How much lower can the Church of England sink in it’s race to irrelevance as a religious institution?
”Church of England: There is ‘no official definition’ of a woman”
For fuck’s sake. Where in the bible does this horseshit come from? Does Welby think this piece of trendy wokery is going to pack them into his sparsely populated services.
Back in my youth we had the ‘rockn’roll vicars’ trying to be relevant. Welby has pushed it to a desperate level of inclusiveness.
Do these irrelevant cunts think this will turn the corner from the terminal decline of the CoE as an institution that actually matters, comforts or contributes to our lives?
For fucks sake.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
(Begs the questions: who was Adam going out with, and was the Virgin Mary really a geezer? – Day Admin)
I have to say I have respect for the moozlims because they don’t waver and change with the times. All other religions are obsessed with money so their business models have to change with the times.
Wrong. Muslims have Zakat – an obligatory ‘donation plate’ writ large, which they must pay into as part of their observation of Islam (along with the other ‘observations’ / tendencies involving kids, bombs etc, which I won’t go into here).
I worked with some stanleys who told me about Zakat.
Its a percentage of your earnings.
I asked if you earnt well what was to stop you paying in a percentage as though you earnt less.
They were genuinely shocked!
Telling me nobody would do this.
It would shame you in the eyes of Allah and your peers.
Id definety do that,
But then im not a stanley.
Fair play to them the daft cunts.
They only donate to moose limb causes though in my experience.
I remember an office whip round after the Boxing Day tsunami. The moose limbs were refusing to donate, but were asking if they could donate to Muslim aid in Indonesia instead.
I thought that was disgusting to be honest. If it’d been up to them, they’d have dragged all the non muzzies out of the hospital beds and left them in the car park to rot.
Don’t worry, they’re having them kids and will be nice to us when they become the majority lol.
‘ten kids’
laudable. But then not if they apply same ideology to taking white girls or planting bombs in the name of. Etc. Oh! the shame in not appeasing Alan.
I enjoy your posts MNC, but felt compelled to reply, sorry bout that.
No problem ?
They don’t put on a bad stoning either so I hear
Moozlims aren’t liberal that’s for sure. They don’t have some cunt pope making edicts to adjust their beliefs to the changing times. It’s their way or your head comes off (if they’re feeling merciful).
They don’t fuck around. I gotta respect that a bit.
This is the result of combining savages with Islam
The Church of England is just a club for child abusers and arseholes.
It’s time they replaced the King James bible with something more up to date. Seeing as our heir to the throne is himself lost up his own woke rectum, I expect The King Charles bible is being worked on right now. Starting with Genesis and the story of Adam and Steve in the Garden of Eden.
Thank a he fucking serious? No clear definition of what makes a woman?? Well, I didn’t do exceptionally well in Biology but I can tell you exactly what defines a woman ‘a human being that is predominantly born with all the biological means to create human life within her own body, and not some screwball, mentalist cunt who suddenly decides he wants a pair of fucking tits!’
Edit- Is he fucking serious! Bastard auto correct!
For every Tranny, I wish the plethora of things that can go wrong with a lady’s plumbing on them. From periods to tricky pregnancy to shite that goes terminally wrong.
They think it’s all about lip liner, mincing, wigs, heels, dressing like an Eastern Euro prozzie and more. But given a day in a Wimminz real body … Fuck off.
Sorry for the serious post, so have some of these Gents …. ????????
And good on you real men of IsAC for keeping up the cause ?.
– The Cause being Basic Common Sense
Good point, Wuckfittery.
Try dying of breast cancer, you cunts!
I bet if more men got it ( yes, they do!), there’d have been a cure years ago.
Instead, I had my lovely Mum have to suffer the indignity of a double mastectomy, only to die 18 months later from secondary liver cancer.
So fuck you CoE, I stopped believing in your God, or any others, in 1999.
Don’t know what a woman is, my arse and Aunt Fanny!
Woke wankers.
Still we can do away with Mary now.
Joseph a trans Woman gave birth (that would be a miracle) in a premier inn just outside Staines.
The Baby’s name was Zx@.
So endeth todays sermon.
Wasn’t Mary just the ‘carrier’ and was artificially inseminated….and Joseph was the step-father?
God had it in for Joseph. Ergo Jesus was a grudge baby. Fuck off wokeby you cunt
Jesus’s father, who was also him, impregnated a virgin and became human, then sacrificed himself to save everybody from him.
Pay attention.
It’s really easy, when you put it like that, Captain.
Good job I don’t believe unicorns fart rainbows, either!
Let me help this imbecile.
Women are born with cunts.
Here endeth the sermon, you prick.
I bet they have a definition of a Muslim woman. The cunts wouldn’t dare to contradict mo. Scared , beta male and lezza cowardly cunts.
Is it a “letterbox”, like Boris Johnson’s description of the same?!
Institutions like the Church of England and the Royal Family are centuries old and rely on tradition and history to survive. You start fucking about with tradition and history and you are playing with fire. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..cunts like Welby and Charlie the Chimp Boy going woke are digging their own graves. The wokies hate you and no amount of licking wokie arse is going to save you.
Welby is why I haven’t been back to church in 2 years.
Hmmmm….didn’t the first woman come from one of Adams own ribs?
Then he went on and shagged her? Forgive me, but that’s even closer to blood than shagging your first cousin
Wasn’t the first woman made from one of Adams ribs? Who he then went on and shagged?
Surely that’s a bit closer to home than shagging your first cousin???
Yes, it’s a sobering thought. We are all the product of incest.
Adam was made ftom dust then Eve was made from dust and his rib although Magic Sky Goblin had made nipples for the dust-man, strangely.
Magic Sky Gonlin created man and woman with sin only later to drown the world ….for sinning. Bit odd.
Magic Sky Goblin slso impregnated a woman with himself, to be born to allow himself to kill himself to save everybody from the sin he gave them in the first place.
I’ve read the book but I haven’t seen the films yet.
The Devil created women. It’s not rocket science. ?
Nah….that was Cliff Richard.
I find it laughable that Welby and the rest of these clowns at the C of E really think that by aligning themselves with these leftist degenerates and their warped view of biology, they think they are somehow going to remain relevant.
I’d be willing to bet that what remains of the C of E congregations are older traditional thinking types who know fine well what a fucking woman is and I’d also be willing to bet that the types of cunt Welby and co are pandering to, hates the C of E or thinks of them as irrelevant at best.
I bet they can define what a prepubescent choirboy is easily enough.
What’s the difference between acne and a catholic priest?
Acne usually comes on a choirboy’s face after he turns 12.
Evening, Sir Liquors.
Evening El Cappo.
Wet lettuce Welby proving what an Eton and Cambridge education buys.
Justine Wokie Welby wants locking in a mental asylum.Utter nutjob.He is a total cunt truffle.
Justin should be burnt at the stake.
And would of been a couple of hundred years ago.
Hes a heretic.
What kind of God botherer doesnt beleive the Bible?
Say what you like about islam but if one of their zztop bearded nighty wearing clerics said this the cunt would be up in smoke within the hour.
Church of England?
Church of puffs more like.
He’d be in shock if I took over.
Likes of him burned at the stake and all those female vicars told to clean up the vestry or fuck off.
I’d bring in that Fred Phelps to lead the sermons. Any lip and into the flaming pit you go.
You in MNC? You can be the bouncer. Sunday best only. No trainers. No puffs and trannies will be shot on sight.
Cant I have a cushy job , indoors,
Maybe nun inspector or something?
Maybe something in the stores were I can earn a few quid, have a kip occassionally?
Get that HFC as bouncer!!
Nun inspector lol
The Bible is crystal clear on the matter but these large denominations don’t seem to care. Each Pope is a bigger woke cunt than the last and what was a sin once isn’t now. Whatever it takes to keep members on the rolls and money flowing in.
Pretty soon all churches will be different in name only but be Universalist Unitarian in practice.
What a hypocritical shit show.
Quite apparently this gang of cunts simply don’t believe in anything at all then.
They are still arguing over how many nails were used !
Nailed to a cross.
What a way to spend Easter. ?
Hey Rob,
It’s not so bad once you’re up.
All this bullshit about ‘sensitivity’, fucking Spock would just say illogical, taking drugs and chopping off tackle does not a woman make.
‘It’s a woman Jim, but not as we know it’
It almost makes me laugh when these cunts talk about ‘inclusivity’. They are too stupid to understand that it means allowing, and pandering to, a bunch of fucking deviants that would never dream of ‘following’ them whilst alienating a large proportion of genuine followers.
There’s (probably) no definition of a ‘Cunt’ in the bible, either, but Welby’s doing his best to give us his interpretation.
Woke bullshit won’t put arses on pews.
From the header pic, at least the three on the left have a sense of humour. I just wonder what Justin has just been asked?
Do you believe in god?
“As an inclusivity drive to encourage more diverse communities to attend church, would you mind rapping this sermon blud?”
“What’s with the silly face masks?”
I wouldn’t mind but you go to Westminster Abbey or somewhere like Durham Cathedral and they fucking charge you to go in. That’s not very inclusive is it…….not very woke? I can’t afford eight fucking quid to go into the House of God, the cunts.
Next time I’ll say I just got off the boat from Calais, me no speaky good. They’ll let me in for nothing and bung me a tenner for a fucking pizza.
Bunch of soft fucking wankers.
To be fair..they would have to pay me to go in, so for me it’s £8 saved.
I think the first and last time we went to St Paul’s Cathedral about 10 years it was something like £15 each. We walked through the revolving door had a quick look and back through the door, fuck that.
Nowadays he created ‘Adam & Steve’
Curtailing to the deviants. House of Satan now.
And by the way, I’m not religious. House of Satan by their own definition.
There’s nothing a bible basher loves more than a convert or a reformed and repentant sinner. Remember Lord Longford slavering all over Myra Hindley when she convinced him she had found god? Welby is in the same position trying to woo a younger congregation of converts. The cunt is as naive as Longford was if he thinks he can pull that off. Pair of deluded old bastards.
Welby doesn’t realise that by subscribing to this woke bollocks, he’s just hastening the CoE’s decline and oblivion. Everyone, except a few commie cunt-bubbles on Twatter, realise that it’s all the handiwork of the deranged. Welby should just stick to what vicars excel at – wearing a dress every Sunday, spouting fairytales, and fiddling with choirboys.
While an American can hardly be considered an expert on C of E dogma, as I understand it their position goes something like this:
According to the Monarch James version of the Bible:
Mary was the birthing person.
Joseph was the non-binary life partner.
The child was raised in a gender-neutral environment.
The child was listed as X on Roman tax records of the day.
Three gender fluid wise persons came from the east.
A group of LBGTQ+ activists tended their flocks.
And both Herald and Maude angels sang glories to science.
These stories are told in the Gospels of Meadow…Clark and Jane.
Don’t even start on the Plagues of Egypt General, climate change obviously.
Look. Its this simple. If a bint develops a headache when confronted with your cock, then its a woman. Simple, end of.
This is getting more arse by the day. Definition of a women, not some mentally defective fuckwit in a dress with a beard, not a man who every Thursday deciders he is a women, not a man with tits a la ladyboy (research has indicated that in Thailand the men with tits are officially classed as a third sex, what’s wrong with that?), even if tackle removed, remodelled and refitted your DNA will be male, you are a man who looks like a women or vice versa. Men do not give birth, women who look like men give birth in the transgender universe
In all honesty I really don’t give a fuck who does what with whom, any whiff of sexual abuse aided by your chosen gender then the perpetrator needs some attitude adjustment therapy with a big stick.
Surely there are more important things to deal with in the World than some mentalist whinging because he was misgendered by someone who really does not give a fuck.
All this shit is making me have nasty thoughts, bastards
Of course the bible doesn’t have the definition of a woman. Other than chattel.
What a complete load of shit.