”Mental health negatively affecting almost half of UK students, according to study”
Oh dear. Too bad. Never mind.
This according to a charidee set up for, guess what? Yes, Mental health issues. So a completely unbiased and scientific survey then. (Money, we want money)
I am a 60s cunt. I knew no fucker with mental elf issues as a student. This is a generation of me me bullshit, encouraged and abetted by charidees and do fuckallers who tell them what they want to hear. And the BBC. When they are not on their fucking tablets or games consoles of course.
The generation before me went to war. Ukrainian youth are fighting the Russian animals. Mbongo is walking 18 miles for a bucket of buffalo piss because his government steals all the aid money. North Koreans are living in hell. I dont hear about their mental wellbeing.
So stick your mental elf issues up your snowflake, non binary arseholes.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
On a slightly different tangent here’s one from Everyonesacunt
After the latest atrocious attack in Denmark ?? I would like to Cunt fuckers who claim to have mental health issues
1 this obviously includes those with access to firearms , especially prevalent amongst peaceful followers.
2 also those scrounging fuckers that use it as a means to collecting a plethora of benefits
3 And finally school and college cunts that use it as an excuse for failing their exams rather than the fact that they didn’t bother to study ? or revise.
Mental health issues as an excuse is a Cunt
(Interesting how that article mentions the nationality of the victims but not of the suspect! – Day Admin)
The Moon Miserable! The Moon! Thats where all this Lunacy comes from.
Poor Li Po the famous Chinese poet tried to grasp the moon in the reflection of the river. And fell in and drowned. Mind you he was pissed.
Beware of looking at the moon too much.
It’s all moonshine.
sub•lu•nar•y (ˈsʌb lʊˌnɛr i, sʌbˈlu nə ri) also sub•lu•nar (sʌbˈlu nər)
mundane or worldly.
Not spiritual.
Donne uses the word in his poem ‘A Valediction forbidding Mourning’
‘Dull sublunary lovers’ love
(Whose soul is sense) cannot admit
Absence, because it doth remove
Those things which elemented it.’
‘Whose soul is sense’
Not spiritual see.
My contentious point–if you don’t have a spiritual life you are prone to the vagaries of this sublunary life. And its confusion.
‘It is the very error of the moon. She comes more nearer earth than she was wont. And makes men mad.’
William Shakespeare, Othello
Evening Miles?
Thats what they used to beleive isnt it?
Dont know if theres anything behind it?
The moon influences the tides,
Does it effect people in some way?
You winning Miles?
I thought a lunar tick was an astronauts watch! I’ll get my coat, shall I.
Am ok Miserable. Must acknowledge your very funny comment on the taxi thread. I have lived in attics. You are Anne Frank and I claim…’
I think I was learning the mouth organ at the time.
Certainly no drum kit.
I am always staring at the moon. Do you do that?
Not always but notice it at night when out with the dog,
Lots of bats here.
Im watching them catching moths,
So notice the moon.
Few nights ago it looked a bit orange?
My mental health was all over the place today. For the first time in a year I went into Manchester City Centre. My thoughts included the following:
‘Have I come to Harlem by mistake?’
‘Fucking hell! It’s expensive!’
‘Where are all the pubs that I loved?’
‘Cor! Look at the arse on that!’
‘Or have I arrived in Islamabad?’
‘Harry Styles on sale in Vinyl Exchange?!!’
‘Look at the whammers on her!’
‘Why all this Twat Food? Where’s the chippy?’
‘Fuck me! Students are such fucking knobheads!’
‘Or am I in Bucharest?’
‘HMV are robbing cunts!’
‘And look at the arse on that one!’
‘It’s nowhere near as good as it used to be!’?
Paul Ryder has died,
Missus told me earlier.
I used to love Manchester city centre. Tib St to see the pets. Bottom and top Kings for a pint. Band on the Wall. The City Arms. I think it would shatter me to go back.
It isn’t the same now, Cuntstable.
I heard about Paul, MNC. Met him a few times and he was a good lad. RIP.
Teeth in the law will take care of the mental health excuse and make even the most nutty think hard before acting out.
Whatever happened to “Care in the community?”
Everyone has been
Isn’t it
I love myself don’t I
Everything is silly
Even the enlightenment is losing
Thankfully, science came to my rescue, which invented a compound that help balance the chemicals in my brain.
Preying would have got me the sum total of fuck all.
No side effects, no drowsiness, no lack of empathy.
It’s like berocca, me, bit on a good day.
If you are spiritual, you are Preying to a being to help you eith an ailment he/they gave you.
What an horrible cunt eh?
What is?
There’s a fair few nutters, sorry,sufferers, but the majority are a bunch of melts who just lack fortitude.,
It’s another excuse to seek attention.
They all need a good kick in the crotch.
Too hot to sleep.
Don’t get me wrong, I feel sorry for people who truly struggle. A few years ago I had a nervous breakdown and tried slashing my wrists.
The result was a course of medication, which – don’t get me wrong – helped at the time. However, over time I found they just didn’t work… every emotion I had was flat lining, I got properly fat (I’m 5’10, you can’t be pushing triple figures at that height!) and couldn’t get the horn.
I’d also have blind fits of rage on them, the worst of which was when I ended up smashing the fuck out of the house one evening.
So, I decided to stop taking them. Because you can’t go smashing the fuck out of your home. As a remedy to cure The Mad, I took out a gym membership, and started going three or four times a week. I also stopped smoking, reduced the amount of alcohol I was drinking (as in, now more “off days” than “on”) and stopped eating shit.
That was two years ago. I’ve not had an episode of any sort since. Well, okay, when I got really bed-shittingly pissed on high-strength beer in March and told everyone to fuck off, but that was more a tonne of drink and feeling stroppy the whole day more than anything.
My point here being that yes, pills do work. However, they work to an extent. I believe that if you TRULY want to get better in your head and drag yourself out of despair, then you will make the necessary personal changes to go along with it.
Da Yoof (I’m 32…) don’t seem to grasp that. Lazy cunts.
Good day, one and all!
I was lucky, the mild dose I was given seemed to be enough kick start my own positivity.
I also didn’t expect it to be a complete cure, and knew I would have to make my own contribution to getting better.
Your case seems far more serious than mine, and I’m glad to hear that you are getting on top of it.?
Good to see you on the straight and narrow, Gutseye! ??????
Glad to hear both you and GJ are on the road to recovery….I have every respect for the pair of you.
Morning to you too, chap. Thanks!
Morning Dick, and thanks.?