Lurpak – I can’t believe its so fucking expensive!

Lurpak butter is now nearly a tenner (for 1Kg tub – Day Admin) in supermarkets.
It’s having to have security tags put on it,
To stop shoplifting crumpet enthusiasts pocketing it.

A tenner for fucking butter!
I wouldn’t mind but Lurpak is shite.
It’s not that good.
I buy Aldi s own salted butter it’s much better and a lot cheaper.

Lurpak is for posers
Designer tag butter
I wouldn’t grease my arse with it. (I can’t unthink that image! – Day Admin)

Express News Link

Nominated by: Miserable northern cunt

95 thoughts on “Lurpak – I can’t believe its so fucking expensive!

  1. That’s why Lardpack could afford Rutger Hauer as the voice over on their TV ad’s.

  2. Provided he can buy it on “expenses” I bet Wes Screeching would grease HIS arse with it, and Angela Rayner would happily use it to grease her fanny – not like the axle grease she used as t’schoolgirl.

  3. It’s a “fear-porn” non story from the MSM, to keep stoking the great unwashed.
    Most butter blocks are 250g-usually around £2.50?

    In Wankbury’s this week, Anchor butter down to £2.

    Go to your local wholesale warehouse and save even more ?

    The cunts here are the media.

  4. I buy Asda’s own unsalted butter at £1.75 for 250g, perfectly good. I wouldn’t dream of buying branded.

  5. I didn’t even realise it was real butter.

    The packaging made me think it was some marg/butter hybrid spread.

    Silly cunts packaged it wrong. Butter should be a block wrapped in foil.

    And none of that foreign muck an’ all.

  6. The 1kg tub used to be £7.50 in Tesco.

    They now sell the 750g tub for £7.50.

    Bloody Rob dogs.

    • 750g (3x 250g blocks) of Anchor butter-(British and less salt) £6.00 at Wankbury’s.

  7. I saw a “hack” (fucking irritating word) in the Mailicious where some “savvy” ( another) Tart was recommending that we make our own butter….apparently you buy a large pot of double-cream and shake it until it separates to give a couple of teaspoons of “butter”….Fucks Sake…. double cream isn’t cheap for a start and who in their right mind would fucking bother?
    I buy the Aldi or Lidl version when I remember but often have neither butter or margarine in the house…I certainly won’t be paying a tenner for Lurpack or twitching like some Parkinson’s/ St Vitus sufferer trying to make my own. Of
    course the dedicated Wanker could always strap a pot of cream to the back of
    his hand before commencing operations,I suppose….a tasty “apres I’amour” treat indeed.

    • Invite Michael j fox round for the afternoon and you will churning it faster than anchor..

      • I once told a barmaid that a regular who suffered from epilepsy, could be the best fuck she would ever have: climb on top and switch on the strobe lights?

        She wasn’t overly impressed. Some folk have no sense of humour….

    • ‘Hacks’ used to be called ‘top tips’ when I was young.

      Makes more sense than ‘hack’ what the fuck are you hacking??? The word has a totally different meaning.


      • I’d bet it’s an American thing Chuff. There are numerous examples where they can’t cope with words of more than one syllable for instance they say “straight” for consecutive, “gas miles” for fuel consumption and “quick fix” for temporary repair. What gets in my fillings is when lazy British journalists use such terms.

  8. That shite is half oil, not really butter. Aldi version is just fine and £2 a pack

    • Theyre blaming moonfaced homosexual Vlad Putin for the rise in a lot of things,
      His stranglehold on fuel an grain.

      But lots of companies using it as a excuse to mug you at the checkout .
      Cheeky fuckers.

      If anyone is struggling to afford butter,
      Lard mixed with custard powder makes a great substitute!

  9. I have it on good authority that Miserable greases his arse with lard.

    Morning all. ?

  10. Butter now is £6,200 a ton, it was £3,300 last year, and all I can say is, the price will keep going up until the peasants are eating bug burgers and sugar water!

    Don’t say you weren’t warned!

      • that’s wholesale price the trade buy it at Mis, also it requires more milk in summer to make butter than in winter, surprised they haven’t come up with that, as the Ukraine excuse is wearing thin!

  11. I forsee gangs of balaclava bleks ram raiding Tescunts to sell it on the blekmarket.

    No chiggun with de grease.


  12. The simple answer is to go vegan. You can save money and be a self righteous cunt at the same time.

  13. In the eighties and nineties,as well as Acid rain,hole in the ozone layer,AIDS,nuclear threat,etc etc ( yawn ),I’m sure there was a ” butter mountain “mentioned once or twice.
    Anyone know where it is ?.

    • Its off the coast of Norway but guarded by viking longships.

      But theyre worried it may melt on monday.

    • The butter mountain, along with it’s sibling the wine lake, were amongst the early warnings of what a corrupt organisation the EU is. The French were the problem (what’s new?) as their politicians were desperate for the rural vote. French farmers demanded a modern standard of living typical in the west when some of them were farming one or two acres. Only way to ahieve this was by massive subsidy and the resulting surplus was then taken off the market to force up the price and recover money from the consumer. So good to know if you were a hard up Brit struggling to feed the kids, at least you were doing your bit to support some French peasant who took a bath once a month provided the weather wasn’t inclement.
      Eventually the position became such an embarrassment that the stored butter was released on to the market. No one would say so at the time but when the stuff was unwrapped it was obviously on the way to turning rancid.

      • The EU – however will we survive being out of if?!

        I think they still run a similar model doing things like subsidising wealthy landowners for growing trees and doing nothing with the land (as with Hesselslime).

        The EU – existing purely for their own sake adding additional layers of rules and costs for no good reason and we haven’t properly left it yet (and I doubt we ever will with the shower of shit lined up to replace the existing shit PM).

  14. Aldi anyone? I can do a week’s shop, including wine and gin for £2.50. With change. Stick Lurpak up your arse.

    • My local Aldi have tried to go up market by putting in glass doors on the cold storage shelves, it’s fucking inconvenient for the standard Aldi shopper who are used to just scooping stuff into the trolley

  15. Well done MNC, you are Lorraine and I claim my 5 pounds. Next on Lorraine, MNC gives tips on countering period poverty.

  16. I remember Echo Margarine. It was very cheap. Great for fry ups, but was a bit of an aquired taste when mixed with jam.

  17. If you tipped the contents of a your refrigerator into a skip, the one thing rats* would NOT eat, is Margarine.
    I can’t say that I blame them.

    *Somalians, who look like rats, would probably eat the fucking skip, too.

    • No, the cunts’d stick an outboard on it and try to sail the fucker across the channel.

      • Morning Gene?
        Are you working this weekend?

        I bet you and your crew are dreading the hot spell-people pissing it away in 40 degrees?

      • ‘Morning, CG. No, on a run of rest days, thank fuck. At least in this heat you can VOR a truck if the aircon’s dodgy and drive to workshops to get it re-gassed to kick the arse out of your shift! Every cloud…

      • DCI@ – Afternoon DCI – terrible news – 44 Somalians have allegedly died of heatstroke in the English Channel!
        A weeping spokesman for “The Fox Party” reported that there were at least two empty places on the dinghy..

  18. Who’d have thought that a semi developed country, like Ukraine, could produce so much of what is required by corporate producers. According to manufacturers and the MSM, there is virtually nothing that we eat or burn that doesn’t come from there.
    Miraculous isn’t it?

    • On purpose one would think, and tinfoil they’d have you believe for thinking as such

      • It isn’t just Lurpak that’s gone up, it’s everything you can think of. £1.40 for a can of Heinz soup? They can fuck right off. They’ll use anything as an excuse to raise prices. Forest fire in Australia? That’ll do. Political protests in Venezuela? That’s worth 50p extra. Robbing cunts.

  19. Talking of food (tenuous link) I bought some Seabrook crisps the other day for the first time in ages.

    They had the texture of soggy cardboard. Not much flavour. Went to check the date and although they were in date, they’re now making them ‘gluten free’.

    Cheers. So because a few wetwipes have gay allergies, we’ve all got to suffer?

    What next? Everything being diabetic friendly? Maybe I should break both my legs and back and get some callipers in solidarity with the biftas too?

    Fuck off.

    • Gluten allergies/intolerances are a serious problem – as I can testify from my brother’s difficulties – but the solution to them certainly isn’t to make already established products gluten free.

  20. Do we have cows in the UK? Yes we do.
    Does milk make butter? Yes it does.
    We have a practical solution.
    Profiteering bastards.
    In shops I check where stuff comes from and how much it costs week to week – all over the world for stuff we could be growing in our back yard, and a few pence here and there on the prices of basics every fucking month – sneaky, greedy and wholly premeditated.
    Whilst we are victims of the CAP this problem will always occur – but the very farmers who need subsidies do not get them and the Michael Hesletines of this world get millions a year.
    To me the problem here is simple – it is clearly the fault of right wing extremists rising and marching all over the place, gammons who contribute to climate change by looking upwards at necessary private jets filled with people who have our best interests at heart and white people who refuse to realise they are surplus to requirements and do the decent thing by handing everything over to the State and then walking into the sea, presumably dodging between the dinghies filled with “the poor oppressed refugees”.
    Top down corporate theft and market manipulation.

    • What’s left of the government is rubbing its hands in glee. They’re hoping the hot weather this week will bump off many 1000’s of the elderly/weak/ill and a much larger number will succumb to starvation/hypothermia this winter. Think of all the money they will save on pensions and benefits which they can then either use to fund the ever increasing army of illegal immigrants or simply give away in foreign aid. Us? We not only don’t matter but we’re a massive liability the elites can do without. After we’ve finished paying our taxes and left everything to them, of course.

  21. Do Aldi do online delivery MNC? I don’t drive and I don’t fancy having to carry my shopping back from Frenchgate every time I do it.

    • Im not sure Opey?
      Not that im aware of, but they might do.

      You settling in?

      • I checked and no, they don’t do it unfortunately so Tescunt it is. Yeah, I’m settling in fine thanks – job started off a little badly but things seem to be improving now, and my housemates are nice enough. Joined a new football team as well.

  22. Aldi is king!

    I could shop at the bigger supermarkets but when i hear of cunts like Lurpak and Heinz ramping up their prices for well known but foul-tasting products I would rather go with Aldi – great value, lots of choice and based on my last venture to their store in Workington, two extremely fuckable young female shelf stackers!

    I hope Lurpak and Heinz suffer a massive drop in sales, the greedy cunts

    • Sadly we don’t seem to have one in Doncaster and the cunts no longer do delivery. Ah well.

  23. I eat lots and lots of butter. It’s an excellent source of fat. In fact I think I’ll put a popsicle stick in one end and lick it down to nothing one day.
    Butter is the best.
    The cow is a blessing to mankind indeed.
    Leather, meat, milk, cheese, butter, lard, tallow, fertilizer, bone broth, dog food, etc, etc.

  24. Lurkpak hasn’t aged well si ce it’s slide-in part in Last Tango in Paris.

  25. I like Lurpak. Currently £5 for a 750g pack in our local Asda.

    Anchor and the others are too salty for me. Each to their own.

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