How much lower can the Church of England sink in it’s race to irrelevance as a religious institution?
”Church of England: There is ‘no official definition’ of a woman”
For fuck’s sake. Where in the bible does this horseshit come from? Does Welby think this piece of trendy wokery is going to pack them into his sparsely populated services.
Back in my youth we had the ‘rockn’roll vicars’ trying to be relevant. Welby has pushed it to a desperate level of inclusiveness.
Do these irrelevant cunts think this will turn the corner from the terminal decline of the CoE as an institution that actually matters, comforts or contributes to our lives?
For fucks sake.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
(Begs the questions: who was Adam going out with, and was the Virgin Mary really a geezer? – Day Admin)
Wait until you see Ladybird books New Teatament for infants:
Chapter One
Jesus lives with Joseph and Mathew.
Chapter Two
Mary layeth down with Madeleine and it’s not only the Holy Spirit that doth fill her up.
Chapter Three
Jesus takes twelve me camping in the Olive Groves. Only one sleeping bag.
Etc, etc, etc
The Ladybird “Book of Cunts,” is a good read as well C.G.
I’m waiting for RTC’a bumper IsAC compendium-with a forward by Lord Richard Foxchaser-Fiddler?
Currently running at 2,120 pages….
And that’s just the foreword.
The writing was on the wall when the CofE caved in to gay marriage.
I would have thought that if the word of the lord, as quoted in his instruction manual, the bible, states that same sex relations are wrong, that should be it. But no. It seems you can be a believer. Just pick and choose the bits you want and modify or ignore the rest. Just like the new religion, climate change.
Welby, as head of the political wing of the church, should be burnt at the stake for heresy.
I assume the Big Lad in the Sky has retired.
Otherwise he would have given the Gays Trannies and Foreigners a plague of brimstone with added frogs and locusts.
That would be the Old Testament God. The CofE are supposed to be more into the *New Improved!* New Testament type guff:
‘You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you who hear, do not resist the one who is evil, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. To one who strikes you on the cheek, offer the other also, and from one who takes away your cloak do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who begs from you, and from one who takes away your goods do not demand them back. And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.’
Somehow I don’t think the New Testament God is the type to go around unleashing plagues of brimstone with added frogs and locusts, more’s the pity.
Something in Luke about if you do not have a sword then sell your cloak to buy one. Hard core Christianity.
One can only imagine, with oodles of relish, what Cromwell would have done with these deranged fuckers.
That’s what’s needed, to sort out this fucking retarded nation.
Someone who’ll sweep away the whole shitty cabal of corrupt cunts.
I’d throw Welby into a pit of rabid dogs.
Along with the rest of his ilk.
Before they fuck the country up beyond redemption.
The filthy maggots.
By Gdo I’d vote for that.
Roast the cunts.
JTC@ – Perchance you could entrust your vote to Mr Vernon Cromwell-Powell?
Ethel says “he’s a ruffian that Foxy!” – I will have to use some of my legendary charm on the lovely Lady! ??
@Vern. Me and Ethel will fill out our postal votes àccordìngly ?
All three dozen of them ?
I never knew that àccordìngly was a trigger word.
Word Press is a fucking cunt.
To be fair, the Old Testament was against wanking.
Casting your seed on infertile ground, and all that tosh.
the Old Testament was against wanking?
Well, that’s me out for a start.
Only if you give a fuck, Norman, or can’t get one.
Few have actually read the NT, fewer have read OT.
OT is a truly terrifying read.
Check out the full story of Lot.
Same invisible sky guy in both, just improved PR in NT.
Just for fun, if humans have been fucking around for 100,000 years, why did Dog wait 98,000 before trying to do something about it?
No definition of da wimminz, therefore no definition of men?
Definition of Welby = massive Cuntuar.
I notice that he the only one here, wearing a mask. Why is that? Don’t he like the smell of his own B.O. Or is he hiding from something far more sinister? He’s still my No1 punchable face though, with Tony Bliar at a fairly close No2.
Correction – “Does he not like…….. Fuck nose what happened there?
The mask is to cover his identity as he rampages through the choirboys changing room. That’s where we got the phrase “bum bandit.”
It’s an old church tradition.
The rot set in with the Church of England after the Reformation. As soon as a Church moved from saying the sacrament “is” the body of Christ to saying it “represents” the body of Christ, then you have removed the mystical element from Christianity. It’s only a short step from that to saying that God doesn’t exist. Of course I’m a Catholic – I don’t really believe in any of it, but I recognise the power of faith over those that are believers. The CofE has forgotten how to exercise this power, unlike the Catholic church which has retained the same powerful, mystical theological dogma for 2000 years.
Who in the right mind would pay any attention to that Enid Blighton style book, through its entire existence the Church has lied and covered up all its wrong doings, it must be the world’s leading Phedophile club, it make Barrymore’s pool party seem tame. Religion, a safety net for the weak minded.!
Women who have ‘suddenly’ decided to like football, talk endless crap about it, who are putting the womens team ‘success’ on a par with 1966, and who are dressing up as ‘Lionesses’?
Yeah….. Them cunts.
And why are you a misogynist and sexist if you say “actress” or “waitress” but you are allowed to say “lioness”? Yet another contradiction of the wokie left.
Let’s hope these terribly white wimminz don’t break out the Saint Georges Flag.
We don’t want to see Wembley looking like the Olympic Stadium 1936 do we?
Oh, I don’t know.
It might be worth it, when we blow them to Kingdom come.
The latest gripe from the woke vermin is that there are not enough dark personages in the England wimmins set up.
Picking dark hued types does not guarantee success. Wokegate’s Euros penalty fiasco proved that.
Also, it will be interesting to see if the ‘Black is Beautiful’ BBC go against their sacred cow Lionesses, and pull them up for not including their precious aspiring architects. The left will eat itself…
On a par with the World Cup winning team of 1966????
You’re fucking kidding me, Norm???
They like football until you ask them about formations, then you’re harrassing them.
I wonder how many Trannies are churchgoers ?….very few,I’m guessing,so why the fuck does the Church decide to alienate it’s more traditional core congregation by getting itself involved with such nonsense ?
The Church should stick to spiritual matters rather than temporal
Indeed, Lord Fiddler.
What on earth makes the CoE jump on this particular creaking bandwagon is totally beyond me.
Stick to the miracle of the loaves and fish.
Keep your nose out of ought else.
A point of order, it wasn’t that cunt Welby that said that about
“no official definition of women”
It was some other CoE cunt.
My lasses would teach them all about the definition of women, as they kicked them all around the cloisters.
I can’t understand why “official” types allow themselves to get drawn into what is an obvious trap?…best to just reply that the “definition of womanhood” is not something for them to decide or comment on.
A very good evening to you, Milord.
The old fella who taught Scripture at one of my school was a retired Navy Chaplain…. the auld sot would have horsewhipped the likes of Welby.
Fire! Mr.Fiddler Fire! The whole Globe is on fire!
This is God’s way way of telling the world that we are on the wrong path.
Nothing to do with ‘Manmade’ climate change. It is ‘Go -Made I tell you.
Remember the Bishop of Durham and the Resurrection being ‘a trick with a bag of bones’. And what happened to York Minster. Fire! Mr Fiddler! Fire!
God fucking hates the French. Look at Norte Dame.
Also the inventor of the Summer “Hog Roast”, Joan of Ark?
Aye,ye can’t beat a good dose of Fire and Brimstone for bringing people to their senses,Miles.
Like to see them priests get off their lazy arses & do some good old fashioned exorcisms. Don’t seem to here about stuff like that nowadays.
At a guess I would say that all these weirdos who suddenly decide they identify as something other than what they were born as are possessed of demons.
Im a very spiritual person.
As you all know.
I dont get kowtowing to some homosexual in a gold robe though?
Men shouldnt wear gold clothing
Except Elvis Presley and Noddy Holden.
He doesnt seem to have found the right religion?
Maybe Justin should be a buddhist?
Theyre arrogant and a bit superior?
“Actually buddhism isnt really a religion”…
Can buddha fix that broken nose?
Oh, broken nose!
Naw, religion dont fix what it imposed in the first place.
A bloke who lives in a mansion…with a wimmin?
Or is he all alone?
Is that why he forgets what a wimmin is?
May the Lord send him the device Pornhub.
I did a felling job at a Buddhist retreat community place….told one of the lads working with me that Buddhists were a cult like the Moonies and he should be careful that they didn’t try to brainwash him…he wouldn’t even speak to them,never mind accept a cup of tea.
Very wise, no tea.
These cults, they’re invidious.
Anyone whos ever said theyre a buddhist has been a right knob.
Richard Gere
Dalai llama
Steven seagull
Emperor Hirohito
Mayor of Nagasaki
Bellends to a man.
Bet during WW2 when chancellors & generals went to see the Emperor bet you he said
“Sorry I was meditating”…
Cant help themselves.
“Actually buddhism isnt really a religion”…
They do say that Miserable. A bit superior like? As though (literally) you mortals have ‘religion’. We dont stoop to calling it ‘religion’. We’re on a much higher plane than that.
Or summat.
I dont like them Miles.
Seem sly, faking it.
I dont mind someone being religious,
Those Hindus, they worship monsters and stuff,
Elephant heads, 4 legs, 8 arms, blue as a smurf,
Theyd think that bar in star wars was heaven!
But thats upto them.
Long as theyre happy.
Hey Miles,
God made all men equal right?
So why listen to anyone but yourself?
I toyed with the idea of Zoroastrianism until I discovered that the wearing of eyeglasses, long cloak, trousers, hat, boots, socks, winding their turbans tightly and neatly, carrying watches or rings, were all forbidden to Zoroastrians……I simply couldn’t manage without my cape.
Ive no idea what a zoroastrian is Dick or what they beleive?
…but im prejudiced against them.
Sound foreign.
DF-F@ Evening Sir Fiddler – just shoot the happy clappy bastards next time!
I am in a BAD MOOD – filthy smack rats have moved in near me, dirty thieving brown teeth fucking vermin.
I give it two weeks before we remove them.
No need to waste police time.
It will be unpleasant.
I sympathise,Vern.
I just thank my lucky stars that the Cunts have no wish to live in rural Northumberland.
@Mis…I’m not too sure what they believe either,Mis…I’m just looking for a “free love” religion….some right slappers who’ll “drop their keks for God’s glory” types…..not the old Bags on Songs of Praise obviously.
You will have to start your own religion Dick and turn Fiddler Towers into a commune of depravity for your hareem.
Youd have to start your own Dick.
Thats how they do it, ..cult leaders.
Id spin out of control within a week, once id declared myself the reincarnation of Jesus and fucked all the lasses id become paranoid.
By week two the Kool aid would be poured into plastic cups and the negotiator would be dead on the tarmac whilst the feds tried to kick the doors down.
I’d be too worried that our local woman vicar got wind and wanted a taste of the good stuff…wouldn’t want that frumpy,pontificating old trout demanding that I filled her with the Lord’s spirit.
Evening Fiddler, we have a woman vicar too. I don’t know if this is some inclusivity drive by the CoE or a pre-emptive measure to protect the sanctity of virgin choirboy arseholes.
You been to the races recently Dick, hopefully the crowds are getting back up towards pre Covid?
Busier than ever,LL….I was up at Carlisle the other week…don’t think I’ve ever seen as many there.
Richard Gere? I didn’t know Buddhists practiced the art of inserting rodents in their shitters.
Well I never.
Well they do.
Why do you think the Dalhi llama is always frowning?
Rodents in his tripes.
The church of England has always been a centuries long hideout for closet homoséxuals anyway……..
Long before gåyness was legalised the fruit feelers and badger hunters amongst the middle and upper classes would become ‘men off the cloth’ thus hiding their sodomatic ways in plain sight from their fellow citizens.
They could bum each other behind closed doors wearing their fancy pants gilded costumes yet preach the gospel in the day without ever arousing the suspicion of the congregation as to their sins.
These days they glorify the multitude of perversions that now openly exist in our society to not only snare fresh meat to their organisation in order for them to bum, but to also justify their centuries long covert homosexúality.
Church of England?
Fuck off, keep fucking off, get on a train, get off, go to an airport, go to Cape Canaveral, get on the Bezos cockship, fire off, keep going and then carry on.
“Dumb got a new boss, same as the old boss”.
I believe in life BEFORE death.
It’s a miracle a man born without a cock! Wouldn’t be fair fetched from a story coming out of India. Maybe we do a weekly candle lighting ceremony.
Oh oh that one Welby sued the NHS he isn’t a legit one, he slipped through the net. You can have you fun with him.
As an expert on poetry and the arts I believe mnc should be the next poet laureate. His posts scan and sometimes rhyme, a lot like Keats at his best. I had an owl in the dogs shed last night, probably a tawny but up close the fuckers are big. Might have been an eagle owl. Or a pterodactyl.
No women eh ?
Yet the Arsebishop of Canterbury prances around in a dress carrying a cheerleader’s baton.
What a cunt!
I’m surprised that Cliff Richard hasn’t come out to defend his best mate, God. After all he was created in his image. “And God created a man of song, who would walk pure of sin amongst the people and preach ‘The Word’ but only around Christmas when he was assured of a bigger audience. And he was perfect, or at least he thought he was! And when Satan saw this man, and heard his songs he was consumed with envy, rage and a migraine and did smite this man in the intestines forcing him to wear the colostomy bag of shame and lo, the stench was of biblical proportion’. Emphysema Ch2V3
The baby eating bishop of bath & wells would have Welby debagged and radished
The church doesn’t understand scientific facts.
Who knew.
XTC – Dear God