”Mental health negatively affecting almost half of UK students, according to study”
Oh dear. Too bad. Never mind.
This according to a charidee set up for, guess what? Yes, Mental health issues. So a completely unbiased and scientific survey then. (Money, we want money)
I am a 60s cunt. I knew no fucker with mental elf issues as a student. This is a generation of me me bullshit, encouraged and abetted by charidees and do fuckallers who tell them what they want to hear. And the BBC. When they are not on their fucking tablets or games consoles of course.
The generation before me went to war. Ukrainian youth are fighting the Russian animals. Mbongo is walking 18 miles for a bucket of buffalo piss because his government steals all the aid money. North Koreans are living in hell. I dont hear about their mental wellbeing.
So stick your mental elf issues up your snowflake, non binary arseholes.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
On a slightly different tangent here’s one from Everyonesacunt
After the latest atrocious attack in Denmark ?? I would like to Cunt fuckers who claim to have mental health issues
1 this obviously includes those with access to firearms , especially prevalent amongst peaceful followers.
2 also those scrounging fuckers that use it as a means to collecting a plethora of benefits
3 And finally school and college cunts that use it as an excuse for failing their exams rather than the fact that they didn’t bother to study ? or revise.
Mental health issues as an excuse is a Cunt
(Interesting how that article mentions the nationality of the victims but not of the suspect! – Day Admin)
One of my personalities agrees with you..
The other though says who you calling a nutter..
Speaking from past experience (and maybe it’s just my perception) I think drugs and drug use in general (specifically recreational uppers such as cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine et al) don’t seem to be factored in enough when it comes to (alleged) mental health issues in a lot of younger people.
For every genuine case of depression there’ll be at least 10 cases of “come down” depression where some cunt is basically feeling sorry for themselves and ends up behaving like a mentalist.
The amount of young lads (and lasses but more lads from experience) that have topped themselves over the years and had previously been well known, popular party animal types is seemingly quite high in these parts.
Indeed…artificial chemical drugs are terrible for your body and mind.
Lots of mental health issues could be cured easily and cheaply with psychedelics:
Must be orrible if your genuinely a mental?
Your minds your own worst enemy.
Every day living in hell.
And I do feel sorry for them.
Take the piss like, but sympathy all the same.
Nowadays everyone wears being a headtheball like a badge of honour,
A get out of jail card.
More mardyarse than a windowlicker.
If you hear voices ask them for money, soon shut the fuck up.
And enjoy yourself!
Cheer the fuck up!
Your a nutter,
Milk it!!
Go shopping naked and help yourself without paying,
Have a wank on the main stage at Glastonbury and whipe your baby gravy in Paul mcCartneys hair.
Its a beautiful world?
Maybe they should stick to Tesco own-brand bitter. 2.1%. I drink a lot of it as:
a) it’s cheap
b) will never get you pissed
c) a great drink on a hot day.
You might as well drink tapwater. It’s even cheaper.
Pathetic, weak-willed cissies who are going to be utterly fucked when gay bear Putin shuts off the gas taps this winter.
TtCE@ – Evening Thomas – in these straitened financial times practicalities must be addressed – move a chubby gal in for the winter, much cheaper than putting the heating on!
Make sure she isn’t raving mad though – you could end up like James Caan in “Misery”! (The biggest misery in that film was sitting through the fucking thing).
All fucking bullshit. If you tell people something over and over again they eventually believe it because most people are fucking stupid and can’t think for themselves. That’s how trannies become “courageous heroes,” illegal immos become “refugees” and dead drug dealers become “talented rappers and aspiring architects.”
Tell cunts they have the mental elf and you make them weak, dependent and easily controlled. I’ve got the mental elf tell me what to do please! Notice how rich fuckers never get the mental elf? No, they just lecture the rest of us about it.
It also comes in handy when you want to shut some cunt up. Just stick the label on them and take them away for “treatment “. It’s a massive con perpetrated by massive cunts.
Spot on, CC.
‘Mental elf issues’ is just a Western affectation for a generation with a lifestyle of wealth and comfort unimaginable to our forebears. The mentality is egged on by the Mental Elf Industry which panders to the current trend for victimhood status.
This shit makes me think of what my grandfather went through in a hole in the ground at Ypres with two lungs full of mustard gas while those around him were being killed right left and centre. Did he ever moan about his mental health? Did he fuck.
I could help that Ellie bird in the BBC article, she wouldn’t feel lonely with my winky logged in her throat, it seems every cunt has had the elf issue these days.
Keep on asking if the cunts have a problem and eventually the answer will be yes, having a bad day will be a recognised mental health condition ?
“I killed 327 people last month, Judge.”
“Despicable crimes against humanity, Mr Abdul. Prepare yourself for the most severe of sentences!”
“But it was d’mental elf wot dunnit! And I only got off the dinghy a couple of months ago. And it weren’t my fault the hotel was only 4 star and they didn’t have any 8 year old girls. It made me angry innit!”
“Ah, yes, mental health. You leave me no choice but to let you go with a a £5 fine and the right to sue everyone for tens of millions of pounds. Clear the court!”
Farcical reality. Makes you sick. Some of the biggest criminals in this country are, to my thinking, the fucking judiciary.
Unusually, perhaps, the BBC report on the Denmark shooting had the suspect described as “an ethnic Dane” and included a photo of the cunt with his rifle.
Of course they fucking did.
Posted in response to DA’s footnote re the France24 News Link: “Interesting how that article mentions the nationality of the victims but not of the suspect! – Day Admin.”
Was his wife wearing one of those Grim Reaper costumes?
Sorry, I meant burquas.
In the interests of honesty and transparency, it was in fact a Dane with the elf issues.
My only surprise is, it wasn’t my viking berserker son who lives a couple of miles away.
I don’t think being a mental should excuse you from getting prison or the death penalty anyway.
There is no way you can convince me that Jeffrey Dahmer wasn’t a mental. In the eyes of the law he was sane.
He planned what he did and knew exactly what he was doing. Therefore, ‘sane’
He made sex zombies and ate them.
That makes him a mental, but still put the cunt down like the mad animal he is (was).
Yeah eating the witnesses shows premeditation of his crimes.
Our society is fucked. So much insanity abounding. You’ll see more people signed off for breakdowns over the coming years. We’re in the Last Days, a better world will be born, but with birth comes blood, screaming and a choice of drugs…
Pah….modern “mental health issues” indeed….load of watery shite….both sides of my family had genuine Nutters… one committed to a private asylum before he could stand trial and several instances of ” Oh no,Dear…we do don’t talk about Auntie/Uncle So-and So”.
Dubious “mental health” didn’t stop most of them leading rewarding lives ( although incarceration in a couple of cases did) and doing rather well for themselves.
Nowadays people just need any excuse and they’re crying in Public demanding sympathy.People with real problems tend not to go looking for “Aww,hope you’re better soon,Hun” vindication on facebook…real mental health problems are no trivial thing and sufferers shouldn’t be lumped in with weak,self-indulgent crybabies.
Luckily your not ‘moon kissed’ yourself Dick!
Id say your ISACs poster boy of well balanced mental health!!
I totally agree Dick, I have had mild depression and extreme anxiety for decades now and i sickens me that all those wankers that get help because they went off on one gets on my tits.
I don’t scrounge any benefits, I work and it’s really hard at times but you just fucking get on with it.
Persons such as yourself B are bloody heroic day in day out you cope. Sir for what it’s worth I salute you.
Dust yourself off and man up.
I’ve always thought cunts who top themselves are selfish if they have families who love them.
They put their pain on others and worse, they then beat themselves up forever wondering if they should’ve seen the signs (sometimes there aren’t any, had a mate top himself last year. Nobody saw that coming.)
Some weird ones though. Gary Speed was a weird one. Millionaire. Wife, kids, mansion and manager of Welsh national team and TV pundit. Good looking fella, the world his oyster.
Does himself in out of the blue. Heard a few rumours but I’m saying nowt (probably bollocks).
If things are really bad just fucking talk to someone.
Meanwhile, I just might do myself in if the Mrs doesn’t stop worrying about the cat being out a few hours longer than normal.
Same story here with the cats CB. We have kept cats all the forty-eight years we’ve been married. One of ours went away for a week and strolled back in as if he’d just been out for a quick pee. Still she worries if one of them has been out for a few hours.They have more sense than half the people I know.
The cat came back of course. You’d think royalty had just arrived ffs.
DF-F@ – Evening Sir Fiddler, my best mate nut has very severe prepubescent paranoid schizophrenia – on the meds he is a dribbling wreck (which is simultaneously frustrating and heartbreaking as he is a hugely intelligent Man), off the meds he continually attempts to kill me – can’t say as I blame him, I am a despicable cove!
But he always says sorry when he is released and a bit “less terrifying to the public” – if some of these mardy, weak, soft little fucking “adult” children claiming to “av the menkal elf, init” met nut for 10 minutes they would know what REAL mental illness is.
Smoking this shit is one of the problems today…. harmless, no cunts it isn’t…!
Yup. There’s cannabis out there now that will put you Pluto – permanently. The spliffs of the 60s and 70s were like one or two rungs above tobacco, but the strains of today jet-pack you to the place LSD put Peter Green and Syd Barrett. You see people on the street now who have fried their brain with the super-strong strains. By all means tune out of this matrix, but do it away from me.
Worth a counting I think.
I’ve seen people go from ambitious go getters to unemployed, off on the sick for being mental cunts.
One lad I know keeps his curtains closed and thinks the ‘government’ are watching him. He was taken on a posh getaway by family to Thailand. He thought the Naval frigate docked in the bay near the hotel was there to watch him.
All from weed. It really fucks some people up, but some do handle it.
Seems 50/50 to me if you go mental after sustained use, so fuck that!
‘Worth a cunting’
And so is auto correct.
Fuck off.
Cuntybollocks@ Evening Cuntybollocks – cannabis opens doors which are already there but closed, I have not seen anything credible that it causes mental illness but I believe it exacerbates psychosis in people who already have it.
Yer pays yer money and takes yer choice.
Nowt wrong with Cannabis.
As I mentioned in my earlier comment though – uppers are the absolute fucking devil.
Especially compared to cannabis. The aftermath of, or the sustained use of those can fuck you up big time.
I’ve never known anyone ever get stoned and behave like a nutter but after a weekend on pills I’ve seen people end up in a desperately low way.
I do get the predisposition to schizophrenia/paranoia angle with weed and the general lack of motivation and all that plus it’s certainly not for everyone but I think pound for pound, uppers such as coke or amphetamine deliver an early KO in the destruction of mental health/well being when matched up against cannabis or psychedelics.
Evening CB.
Spot on, Dick. Real mental health issues are absolutely awful, and the cause of a lot of suicides. When you hear the stories behind why some of them are like they are, it’s fucking heartbreaking. Real mental health issues are not to be poked fun of. PTSD is a real cunt. I still have dreams of dead babies and children. Anyone that thinks that mental health problems are a laugh can a) have my nightmares and b) join me in cutting down the corpse of some poor cunt who’s topped themselves over their mental health issues.
DCI@ – Evening DCI – PTSD is indeed a cunt.
I have no doubt PTSD is a nightmare. Pisses me off though when cunts like that ‘tranny’ MP claim they have it because they’re stressed about being a tranny, which caused PTSD and that’s why they ran from the scene of an accident.
You see, he wasn’t pissed when he ran into a tree. No, he had PTSD.
It makes light of real problem I have no doubt those in the medical profession, armed forces and emergency services are genuine cases. I couldn’t do a job involving seeing such things, take my hat off to you.
The worldwide growth industry of mental health supports an army of bludgers. At best many have a diploma in counselling from 3rd tier learning institutions. One of their many rorts is to join 12-Step programs to wrangle future clients and pick up the lingo being blagged from the podium.
I have compassion for genuine sufferers of legitimate neurological and psychiatric ailments. I do not care to contribute to the spongers milking public monies and a wide range of gratis services. Apparently no request or demand is out of order when it comes to their grafting tactics. Cheap housing, transport, GP or specialist doctors and pharmaceuticals, therapeutic services ranging from chiropractic, sports medicine, counselling and physical culture.
I’m 65yo this year and do hard menial work every day. I don’t expect a pat on the back. Activity benefits my wellbeing more than anything else and I understand this. I’ve employed a few cunce over the years. Paid them well too, but unless contantly watched they soon goof off for a bong. But of course they always claim to be struggling with depressive-type issues.
Fuck ’em.
One of my mates killed himself at 27yr.
He was a cracking lad!
Funny, cheeky, girls loved him,
Brilliant Northern Soul dancer.
But his mum died of cancer and he went into depression.
Still had loving family, mates that cared about him,
Tried to help etc
Nowt down.
He once told me it was agony every day,
The poor cunt .
Wouldnt wish that on anyone.
Nor would I, MNC. Way back in my youth a bloke down the beach threw himself into a power station when such installations were often above ground. He had just graduated as a chartered accountant, was a good looking blue-eyed dark haired guy with a great sense of humour. He worked in town for a big firm. Had a good future. And everybody thought well of him.
He lived for three days in hospital after being rescued from the power station. He was charred black. Despite his relative high intelligence he regularly indulged in all sorts of drugs from pot to LSD and heroin.
Having been a professional mentalist for many years just thought I would stick an oar in. During my last “confinement “ three of my fellow travellers aged between 22 and 30 were all suffering from paranoid delusions, depression and basic cuntishness with a big helping of why me, not fair and other such crap.
By sneaky moves on my part discovered that all three were very heavy cannabis users and anything else they could get hold of. Problem solved skunk induced psychosis obviously.
As the age of cannabis addiction seems to be going down each year methinks that would be a reason for the poor little cunts feeling sad etc.
What really pisses me off is that I have to share treatment facilities with the pathetic cunts so have to watch and listen to their rebellion against the system, pretending to self harm, damaging furniture and abusing the staff. This can delay my freedom if I react in a naughty way ie chair across the head.
Used to get a much better class of mentalist.
I got a bit concerned about the gradly lass, she was talking about stuff that worried me. Anyway, it turned out some hard of thinking “professional” had given a talk about effects of the lock downs, and how counselling was available, and being an impressionable 12 year old, had convinced herself there was summat up with her, because she didn’t feel that she was “struggling”.
She’s OK now, but I’d like to kick that fucking “professional” all the way up London Road, the utter twat.
Get the cunts name and I will happily assist in teaching the twat the error of their ideology. Bloody child abuse that’s what 90% of this helpful to the kids is.
Triggered a pretty typical response in some one who was coping OK, kids are often scared of being the odd one out so the poor girl assumes something is wrong because she is not breaking down. How do these useless bastards get access to kids in the first place? Very glad to read she is OK now
Seems to me Jeezum that there are armies of people who make a lucrative living out of this pernicious way of working, creating their non-jobs out of bullshit and thin air. Consider social “workers”. They latch on to people who are on their uppers, tell them it’s not their fault or responsibility and that they can’t change things without the help of said social workers. Psychiatrists and psychologists are the same type as social workers but with a three figure IQ and they deal in what is called appropriately, psychobabble.
Strange isn’t is? The more charidees do for mental health, the more mental health there seems to be…..same with anything nowadays. Which leads me to believe these yoof with issues are either saying they’ve got something ‘wrong’ them because.. A fashionable or B because not having something wrong with you, in some way actually makes you the class weirdo.
Maybe if people didn’t put something in younger people heads that they might have something ‘wrong’ with them, then maybe, just maybe there wouldn’t be such a demand….but the chuggers and other hangers on that take a wage from these charities wouldn’t want than now would they. I am convinced charities don’t really want a total cure for whatever they are campaiging for otherwise they’re fucked.
Self-fulfilling prophecy campaiging is not good for thier careers is it?
When the ‘Admins Wanted’ message pops up now and then it comes with a straitjacket, plastic cutlery and rubber bedsheets.
Along with a knitted sleeveless sweater, a pair of wellingtons and a handkerchief for your head.
You forgot the whippet, and the ferret!
How very fucking dare you?
In fact…here’s a clip of the “Head” Admin interviewing a prospective applicant:
I always thought the interviews for Admins would be like this:
Is it safe?
A few poor fuckers do suffer with mental illness. Mrs Everyonesacunt used to be a sister on acute mental health wards and found more than one poor soul that had hung them selves.
These scrounging woke lazy Cunt s that use it as an excuse can get fucked. So can peaceful murdering scum. Cunts
If you want to avoid “mental health” the best way is to laugh a lot, first thing in the morning. Its like a good breakfast and sets you up for the day.
That’s why I browse this fine website every morning with the first coffee of the day.
Guaranteed a good (sometimes evil) laugh to set me up…
Same. Piss myself laughing at times. Have a look queuing at hospitals, at times. Pt always ask what I’m laughing at! Daren’t tell ’em. Dick Fiddler’s post about Hate filled cunt, The Worcestershire Warrior, on the music thread set me up for the day! Comedy gold!
The obsession with mental health is part and parcel of the obsessive babying of people practiced by governments, local authorities and companies. It’s the same with the “heatwave”. Two days of very hot weather and a national emergency is called. The West needs to man up. The Chinese are laughing their heads off at the West.
We have this fat arsed lezzer at work that is always pulling the mental elf card to the point where she can’t possibly do the job she’s payed for and HR just keep saying there is fuck all they can do about it. We have to deal with this lazy entitled bitch
ff@ – Evening ff – just nick something from one of the managers, say you saw Piggy Dykeworth pocket it and then she threatened you to keep quiet!
Be out the door in 10 hysterical minutes when the search reveals the offending article! ??
My old Dad use say that weak lilly livered cry baby’s all need a spell in the army , that will make men of them and make them shun Bummery unless they join the Navy ??
Did someone mention the army?
Ooh… get you!
“I’ve got drain bamage.” – General G.A. Gumby
GC@ – Howdy General – I heard talk of a free pair of wellies and a hanky?..
Hey Vern,
That’s only partially true. I already bought the wellies.
By the way…completely off topic. I haven’t commented much but I want to say I really like your posts. Keep up the great work!
Cuntster, General (Deceased)
I just read the noms and comments on this site.
I usually send the day either giggling uncontrollably, or utterly outraged.
Healthy reactions, both.
Nowt wrong with my mental Elf.
Spend the day!
Fucking hell!
One of these days I’ll meet the creator of autocorrect and strangle him.
BTW, there used to be a site called
Fuck you, autocorrect. It was hilarious but seems to have vanished. What a shame.
Im a mentalist, otherwise i wouldn’t be here on here, but i never claimed a shilling
the only time i have ever had a doctor look at me was when i was fucked in accident and emergency.
im 57 years old and the next time i see a doctor it will be in accident and emergency.
Never went to a doctor in a private capacity as the cunt would have me on statins and shit for the rest of my life, fuck off cause you aint doctor feelgood, most doctors are part of Pharma
Mental is the carry on
Did the doctor ask you to draw the curtains as your shenanigans were upsetting the other patients???
The only time i saw curtains drawn DCI , around a patient that is, was an old man
I was just 9 years of age after visiting Butlins holiday camp and after the holiday returned home in my parents car with my brothers (yes we had one, as my Dads job required)
I climbed the pillar of the gates at are our humble abode and broke out into the theme song that was played over and over again at Butlins that summer.
“Wheres your Mama Gone
Far far away
Woke up dismornig and my Mama was gone
ooh ooh cha cha oh”
I fell from the pillar and cracked my skull on the concrete driveway
i tried to tell my Mam that i was okay but the bulge from my forehead suggested otherwise.
Rushed to accicdent and emergency i was finally delivered to Xray and it was a stainless steel affair of isolation as the nurse or matron stepped outside, i was never so alone and i felt those shock waves.
I was eventually given a bed in the old mans ward of the regional hospital and all was fine and the nurses were all so kind as they looked at the state of the severe impact to my forehead.
My parents were at this point jaded and advised to leave as observation was now paramount for any complications.
A kind old man approached, when everyone had left the ward and offered me some milky moo sweets, i refrained having attended a christian brother schooling to that point in time.
i told him thanks and replied ” my mam brought me a banana and an orange”
he said ” that’s alright son and get good nights sleep”
The Banana and fucking Orange were gone when i awakened
A right Cunt and little me with injury.
Nasty injury, head injuries. Nasty.
I remember going to a job in a dialysis unit, catastrophic haemhorrage – and it was like a fucking abbatoir, you knew it was bad when the nurses were pleased to see us – HEMS en-route. We’re trying to stem the flow, both of us covered in blood, when we looked around and none of the curtains were drawn around us or any other pt! Fuck me, they were gawping!! Absolutely surreal!
Just to add DCI Gene, the curtains drawn around the old man were for inserting a pointed conical shaped instrument up his penis eye, deep inside him and the groans and discomfort were for all to hear. i saw it all through the refection in the window as it was night time.
it was a nightmare for both of us
Ha ha! A vision you’ve not forgotten!
That experience DCI will never be forgotten and i ve never shared it either until, you asked you Cunt you.
Sorry DCI that’s the other side of the injured skull talking
Suffered with clinical depression and anxiety for thirty years, only in the last ten did I come to terms with it, but did nothing about it, because I thought only neurotic women and weak people sought help or went on medication, which I was convinced would turn people into zombies.
After four years of abject misery with nothing to live for, I was finally convinced by a friend to seek help.
A week later I was diagnosed with the above mentioned and put on a low dose of antidepressants and haven’t looked back.
Much to do with the meds, but also relief that I wasn’t the sociopath I thought I was, and at least some of the cuntish things I’ve said and done over the last thirty years were beyond my control.
I now have the optimism and joy for life I had in my early 20s, and don’t feel in any way a zombie.
Perhaps if I’d been a ‘sissy’ all those years ago, and saw someone about it then, my life would have turned out a lot differently, as I know my frequent bouts of misery have definitely had a negative effect on my career path, and my personal life.
I’m also lucky my friends are mostly from my younger years, and remember the old me, and I’m completely in their debt for putting up with me through the bad times.
The illness has been cheapened by the benefits skum who shamelessly us it as the new bad back, to claim all those sweet extra benefits.
The weed smoking paranoids can fuck off too.
I should add, that four years of abject misery that pushed me to the edge, I never missed a minute of work, and I’ve never used it for an excuse for anything.
It’s nearly a year since seeing that doctor, luckily, because at the time no one was seeing one because of covid and lockdowns and all that shite, and I am so grateful for a second chance at life.
Im luckily seemingly immune to depression,
But knowing my luck if I jumped off a window ledge id probably find happiness halfway down.?
No shame in seeking help if struggling.
The biggest part for me was admitting to myself I didn’t have the answers.
That is as big a deal as any medication. ?
GJ, there’s no shame in seeking help.
I myself needed it when my lovely Mum died, quite unexpectedly.
I tried to deal with it, but Sis finally forced me to go to my GP.
Sometimes, meds are the answer.
This was years ago, but it made me realise that telling someone to pull their selves together isn’t helpful.
You are right, however I come from the old school stiff upper lip idiots, and always came to terms with it by thinking there is always someone else worse off than you.
Know I know that thinking didn’t solve anything.
All good now, even if my situation is the same, the way I think about it is different. ?
GJ. You just described me.
You are not alone, even if you think you are.
My doggo, and cat, make such a difference.
Thanks JP, my three cats that I kept in the divorce definitely helped me not do anything stupid as I was worried about who would look after them.
I knew a few people who have committed suicide, beautiful 20 year old girl I was infatuated with killed herself with a shotgun, two I know set themselves on fire, another two drank themselves to death.
I always thought it was unthinkable until my then wife left me, and at 52, I thought that was it
So, so glad I didn’t do anything stupid. It always gets better.
It does get better and more
I don’t have any problem with people who are really struggling.
Bereavement is an absolute cunt, and you really do need balls of steel to get through that.
I would also imagine that being mugged or burgled would leave you somewhat traumatised, I know being burgled does from personal experience.
It’s them as claim mental health issues to excuse bad behaviour I despise.
You killed someone, no you are just evil.
You raped a child, no you are just evil.
You robbed a post office and bludgeoned someone unconscious, no your just evil.
Lock em all up and throw the key away.
Let em eat each h other alive.
If “Benefit Bob” and “ASBO Tracy” were told that if they claimed to be “mentally ill” the only cure was the removal of an eyeball and a finger without anaesthetic I do believe we would see a significant reduction in these fucking idle chancers.
Real mental illness is truly horrific, I have had far too many friends (all Men) commit suicide and to my deep shame I did not pick up on how bad they really were – feeling overwhelmed with no way out, good lads gone.
TELL someone – it is amazing where kindness can spring from and sometimes all it takes is a word, phone call or text.
Too right, Vern.
When Sis dragged me in front of the Doc, I still wouldn’t speak.
It wasn’t until he told me he’d lost his mother to cancer, too, that I let go.
JP@ – Evening JP – I officially have “mental health issues” after being prescribed anti depressants for three months after my Mother died in 2004 – where are my free pies, or whatever you get?
If they ever looked into the Stygian depths of my mind I would never see the light of day again! ?
Vern, I think you get a free 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house.
The draw back is you have to have/adopt two kids.
My manners.
Evening Vern.
GJ, JP, delighted that you both are doing well now and sincerely wish you the very best for the future. Our elder daughter had a friend at university, a bright, beautiful girl who was being treated for depression. One day without any warning sign that anyone picked up she ended it all. It was no cry for help, she simply stood on the Great Western main line in Berkshire and made sure. She was twenty years old.
However I have to admit that I was also brought up in the stiff upper lip era and I could not conceive of going to the GP and telling her I was depressed, this despite the fact that I am completely comfortable and at ease with her and have always been entirely satisfied with any treatment or advice she has given. Sad really, but I think I’m the same as many other men.
It’s difficult, arfur. Makes you feel weak, somehow. Less than perfect.
I don’t know if I’ll ever get over that feeling.
It does make you feel weak. I have PTSD from over thirty years in one uniform or another. I seem to be a shit-magnet and go to some fucking horrific jobs when some go to gran-downs all the time. Worst thing anyone can say to someone in the emergency services is:
“What’s the worst thing you’ve seen”?
Yeah, I’ll re-live one of the worst days of my fucking life for your entertainment, you cunt. Still, nobody forces me to do the job.
Evening arfur, and thanks.
I think it was only because I was seeking treatment for a minor skin complaint that I was in the surgery in the first place. It was only after going through that and he said ‘anything else I can do for you?’ and I went ‘err…’ and went through the whole story.
It’s not brave, more like overcoming a phobia, and once done, my only regret I didn’t do it years ago.
ISAC is basically Broadmoor online.
Im the only sane one on here.
And im on three goverment watch lists.
Thing is life can be hard, cruel, and break your fuckin heart.
But.. it can be heartbreakingly beautiful too,
It can make you roar with laughter,
Fall in love, be fantastic.
Lifes worth living.
And even when your on your arse
You have to get back up.
Its Friday, hit it!
I bet if we all had to take one of sociopath tests it would keep some eggheads busy for the rest of their careers. Probably find a few new disorders as yet undiagnosed too.