Sir Mo Farah (5)

Now I may be accused of being cynical but I’m just wondering if Mo is trying to head something off by announcing that he was trafficked to the UK as a kid.

Apparently Mo is not his real name and the woman he came here with is not his mother . He hasn’t seen his family since then.

This all may well be true. However, Mo is a cheeky little tinker and despite being an also ran in his event until he was by its standards, an OAP and overwhelmingly statistically unlikely to improve, managed to become literally unbeatable for about a decade.

All of this happened at the same time as going to train with a coach known to dope athletes .

Mo is also deaf in that he doesn’t hear the doorbell when drug testers come and has a poor memory, conveniently forgetting about carnitine injections when asked and then remembering them about 10 minutes later.

Even the drug testers wrote on his file that he was “likely doping” but hey do the Mobot and everyone will like you.

You utterly fake cunt.

I’d imagine today’s attempt at a sob story is to stop Priti Patel sending him to Rwanda as part of her bid for the Tory leadership.

Perhaps Mo needs to answer this question?

What do people traffickers get out of trafficking an 8 year old on his own when said 8 year old is then not put to work etc etc

Seems a shit business model to me and I’d imagine chunks of the truth have been left out. Just another illegal, who should not really be here.


BBC News Link

Nominated by: Cunt of the Litter

Lord Scunthorpe isn’t too pleased with Mo either…

Mo Farah, real name Hussein Abdi Kanin.

I always knew from the beginning that there was something dodgy about this cunt. With that set of Oral something luminescent teeth.

Trafficked her to work as a “servant,” he states. His dad died, but then he didn’t!? Now because he’s a ‘sir,’ & he’s a sports legend, he ain’t going to be deported.

He must have originally came over from “war torn Calais,” I guess, some years back. If that had been me, I would have kept quiet, & just ‘shut the fuck up!’

But not Mohammed Fuckwit! Another cunt to add to our “British Sports People,” because we obviously can’t make our own, any more.

Fuglyucker isn’t much of a fan either…

Daily Mail News Link

So welcome to our latest illegal immigrant Mo fucking Farrah, so this fucker has kept shtum all these years about being an illegal immigrant, he has benefitted from pretending to be British long enough to make a career out of running even managing to represent the UK and dodge allegedly allot the doping tests that should have been carried out on him.

So if he isn’t British does he give back the winnings and medals, does the UK get accused of cheating, can we just magic in an athlete from anywhere when we want to win, isn’t this lying Pepperammi looking mother fucker a Sir as well, does he give back the knighthood.

Anyone would think he, s been saving these nuggets of information so he can sell books about his struggles when he retires….. Oh well dip me in chocolate, he has retired and is about to release a book and hopefully make a few million out of that, is he then going to fuck off back to Isshittistan? , is he fuck, will he get deported? Will he fuck, will he pay back any money from false winnings? fuck no.

So welcome to our new lying, cheating cunt, whatever your real name is, you are just in time to run for priminister after the other lying, cheating cunt fucks off…..


With added support from Cuntfinder General

May I add this link, to Fuglyucker’s fine nomination:

Independent News Link

Farah-a cheat and a liar?

83 thoughts on “Sir Mo Farah (5)

  1. I was also trafficked many years ago and forced to sweep chimneys. But I don`t bang on about it.

  2. People trafficking of African and Middle Eastern economic migrants across the channel = Good

    Any attempts to stop, criticise or even question people trafficking of African or Middle Eastern economic migrants across the channel = bad/racist.

    Think of all those potential gold medalists we might have in the future thanks to the UK border force..
    Once we can manage to get these lads out of the 4 star accomodation and out onto the athletics track that is.

  3. Fuck me its starvin Marvin.
    Looks like Gollums shadow,
    Or a mistreated whippet.

    Deport the dodgy cunt,
    Give him a chip butty for the journey.

  4. Is he trying to avoid being detained by the authorities and deported? I’m not surprised he can run that fast.

    • Why would any BAME need to worry about being detained, never mind deported? No fucking chance of that.

  5. So, why is ‘Mo’ saying this now? Why has he waited till now to say it? Also, is there any cast iron proof of this tale? I really do doubt it.

    Call me a cynical cunt, but I smell a touch of the Lily Mongs and the Linekers here.

    As Del Boy once said, ‘Smell that? It’s sheep is it? It’s cows… I know what it is. It’s bullshit!’

    • I wonder if St Gary will suddenly remember he was trafficked too? Left on a freezing railway platform with just a little suitcase for his football boots and wearing a giant pair of ear mufflers before being put to work in the Walkers crisp factory.

  6. Stick to behaving like a cunt at airports and being rude to their staff ‘Sir Mo’.
    Yer cunt!

  7. He’s just another shifty afrikunt.

    Seems like his family didn’t give a fuck that he’d wandered off somewhere.

    Says it all really,nowt but fucking trouble these cunts,this one has a top hat and some medals..

    Deport the little turd to Oven.

  8. Another bloody illegal immigrant. Actually he was taken in by a Mr & Mrs Clapper and their children – great athletes all – nobody runs like the Clappers.

  9. There’s no smoke without fire, the dodgy grinning stick insect. I noticed that the BBC gave far more airtime to this slippery skeletal cunt’s victimhood sob story than the systematic abuse of thousands of White girls in Telford by our brown brothers. Deport them all. Cunts.

  10. A tall tale indeed – “people trafficked” at the age of 8, presumably hidden in Abdul Hussein Linekers flying carpet saddlebags..
    Pretends to be British to become a world famous multi millionaire athlete, then demands people call him “Mohammed” and respect his “faith” (feel free to practice islam in any muslim Country in the world you chippy ungrateful cunt) then realises his “strange and conveniently forgotten” entry into the UK will not stand up to scrutiny so fabricates a back story when he realises people are getting close to the truth.
    And the fastest running this average athlete who apparently turned into Superman overnight with no ahem, “assistance” whatsoever from the Nike Oregon project and proven drug cheat Alberto Salazar has ever done is out the back door when the testers ring the bell – it is of course complete coincidence that an average distance runner turns into utterly unbeatable in a record time after training at a camp which was allegedly awash with more dubious substances than The Hacienda on a Friday night.
    Not to worry though – we have the pleasure of “brave lassie” Laura Muir failing in yet another final and Katerina Johnson-Thompson coming in a fighting fifth to come.
    Instead of sending teams to any major championships we should just send a Union Flag, a pork pie and a big sign saying “8 billion quid saved – that’ll build a fucking lot of Council houses!”.
    And having been forced to watch BBC coverage I am curious to know why the studio looks like the film sets of Little Women and Roots.

    • Hacienda was always overrated, Vern.

      It was OK, but nowhere near as good as they say it was.
      For the first few years, it was never full, it was freezing, and there were loads of pretentious wannabe Morrisseys and up themselves Factory acolytes (i.e: knobheads). I went in the early days, and I went in the ‘Madchester’ era. I was there when the Hitman and Her lot turned up. It sounds strange now, but I really wanted to bang Michaela Strachan that night.

  11. Thing is, because of (cough) what he is, ‘Mo’ will automatically be believed without question, and the likes of the BBC, Grauniad, and countless social media mongs will lap it up.

    Not unlike that slippery slithering little shit who has caused so much trouble for Yorkshire County Cricket Club.

    I know these types are the new sacred cows and the favoured children of the loony left. But does that make them incapable of lying?

    • That little P*ki cunt got more coverage over a bit of name calling than all the grooming gang coverage put together.

      Fucking BBC North West Leeds had it on every fucking night for a month!

      I didn’t get any reply to my email asking why there isn’t the same outrage over Grooming, by predominantly Pakistani men.

  12. This is the product of pandering to the African invasion, they are all cunts, fake documents and shyster lawyers.
    Knight of the realm or some fucking shoe shine cunt, if they are illegal….

    Kick them OUT

  13. Blacks putting other blacks into slavery.
    But that’s not the narrative the press will use.

  14. The chip on shoulder little stick insect has got a right temper on it too.

    Been a couple of cases of the cunt punching and kicking people for no reason.

    What strikes me as odd is that you wouldn’t need to be Hate filled cunt to put the uppity little twat on his arse.

    Behind a bike shed.

    Somewhere in Worcestershire.

  15. It’s obvious that some journalist was on to the cunt so he did a Schofield and ran to his pals at the BBC . They promptly set him up with this tear jerking story, probably written by some cunt in their Drama Department. You’d have to be thick as shit, or a Guardianista, to swallow this cobblers.

    • Probably has a PR company organising it for him. He has always come over as a decent bloke on the TV but with his Salazar connection he was always going to be suspect.
      They hand out knighthoods without due diligence, that is a bloody embarrassment.

  16. I cunted this cunt last week on another post, shame the Home Office aren’t going to take any action, I would.

    I also have a theory for why bleck’s are good with their feet – they’re get lots of training running away from da police.

    • apparently, that is also why their palms are a shade lighter – they always have them on a cop car hood.

  17. Sadly Mo and Boris Johnsons cop show “Twiglet &Piglet” failed to be released after the pilot.

    Two cops complete opposites team up to investigate illegal immigration.

    One black one white.
    One a ditherer
    One chippy.

    Like Lethal Weapon but without much budget.


    “Erm, ahh, legum robur est..erm, book him Ribs!”

    ” I aint gettin on no plane to Rwanda fool!”

  18. How can this skinny little bastard demand that he be called Mohammed when his real name wasn’t Mohammed in the first place.
    His real name is allegedly Hussein Abdi Kahin yet he’s telling the Islamophobes to think on in future and it’s “Mohammed” instead of “Mo”
    The cheeky pedantic lying little runt.

    When Cassius Clay demanded he be called Muhammad Ali at least his original name wasn’t a secret and he had his reasons for the name change.

  19. The BBC website carried the tale of an Ethiopian beauty queen who has pitched on on this septic isle.she stated that the rubber boat gang make ‘hideous sacrifices’ to get here. The implication being that the cunts have somehow earned the right to remain.
    The fuckers have not earned any right to be here whatsoever.

    • ‘Ethiopian beauty queen’! I’d love to see a picture of her.
      On second thoughts, no I wouldn’t

  20. Another irritation with this cunt is the fact he’s been knighted and everyone must call him “Sir”. And for what exactly? Running round a track a few times and winning a few races. Big whoopy do!

    Bit like Lenny Henry – knighted for services to being a useless, race-bating, two-faced cunt
    Marcus Rashford – an MBE for forcing the government to hand over more taxpayers money to feed hungry kids, while this cunt probably has a very clever accountant who looks after his many millions!

    And yet you get some ordinary cunt who has to spend 20 or 30 years+ to do something above and beyond before he is even considered for a poxy little MBE

  21. If Sir Mo had a shred of decency he would book himself on the next flight to Rwanda. But he hasn’t, so it ain’t going to happen.
    Say it did, the human rights lawyers and courts would have him escorted off that plane before he could say “If I am lining up for a race, and I know there is someone there who cheats, it upsets me.” What a cunt.

    • Yes M.J.B. Rwanda will do nicely.
      As Far – ah way as possible please. & he can take his twin brother with him for company.

  22. While the BBC et al (including governing bodies such as World Athletics) have indeed looked into his potential cheating (PEDS), they haven’t exactly done it with the same vigour and enthusiasm they did with Lance Armstrong or the Russian athletes.

    I can’t for the life of me think why?

    From what I’ve read, it’s a ‘slam dunk’.

    If found to be the cheat I suspect he is, strip him of his knighthood and send him back.

  23. Farah, or whatever name he is using today, was past his best and going nowhere but backwards – then in a hereto unheard of increase in form suddenly became a world beater.
    Honest athletes do not constantly avoid testing, and it seems far too coincidental that he has announced plans for retirement except for the London marathon – but I feel a “mysterious injury” may cause him to not enter.
    Because some people are on to what he “allegedly” does and there will be an insistence on testing him.
    We live in a cesspit where the worst of behaviour gets the highest praise.

  24. Very average athlete. Mid 20s.

    Goes to a Salazar camp.

    Suddenly unbeatable.

    Misses drug tests.

    Nothing to see here…

  25. I wonder if the media snakes say “real name Hussein Abdi Kahin” every time they mention him like they do with Tommy Robinson?
    What are the chances?

    • That would be racist Freddie and it would fuel the infamous far right knuckle draggers.

  26. To be fair to him, he made a few bob for himself out of those Pepperami adverts.

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