Kamala Harris (3) and Word Salads

Word Salads

Kamala Harris is expert at them. Here she is on the Chicargo shooting-

‘We have to take this stuff seriously. As seriously as you are because you have been forced to take it seriously.’

Seriously Kamala?

John McEnroe comes to mind-‘YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS!!’

That was the best one though. At the start of the War in Ukraine (giggling away as you would)

“So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine so basically that’s wrong.’

Thank you Kamala. Crystal clear.

Didn’t The Smiths have a song–‘Some girls are bigger than others’

Another one where the she calls on ASEAN countries to ‘work together’ (5 or 6 times)

‘Our world is more interconnected and interdependent. That is especially true when it comes to the climate crisis, which is why we will work together, and continue to work together, to address these issues, to tackle these challenges, and to work together as we continue to work operating from the new norms, rules, and agreements, that we will convene to work together on to galvanize global action.’

(She pauses here) then a last one-

‘With that I thank you all. This is a matter of urgent priority for all of us and I know we will work on this together,”

Are you saying we cannot go it alone?


“For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic…we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential.”

She repeats the same word-‘One of the issues that has been represented as an issue…’ then repeats herself again-‘we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting…’ ‘ in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery…’ repeat and turnabout.

At the start of her Vice-Presidency she visited a some laboratory in France. Actually worth a watch as she puts on a French accent-

We should have known what was going to happen then.

You Tube Link

Nominated by: Miles Plastic

Useful link provided by: Ruff Tuff Creampuff

Wiki Link

101 thoughts on “Kamala Harris (3) and Word Salads

  1. This CUNT is only in the elite club because she:
    1) opened her legs to the right cocks.
    2) has non-white genetics.
    3) I was hoping to come up with a 3rd reason but can’t.

    Her laugh is as annoying as Hillary Clinton.
    I think Joe would have already been canned somehow except OOPS this cunt would take over and that’s worse.
    We’re so fucked.

    • She was taking a knee long before it became trendy, some would call Kamala a visionary.

    • No3, She is a complete and utter imbecile. Have you ever been to a Mental Hospital, she is the one that stands alone in he middle of the room. Giggling & Laughing to herself

  2. Perfect mate for Biden. The strange speech patterns of Us politicos have been around for years. Basically horseshit.

  3. AWOL Harris, does this in the full knowledge that any criticism pointed at her mumbling, fumbling word-speak will be slammed down as racist/sexist/misogynist etc.

    You can just imagine conversations between Harris and the Sniffer! A simple “hello” and “How are you?”, could last half-a-hour while they work out how to reply as well as trying to understand the question!

  4. It’s a fair assumption that if anyone begins a sentence with the word “So….”, that they are a cunt and their statement will be meaningless piffle.

    • TtCE@ – Afternoon Thomas – I wonder if mattress back Harris knows where “Beroos” is? ??

    • Trump too was /is a great one for word salads.

      Very few US presidents have been able to put a coherent sentence together since JFK.

    • Norman@ – Harris has the IQ of Abbott, the morality of Grangela and the same commie whiff as Catweazel.
      I simply cannot believe people I have always regarded as brave and proud (sometimes to the point of annoying arrogance) have done nothing about the Chinese backed communist coup.
      We get what we do not prevent, and cowardice brings its own hell.

  5. How do these donkeys get these jobs ?

    Having said that, you see the shite rise to the top in every industry….?

    • JM@ – Kamal Harris “Politics” – It’s not what you know, it’s who you blow.
      Harris got her start in politics after her Mother effectively prostituted her out to dirty old communist Willie Brown (not a made up name) when she was “concerningly young” shall we say and Harris the whore fucked and sucked her way onwards and upwards from then.
      America needs to build some gallows, bring down some rats and hold some public hangings – I wonder if General Cuntster is any good at carpentry? ?

    • By opening her legs John.
      I should of been born with a fanny then i wouldn’t have to work.

  6. If this harpie, or Clinton, or anyone in the Democrats really, was due in Court to address serious accusations and a former spouse or partner ‘fell down the stairs’ leading them to postpone the hearing, the Internet would be awash with conspiracy theories, how convenient etc.
    Trump? Not a fucking sausage. Tumbleweed.
    I’m not saying it’s anything more than a coincidence, but you can be guaranteed if it were Biden or Obama, you wouldn’t be able to move for it.

      • Morning HJ ?
        I don’t think it’s worthy of one to be honest, just a thought I’ve popped out there a few times, but with no replies.
        It’s a tough job being devil’s advocate.

    • I would add that Biden couldn’t push anybody downstairs because he can’t seem to climb to the top without tumbling himself and there’s no way Barry O’Bummer could push his wife down the stairs cos she’d fucking batter him if he tried.

      Trump on the other hand….

    • Poor little Trumpton. My heart goes out to him and Ivanka, of whom he once said he’d fuck her arse off if she weren’t his daughter.

      • In the southern states it’s not a problem, Adam and Eve did it so it must be ok.

      • Nice one, it had to be out there somewhere.
        I love the headline ‘Proving Liberals Can Be Just as Brain-Poisoned as the Right’ which of course is true.

    • This all stinks but I would have taken the opposite view that the MSM would say nothing if it had been a demorat, but the silence from them is most odd regarding Trump.

  7. I used to have Janet and John reading primers at nursery school that were more eloquent.

    But I suppose lexical poverty is relative. By the side of President Bideawee, she is quite poetic. Almost McGonagall.

  8. I would have more respect for politicians if the dropped the perceived vote losing bollocks and said how it was.

    For example:

    On universal credit and social services: “too many scroungers and lifestyle choice opportunists, so we are going to fuck em off”

    Doctor appointment waiting times, road congestion and no school places: “When are we going to realise we are fucking full up in this country”

    Migrants: “These people are no more than economic migrants and scammers, so we are going to turn them all back and let the cunts in France deal with them….that way they might fucking sort their own borders out.

    etc etc.

    A bit of straight talking would win votes in my book, but it would seem politicians today are scared to say or do what they want to. Cunts.

    • Contact Mr Fox, with those statements I am sure he would welcome you into his ‘Rise of the Independents’ team for the next general election.
      All vote winners with the majority of the population ?

      • Soi@ – Afternoon Sicky – that’s the spirit – address all letters of support and, ahem, “campaign contributions” (and to the anonymous “shit package deliverer” – no more hound shit through the letterbox – I know who you are Sir, you blaggard!) to “Great Overlord Fox, The Cave, 22 Tripe End, Yorkshire – I said bloody Yorkshire!”.
        There will not be one easy thing about political revolution, but nothing good comes easy and nothing easy comes good.
        Might send Miss Busty on the campaign trail – one look at those mighty Zeppelins and the punters will vote for any fker she tells them to! ??

      • Remember that old joke punchline

        ‘Sun readers don’t care who runs the country as long as she has big tits’ ?

  9. AOC, Harris, Biden. A trio of retards that would lose a battle of wits with Diane Abbott. This Harris woman is insufferable and only a heart attack/stroke/fall/sniper shot away from being the most powerful person on the planet.

  10. Little known fact: James Joyce’s book ‘Ulysses’ is the longest word salad in history.

    • MJB@ – Afternoon MJB – and is also an overrated pile of annoying shite.
      I much preferred “The Dead” by Joyce.
      Back on topic – Harris?
      I bet half the commies in America have seen hers..

  11. Word Salads sounds a bit too trendy for me, I prefer something simpler with more or a punch like….

    Talking Bollocks!

    • I’m all for straight talking.

      Worked with too many people in my earlier days who ‘talk trendy’


    • Nothing trendy about the term word salad, Mr Sick. In the UK it has been used to describe the disorganised speech patterns of schizophrenics since the early 1950s. And in Germany since the 1920s, where the word is ‘wortsalat’.

  12. American politics is a mountain of shit and this dozy cunt is the prolapse atop it.

    If they want to know how to run a country look no further than……

    Oh fuck..

    North Korea?

    • The inevitability that we all face. I’d much prefer it if the political cunts were just honest about it…

    • ..always, but I’m a pervy cunt. So I see a lot more that gives me the horn than most people.

    • As much as I loathe the woman, I must ashamedly admit that I’d hate fuck her for a minute (or maybe two if I’m feeling benevolent)

  13. VICE “President”.
    Stolen “Elections” have consequences, America is an inch away from being lost forever and the sheeple suck down their chocolate soup and pray to Jesus and Andrew Torba to save them.
    No guts, no victory.
    We do not always get what we want, but we usually get what we deserve.
    Cowardice, weakness, denial and indolence bring their own rewards.
    Suck it up America – you had a chance to do something and did not.
    RIP – you killed yourselves.
    Anyway, back to the riveting “Tory” “leadership” “contest” and little Miss smug being the next “Prime Minister” after the membership overwhelmingly rejected slimebag schoolboy fishy Sunak.

  14. There is somewhere in Worcestershire, I don’t know where but somewhere……in Worcestershire near some bike sheds waits a man who doesn’t back down backing down…in Worcestershire….near some bike sheds.

    • @ LL. Me and Ethel are going to Worcestershire, for the weekend.
      I believe there’s been a bit of a kerfuffle recently, in these Hallowed Halls, which I unfortunately missed.
      The question is. Do we need to be afraid ?
      Very afraid ?
      Good afternoon.

      • JTC@ – Afternoon JTC – I’m afraid I missed the input of HFC, by all accounts it was highly entertaining!
        Now for goodness sake don’t go near any bike sheds in Worcestershire – noting to do with HFC – mattress back Harris may be skulking around them looking to turn tricks for drugs!

  15. I’m not remotely surprised by her cretinous outpourings. She’s been promoted way beyond her abilities because of the colour of her skin for a start, and she works with the most useless president in history.
    As for her pop at Russia. We all agree they’re cunts, but didn’t the USA invade a smaller country after Iraqs president laughed loudest after 9/11?

  16. ‘Word Salad.’ The debut album by the band
    Fischer Z (1979) One of my favourites. Worth a listen.

    • Good one RTC! I’ll also go with Brain Salad Surgery. E.L.P. (1973)
      Probably more appropriate for the nom.

  17. She’s about the level of a shite GP receptionist, all the time the works is in the biggest crises since ww2

  18. Talking of word salads, that vacuous, LA ginger cunts yacht slut wife has been conspicuously absent! Wonder what inane bullshit she is planning?

    • She’s probably composing an email to the world media demanding that they respect the couple’s desire for complete privacy!

      She will not only email the entire MSM cabal, but also appear on chat shows, news interviews, major pop festivals, world forums and probably speak to NASA into the feasibility of sending a rocket out into space with a huge neon sign saying “Please respect our privacy! (please “like”)”

      • Technocunt@ – Afternoon Techno – Me Gain Wallis Cuntson has been spotted “in conversation” with some very shifty people connected to the “democrats” (I love the irony of that title) and I believe this rancid turd wants to run for US President.
        And, as she is a lying, thick, bone idle, scrounging, talentless, self promoting piece of race baiting human sewage I can say with confidence that she possesses all the attributes needed for politics.

      • Is your campaign to become a politician going well then,Vern?

        🙂 .

  19. She’s been at it again-

    ‘You need to get to go and need to be able to get where you need to go to do the work and go home’.

    • Technocunt@ – Socialism isn’t about debt – they never pay it anyway – it’s about stealing as much as you can, bankrupting a Country, imprisoning or killing any who call this out or protest and then doing a runner with your suitcases of money before an enraged mob puts you against a wall and shoots you.
      ALWAYS have more bullets than you have communists.

  20. Trumpers? We’re coming for you, all of you – by the time we’re finished you’ll beg us for a loaf of bread.
    Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Kim Jung Un, Xi Jinping, Kamala Harris.
    I see a pattern emerging..

    • Hey Vern,

      Spot on as usual Vern.

      I’d like to add Mao and Fidel to your list of “champions of the people.”

      • GC@ – Evening General – the words “socialism, marxism, bolshevism, trotskyism, liberalism, leftism” etc are always an attempt at covering up what the ideology of the sinistra really is – sow toxic dissent and social division, get their useful idiots to win their fights (as the “leaders” cower in their mansions to emerge bombastic in victory the very second any real danger is over) and imposed bloodsoaked dictatorship.
        Call a snake a kitten all day – but don’t be surprised when the fucker eats you.

    • Mnc@ – “Allo ma leetle French letterz”..
      Marcel Wave was top – but I preferred Captain Kremen and his busty sidekick Carla!
      “Do you have any advice for young girls of colour who want a career in politics Kamala?”
      “Sure – get fucked in the ass a lot, then when ya in power turn all dat around onto da people”..
      Angela Rayner with a suntan.

  21. Exhumed from the same archaeological dig site as that pickled Pelosi woman.
    Creepy Joe’s grave markers…

    • BB@ – Evening BB – don’t mock the deceased – they got China Joe elected by voting 50 times, one in each State!

  22. Took the same career path as Monica Lewinsky but somewhat more successful. Probably hasn’t still got the spunk stains on her dress either.

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