15,000 acknowledged dingy arrivals so far this year ( I suspect a lot more ) all to house, feed etc. and yet nothing is done to stop them. We have had several headline-grabbing “initiatives”…send them to Rwanda, get The Navy to push them back etc…utterly ridiculous and obviously never serious solutions
The Government, by it’s inaction, is actually encouraging illegal entry to this Country… people who have a case for asylum are being queue-jumped by obvious economic migrants and that can only encourage more attempts to bypass the system.
People say ” It’s the yumman rites lawyers that blocks their deportation”….It isn’t….lawyers can’t “block” anything that is legal. All they can do is point out that current laws don’t allow whatever is proposed. The Government used to hide behind the ” It’s the EU’s fault”..well we were promised “Take back control of our Borders and Courts” when we were dangled the sunny uplands of Brexit Britain.
There seems very little appetite from a 12 year old Tory government to do anything other than dream up some new “initiative” that is actually an insult to people’s intelligence.
Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler
Spot on analysis. Could not have put it better.
bullets are cheap and effective.
give the yanks a ‘boat safari’.
charge and supply supply ammo etc.
problem solved.
Until this country has a proper conservative in charge, one who actually gives a shit about the state of the nation and is prepared to take tough decisions and sort things out, we’re fucked. Proper fucked.
“Conservatism” as currently framed (i.e. pant-pissing and strongly left of centre!) will not be sufficient to rectify this. It is idealogically ‘not up to the job’, not ‘fit for purpose’,
@CC. I mean proper old school conservatism. From back when the Overton Window was in the middle where it should be.
Six strokes of the whip for every man Jack (and woman) who dares set foot on this side of the channel illegally, and then off to Bellmarsh while they await deportation. That might stop them
They are not interested in the slightest.Useless.Larry the cat is better in charge.Shoot on sight as soon as they step foot on our land.We need Enoch Powell to return.We are all shafted.
Enoch pbuh.
At the risk of appearing a bit thick I am unable to understand why the current situation has been allowed/encouraged to develop.
The government will have little interest in stopping the invaders. More people requiring housing encourages more housebuilding = more back handers and manilla envelopes stuffed with cash to push through more development on green belt land.
While the supposedly “Green Party” say nothing…
Kalergi/Coudenhove might be the best starting point in grappling with this topic.In essence the blueprint for a sub section of the population who see the world as their ‘god’ given domain and thus the WASP’s need diluting with simian/bioweapon genetics in order to remove the biggest obstacle to their plans.
After the war and the refusal of western nations to accept the Jews fleeing the Nazis the west rightly decided that we needed conventions to ensure it never happened again.
As usual the law of unintended consequences kicked in and now western nations march towards hell on a road made of good intentions.
What was intended to protect those in Europe if ever faced with a similar situation is used by chancers across the world to illegally cross borders and Calum asylum when in fact they are economic migrants wanting and demanding a slice of our wealth and lifestyle.
Assisting them are all sorts of NGO’s with either misplaced and misguided intentions and the immigration lawyers who see an easy income from representing the chancers.
The conventions drawn up 70 years ago don’t work today, in fact they are a big negative for the well-being of our own citizens.
All immigration needs to stop until we have laws and rules that put the people here first.
We must withdraw from all conventions until they are redrawn to suit the modern world.
With the world in its current state millions of Africans will be considering making the journey to Europe, the current conventions give us no way of stopping anyone or indeed everyone heading our way!
A quote from the Pope to Shwab-
‘minimally dignified living conditions’ he says at one point.
IOW a third world shithole.
But if you were living in a third World Shithole or ‘minimally dignified living conditions’ you would do anything (even at the risk of one’s life) to get out.
What do human beings want? To find work, to found a family.
If they are in ‘minimally dignified living conditions’ or a 3rd world shithole they cannot do that.
The answer? A fairer distribution of wealth. How is that to be achieved? I haven’t a clue.
But that is what is drving mass migration.
Stating the obvious really.
MP@ – Islam, deliberate political and ideological intent and the attitude of “something for nothing” is driving illegal immigration, not poverty.
It is not my fault that a certain part of the world does fuck all but sit on their arse whining and expects everyone who has worked, suffered and sacrificed to improve their situation to give away everything they have worked and fought for because some people will not.
What exactly IS a fair share of something someone else has worked for?
The story is that they get everything for free, go to Europe, house or flat and money, free healthcare. As long as that remains to be true they will keep coming.
I wonder what will happen if the mass migration suddenly becomes millions per year, it will inevitably trigger a war.
Unless Putin stops blocking grain exports from Ukraine it will become millions – probably this winter when the lights go out due to Putin also throttling gas supplies to Europe.
Maybe we do need protests on the streets, a collapse of the current prize wankers in Government and the sudden rise of a far right political party – like happened in Germany nearly 100 years ago now. Back then the proles were fed up with hyper inflation, taking home their wages in wheelbarrows full of worthless bank notes.
I agree with your reasoning but suggest that they create their own shitholes and are bent on turning civilised countries the same way.
You could say over population in the third world is the main driver for mass migration. If Asia and African populations were not expanding due to western aid and technology they could sustain themselves easily in their own counties.
Christian charity has added to the problems not eased it.
If you fairly distribute all the money on the world it won’t cure a fucking thing.
‘If you fairly distribute all the money on the world it won’t cure a fucking thing.’
Really SV? Oh I think it would.
I want this cunt in charge of the Border Force.
Very succinct, Dick. It’s a shame that Labour, under Jezza Corbyn, allowed this to happen. Oh, hang on…
I have a mental image of this bloke being Unkle Terry!
Just a close relative DCI.
Nightmare at family gatherings?
DCI@ – Afternoon DCI – the chap in the clip was Signori Fiddlero with the a vast Sicilian estate – Fiddlers massively rich Italian Cousin! (Armani wellies and everything!)
Signori Fiddleros State visit to Fiddler Towers did not go well – Fiddler thought it was Super Mario there to steal gold coins and overcharge on plumbing, there was “a scene” as we say in polite society and Signori Fiddlero was last seen running away at speed shouting “The a bastardo hounds are a chasing me – Mamma Mia!”
Took a lot of negotiating with Michael Corleone to smooth that one over! ?
Cunt Blair started it, and every cunt after, labour and con have kept it going.
Truth is, if Jezza had been PM there’d be no need for dinghies, anyone would be able to come over free on cross channel ferries, no, questions asked, £1000 pocket money to get them started, private property commandeered by the state for accommodation.
Furthermore anyone not wanting immigrants living in their home will be taken to the gulag for re-education.
At least it would have been more honest under Corbyn.
no questions asked
Britain today is a mess.
Politicians governed by Twatter and Guardian readers.
Most of the population stare on agog as towns turn into third world shitholes.
If we play by the rules then the only people who can legally claim “asylum” are citizens of France and Ireland.
The “rules” only seem to apply when it suites however.
It’s gone beyond politics..that has failed to deal with this issue utterly.
A true Border Force is required,with carte blanche to stop illegal access to our country by the use of force as necessary.
Alas it will never happen.Instead the country will slowly but surely disappear,much faster than anyone can anticipate.
I vote oven.
Oven is not the answer. That “solution” has been tried before…
I second your oven Unkle Terry
It’s a national disgrace..last week that useless porker pritti Patel was at the races quaffing champagne,laughing without a care in the world..
Find a big enough well and sling her fat arse down it..
I reckon she’d still get her arse jammed in this one:
Frequent traveller to the occupied territories as well.
If the government cannot be arsed to carry out their primary task of defending the realm then they should get the fuck out of the way and let armed volunteers do the job.
Thousands of future architects /musicians/ terr0rîsts/ rapîsts/ drug-dealers/Muslamic cunts are arriving every month. It’s too late to do anything.
Politicians don’t seem to realise that if they get tough on this sort of shit, along with ditching the green bollocks, fighting back in the culture wars and lowering a few taxes here and there, they would receive collosal support from the overwhelming majority of people in this country.
GTW@ – Correct – the cowards and carpetbaggers “in charge” are pandering to the 1% of extremists and nutcases and not listening to the 99% majority.
So we get rid, of them all.
I vote Guy Fawkes
“the 99% completely silent majority”!
Fixed that for you?
Not just the flood of boaters, the fucking huge amount of visas given out over the last ten years is awesome not in a good way either.
The whole system is a pit of shite with the sole intention of replacing the indigenous inhabitants of this way over populated country.
Then to cap it all we get lectured by halfwits about England being a nasty racist fascist country, fuck me sideways in 10 years time South East England will be more ethnic than the fucking UN and most of bloody Africa. White flight my arse there are hardly any left we’re I hail from. Most just died out as they had not the money to flee just sit there watching their lives and history deleted.
My brother who still lives in our ancestral stamping ground visited his local GP he managed to obtain an emergency appointment which involved a 3 plus hour wait.
During that wait he observed 5 groups of differing ethnicity registering at the surgery. Each group required a telephone translator and each group had a load of kids to register as well.
Why are our leaders party to this when they are all fully aware (unless completely cuntified) that a minimum of 60% of the electorate want an immediate reduction or stop immigration. Some polls show 88% in favour.
Whilst dinghy riders are a prolific source of population increase the legal methods supply a far greater number than we want or need.
The demographic shift will continue as area after area of once very respectable communities are turned into ghettos.
What interests me from a practical perspective is where are all these ghettos going to come from?
Will it be a creeping death for county after county?
Where do all the normal people move to who don’t want to live in a slum?
I presume as the third world trash spread the house prices start to slide and like a plague within a decade or two the whole area has to be written off.
Thank fuck I’ll be dead long afore they get to me.
UT@ Afternoon Unkle – where I live has turned in 12 months from a quiet market town to a suburb of Islamabad and Mogadishu – lines of Darth Vaders trailing lines of fat, filthy kids behind them, not a word of English spoken, every single one straight on benefits and given a brand new house when people round here cannot get social housing, never see any of the “Men” because they spend all night getting pissed and stoned and get up at 3PM to send their binbags shopping/ to the housing office/ benefits centre/ food bank then start their illegal taxi driving, restaurant, drug dealing businesses – not forgetting parking up in their Mercs to perv at and harass the girls going home from school.
Somalians who are given a job in warehousing and yet another free place to live, three weeks “working” then straight on permanent unemployment as they try desperately to get every dumb white bitch pregnant so they never have to work again.
They were brought straight from landing illegally in Kent (as confirmed by Active Patriot) and straight here by coach in the middle of the night and in a year I feel like a hated tourist in my own town – and these filth are being deliberately dumped in all the working class northern areas, well away from the leafy suburban homes of the rich and privileged who have ordered this deliberate destruction. All the local GP surgeries now have days where English people are not allowed to attend, just foreigners, and on these days the queue of stinking, ugly, deformed, inbred brown and black parasites stretches down the fucking street – but try get an appointment as a whitey and you will be lucky if you get one that month.
This is no accident, and only revolution will save us now.
Revolution the only way, you are correct VF. What is the point of pissing around with the existing system when said system does fuck all except make a shite situation worse every fucking time. Sounds daft but sometimes I regret not being younger so I could have been brainwashed life would be so much easier..
I fear it will be a ‘creeping death for county after county’ because thats exactly how it started in london in the late seventies! land at gatwick/ heathrow and the local council had the obligation to sort the immos out! when that borough was full to brim onto the next borough until all boroughs are ‘Diversified’ and look what you have now all these years later, glad i fucked off when i saw the writing on the wall.
I find ‘Google Translate, helpful:
Me, via it:
“We’re not taking you to hospital in the ambulance, you don’t need any medical interventions, so you can go in one of the three cars on your driveway”.
“They’d take me in the ambulance in Romania”.
“You’re not in Romania, now, and, I doubt it because I work with a Romanian and he’d tell you the same. Goodbye”.
“They’d take me in the ambulance in Romania”
“Well, fuck off back to Romania then”
Tempting as it is, Moggie, that sort of thing gets one struck off…
Bb@ Afternoon Bb – and not a word said or a thing done about the now million plus phantom NI Numbers.
More NI Numbers than people living here – very shifty, I have a good idea who is doing this and why but the police and politicians will not touch it due to alleged “racial sensitivity”.
When did a death cult turn into a “race”?
What happened to the ‘anyone entering via this illegal route will not be allowed to remain in the UK’.
Not only are the cunts allowed to remain they are given hotel accommodation, free meals and pocket money (used to try to entice white schoolgirls).
There was a report of a number, around 30 who absconded from the hotel they were given and they hadn’t been fingerprinted or checked, some will be working for Abdul’s kebab shop near you.
I don’t watch reports on this shit anymore, it just makes me want throw the remote at the TV, every time it’s ‘dangerous crossing’. No it fucking well isn’t, if it were then there would be hundreds of floating cunts in the channel, its bullshit.
The only deterrent that will work (other than sinking the cunts mid channel) is proper internment camps, fully secured and they stay there until they have a route back to the shit hole they came from.
The ‘no one will be allowed to stay’ has to mean something until it does they just keep coming, the French don’t give a shit (who can blame them) so why bother paying them to patrol their own shores.
I still don’t understand why the government aren’t taking the French to court, especially for any of the cunts arriving who have been processed in France, there must be some international law about responsibility for people in a country ffs.
We may have won the war (1945) but we managed to loose the fucking plot.
The only ‘winners’ were the U.S. Russia and of course, those we do not speak of, those we do not name.
The official stories of World War One and World War Two are so ridiculous. The bravery of the people in those wars was and remains jaw-dropping, but the men in power who emerged unscathed in 1946 created societies that have gotten worse and worse for the average human being. The last two years have been eye-opening for everyone. The writing is on the wall now: the world is ran by evil psychopaths who would rather destroy the Earth and humanity if they cannot have full control of it and humanity. But it will all end badly for these powerful “leaders” it always does. Enjoy the show, we all have front-row seats.
We didn’t ‘win’ any war.It achieved it’s bankster tooled political objectives and then covertly repurposed via ‘Operation-Paperclip’ (the establishment of 4th Reich in the US),ably assisted by Alan Dulles and the Bush-crime-mafia.The top German scientists established NASA and perfected MK-Ultra techniques via (Mengele) into the most evil organizations ever created,namely the (C.I.A) and America has been,via the AIPAC/NEOCON tag-team,the appointed military sledgehammer and architect of wars and coups ever since working to a nefarious (Bavarian illuminati/Crown-City of London/Jesuit-Council) agenda ever since.
The foil is strong with this one.
Cunty Gordon on mushrooms. ?
Everything ptarmigan707 said can be confirmed by anyone. You can’t bitch and moan about the state of the world on a daily basis here and not look into why we are in this state. It isn’t through coincidence and natural causes. It’s because evil cunts run the world. Point us to the benevolent humanitarians in positions of power right now and I’ll give you a chocolate watch.
Not to be trusted with cutlery….
The one above it at 3:59pm is classic CG.
4:04pm, there you go again. ?
Yeah, it’s called being allowed to express yourself. You do it, I do it, we all do. This isn’t Twitter. Do you want me to post more? I can’t be arsed right now, it’s Sunday, watching the football. Man, I really get under you and Gutstick’s skin, don’t I? Not my intention, I haven’t given you guys a second’s thought in months, not that I did before. I haven’t posted much on here, been busy and most noms are boring.
Peace and love, brother, peace and love! 🙂
Afternoon CG/LC
Diversity of opinion is most welcome on here so keep posting pal ?
Celtic about to start their campaign against the Dons north of the border.
You don’t get under my skin, I haven’t pulled you up on your insane shit in months.
It’s funny how some people can spend years researching stuff on the Internet and come away knowing less than nothing.
I live in the real world and occasionally visit the Internet, not the other way around.
Try it sometime. ?
Ah this issue again.
What gets on my tits is RT, GJ the way they just dismiss a ‘tinfoil’ poster.
RT has many ways of doing it. ‘It’s a point of view, I suppose.’ Is his usual way.
But I like to read ‘tinfoilers’. Cunty Chops is one but there always interesting snippets of information in his posts. Worth looking up.
I find that RTGJ’s contributions ‘thwart’ debate sometimes.
On the other side the packing of posts with loads of conspiracies al la ‘Le Cunt’ above can be annoying.
If thats all they co tribute. But LC and others as Ive said do have other things to say.
Le Cunt has posted interesting things recently.
Its supposed to be an open forum.
The best thing anti ‘tinfoilers’ can do is rather than dismiss them out of hand challenge them on their conspiracy.
I will preemt RTs response to this…
‘It’s a point of view I suppose’ RT.
“The best thing anti ‘tinfoilers’ can do is rather than dismiss them out of hand challenge them on their conspiracy.”
I tried that, Miles, and I got told that I wasn’t seeing the things I was actually seeing. Plus I was ‘In on it’.
Sweet child o’mine!
I think you were ‘in on it’.
Are you denying you ran black ops out of area 51 in 79 on behalf of COINTELPRO, deep state agents and the crab people of Atlantis?
Or that in 87 a crack unit of Baphomet satanists , MK ultras, and the sons of the Desert mounted a coup in the small african free state of Wakanda?
Your aura is clearly visible my friend.
And if you expect me to beleive that ambulance is anything other than a mobile phonetapping observational vehicle in the employ of the Legion of Doom,
Then you must be fuckin crackers.
Mis, I’m tracking you as I type. You know too much. Beware of black helicopters.
Aye, Celtic fans better wise up, they have been acting more like cunts than Rangers fan in recent years. Celtic fans were always nice when they came up here, but they seem more violent these days, as are Rangers. Fucking fans throwing BROKEN glass on the goalmouth last season, took ten minutes to clean it up. Embarrassing. Britain is trying to host Euro 2028, but shite like this just scuppers it.
My research is 95% from books. Old books, ancient books. I just use the internet for spreading this knowledge and having a laugh. Getting your information about reality from the corporate media like the BBC, Daily Mail, Wikipedia, etc is just as stupid as getting it from conspiracy websites. When a massively powerful man like David Rockefeller tells you his sinister plans for humanity in his book, best to take notes.
At the end of the day, it’s just my view on life. If it bothers you then… move on, other views are available. I still treat the world as a free place, a fun place. The evil cunts won’t be around much longer, they’re in panic mode, they know the game is up.
“When a massively powerful man like David Rockefeller tells you his sinister plans for humanity in his book, best to take notes.”
Enid Blyton told about a plot to steal smugglers gold in one of her ‘Famous Five’ books. I took that quite seriously. As an eight year old.
Sorry, if you are posting utter garbage that flies in the face of incontrovertible evidence, then there is little point in arguing with that poster as they have made their mind up, and if all the evidence in the world that is available to all is not going to change their opinion, then I’m not going to get anywhere by posting a link or two, as has been illustrated this week.
If your ‘evidence’ is so compelling, why give a fuck what I think?
Plus you’ll get told you didn’t see what you saw. And you’re in on the conspiracy.
You’re right, Gutstick, I don’t give a fuck about what you think. It’s your lack of style and humour that puts me off you more than anything. This site is a comedy site, you take it far too seriously and so you come off as a sanctimonious killjoy. Maybe in real life you’re alright. All the best.
Your clarification much appreciated CG/LC.
I hadn’t realised you posts were designed to be intentionally comical.
In future, instead of laughing at you, I’ll be sure to laugh along with you. ?
And the world will live as one. ?
Be sure to see Miles gets the memo, he doesn’t do irony. ?
Should have twigged with the flat earth stuff, I mean no one really believes that shite.
Do they?
‘Be sure to see Miles gets the memo, he doesn’t do irony. ?’
Its a point of view, I suppose.
As far as that utter shower of shit that sit in parliament in both chambers and under all colours, Taking Back Control’ is a euphemism for escorting any undocumented third world vermin onto the Kent coastline, giving them free board and lodging and a mobile phone of their choice. Apart from giving Stanleys a free pass sexually abuse White girls, this has to be the biggest scandal of a generation. The Tories are utter, utter Cunts for permitting this. Leave the fucking UCHR NOW!
Not Tories.They’re all pissing in the same pot provided by their Crown/Vatican controllers.(The Cabal)…transnational Zionist Corporate/Bankster cartels guided by ancient Black-Nobility bloodlines harking back to the Venitians-Orsini,Brakespears,Aldobrandini.Chigli and not forgetting the Saxa-Coburg (Guelph) component.
The Rothschild/Rockefeller axis,from less exalted bloodlines,are and have been,handling the heavy-lifting in terms of thinning the herd and manipulating corporate/financial/pharmaceutical shennaniganry for well over 2 centuries and we happen to be at a critical juncture in history right now as events are playing out.The PTB are exposed and being addressed covertly but they aren’t going quietly in their death throes as we are witnessing as they attempt to collapse the temple.
Wasnt Aldo Brandini a stage magician in the 80s?
Sure he was, the great Brandini!!
“Do you have a head full of magic?”
That was his catchphrase.
Ancient books eh? Have you read the Necronomicon? When the Great Old Ones return they’ll sort out the dinghy pilots and the Rockefellers. And everyone else of course, but you can’t make an omlette without breaking eggs.
Cthulhu fhtgan.
Ancient Books!
Baden Powells ‘guide to scouting’
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“John Carter of Mars’
Peter Sutcliffes guide of assertive dating tips.
All in tatty paperback.
Id never part with them.
My bad,the Alumbrados not Aldobrandini’s.They were a Spanish component of the Black-Nobs,heavily into the ‘dark-arts’ as were most of them,Merovingians included.Basically the remnants of Sumerian/Babylonian dynasties who formed the monarchical structures that eventually established their power hub in Venice before being usurped by the Khazarian/Sabbatean-Frankists who moved their power base to England-AKA The Crown City of London,a sovereign-state at the putrid heart of Londistab.A place where the Rothschilds (Khazarian-Sabb-Franks) operate free of the legalities of the host nation it parasites off.Similar deal applies to DC and Vatican.
The House of Rothschild,having cornered the financial monopoly of the planet,proceeded to breed into the ancient bloodlines as they didn’t themselves possess that all important occultic power of Sangreal (Blue blood) which they craved. Blood = power in these domains.They bred into the powerful Brakespears during the 1970’s via David de Rothschild’s nuptials and there’s a credible theory that they even infiltrated the Windsors with breeding access to Victoria’s bed-chambers,(possibly by blackmailing the then PM-Duke of Wellington via some overstretched financial irregularities to the Roths).Prince Albert was apparently a little light in his loafers by many accounts.
Wingnut certainly has a Rothschildian look about him as he ages l notice increasingly.The Rockefellers were always second fiddle to the Roths but they are the group of Robber-Barons more on the hook than the rest for crimes against our populace of unimaginable scope.I personally suspect their prints are all over the current pandemic rollouts (Rockefeller-Foundation owns modern ‘medicine’) but remain protected in their CCP lair which they infiltrated along with Kissinger and Maurice Strong circa 1970’s.
I suspect their days are numbered until the ancient Chinese ‘Dragon-bloodlines’ regain power which the Kissinger/Mao/Li trio wrested from them yonks ago.
Only when deportation centres are in the Cotswolds, Mayfair, Windsor etc will anything be done, until then these fly blown third world grifters will continue to overrun GB…
God save the queen….?
If you’d told me 20 years ago, that one day we’d have a conservative government who’d allow this shit without raising a finger, I’d have laughed. Wherever we turn, they fuck us over. Immigration, energy bills, fuel costs, net zero bollocks, BLM, the NHS, the list goes on. And people scream that Corbyn was dangerous. It’d be difficult to find a more dangerous and ineffective government than we’ve had in the last 12 years.
It’ll end with blood on the streets, perhaps not in my lifetime, but it’s coming.
“If you’d told me 20 years ago, that one day we’d have a conservative government who’d allow this shit without raising a finger, I’d have laughed.”
Not this cunt… I knew exactly what they were and their inexorable ratcheting to the left was impossible to disguise.
Surely it would of been better to use the 120 million we gave to Rwanda to pay people smugglers to collect then on the beach, load them on coaches and drive them back to France via the ferry..
Get out leave the coach and the now penniless vermin..
“@CG..and when exactly will we be reading in the paper about you beginning your Glorious Fightback against the Muzza hordes ( backed by the Chinese and NWO,of course) in your particular corner of The Lake District ?….after all,isn’t knowing the truth and doing nothing bar flap yer gums as bad as appeasement ?”
@DF..and when exactly will we be reading in the paper about you beginning your Glorious Fightback against the Immigrant hordes ( backed by the Chinese and NWO,of course) in your particular corner of Northumbria ?….after all,isn’t knowing the truth and doing nothing bar flap yer gums as bad as enablement ?
Fucking hypocrite.
As I said to my good friend,Dr.Watson,as we ate crumpets toasted over the fire at 221b Baker Street…” Elementary….I actually do a lot for charideeee,mate…don’t like to talk about it,y’know….unless I need imagine it to cover up making a fool of myself,of course”
LOL….dry yer tears…fucking idiot.
DF-F@ Afternoon DF-F – did someone mention crumpets?
I am quite partial to a crumpet on occasion!
BTW – watch out for DCI, Mnc has rumbled that DCI’s wagon is actually communicating with the Crab People of Atlantis to plot our despicable doom! ? – wait while the satanic black MoonMen find out – there’s going to be a right fkin brawl!
It’s always the ones you least suspect..
From my vantage point as a non-participant in this thread the results are clear. Overwhelming support from the IsaC Faithful for CG by a margin of (at the time of this posting) 42 – 15.
Well done CG. Well done cunters.
Funny thing,
Only about 30 odd cunters on ISAC,
Wonder if its like the ‘stolen election’ where dead people vote, or maybe its ethnic types paid to vote twice?
Fiddlers really in deep in your head General.?
Owns you, could say,….
Dickie Fiddler’s like an earworm in his head, something like The Birdie Song?
‘Armed resistance, they’ll have to prise the remote control out of my cold, dead hands whilst I’m watching repeats of The Sweeney’.
Up the revolution! (But not on a Thursday night – Bangers and Cash is on).
“From my vantage point as a non-participant in this thread the results are clear.”
That’s a Hell of an impression of participating, you’re doing, then.
“Well done cunters”
Well done the tickie-fairy, more like. ?
Fake tickies have consequences.
I didn’t even mention the Mayor and in half an hour three prominent members of the Simpleton Town Council…Wynken…Blynken and Nod charge into the fray to defend their Lord and Master and cry voter fraud.
It appears the tin foil hat is on the other head so to speak.
Honestly, you can’t make this shit up.
I see by the way that the margin has grown to 46 to 16.
Like all weak men General you seem to put to much stock in numbers.
Your small in a lot of ways.
You could learn a lot from Fiddler,
Try and comport yourselve like a man.
Dont be bitter.
Be better.?
‘Honestly, you can’t make this shit up.”
Wouldn’t stop you believing it, though.
Pardon me, I see the 4th member has dutifully shown up…the Simpleton Town Cryer.
There’s a vacancy for a Village Idiot, if you’re interested. There’s some stiff competition for the job, though.
Here ye! Here ye!
So an election can be fraudulent, but random anonymous people can’t use multiple proxies/vpns/other tools in order to upvote things on a website.
By the way I’ve upticked every comment on this particular thread. Not because I give a shit one way or the other, but to illustrate how utterly fucking bizarre this obsession with ticks is.
Dick needs no defending, we’re just laughing at a sad attempt to make something out of nothing.
Yee haw!
What makes you think it isn’t just the same person using multiple devices/vpns/proxys to uptick the post??
Some time ago…well over a year…I brought this issue to the attention of the forum with regard to Lord of the Rings and some other poster whose name escapes me now.
All the members of the Simpleton Town Council who are now foaming at the mouth and peeing all over themselves as a result of my latest post, ridiculed the notion and insisted that even if it could happen…it didn’t matter
I also received a PM (actually an e-mail from someone who shall remain nameless) and was assured that the matter was looked into and my allegations were found to be baseless.
“All the members of the Simpleton Town Council who are now foaming at the mouth”
I think you’re mistaking ‘Foaming at the mouth’ for amusement and mirth…
Oh dear.
My moderated post might upset you then in that case.
I won’t be upset. I’ve said what I have to say and I will not respond further in this thread.
No matter what is said or what charges are leveled against me I won’t respond further. So have at it. Take your best shot
The IsaC faithful can decide for themselves what to think.
I thought you were referring to me as the Town Cryer.
A misunderstanding perhaps.
I remember the other cunter you grassed on, General. It was Lord Helpuss. Equally unsuccessfully.
Grassing? Hes the open prairie!!
I will respond to this as it doesn’t involve flinging shit and will clear the air.
I was most definitely NOT referring to you. Your post…in my opinion was justified, valid and civil.
I attempted to respond in kind…albeit with a bit of snark directed at the members of the Town Council.
I apologize if my not being clear as to who those members are led to a misunderstanding.
“No matter what is said or what charges are leveled against me I won’t respond further.”
Fuck me… you really do know how to make yourself look rather silly,don’t you?….Tickies as “evidence”,LOL…I’ve really got you dangling,haven’t I ?
Still no “apology” unfortunately….can’t you remember it ?…I ( unfortunately) can recall the start of it…if I give you a start,will you finish it for me…..” I remember mah dear ol’ granpappy saying ” Come here,Boy,and sit on mah lap…higher,higher,grandpappy likes you right up here…Grandson of mine,ay’m going to tell you the truth…I’m a Fuckwit,you Daddy a Fuckwit,hell,even yo Momma a Fuckwit…and you,grandson of mine…are purebred,100% Fuckwit……”
Hoping that might jog your memory
PS….It says little both for both your intelligence and claims of proof of “stolen elections” that you…after previously getting so bothered about the misuse of ” tickies” that you ran to Admin…decided,when it suited your narrative,to use them as “proof”…..
What a silly,sad, little man you really are
(Enough from everyone now. Day Admin)
Trouble is the situation will only compound and get worse.
With the Parking-Stanley Sunak or Down Syndrome Truss as PM it’ll only get worse, only to be dwarfed by the amount of Dinghy cunts that will arrive when Dame Kweer Starmonkey and his pet Tranny Rayner get the keys to number 10.
Either way, year on year this situation will get seriously bad, helped by a young woke population benevolent to the scum that land on our shores but who are niave to the threat and destruction they will bring.
The rot set in long ago. When early humans were migrating from Africa there were already fully developed humans in Europe.
They should have put barriers up.
I blame our ancestors.
“When early humans were migrating from Africa there were already fully developed humans in Europe.”
LOL – Kamala Harris eat your heart out!
MP@ Afternoon MP, that is an interesting point because there are now some quite significant palaeontological discoveries that seem to indicate through RCD that the earliest humans derived from the Eastern regions of Europe, not Africa as previously believed.
If GB government wanted to stop this takeover by third world cunts they could ,
One must assume therefore it’s what the UK government ( red and blue ) want..
So the answer must be to vote for a political party that has at its core a policy to stop this invasion and to evict all the illegal immigrants from GB.
Is there a possibility of this happening, probably not at the moment but it will when the shit really does hit the fan…..??
Exactly – anything is possible with the will to achieve it.
JM@ Afternoon JM, my organisation is called “We The People” and that is exactly what it is – people with no party loyalty pissed off with the fucking jackals at the feast as we eat crumbs, people who want to change things not complain about them and people who have loyalty to our Country and people, not stooges for the WEF – I/we want every last one of the 650 bastards in the HOC gone, voted out and barred from any future position in the Civil Service.
It will take time, graft, money and pain – but I can not in all good conscience stand idly by as everything we have, do and are is destroyed as the sheeple sleep.
Evening Foxy!?
We the people?
Mmm, im not loving it to be honest
Should of used
“common people”
Then youd have a readymade tune by Pulp for any public meetings.
Always thinking, saving money.
No, no, no, no, no, Mis, good as the Pulp song is, it’s not a patch on ‘Love Of The Common People’ by Paul Young. They can have that, instead.
@VF – I am unable to find any reference to your august organisation anywhere. The closest I came is this:
Joking apart, how do us fine upstanding fellows who wish to join you in your struggle get in touch?
What’s more, you’re unlikely to get anywhere with the great unwashed if they know nothing of your existence.
Please advise.
Thats not it surely?
Fuckin style guide?
I cant find it anywhere Foxy,
Loads of organisations called that,
But mostly yank?
Perhaps the answer is for the great unwtto simply put o. The ballot paper,
” No. of the above ”
Can you see this ever happening, no. Most people just aren’t interested or perhaps just to Thick… ????
Anyone got a spare £50 million or so under the bed or down the back of the sofa?
twin engine light aircraft (20 years old max), 25 off = £7.5 million
commercial pilot training, 25 off = £1.25 million
50cal gun pods+spares, 160 off = £10 million (incidentally, French manufacture)
Airframe modications, 25 off = £2.5 million
Aircrew pay per annum, 50 off = £5 million (some people would volunteer)
Aircraft Insurance, 25 off = £0.5 million
Crew Insurance, 50 off = £0.5 million
Aircraft maintenance, 25 off = £2.5 million
Aircraft maintenence crew pay, 25 off = £1.5 million
Aircraft visual/FLIR surveillance pods, 50 off = £5 million
And, if you want them….
GE Minigun pods, 25 off = £7.5 million
Ammo, Fuel etc = £ 7.5 million.
That little lot comes to £51.25 million
It’s a fucking low-tech third world way of doing things, but it’s a nice cheap (just over half the cost of the F-35 they splashed off the carrier deck and had to scrap a while ago) way to have aircraft actually patrolling our side of the channel 24/7/365 with the technical ability to definitively deal with the dingy problems permanently once they illegally enter our territorial waters, do it the way the Shackletons used to do it on anti-smuggling patrols in the far east back in the day, first pass: warning shots across the bow, second pass: boat gets strafed/sunk..fuck, these days we’re quick to do the same to Somali pirates out there, so why not here?
Agreed shoot them all.Dirty brown water rats.
The kidney unit I am in is usually alright. Great staff, clean ward, and patients who are OK (apart from one or two of our African friends). Yesterday I went in at 8am, and there was this Parkin Stan Lee woman opposite me. She got out of her bed and literally started pissing on the ward floor. I was staring her horrible brown arse right in the face (and what a horrible arse it was!). Straight up, this really happened. And I was the one unfortunate enough to see it. The nurses were apologising to me (not their fault), and it is the only time I have seen something like that there. But I was left thinking ‘Don’t these cunts have any manners or consideration?’
Well, the obvious answer is they don’t, they are savages. And if you believe cunts like National Truss or Fishy Rishi will ‘crack down’ on these human leeches, then you’ll believe anything.
Import third world,get third world. These primitives won’t change. Vote far right, if there is such a thing.