I’d also like to nominate religion…. all religions. No link required as every one knows the horse shit that is religion.
Imagine being such a simple cunt that you believe in a magical sky wizard, I instantly take a strong hatred for such cunts, these backwater inbred fucktards deserve to be drowned for polluting mankind and holding the rest of us back.
You’d have to be a special kind of gullible cunt to believe in any religious bullshit scripture.
As the comedian David Cross once said about the bible…..
“Back when the Bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favourite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, the re-re-re-re-rewritten again…all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.. to people who didn’t know how to write… so…”
……and still some naive cunts still spout this shit as fact. These cunts must become worm food for the sake of humanity before it’s too late. Fuck me, there’s more reality in a kid’s fucking ladybird book.
Nominated by: Hate filled cunt
You’ve just gotta have faith.
Amen to that.
? Well, I guess it would be nice
If I could touch your body
I know not everybody
Has got a body like you ?
Ooo errr, sounds a bit gay that. Especially considering the source.
I don’t know why it is, but London seems to have been swamped with Jehova Witnesses in sharp suits (males) or sensible dresses (women) giving away their magazines and literature. I had occassion to visit a part of East London last week and there were such purveyors outside the station, a few yards down the road near the Co-op, round the corner outside a mobile phone shop and one near the council offices.
I can only assume as Kweer Charmer was threatening a vote of confidence last week they either though it was a sign of the second coming (what with his self decribed integrity and honesty) or they feared it was the end of the world, which seemed more likely.
What to you mean I don’t exist?
Do you want me to come down there on my eight legged horse and prove it to you?
Make sure you bring your elephant with 8 arms if you want to really convince . Oh and it better be able to fucking talk
Tch! Eight legged talking elephants indeed.
Have you been hanging around with Thomas again?
If I may offer a slightly leftfield take… I believe that it’s very possible that the inception of religious doctrine may very well have been as a result of the accidental ingestion of certain psychedelic substances by charismatic people back in the past.
I say as someone who, like the nominator, has always had utter contempt for all religion and those who follow it.
In the past year, I’ve been performing very interesting experiments with magic mushrooms and, more recently, have started dabbling with dmt. Not ayahuasca yet, that’s to be tried soon.
Higher doses of shrooms and tiny doses of dmt do indeed send you ‘elsewhere’…literally knocking on the door of another dimension.
It’s entirely understandable that people could do this and meet who/what they perceive to be God.
I never had a spiritual side but now believe that there is something ‘else’ there, and psychedelics break down that barrier, albeit only temporarily.
All that aside, mużzıes are still cunts and their interpretation is evil incarnate.
You are Lemmy from Hawkwind and I claim my half empty can of Special Brew.
Fantastic work by the way Thomas.
Keep flying safely.
“If the doors of perception were cleansed then everything would appear to man as it is: Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his own cavern.” – William Blake
Excellent take on this hate filled diatribe…(play on words intended)…that passes for a cunting, Thomas.
As someone who has some experience with mind altering substances I completely agree with your point. Through my own usage I came to believe that there is a “Higher Power”…(no pun intended)…that governs the Universe and that “Higher Power” is what many have come to know as God.
From one psychonaut to another…ayahuasca will change your life.
Bon voyage!
I’ve yet to properly “break through”, General.
Having managed to extract my own DMT, I’ve only tried 10 and 15mg. First time was ineffable, but the second dose more understandable…I was instantly transported to some sort of deep space structure, a cathedral of sorts, made of colourful equations where the colour is not of our earthly spectrum.
I understand that 50mg is the generally accepted dose to meet other beings. Let’s hope they’re benevolent!
One can believe in a “higher power” without having to believe all the nonsense that organised religion spouts.
The C of E is a fucking wet, woke joke nowadays. Den of thieves springs to mind too.
You are absolutely correct! And you made my point better than I did.
I am an atheist, so the Sun is my only ‘higher power.’ It gives me light, heat, provides me with food, & I can actually see it, even though it’s ninety three million miles away. if it wasn’t there I wouldn’t be here.
& no, so called “god” comes anywhere near close to that! ?
Where did the sun come from?
My arse.
TtCE@ – Afternoon Thomas – “Ergot” Joan of Arc and her “visions”.
And God said to Joan “Why aren’t you at home making dinner, you fucking space cadet!”
What a beautiful Summer’s day.
I ‘break through’ by simply walking out the door.
As long as they don’t try to ‘convert’ you, why let it bother you so much? For the most part, they’re harmless, apart from the obvious nutters and, I read somewhere that during WW1, even the most ardent athiest asked for a bit of Devine Intervention during bombardments or whilst waiting to go ‘over the top’.
“Tolerance isn’t a dirty word, Blackadder”.
DCI@ – Afternoon DCI – my thoughts on religion are “first, do no harm” – if it hurts no one else crack on.
But I will NOT be told I am a bad person, born filled with sin and need to pay my way into heaven by organisations of professional money grabbers and Peter Philes.
I don’t recall Jesus asking for donations. (Probably too busy getting pissed on free wine and fucking his hooker girlfriend! OWW! Stop with the thunderbolts Miles!) ?
I like going in cathedrals to look at the history and possibly marvel at the dedication it took to build them..
But imagine getting up today putting on fancy clothes and sitting in a church all morning being told all sorts of guff?
Fuck that I’m going to hike up a jolly big hill and look at the scenery with a nice cigarette.
If ever Starmerism becomes an established religion you can be sure Bendover Bradshaw, Chris Bryant, Peter Mandelson, Peter Kyle, Lloyd Rusell-Moyle, Wes Screeching and many others will be opening up their arse to the Great Man (sorry duckies, “heart”). That’ll disappoint them.
Why would it bother me what others beleived?
Lots of boxers pray before a fight,
That they dont end up a drooling turnip or kill their opponent.
And same with soldiers.
I dont know if theres a “God’
Nobody does.
But if having religious faith helps someone?
Crack on.
Mnc@ – Afternoon Mnc – If it floats your boat and does no harm crack on is my opinion.
Wokeism and “climate change” are the newest religious zealotry, and they have the same evil zeal as the Spanish Inquisition or the medieval witch hunts.
Truly wicked.
My car has evidence all over it of who manufactured it.
Creation has evidence all through it of who made it.
I know for a fact there is God.
I also know He provided an owners manual.
MC@ – Afternoon MC – when you turn the headlamps on does a deafening voice bellow “Let there be light!”? ?
Creation is a reflection of the creator and his handiwork. Things are just too complex to have just happened somehow.
More than just creating us the creator gave us written knowledge to give us direction and answers.
Religion comes along and distorts it, turns it into a business, and feeds human arrogance. More human suffering has occurred by religion than anything else.
Yes it doesn’t bother me what others think or believe UNTIL those cunts start trying to dictate policy or changes to the law to protect their laughable fantasy.
What I can’t laugh at you because you believe everything a 7th century kiddy fiddler tells you ?
Hate crime you say?
Yeah fuck off
Rowan Atkinson had a good take on this:
Morning all.
Bollocks, bad link.
Sorry about that. I have no idea why some links don’t wrap on this site.
“…no idea why some links don’t wrap”
I think you somehow dropped the question mrk after …com/url..(?) ..sa
Nothing wrong with having a bit of faith in my opinion.
When people lose loved ones or pets even – I can’t say I blame them for having faith or a faint hope in their hearts that they’ll be reunited.
The religious monuments built by our ancestors in Europe are among the most magnificent structures you could ever wish to see anywhere on earth and the generations of blokes who helped build those must have had a tremendous vision of the future.
Allied to dedication and faith (I imagine)
Mrs J is a practicing Catholic and a nicer person you couldn’t wish to meet.
I’m fairly agnostic myself.
Just don’t rub your faith in my face and don’t murder innocent people to prove your religion is the best.
Just have faith and be nice to everybody.
Good Morning
Sadly, science can’t answer the biggest question.
How do you get something from nothing?
I’d also argue that the demeaning of Christianity in the west (media, education system etc) and the promotion of atheism and other religions, has brought us to where we are today. I’ve even heard that boring, one trick ‘sky fairies’ grifter, Dawkins admit this is true. I used to be a sneering atheist. I grew out of it though. It’s personal, but I kind of feel there’s something in this shit, without being a tub thumping religious nutter.
But look where demeaning Christianity, promoting degeneracy, mocking the nuclear family and bigging up other religions has got us.
Trannies in schools, Islamic terrorism, grooming gangs (it’s fine to rape non moose limbs, innit?) and two parents must now work to survive, when one wage was enough previously. Throw the kids to a child minder. They’ll bring your kids up for the price of one wage lol.
Cue the usual comments about Catholic n o n ce priests. They should be strung up, no doubt about it. I’d argue though, it’s a small number of them and compared to the grooming gangs.
And why fucking add to a problem by inviting in loads of n o nces from Crapistan, who think it’s their religious right to abuse ‘white harlots’?
I’m not overly religious, but we are fucking well reaping what we sowed.
Good morning and repent!!
Militant atheists like Dawkins are generally sneering cunts.
I have to agree with regards to the lampooning of Christianity and the promotion of degeneracy – it is sending society and the family unit backwards.
With regards to religion and child abuse – because Christian priests do it – it doesn’t grant religious gangs up and down the country from a distinct demographic, a free pass to do it either.
I’d also argue that at least some of those n o n ce priests aren’t even religious. They’re n o n ces who target the profession to get access to boys/kids in general, like a small number of scout leaders, teachers, hospital workers etc. The n o n ce priests know they have a good chance the church will help them to cover up the abuse too. The cunts.
Can’t really say the same with the grooming gangs. Their book pretty much tells them it’s ok to do what they do. Which is why we should’ve never imported this madness into our country in the first place.
Obviously, not all moose limbs, but the reactions to these ‘grooming gangs’ from within their communities, and even their MPs has been most interesting. Covering it up, calling the victims ‘white slags’ and saying we shouldn’t talk about these things ‘for the sake of diversity’.
And not to mention the reaction from the police and social services (on the whole – I am aware some did report and try to stop this shit, only to be fired or demoted.)
By the way, those who covered all this up think they’ve got away with it.
They have.
For now.
However, I honestly think we’ll see long prison sentences one day, for the cunts who tried to cover it all up to protect their careers and pensions.
As I have said before, I don’t have a blind spot when it comes to child abuse, anyone who perpetrates it deserves the maximum punishment available. Regardless of race or religion or any other factor.
The Asian grooming gang is an hourly trope in the comments here, but there is a fundamental difference between them and in my opinion looking at the facts, the Catholic Church. That being the fact that no one is entrusting their children to an Asian gangs for safe keeping. They prey on the kids who are vulnerable because they have had a shit upbringing by people who shouldn’t be allowed pets, let alone children, broken homes, and other similar circumstances.
Good Afternoon GJ.
As CB mentioned in his comment – when it comes to trust – along with Christian (so called) religious leaders, you could throw (some) teachers, social worker types, sports coaches and scout leaders into that mix.
I think the main grievance with Islamic grooming gangs is that it is a recently imported and alien (to the UK) phenomenon.
These men operating in large groups have absolutely no shame in what they do. None whatsoever to the degree that they play metaphorical “pass the parcel” with vulnerable underage children who are not of their “superior” faith.
Members within their own “community” seem unwilling or reluctant to call them out for their heinous behaviour (similarly to terrorists) and the UK institutions such as the Police and Social services, rather bizarrely, seem determined to protect them or turn a blind eye.
Mrs J is a practicing Catholic and I can guarantee that if gangs of priests at the local church were brazenly playing pass the parcel with underage altar boys then I’m fairly confident that she and the rest of the congregation wouldn’t just turn a blind eye.
Nor I imagine would the Police, social services or the rest of the community.
Afternoon HJ.
I see absolutely no difference. Catholics are just as likely to disbelieve claims made against priests and the like because they know these people and like and trust them. And, the church has, and continues to harbour and defend those who do these kind of things. That’s what separates them from teachers and other non religious institutions that are entrusted with children. When accusations are levelled at a member of staff they are immediately offered up to the law for investigation.
It’s the constant promotion of one religion as guilty of this evil, and the complete lack of interest in the other that signals the agenda, of the people making the claims, or the people taken in by it. Evil is evil, no exception.
Also, by importing it, is there an institutional religion in the U.K. that wasn’t imported, or imposed? They are one and the same fantasy from the Middle East, occasionally repackaged to suit a particular cunt who wants to be in charge.
Richard Dawkins seems to have shifted his thinking-
Well said CB.
Love it.
Theology first thing In the morning? Are you fucking insane? Faith and belief are funny old things.
I’ve never been able to confidently say there is no higher power as I’ve never encountered a religion that say easy with me.
Results at cern seem to be bringing more questions than answers. The world is a wondrous place, the placement of the moon is also mind boggling. Intelligent design is strongly hinted at if not confirmed by our very existence but we have no conclusive proof so we look to science for answers.
Science tells us we are a random byproduct of a Big Bang, when everything that exists now was created when the ever expanding universe and all matter in it exploded into existence from nothing and nothing not even time existed before that moment.
Not not being any kind of physicist I’m not at all equipped to understand the concept. I do have one question though, for something to expand you have to have something to expand into surely?
Religion states we are in the world but not of the world.
Science seeks to answer our questions but the answers it provides are often just theories not stone called facts.
Recent discoveries suggest Einstein was wrong in but I’ve grown up believing Einstein was a science god.
Giving myself a headache now, fuck this the lawn needs cutting.
I can remember exactly when I last went to church and prayed, it was Christmas eve 1968 when Apollo 8 was going around the moon. After they returned I became a non believer. Funny old world, how many cunts pray to win the lottery…..
Even atheists have crises of faithlessness.
… then God said: “Let there be light”.
And you could see for fucking miles.
…and God created the Earth and rested.
…and God created the animals and rested.
…and God created man and rested.
…and God created woman and nobody has been able to rest since.
& on the eighth day, he created motorcycles. Then he came forward on his Triumph!
And the Lord sayeth “the fucker’s only running on one cylinder, even with new sparketh plugs”.
And so He inventeth the Japanese so we could have reliable machinery.
“Let there be light”
Then gOD created the sun on the fourth day.
The Buy-bull also says that there was water and plant life on Earth before the sun was created.
Water and plant life.
… then God said:“Let there be light”.
…and there was light,
“Let there be sound”
…and there was sound,
“Let there be drums”
…there were drums,
“Let there be guitars”
…and there were guitars
waaaaarghhh! LET THERE BE ROCK!
Our ancient ancestors had it right in a way. Ancient man would have watched the movements and influence of the sun and worshipped that. Still fucking stupid really, because we can’t change its behaviour, but it is , at least, the giver of life.
This is something the followers of the new religion, climate change, simply cannot grasp. They think that they are all disciples of Greta and can alter the fate of planet earth. Daft cunts.
Grabs popcorn
I think everyone prays for something at some time. I fucking do in certain situations. I defy anyone not to ask for a bit of ‘help’ (and not from HEMS), when a 14 week old baby that’s in cardiac arrest is thrust at you. Anyone that doesn’t, is a liar.
Its the “listen to me” types on both sides im not keen on.
The religious mitherer trying to convince me,
Or the sneering atheist trying to convince me.
My answers the same to both.
Just fuck off?
I dont follow any cunt,
Soapbox ranters,
Glorious truthers,
Two bob sparticus’s,
Wannabe jesus’s
Or poundshop Bravehearts.
I follow the smell of gravy.
Im a devout Bisto kid.
A means to control the great unwashed by the rich elite….
When will we wake up…..?
That would be called THE LAW
You are correct HFC, religion is complete and utter bollocks believed in by fools.
I’m not sure exactly what I believe, arfur, but I’ve offered up a (silent) prayer on numerous occasions, in my previous life many times, and including the scenario above, and I’m certainly no fool. It failed in that case, and, witnessing the grief of the family, and us, as professional ambulance crews, it did make me think that if there IS a God, why did He pick that child to die rather than say, Tony Blair?
‘Mysterious ways’? Fucking cuntish, that was.
I apologise DCI, you are not a fool. I made that post before I read yours at 09:19.
Definately no offence taken, arfur?
We are all part of the only true religion: Nature.
Every single molecule on earth plays a vital part.
Every single one.
Even hungover cunters?
Morning CG…there’s nothing natural about the existence of Dianne Abbott.
I suspect, however, that she came about after David Attenborough sneakily shagged one of those mountain gorillas after the cameras were turned off…
PS…was your evening worth the resulting hangover?
Oh yes indeed!??
With regards to your experiments with DMT-those Amazonian herbalists are the practitioners of what is certainly the most honest religion: nature
Nothing wrong in believing in something as long as it doesn’t cause harm to anyone else, however……..
What you’ve got to ask yourself is, if god doesn’t exist why is he there at the big moments in our lives.
After excess alcohol and a dodgy curry don’t we call on god down the big porcelain telephone?
During sex how often do we call his name?
In a moment of crises do we not ask god for help l?
In the heat of war do we not cry to for for his protection?
If God does not exist do we not constantly call him into existence?
God is a necessity in our life’s, we should not reject the idea of a creator god but maybe try and understand better who or what god is.
As Dave Allen used to say: “My church accepts all denominations – fivers, tenners, twenties.”
“My religion says I can’t do this” – ok, a bit weird but crack on.
“My religion says you can’t do this” – Fuck off.
Science is a figure of hate from a lot of religious nuts, and a lot of that hate can also be seen in the tinfoilers tripe, where a lot of their shite comes from. Of course it doesn’t have all the answers, and I doubt it ever will, and that’s ok with me. I live the life that’s in front of me, and science will make that time longer, happier, and healthier than religion could ever make it.
I don’t like the word atheist. It’s a label that religious cunts use to single out those that haven’t fallen for their fantasy, and happily adopted by those that want to make an issue out of their disbelief.
It’s funny, because there aren’t any other afflictions that have a word for those that don’t suffer from them. Don’t suffer from haemorrhoids? No word for that. Diabetes? Does that make you non diabetic in conversation?
Thinking about it, there is a word to describe those not afflicted with religion. Sane.
Around 84% of the world’s population must be insane then.
But comparing religion to haemorrhoids is fucking tickety boo lol.
Some of that 84% are insane, the rest are either gullible or stupid.
I don’t know, piles is a good analogy, they are both pains in the arse.
gOD sent himself, to sacrifice himself, to himself, and to save us from himself.
It’s clear as shit.
The classic paradox that tells any thinking logical person they’re dealing with a monumental scam if not a co-ordinated 2,000year old psy-op.