I’d also like to nominate religion…. all religions. No link required as every one knows the horse shit that is religion.
Imagine being such a simple cunt that you believe in a magical sky wizard, I instantly take a strong hatred for such cunts, these backwater inbred fucktards deserve to be drowned for polluting mankind and holding the rest of us back.
You’d have to be a special kind of gullible cunt to believe in any religious bullshit scripture.
As the comedian David Cross once said about the bible…..
“Back when the Bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favourite parts, then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, the re-re-re-re-rewritten again…all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened.. to people who didn’t know how to write… so…”
……and still some naive cunts still spout this shit as fact. These cunts must become worm food for the sake of humanity before it’s too late. Fuck me, there’s more reality in a kid’s fucking ladybird book.
Nominated by: Hate filled cunt
There is nothing wrong with religious belief as long as it’s unfanatical. Religion brings comfort to many and generally teaches good values. Religious belief is also a basic human characteristic and a psychological need. Read Jung for an analysis of why the decline in religious belief has caused so much imbalance in the modern psyche.
I wish I had religious faith but I don’t. I respect those that have it as long as they are not fanatical bigots.
“In thirty years I have treated many patients. Among all my patients in the second half of life, every one of them fell ill because he had lost that which the living religions of every age had given their followers, and none of them was really healed who did not regain his religious outlook”.
Carl Jung
Eric Clapton has a lot to answer for!
He certainly has, Sixdog.
Everything he’s done after 1977’s ‘Slowhand’ has been shit.
Cream and Derek and the Dominos were fucking ace though.
He claims he shot a sheriff?
Never got investigated.
Got away with murder .
Mnc@ – Clapton was in it with Bob Marley – shifty stoner still alleging “he didn’t shoot the deputy” – and Rastafarianism isn’t a proper religion like the Church of the Fonz!
When is the local church coming round to pay for MY roof fixing then?
Just for the record “He did not shoot the deputy “.
So who did ?
Gutstick Japseye on July 10, 2022 at 10:49 am said:
“I don’t like the word atheist. It’s a label that religious cunts use to single out those that haven’t fallen for their fantasy, and happily adopted by those that want to make an issue out of their disbelief.”
Gutstick: I don’t much like the word “Racist”. It’s a label that woke cunts use to single out those that haven’t fallen for their fantasy, that uncontrolled migration and diversity is our strength.
A term that is bandied about on here, with increasing frequency?
Afternoon CG.
Unfortunately for both of us, if the cap fits……
There is a slight difference however, I don’t constantly bang on about being an atheist, or make all my problems being about religion.
Also, there a difference between having genuine concerns for unmitigated migration to a smallish island and the effect on society, to just saying racist stuff for the sake of it, as many do.
I hope this clears it up for you.
Also, nice one for spelling it properly, a lot of those who don’t like being called racist for being racist can’t seem to spell it, starting it with a W and putting way to many A’s in it.
CG@ – Afternoon CG – I find it an amusing irony that the sobbing, permanently offended leftist clowns always throw the term “racist” around because they do not like hard truth and facts, have no argument or rebuttal, lack the intelligence, evidence or verbal skills to debate so revert to childish type and begin calling people who disagree with their attempted indoctrination the very thing that they are -“racists”. (Let’s tell it how it is).
See also “gammon, boomer, bigot, fascist, hate speech and nazi” from their vocabulary of ten words.
The mantra of the offensive claiming to be offended, in between watching Disney box sets in a bedroom at their Parents house.
Wokeism and leftism is the new religion, and the zealots are determined to use any methods they can to force the 99% who disagree with their lies, bullshit and agenda to either be silent or be gone.
We are right back in the days of 1930’s Germany, and any calling out the 2022 nazis are slowly being silenced and removed.
See Gutstick’s reply, above?
Are you saying you aren’t racist? ???
Perhaps referring to 30s Germany isn’t a good idea when being called out for being a racist.
It was a period when nasty people blamed all their problems on people because of their race, religion, sexuality, and that they should get out of their country.
Sound familiar?
“Sound familiar?”
Now that you come to mention it… ?
Evening Ruff.
It goes down well with the chosen demographic so who gives a shit what I think.
As they said, ‘a lie said often enough becomes the truth’
I find being called racist or atheist equally meaningless.
Jesus’s father, who was also him, impregnated a virgin and became human, then sacrificed himself to save everybody from him.
The word religion can mean the general belief in an Almighty creator, eternity, etc.
It can also mean A religion which means a particular religious system or belief.
I reject the latter as they are all the same and all just as wrong.
I do believe in God. It’s the only way that all the matter and energy in the universe could have come into existence from nothing.
“Once you assume a creator and a plan, it makes humans objects in a cruel experiment whereby we are created to be sick and commanded to be well” – Christopher Hitchens.
So how did god come into existence MC? Who created the creator?
I say it was quantum shittery.
From the point I had developed rational thought and a questioning mind, I’ve felt religion and a belief in a higher power/god to be two different things.
Religion is a business. It needs paying customers to help make the people who run it, wealthy. It’s a business transaction at its core. The customer gives the church/pastor money and in return the customer gets redemption and the promise of better things to come in the afterlife.
Being a customer of that ilk does bleed into the belief in a higher power/god of course. Both require the customer/believer to be incredibly gullible, naive, have questionable judgement and be lacking in critical thinking skills. The world’s full of them. Cha-ching!
If people want to believe in a higher power/god, that’s fine. Just keep it to yourself and don’t get upset when facts and logic get in the way when you’re on your soapbox. Thus endeth the sermon.
Peace be with you – Reverend IY.
Tell you something that boiled my piss the other day. My wife works in admin at our local Church of England primary School. Every year, the year 6 leavers are given a bible…..this year she was asked to also purchase a fucking Koran for one of the ragheads that happened to be leaving. I said WTF he’s in a CofE school…..either he fucking shouldn’t have been let in or he abides by the Cof E mantra. If I went to a fucking Muslim school and asked for a bible I’d been fucking stoned to death!!! I told her to tell then to get fucked and give him a bible like the rest. Love to hear his complaint.
True story.
..oh and neither of us are religious- just working under a flag of convenience as it give the wife term time off.
I know religion has caused suffering in the past and i am an atheistic agnostic, but look at where the marxist establishment’s hatred of Christianity and embrace of Isl..diversity has brought us. The Soviets replaced worship of God with worship of the State.
We’re doing the same and adding climate bollocks in for the ‘revelatiions’ aspect.
I despise atheism and I don’t like atheists very much, at least the ones I’ve met.
When I die I will join my wife who died 10 years ago at 47 from a very rare leukaemia. It came out of nowhere and took her, we don’t even smoke FFS!. We had been married less than 3 years. She waits for me in Heaven. Anybody who tells me that’s not so is a c*nt who can f*ck off and when they get there they can f*ck off a bit further. Then they can enjoy Hell for Eternity. Serves them right.
And relax……