The Guardian (19) and the Childhoood Trust

The following ‘facts’ are according to the Childhood Trust, a London charidee, as reported by the paper that makes you proud to be British, The Guardian.

”Children stressed and self-harming over UK cost of living crisis”

”According to The Childhood Trust, the impact of money worries for British families has caused 47% of children to feel stressed, while 21% of parents said their children smile less because of the financial squeeze.”

”But, most concerning, 9% of parents who responded to their survey claimed their children had started self-harming.”

” Conservative government’s decision not to increase child benefit as a “major failing” that has led to more children dealing with clinical depression.”

”One single mother-of-three said: “At the moment, everything is really crazy. Everything is hard. When I used to go shopping for the week it was £30, maybe £35.
“Now if you go to pick up a few things that you need it’s £60 or £70. It’s a shock. We’re trying to reduce. There’s a charity behind where I live, so sometimes I go there to get food.”

So, coincidental with this charidee seeking to get more money they have produced these ‘facts’, without citation or moderation.
I see the ‘single’ mother of 3 (where father?) puts inflation at 100%. They must also have some sort of smile monitor to give the figure of 21% fewer.
They also ‘know’ that 47% of children feel stressed due to money worries. Quite some survey. In London natch.

I am glad to see that it is all the fault of the wicked Tories.
Fuck me the gibberish these cunts produce is off the fucking scale. Journalism at it’s best.

MSN News Link

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

42 thoughts on “The Guardian (19) and the Childhoood Trust

  1. The cost of living is a disgrace. My chosen brand of Aldi blended scotch is now £13.49, that’s a quite exploitative increase of 50p That’s ten bob in old money. Twats.

    • I would have to cut down on my drinking if I had to pay UK prices.
      I get a very good blended whisky here for €7.15 a litre, I even moaned when it went up by 30 cents a few months ago. I’m a tight cunt

  2. Good job the pathetic soft cunts weren’t brought up in the 50s and 60s.
    Suffer little ones you might not grow up to be selfish, arrogant, and entitled.

  3. Who is head of this Childhood Trust……. Charles fucking Dickens? Please Mr Starmer, can I have some more? What a load of sob story Guardian bullshit.

  4. Do these children have I phones, Nike trainers and x Boxes by any chance? ….priorities.

  5. “21% of parents said their child smiles less because of the financial squeeze”.

    Was this before or after the self-absorbed little cunts could be bothered to look up from their smartphone or tablet?

  6. Boo fucking Hoo. Can’t feed them, don’t breed them. The single mother could always ask the (absent) father for a few quid. There, CuntyMorts life solutions.

  7. How did this slag come up with a 100% inflation rate? Have they doubled the price of scratch cards or something?

  8. Sob stories for cunts in expensive cafés to get their vegan knickers in a twist about.

    Always another taxpayer handout..never about personal responsibility.

    Oven the fuckers to shut their bleating.

  9. Bollocks to the Guardian. All they do is slag this country off while telling people to vote Labour, then wonder why they don’t. It'[s nothing more than a niche paper preaching to the converted.

  10. So what happened to the “childhood obesity” crisis then? They seem to have forgotten about that the lying cunts.
    And where is Saint Marcus Rashford when you need him? He should be campaigning for schools to stay open at night so the little cunts can have more than one shower a week.
    Probably too busy counting his houses.

    • FtF@ – Saint Mucus of Rashford is celebrating the 5 goals he scored last season..
      I significantly doubt the toxic little racist bitch will be at Old Trafford this coming season.
      He could always get a “job” at the Guardian when he is not lecturing people with nothing to give what they don’t have to people who do nothing.
      My late Mother brought up an entire Family on benefits and that was our sole income until we got to 11 and began cash in hand work – we had nothing spare but we did not go hungry one day.
      It’s called parenting, but we have a generation of fat, lazy, needy, entitled adult children dragging up the next generation of fat, lazy, needy, entitled brats ready to take their turn on the lifetime benefits merry go round.
      We had fuck all except the understanding that if you don’t work you don’t eat – the lesson stuck.

  11. Some people should not be allowed to breed.
    Problem that we have is that the “good parents” that would like more children but can’t afford them don’t. They see the cost and come to a decision that one or possibly two is enough.
    Unless your extremely wealthy or dependent on the state we all live within our limits.
    There are loads of single mums with three kids normally from three different fathers who think if I get pregnant he will stay with me.
    Have you noticed that most of these mums have about £3,000 worth of tattoos all over themselves?

  12. 100% inflation rate?
    Have the dealers doubled their prices? Is Stella Artois in short supply due to racketeering Belgian monks? Are they charging a Pound a time to use Just Eat now? Will we ever see Stabzy-Grime and Beyonce-Princess-Tiffany smile again? What are the “Government” doing? (sleeping, getting pissed and resigning for a payment of £420,000 each would be my guess) – it’s probably all a big conspiracy! (Sorry, couldn’t help meself! ?)
    “Suggestions suggest that a suggestion of what we suggested may be open to suggestion”..
    “Where are the facts? You are full of shit!”
    “Waaycist!” ??
    But not to worry – pretty much everyone on any kind of benefits is getting a £650 taxpayer funded handout – fuck all for anyone actually daft enough to work for a living.
    Should keep the mouth breathers and carpet riders in Nikes and weed for a couple of weeks, because it seems that there is a magic money tree permanently available for those who contribute fuck all.
    I have no issue whatsoever with those in genuine need getting a little to help out – I have been unemployed in my life and even though it was weeks I do not know how anyone could get by long term – I never had a penny left and I could never be described as “profligate” but bankrupting the Country by handing money over for doing nothing is insanity
    We are the laughing stock of the fucking world.

  13. Here’s the results of a survey for them to stick in their pipe: 100% of McCunters think the Guardian is owned, run and taken seriously by anti-British, treasonous, woke, shit stains who expect the sprogs of the feckless and moronic to be rewarded and kept in designer apparel and iPhones by the rest of society. Fuck off.

  14. This rag should be hanging on Steptoe’s bog door.

  15. The Guardian – The paper the Labour bumboys use to wipe the wankstains off their legs – is nothing more than a fanzine for Marxists, anarchists and fantasists.

  16. Off topic but breaking news – tubby Johnson has just resigned, but is staying in the job until Autumn.
    3 more months of this vile fucking clown.
    “Get Brexit done” – YOU FUCKING HAVEN’T!
    “Curb illegal immigration” – Even worse now than when you conned the people to get elected!
    The usual bullshit from the biggest liar and bullshitter in politics, I can listen to no more of the absolute cloud cuckoo land fantasy bollocks coming out of this useless pontificating cunts mouth – Johnson has destroyed the Conservative Party and very nearly the Country in his disastrous “stewardship” of the UK.
    From an 80 seat majority to being thrown out of the job by his own party halfway through his term – way to go daft lad!
    For Gods sake Man – just GO!

    • Did you see the news that the European crime agency has arrested shit loads of people smugglers in Germany, France and Belgium (I think it was Belgium) found stores of rubber boats, outboards and life jackets (from Turkey), it won’t stop the invaders but should put a dent in the numbers

      Best job, firing squads, that would put new cunts off coming into the market.

    • The 1922 committee won’t be having it – Johnson will be forced to hand over to Raab as interim PM.

      Q: When is a resignation speech not a resignation speech?
      A: When Boris Johnson makes one.

      Narcissistic, self aggrandising cunt.

  17. Hehe, ‘single mother of three’ claims her shop of £30-35 is now £60-70

    Maybe true if she is talking about what it was 30 years ago compared to now ?

    These cunts frame the questions to get the results they want and then present it like it’s fucking fact.

    Lee Anderson MP had the right approach, teach people how to cook and budget, he would make a good PM, no fucking nonsense ?
    He got a lot of stick for saying you can cook substantial meals on a budget, anyone with half a brain can understand that but sadly the leftie cunts don’t even posses half a brain.

    The great unwashed will have their first half of the £650 hand out this month, waste of fucking money, the government would have been better giving out food vouchers, at least then it would have to be spent on food (crisps and chocolate ?)

    • With CCTV cameras all round the stores now even in individual product shelves, she probably can’t get all the canned foods into her knickers as she ;pretends to put it in her basket. That’s why the bills doubled.

  18. Load of old bollocks.
    No kid in the UK has self harmed due to worry over the cost of living -fact.
    Not one.
    There’s no proof because it’s bullshit.

    And if one had he’s puddled and should be locked up and his parents fined.

    My parents made sure me and my sister never went without, always clothed, fed,
    Christmas presents,
    I never worried about the economy as a nipper.

    I don’t unduly worry now as the bailiffs repossess my furniture.

  19. 21% of children smile less because they’re embarrassed at having soft, woke, lefty parents.

    Related story: Tesco shoppers buy fewer items amid ‘unprecedented’ cost of living squeeze.
    ‘Squeeze’ being the operative word. Last time I was in Tescos half the cunts therein had to squeeze in and out through double doors. The other half were on mobility scooters.
    Buying fewer items is exactly what the blubberguts need to do.

    • And why do these feckless cunts do their shopping in the fucking evening, rather than the fucking daytime? It’s not as if the cunts have work during the fucking day, is it? When I go, after finishing a day shift, sometime after 2000hrs, I’m held up by these fat, dawdling cunts filling their fucking trollies with shite or Davros, on his Joey Deacon chariot.


  20. Weeks shopping for family of three 30 35 quid ? When was that 1982?. What a crock of shite.
    Fucking hate crap like this gives us poor bastards a bad name. As to the quality of research I would strongly suggest not removing data from the staff toilets at the guardian.
    Surprised that the author of this bollocks did not request assistance from stonewall if they wanted to increase the bitchy screams and outrage

  21. The data they cited is 94.36% bullshit with a +/-5.64% margin of error.

  22. I feel sorry for that kid Wilf Johnson.
    Promises a £15000 tree house,
    Then your dad gets the sack and the dreams down the shitter .
    Even if it’s already made some other kid benefits!

    The poor little cunt.

      • Not yet DCI, I’m waiting to see if he’s taken into care first .

        I worry he’ll end up as one of those “mudlark” children you get in that London.

        Poor little blighter.

        ‘spare any copper guvnor?’

        (QUICK NOTE – We have a bonus nomination at 5pm today!- Day Admin)

      • No, the little cunt will get his treehouse now Daddy can earn some proper money following in the footsteps of Blair. Then he’ll be off to Eton while Carrie Antoinette slobs out in her country mansion.
        The Jellyfish has done the hard part now it’s time to cash in.

  23. Whoever replaces Boris, I bet some of the first words he/she utters will contain the phrase “build back better”
    Because we get that crap regardless…

  24. I imagine Diane Abbacus would tot up her shopping bill increases and conclude it had gone up two-hundred and twelvty %.
    Then blame it on racism.

  25. Many could do with being stressed and skipping a few meals the fat little cunts.

  26. More children are self-harming are they? Probably something to do with the fact they’ve been told about 10 million genders and to check their privilege. Pity the little ones in Wales – some primary schools have enrolled in a bat shit crazy Bristol Uni project to brainwash them into eating bugs because meat bad/climate change/Greta.

  27. Talk about marking your own homework.

    I’ve found the ‘report’ in question and I have to say if it found it’s way into my shitter in paper form and I’d run out of bog roll I’d leave without wiping my arse.

    What a fucking pile of shite.

    In a nutshell the bulk of the findings from their ‘survey’ came from 68 London Charities that are all in receipt of funding from The Childhood Trust.

    I know this will never happen because it’s an industry but there really has to be more scrutiny of these so called charities.

    I suspect the ‘survey’ was only done to get more funding from spineless politicians who wouldn’t dream of saying no in the light of such compelling findings.

    They know the Press aren’t interested in the detail, only the headline.


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