy Hunt and the absurd Tobias Ellwood – the pompous windbag, spawn of Ducky Dominic Grieve.

This seems a trick to try hyet again to derail Brexit. If you have a Conservative MP the message is clear: tell them SAY NO TO THERESA THE APPEASER

Nominated by: W.C. Boggs

108 thoughts on “Theresa May (29) – Interim PM?

  1. Not this hunchback fuckin remainder cunt?!!
    Are all Tories self harmers?
    From a massive mandate to handing Labour a guaranteed win.
    They deserve to lose.
    Bunch of bedwetting spastics.

  2. Huntā€¦ā€¦.fuck off

    Ellwoodā€¦ā€¦. bollocks

    Mavis May?ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Good God no!!!! Not that weak as piss, hopeless remoaner. Weā€™ve just got rid of one what do we want another fucking one for?
    They never give up do they? Cunts.

  3. Really would like Jacob in the seat, but as it was he who backed Boris to begin with it’s not likely to happen.

    I would like to see “The Honourable Member for the early 20th Century” instil some proper stiff upper lip like we used to have, and deal with the fuzzy wuzzys properly.

    He would tear Qu**r-Harmer a new one at the despatch box.

    I don’t think he’s a cunt

    • Jeez i can’t think of anyone more beffiting the sobriquet Cunt than that grifting shit-weasel.His dad was a major propagandist for the Rothschilds to boot.When wankshafts like jrm are excused boots from a cunting you know we’re up a certain creek without a certain instrument ? These people are actors.

  4. What will really make my day is Durham Police giving Dame Keira a fixed penalty for Beergate. Two cunts gone for the price of one. Marvellous.

    Treeza for interim PM? I’ve got more fucking chance.

  5. The powers at be WILL NEVER GIVE UP TRYING To Get GB BACK IN The EU CESSPIT…..?

    Fuck up….

  6. “It is fatal to attempt to govern on principles which are absolutely the opposite to those on which you were elected”

    Enoch Powell MP

    the Turk should of taken note to avoid this cuntishness!

  7. Absolutely no way. The Tories will be finished forever. Plus, after the trouble she had last time round, would she even want the job? This just sounds like wishful thinking from Remoaners or the MSM having a wind-up.

  8. Someone out there is playing silly buggers. Absolutely NO chance of May getting the gig. Raab will be interim PM if anyone is.

  9. Michael Gove has ruled himself out of standing for leader. Digging up the monkeypox ridden corpse of Fred West would be more popular than that traitorous maggot.

    • Good old Govesterā€¦ā€¦..remained a sly backstabbing fucking bastard right to the end. 10/10 for pure cuntishness.

  10. Fuck em all cunts Jezza steptoe for me now..

    Free money for everyone boat cunts welcome Germany to call the shots for us all.

  11. Boris is digging in, heā€™s got a cabinet and he is staying until the autumn, donā€™t you just love it.

    The Russian ambassador has given him his best wishes ?

    Raab and Gove are not going to run for leader, who the fuck would want it, Mrs May perhaps ???

    And to sum up probably 75% of the country couldnā€™t give a shit, well we do have a cost of living crisis.

  12. No no no no no please God no not the Maybot.She can stick her kitten heels up her arse.Larry the cat for PM.

  13. Let’s have an election wrestling contest. Penny Mordaunt vs Angela Raynor in a paddling pool filled with custard outside the House of Commons with Dianne Abbott refereeing atop one of those tennis umpire high chairs. Loser is the one who is held down and receives a custardy fisting.

    • A farting contest would probably be the best way for both Conservative and Labour. I’m sure Kweer Charmer only got the job because he dropped one after a weeks diet of baked beans, processed peas and sulphur. There is a hole in the back of his Y Fronts to prove it.

  14. Iā€™m emigrating if that treasonous emaciated hunchbacked witch gets her claws onto the keys to No. 10. If she does, as a welcome gift, I hope Boris drops his guts on the prime ministerā€™s desk.

  15. Tubby Johnson is the only one with gall enough to announce his resignation then state he is not going to resign – his arrogance, narcissism and psychopathy are off the scale and I believe he is a truly dangerous Man – he will be sticking a lot of knives in before tubby is levered out.
    May got the boot for being fucking useless last time, the hunchback spineless bitch completely ruined our chances of getting any kind of decent or fair deal and didn’t have the guts to tell the EU to stick their poisoned chalice up their arse.
    I wonder if Cressida Dick will be applying?

    • It will piss off Starmer, Davey and wee Jimmy, so on balance I like it ?

      Starmer will be fucked at PMQs, resign, resign, resignā€¦.. he already has so what you gonna ask next ???

      • So they trot out a new equally repellant specimen from the Fabian society or Bar.It’s all a charade, they get their orders from the Club of Rome and Committee of 300 anyhow.Amazing how folks still aren’t grabbing this and playing along with the delusion ?

  16. Makes little difference, they’re all a bunch of useless cunts.

    Get Brexit done?

    Yeah we got done, alright.

    • I think a better bet than Theresa May would be Sir Tony Blair. His politics have moved to the right in recent years, he’s got a reputation for integrity second to none and he’s loved by the British people.

      • Allan mate, a sub-saharan African would have the IQ to tell you are taking the piss. You left out the fact he believes in the sky fairy.

  17. Itā€™s a sweet irony innit? Boris, the famous cocksman, is finally brought down by some dirty little turd burglar who no cunt has ever heard of. A beautiful tale of modern politics.
    You couldnā€™t make it up.

    • It was his handling of the turd burglar issue that brought him down, not the turd burglar himself. If he’d simply said he’d fucked up in appointing the turd burglar as assistant whip rather than lying about it, that would have been the end of it. But no, he had to lie about it his role in the matter and send his colleagues out to lie for him, no wonder they’d had enough. He is a congenital liar by default, that is what brought him down. Instead he blames everyone else.

    • I suppose that you could make it up but youā€™d need a weird imagination.
      BTW , the no brain influencers who got into the tiny mind of Mrs Jellyfish must be shitting themselves as a career of stacking shelves at Tesco beckons.

      • i’m sure they’ll be alright. These people have never set foot in Tesco to go shopping, let alone think of working there.

    • Bet he’s celebrating?
      No one hates Boris like Domino Cummings.

      He’s weird isn’t he?
      Psycho and bit gay.

      “I’ll destroy you you beastly man, you broke my heart!”

      Fuck me, get over it you soft cunt.

  18. Why the Tories keep ignoring their star player, Jacob Rees-Mogg is beyond me.

    He would make an excellent PM.
    banishing dole scroungers to the work house, using illegal immigrants for medical experiments, forcing orphans up chimneys and into the workings of cotton Mills, the return of the gold standard, legalising opium and cocaine as medicines and giving out marijuana to solve women’s monthly pains.

    Anyone who disagrees gets sent to the nut house.

    What’s not to like?!

    • Jacob Rees – Mogg is a Roman Catholic, so thus can not be the leader of HM government, that’s why St Tony had to wait to leave office before crossing to the dark side!

      • Is that so cap’n? I knew the monarch wasn’t supposed to be a catholic. It makes clear why the creep kept schtum when he was PM and why his opo that alcoholic nut case Alastair Campbell said; “We don’t do god”.

      • Sadiq Khan is a filthy Muslim and the utterly incompetent, vertically challenged, divisive fuckwit mayor of our capital city.

        A dead sewer rat could do a better job.

        Not entirely sure I get your point CQ.

      • Boris and Carrie (doesnā€™t live here, anymore) are both Cat-licks?

    • Open up a dozen new coal mines and start Drax burning the stuff, build a dozen of real fucking dirty smoke ridden new power stations.
      Anchor a fucking great floating platform in the channel and declare it a safe space for illegal immigrants, capacity of 500, any more and its swimming back to the French coast ?

      Ban shitty electric cars and start fracking and drilling more oil and gas in the North Sea.

      Arrest wee Jimmy and put her in the tower and get queeny to say orf with her head

      Any Cunt who wants to change gender is given free electric shock therapy until they come to their senses

      If only carlsberg did PMs.

    • Mogg capitulated at the third attempt to get Maybot’s Brexit surrender through parliament, so no.

      • If anything, Mogg is an even bigger charlatan than Johnson, but mercifully without the charisma.

  19. Nasty old business, politics. I’ve heard lots of Remoaners crowing today, even that Death-in-a-suit Hesltine who made a career out of back-stabbing.

    I hope death is near for this soon-to-be maggot-infested cunt.

  20. Whatever happened to Rory Stewart?
    Wasn’t he in the running once, I quite like him for the life he’s had. Privileged I know, but at least he’s done a few things.
    P.S. I expect to be shot down.

    • He is auditioning for a new film, he has high hopes of getting the part of Skeletor, his fall back is as a corpse in the new series of silent witness.

    • I forget who it was exactly, but some cunt on here, actually I think it was Paul Maskinback, described Stewart as having “a head like a witchdoctor’s rattle”, which I found simultaneously hilarious and very true.

  21. None of the above.

    I canā€™t name a conservative of note who has real conservative values. Iā€™m through with voting, voting only encourages the cunts!

    • Absolutely.On my ballot paper I will write None of the above.Piggies at the trough oink oink oink oink oink.Shit gibbons.

  22. This concept goes beyond taking the piss.

    May was replaced by Johnson ostensibly to ā€œget Brexit doneā€. What he did was to push the same God awful ā€œdealā€ that May capitulated to into statute. Nobody called him out for this at the time (albeit he was nominated on this august site for having stitched the country up with BRINO). So, the political game goes, replace a cunt (who admitted to such) with an out and out cunt (who lied about it) only to revert to the first cunt. NO – it wonā€™t wash if you want the proles to keep pretending that their vote is worth any more than piss in the wind!

    This country is well and truly fucked but Boris sodding Johnson installed gold leaf wallpaper in the no 10 flat in Downing Street so his eco nutter spouse was happy for five minutes at least and now the second most inept prime minister in history (not the worst you note – itā€™s not possible to supplant BLiar on that score) aspires to come back.

    Are we to be denied a ā€œMussolini momentā€? Lampposts and barbed wire are the best thing for all of these self-serving cunts!

  23. Given their shitshow at the last 2 or 3 byelections along with their poor performance in the opinion polls, if May ever sets anywhere close No 10 they will sink without trace come the next election!

    How they can pick a weak-assed two-faced old cunt like her AGAIN is beyond belief. And I can’t believe the 1922 will go for it.

    It also says a lot about the quality of Conservative ministers if all they can find is a bint well past her sell-by date.

  24. Brexit done? Like fuck. Six years on and itā€™s one shitshow after the other.
    Can anyone say they have experienced a single benefit from brexit? I havenā€™t. Lost a third of our online business, travel in Europe is a nightmare now, as is trade, security and pretty much everything else.
    Even though I would love to piss on Steve ā€˜Bray by name, bray by natureā€™ and all the other whining remoaners, if there is a vote to rejoin, I fucking will.
    I voted leave because I hate politicians, and the thought of a few less between me and my paypacket was what influenced my vote, not dumb slogans aimed at retards, like 350 million for the NHS and control our borders.
    And, because of brexit, Scotland and Northern Ireland are more important than England and Wales.
    Whoever gets in will be a cunt. Why? Because they wanted to.

    • The whole issue is there never was Brexit! The UK ostensibly left the EU but agreed to keep paying them, to keep taking their laws and, in addition to the previous status quo, to annex Northern Ireland.

      Whereas, if the EU had been kicked into touch like the voters had wanted advantage could have been taken of free trade, making our own laws, setting our own taxation (come to the UK and pay no tax you big trans-global giants!), etc, etc we could have prospered.

      There was no Brexit we got BRINO. No worries about a charlatan PM delivering that though. He did, however, promote a homosexual predator and that is unforgivable. I struggle with that though. How the fuck does that fit with the Liberal elites darling crusades of LGBT (or whatever the wank they call it now) and [gay] pride. Whatā€™s the fucking difference pray tell?

    • What do you mean no benefit from Brexit? You can now have a nice BLUE passport, manufactured by a French company, in a factory in Poland, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
      Honestly, some people are never satisfied.

  25. A turd on a piece of string would make a better PM than, well, any of them.
    Fourth Reich here we come, grovelling…

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